University of Missouri, St. Louis IRL @ UMSL Current (2000s) Student Newspapers 9-25-2006 Current, September 25, 2006 University of Missouri-St. Louis Follow this and additional works at: https://irl.umsl.edu/current2000s Recommended Citation University of Missouri-St. Louis, "Current, September 25, 2006" (2006). Current (2000s). 299. https://irl.umsl.edu/current2000s/299 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at IRL @ UMSL. It has been accepted for inclusion in Current (2000s) by an authorized administrator of IRL @ UMSL. For more information, please contact [email protected]. s ' SINCE 966 TUO' N·W PAI~ER September 25, 2006 www.thecurrentonline ..com \,Oll' Mr olO. ISSt' F ]1<)3 INSIDE' . International . Center for Tropical New shuttle route changes.take effect Oct. 2 Ecology renamed By JAsON GRANGER Helton said the new · shuttle is "But we are making the priority aca­ ------ ----~ Orange Line Green Line Blue Line Whitney Harris, former ' focused on student needs ~d will demics. We are unclogging the shuttle StaffViriter systein." . prosecutor in the 1945 expedite student transportation. 'Tm excited about it," Helton That is the most important aspect Nazi trials and contribu­ • Main Circle / • Main Circle / • Main Circle I Revamped shuttle routes go into said. "I think students will respond of the new system, according to tor to the center, recent- University Drive University Drive effect Monday, Oct. .1, routes that positively to the new route[s]." Helton. University Drive 1y donated $1 .5 million . Student Government Vice President The new routes wilI'be color coded "I think that it makes the prioritY • ZTNSouth Metro • Millennium' • Normandie Hall to the T~opical Ecology . Thomas Helton says will be more stu­ to make transportation easier. The " for the shuttles getting students to • Provincial House Student Center '. SSB & CCB Center. dent friendly. new color coding, which is similar to campus, focusing on academics," See page 3 At a meeting Monday morning, that of a -subway, will be displayed Helton said. "Am I scared? A little • Nursing Building • Mansion Hills • General the finalized shuttle route was pre­ with placards on the shuttles. bit, but I am confident the new system • Oak Hall • Bellerive Drive Services Building sented to Leonidas Gutierr~ , parking Helton said he understands the will benefit the students." • North Metro • Mark Twain and transportation director. During new routes will take a little getting Helton added that he hopes stu­ • Barnes Library the meeting, Gutienez confirmed that used.to, for both students and faculty, dents are patient with the new system • Marillac Hall • Millennium • RCEW the new route had received final but the changes have the students' and give it a chance to work. • Univ. Meadows Student Center • Stadler/Benton approval from Chancellor Thomas best interest at heart. • Main Circle • Main Circle George and wopld go into effect in ~ 'There definitely will be confu- . • Main Circle two weeks. siofi with anything new," Helton said. See SHUTTLE ROUTE, page 3 COAC'H PICKS UP lOOTH WIN Fall fashion preview University Find out what's in style on campus this fall. demands See page 7 Deterring Date Rape answers to Date rape is becoming all too commor.! of a problem among college floods 'in women. Prevention is ~ey, officiars say. See Page 6 Oak Hall By MELISSA S. HAYDEN News Editor After a third sprinkler malfunction flooded Oak Hall for the third time on Saturday, Sept. 16, two meetings were held last week in an effort to explain and solve the problems. A meeting was held last Monday with UM-St. Louis administration members, including Sam Darandari, director of planning and construction, 'House of Sand~ ' and Curt Coonrod, ' vice provost of tells,saga of Student Affairs, and representatives from Kozeny- stranded women Wagner, Pat Quick Read Kozeny, presi· See page 10' dent of Kozeny- . University officials . Wagner, ' and met with representa" Mark Simpson, tives from Kozeny­ ON THE WEB Mike SherUl • MalillgilillMiIlJr press · manager Wagner last week to Women's soccer Head Coach Beth Goetz talks to her players at halftime on Sunday afternoon. Goetz had her 100th win after the in charge of try to get answers to 1Ch£"(i.nrrmt Riverwomen defeated the University of Wisconsin.Parkside team on Friday, She began at UM·St. Louis as an assistant coach in 1996 .' construction why sprinkers have and became head coach beginning in 1997. To rea'!, more, see SPORTS, page 12. projects for failed three times in Kozeny­ a little more than a Web poU results: Wagner. month.in Oak Hall. In the meet­ A town hall meeting Wbat do you think of was also held ing, . Darandari the new Facebook.com Wednesday to Founder of campus honored·at statue unveiling said to· KozellY, address the concerns '" news feed? "We really need of Oak Hall resi· to get this prob­ dents. By PAUL HACKBARTH lem resolved, Design Editor like yesterday." "We have disturbed the students so many times it is not funny," Darandari "Never in my wildest dreams or in said. "We owe these students, not only my most inner thoughts would it have an apology, but answers to their ques­ occurred to me that I would be standing tions [as to] why this keeps on happen­ next to a statue of myself." ing." " The Honorable Sen. Wayne Goode He said it has be.en both an embar­ chose those words for his opening rassment to himself and to UM-St. remarks at the unveiling of his statue in Louis. He added that Oak Hall is a I, !ike it. It keeps me the new Wayne Goode Greenway near beautiful structure, "but beautiful and the Millennium Student Center lakes not functional does not make much updated! 00 my friends. last Thursday morning. .sense." "When I first arrived here at UMSL, Kozeny said Simplex Grinnell, the It's okay. I learned very quickly the legend . of subcontractor that designed and Senator Wayne Goode," Glen Cope, installed the fIre-suppression sprinkler _ It's pretty creepy provost of Academic Affairs, said. system, was going to formally be put - and stalkerish . "1 was told he helped found the on notice that day to respond within What's wrong with campus, helped build th e campus, three days to the situation. "And that stalking? helped promote the campus. In fact ' response needs to be to the effect of some people told me he laid the brick replacing this pipe," he said. What's Facebook? and mortar, dug the foundation and According to him, representatives built the f)ISt building, Benton Hall, on at Simplex Grinnell are "as upset about this as we are." . This week's question: the campus. I'm not sure about that, but . "'The bottom line is, they gave the Who are you planning to when I first met Senator Goode, it was pipe manufacturer an opportunity to take to homecoming? very clear to me that he's a man about how legends are easily made." . review the pipe," he said. Goode is known as a founding Simpson said he was "basicq.lly" in INDEX father of the campus. because as a sen­ contact with Simplex Grinnell on a Adam D. W.....",., • Mitor.fl1.cbie! What's Current 2 ator, he sponsored legislation in the daily basis and "to the best of [his] early 1960s to place a public four-year Student Curator Maria Curtis and SGA President Nick Koechig unveil the statue of Sen. Wayne Goode knowledge" tbey will be ~overing the Cam us Crimeline 2 university in Sl Louis. on Founder's Day. The statue honors Goode and his efforts in founding the UM·St Louis campus~ cost of repairs. "Simplex Grinnell will Opinions 4-5 "On Sept 15, 1963,43 years and six be making any repairs that are neces­ days ago, a crowd of about 1,500 peo­ sary/" he said. Features. 6-9 - - ~--------- ple gathered on the campus for the pur­ the new campus. The cunent land the campus sits on considerro starting a junior two-year He said an. oil used on th.e black A&E 10-11 pose of dedicating.this new (:ampus of However, Goode noted it took a was originally home to the Bellerive college on the site. iron pipes in the building, called . cut­ the University of Missouri," Goode number of years to get to that·point Country Club. When the golf course "But then their view became broad­ ting oil, was having a chemlcal reac­ 12-14 . sl20rts said. .' When the bill was first introduced, ''1 moved to Ladue in the. 1950s, the er and they decided that we ought to tion with the pipes and causing cracks Comics 1,7 At that time, the Missouri General wouldn't say it was a done deal. There Normandy School District bought the look toward a four-year institution," to form in the polyvinyl chloride, plas· was some opposition to it, but the ball land. Goode said: tic pipes. Crossword If'iUzzle 17 Assembly had passed Goode's legisla­ tion, House Bill 153, and the UM was definitely rolling and the groundc Ward Barnes, superintendent of the -----_._._ -;----- - --- _. ,. Sudoku 117 Board of Curators had also approved work had been done," Goode said. Normandy School District, and others See FOUNDER'S DAY, page 16 See OAK HALL, page 7 Page 2 1:1lr [:UITrnt September 25, 2006 1Ihr (turrrnt. CAMPUS Q&A WITH CALVIN TRILLIN The University of Missouri-St: Louis Student NewsPaper Since 1966 CRIMELINE STAff Adam D. Wiseman ~ Editor-in-Chief Mike Sherwin. Managing Editor SUNDAY, SEPT. 17 Michael Kennedy· Business Manager Rob Borkin '. Ad Director SlIAUNG UNDER $SOC• BEU.ERIVE Judi· Linville • Adviser RESIDENCEHA ll Melissa S.
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