MANCHESTER H £ r a LD. Tuesday. Aug, 19. 1986 MANCHESTER CLASSmED ADVERTISING (M 3-2711 SPORTS Board decides KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Urry Wright Natural foods key Dozen clubs left HELP WANTED HELP WANTED kitchens a must in Rogers kitchen in town tourneys Full time mall order retail Machine Operators. Male BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY ■ i business needs a diversi­ or female for first, second ••• p d g d 3 p a g e 1 3 fied self starter to help a and third shifts. No expe­ ... page 18 vouno growing company rience necessary. Apply CATb IT le. LvICICTc. owuc with sales, filing orders In person, Monday ||MgUAIiaU8 UMDgfc A CX5&6I2MAN PlN6CHeli . and answering the tele­ through Friday, 9am to CHfLOCARE ELECTMCM. iRIRyiGER phone. Willing to train 4pm. Acromold Products right' applicant. Please Corp. 100 Windermere Sunshine Daycare Center- Dutnoe Electric— Hovlnp apply at Conn. Cane and Ave, Ellington Ct EOE. Sepfember apeninos for 3 Electrical ProblemR? Odd lobs, Trucklno. Your neighborhood Reed Co. 205 Hartford Rd., to 5 years old. $60 w eekly. Need a .lorpe or o small Home repairs. You nome l^dy.m onl Honost torn. Manchester CT. Help Wanted for lands­ Open 6:3(b5:30. Coll 646- Repair? We Spedollte In It, we do It. Free esti­ Ilv mem, w ill estim ate onv caping company, snow 7160. Residential Work. Joseph mates. Insured. 643-0904. lob you create, lownti falling In Winter, must Dumas. Folly Licensed. hauling, cleaning, point­ Free Estim ates. 646-5253. ing, and minor repairs. have drivers license,and CARPENTRY/ Dellverino cleon form RosMentioiausIness. For be dependable. Serious loom; 5 yards $75 plus tax. Port time clerical hel- Inaulrees only, 569-8900. REM00ELIN6 the highest quollty at the IHEATM8/ Also sand, stone, and lowest prices coll, John HJanrhpstrr Hrralft p.CLoan Center) Approxi­ I IPLUMBiNR ero vel. Coll 643-9504. 6434353. mately 20 hours per week. Carpentry and remodel- Manchester A City o( Village Charm For appointment please Ino services — Complete call 646-1700 ask for F. home repairs and remo- Fogarty Brothers — Bo- A. Henry Personalized Corrlyeou or R. Carter. Part time, help wanted. dellna.^Quallty work. Ref­ throom remodeling; In­ Lawn Core-Complete Eoual Opportunity Apply In person, Pero erenced, licensed and In­ stallation water heaters, lawn core and landscap­ Wednesday, Aug. 20, 1986 Employer. Fruit Stand, 276 Oakland sured. Coll 646-8165. oorbage disposals; foucet ing. Free estimotes, fully 25 Cents Street. Manchester 643- repairs. 6434539. Vlso/M- D & D Landscaping, Voca­ insured, oil work guaran­ A Carpenter- Experienced 6384. osterCord occepted. tion cuttings, hedge trim ­ teed, senior citizens dis­ In remodeling. Call Ro­ ming, Frunings, flower & counts. 647-1349. cciPAINTINe/ CMMbyNEA. hK bert Jarvis, 643-6712. Carpentry Maintenance. fUPAPERINR shrub plantings. Freeestl- Full time with benefits. motes. C all 659-2436 o tter 5:30pm. Call production depart­ WANT ADS ore worth Post office ment, Arbor Acres Farm. Nome your own price — Fother ond son. Fost, looking Into when you're IQ IROOMMATES 1 7 IMISCELLANEOUS 633-4681. Odd lobs. Painting, win­ looking for o place to dependable service. This Is o good time to find dow cleaning, hedge clip­ ^ W A N T E D I for s a le Baby's Quilt Painting, Paperhanging a cash buyer for that ping, anything I C ali M a rk live.^whether it's o home, & Removal. Coll 872-8237. typewriter no one uses. on apartment or o mobile For rent - roomate wanted 649-5695. home. Spa shells- factory se­ U to share Tolland home. conds or damaged In Up early, home by noon! Mature female a must transportation. $200 to gunman kills Pleasant working condi­ $100 per week Includes all $800 as Is. Call evenings or tions. Inside/outside utilities plus electronic weekends. 742-6469. work. Call 649-8926. garage. Please Inquire Real HOMES APARTMENTS 871-1866 after 4pm. FOR SALE Airlines Now Hiring. Res- HELP WANTED FOR RENT ervatlonlsts, flight attend­ Estate ( ( at least 15 ants, and ground crew WANTED 3 Oval gold leaf look positions available. Call Large 2 family. Living Manchester- z peorooms. TO RENT mirrors, vanity, dining G 1-619-565-1630 ext. A 2714 Hardware Clerk. Respon­ room, dining room, kit­ 2nd floor, heat and ap­ J room, hall or bedroom. By Owen Canfield Normally, there would be 90 for details. 24 hours. sibilities Include selling, HOMES chen and 2 bedrooms on pliances. No pets. Secur­ Beautiful, perfect condi­ The Associated Press the first floor. Living tion. $200 for all 3, or $75 postal workers in the building at displaying stocking. FOR SALE ity. $575 month.Call 646- 2 bedroom apartment tor that hour, officials said. Clerk Typist. East Hart­ Good starting pay and room, kitchen and 3 bed­ 3979. a single parent with 5 year each. 633-2468. I rooms on 2nd story. EDMOND, Okla. — A part-time Vince Furlong, an eight-year ford Co. has a full time beneitits. Apply at Cony­ old child and well be­ position available. Must ers Hardware, 63 Tolland Porch, 4 full baths, 2 car Manchester - 2 bedroom, haved dog. Call 643-6908. postal worker facing dismissal employee of the post office, said he be able to type 40 wpm, Turnpike, Manchester. All real estate advertised garage with 2nd story for second floor, no pets, opened fire in a post office this was working at a postal tray at his possess good general of­ 646-5707. In the Manchester Herald storage or work area. stove and refrigerator. morning, killing 14 people and station when he heard a noise like a fice skills. Call Mr. Whit­ Is subject to the federal D.W. Fish. Realty 643-1591 $475 a month plus utilities. Brand new hospital bed wounding at least four before Fair Housing Act of 1968, firecracker. ney at 568-2020 for on Bickford's pancakes and or 871-14(X).n 646-1379. Merchandise and wheel chair for sale. taking his own life, police said. “I looked down under my tray appointment. EOE. family restaurant has op­ which makes It Illegal to $1000. Call 647-7646 after The gunman, identified by police enings tor the following advertise any preference, Immaculate 3 bedroom 6pm. and saw one of my good friends hit limitation or discrimina­ Manchester - Centrally as Pat Sherrill, 44, was hired last the floor with blood coming out of Auto polisher and detail positions: waitress M # , Ranch on lovely lands­ located tor elderly cou­ year and was about to be fired, said person. Immediate open­ hotess M # , cook and tion based on race, color, caped lot. Large country ple, luxury 2 bedroom Avon - tree product to first him,” Furlong said. ing, full time position, for dishwasher. Will train religion, sex or national kitchen, fireplaced living apartment with full base­ LIJ fu r n itu r e 25 to loin Avon now. On 35 postal officials in Washington. Furlong said the gunman had .. auto deoler ship. In new, right Individuals top origin, or an Intention to room, beautiful deck and ment, all electric kitchen to 50 for $5.00 Investment. Sherrill’s body and those of 14 locked some of the doors to the post used, and service depart­ wages, benefits available. make any such prefer­ much more. Ottered at and heat, laundry room Reserve your place tor others were found inside the post office. ment. Must have prior Contact the manager In ence, limitation or dis­ $131,900. Joyce G. Epstein and 2 car garage, no pets. Christmas selling. Call office and in the back parking lot of Ron Blackwell, a carrier, said experience apply to Gor­ person. 415 Hartford crimination. The Herald Real Estate 647-8895.0 Call 643-9674, or 643-7135., Dee, 646-4778. the post office after police moved the shots sounded like postal trays ins Jaguar Rt. 83 Vernon, Turnpike (route 30) Ver­ will not knowingly accept into the one-story brick building falling. Ct. non. EOE. any advertisement which Suddenly available - Cute 2 bedroom flat, heat, hot Oak 24" Bar stools, swl- For Sole - stereo compo­ Is In violation of the law. val, brass rails and per­ nents excellent working about 9 a.m. “My first thought was that some Cape Cod home waiting water, all appliances, air It was the nation’s worst attack Teacher Special Educa­ Receptionlsttnsurance tor the right family. Three conditioning. Coll 647- fect condition, original conditions, color tv, air one had dropped . a tray. Then clerk tor Manchester doc­ bedrooms, garage. In- over $100 each; $89 or best conditioner. Call 742-6700. by a single gunman since a somebody said, ‘He’s got a gun!’, tion, Ct. state certlflca- For Sole By Owners - 80 1595. otter. 633-2468. tlon, complete tor's office. Mature, de­ ground pool. Great buy at rampage at a McDonald’s restau­ and everyone started running Larabee St, East Hart­ Piedmont Airline ticket to rant in San Ysidro, Calif., on July application, three letters pendable person, plea­ ford, 3 family house, on $97,900. Joyce G. Epstein Manchester. 5 room town- out,” Blackwell said. of recommendation and sant personality a must. Real Estate 647-8895.0 house, 2 bedrooms, nice Syacuse, New York by 18, 1984, left 21 people dead. Blackwell said there were about Cross-Stilched lot 100 X 300. Call 649-9535 September 3rd, orignally college transcript re- Morning of afternoon before 10am or otter 4. yard, no pets, 1 child Four of the injured were taken to 80 people in the Post Office when On aulred. Contoct Dr. Ro­ shift. Call 646-5153, leave ■Vlnyly sided Victorian. preferred. $525 plus utili­ $118 best otter. Call 2 adjustable brass look between 7pm and 10pm.
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