· Commonly used AppendlX abbreviations in A gyn(Ccology AID Artificial insemination using donor semen. As opposed to AIH which is artificial insemination using husband's or partner's semen. The latter is usually specially prepared and injected high into the uterine cavity (HIUI or high intrauterine insemination). AIS Adenocarcinoma-in-situ. A glandular preinvasive condi­ tion of the cervix, less common than its squamous coun­ terpart, CIN (vide below). BSO Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. A surgical procedure removing both ovaries and fallopian tubes. BTB Breakthrough bleeding. A term usually applied to the bleeding occasionally noticed by some women using combined oral contraception. The bleeding occurs while the pill is being taken and not in the pill-free week. Bleeding in the pill-free week is normal and is termed withdrawal bleeding. CIN Cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia. A premalignant con­ dition of the cervix. COC Combined oral contraceptive. This refers to steroid oral contraceptives containing an oestrogen, usually ethinyl­ oestradiol and a progestogen. POP refers to progesterone only pills. The term OCP means oral contraceptive pills and is a generic term for both combined and progesterone only preparations. D&C Dilatation and curettage. An operative procedure, usually performed under a general anaesthetic. The cervix is ApPENDIX A 281 .................................................................................................................. gradually dilated using a graduated set of dilators to a level where a curette can be introduced into the uterine cavity. This is then used to scrape endometrial or other tissue from the endometrium for histological analysis. The procedure is diagnostic. It is not a treatment for menstrual dysfunction. DUB Dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Excessive (>80 ml) or er­ ratic menstruation where no recognizable pathology can be found . Pathologies to exclude that might account for menorrhagia or irregular cycles include fibroids, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease or endome­ trial hyperplasia or neoplasia. ERPOC Evacuation of retained products of conception. Also re­ ferred to as an 'Evac'. This is an operative procedure performed under general, regional or local anaesthetic whereby residual placental and fetal tissue are scraped off the uterine walls following an incomplete abortion. FIGO International Federation of Obstetrics and Gynrecology. An international body that provides standards for classi­ fication such as staging procedures for gynrecological malignancies. GIFT Gamete intra-fallopian transfer. A method of assisted conception. Ova and sperm are inserted into the distal end of the fallopian tube under laparoscopic guidance to allow fertilization to occur in the ampullary portion of the tube. HPV Human papillomavirus. A group of DNA viruses. Many subtypes have been identified some of which may be oncogenic. Of particular interest in preinvasive and invasive disease of the cervix where they may be impli­ cated in the neoplastic process (esp Types 16 and 18). HRT Hormone replacement therapy. Replacement of oestrogen alone or with progesterone in naturally meno­ pausal women or in women who have had their ovaries removed. HRT is also given in situations of absent or low oestrogen production such as Turner's syndrome. In cases where the uterus remains in situ, i.e. not hysterectomized, 282 ApPENDIX A ..................................................................................................................... a progestogen should also be given to minimize the risk of hyperplasia and neoplasia. HSG Hysterosalpingogram. An imaging technique whereby radio-opaque dye is infused through a specially designed applicator through the endocervical canal. Its purpose is to highlight the endometrial cavity for abnormalities of shape and contour and also to outline the fallopian tubes. This will determine any blockage, the level and to some extent the nature of the blockage. It is usually performed as an adjunct to fertility investigations especially prior to planned tubal surgery. HSV Herpes simplex virus. Two subtypes, Type I and Type II. Both may cause genital herpes. 1MB Intermenstrual bleeding. Any vaginal bleeding occurring between what a woman regards as normal menses. This may be mid-cycle as can occur at ovulation (although usually quite light) or premenstrual spotting. IUCD Intra-uterine contraceptive device. Often referred to as a coil by women. This is a plastic device, usually contain­ ing a copper c~mponent, that is inserted into the uterine cavity as a form of contraception. IVF In vitro fertilization. Ova are collected from either natural or more usually stimulated cycles under ultrasound guid­ ance. The collected ova are then mixed with sperm and fertilization and early embryogenesis supported in artifi­ cial media outside the body. The early embryo is trans­ ferred back to the endometrial cavity by the transcervical route. This was the first type of popularized assisted conception and is appropriate for women with either non­ functional or absent fallopian tubes where GIFT and ZIFT would be inappropriate. K Koilocytosis. A short term used to describe the cytologi­ cal and histological fearures associated with human papillomavirus infection (see HPV). Lap Dye Laparoscopy and tubal patency test. An endoscopic proce­ dure using a laparoscope to visualize the pelvic organs. By injecting a coloured dye into the endometrial cavity ApPENDIX A 283 via the cervix the patency of the fallopian tubes can be assessed. Also referred to as TPT (Tubal patency test). LAVH Laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy. LLETZ Large loop excision of the transformation zone. A diathermy excision technique for the treatment of women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. LMP Last menstrual period. This refers to the first day of the woman's last period, i.e. the day that menstruation be­ gan. An average cycle lasts 28 days of which 3-7 days will be days of menstruation. The least consistent part of the cycle is the follicular phase whereas the luteal phase usu­ ally lasts about 14 days. Ovulation therefore occurs about 14 days prior to menstruation. PCB Post coital bleeding. Vaginal bleeding occurring either during or after penetrative intercourse. Although carci­ noma of the cervix may c-ause this, benign conditions such as a cervical ectropion can as well. Some bleeding is not unusual following the first time a woman has intercourse. PCT Post coital test. Examination of a sample of cervical mu­ cus shortly after sexual intercourse. This is done to assess the number and forward motility of sperms. It also shows if intercourse has taken place properly. PID Pelvic inflammatory disease. Refers to infection of the uterus, tubes or ovaries. Most likely pathogens are gono­ cocci, chlamydia or anaerobes. PMB Post menopausal bleeding. This describes any episode of vaginal bleeding occurring after the menopause. The latter is usually defined as a period of 12 months' amenorrhoea which mayor may not be associated with other climacteric symptoms such as hot flushes, vaginal dryness etc. PMS/PMT Premenstrual syndrome or premenstrual tension. A cycli­ cal disorder seen classically in the week prior to normal menstruation. Characterized by both physical (bloating, breast tenderness, oedema) and emotional (mood swings, irritability, depression and tearfulness) symptoms. 284 ApPENDIX A .......................................................................................................................................... .. ....................................................................... POD Pouch of Douglas. A peritoneum-lined space lying be­ tween the posterior aspect of the cervix and upper vagina and the anterior aspect of the rectum. If this prolapses down into the vagina an enterocele forms. May contain loops of small bowel. RaFEA Radiofrequency endometrial ablation. A means of de­ stroying the endometrium yet leaving the uterus intact. This technique employs a microwave principle ro gener­ ate heat in the endometrium. STD Sexually transmitted disease. An infection contracted by sexual contact. Also GUM, genitourinary medicine. TAH Total abdominal hysterecromy. A surgical procedure to remove the urerus and cervix. TCRE Transcervical resection of the endometrium. A technique where the endometrium is resected hysteroscopically us­ ing a fine diathermy loop. This is a treatment for menorrhagia that conserves the uterus. TZ Transformation zone. An area on the cervix between squamous epithelium and glandular epithelium where dysplasia and metaplasia occur. Vag Hyst Vaginal hysterectomy. A surgical procedure to remove the uterus and cervix but the approach is through the vagina. Usually combined with a repair procedure at the same time. VE or PV Vaginal examination. A standard part of the basic gynaecological examination. The procedure is often called a BIMANUAL examination as the fingers of one examin­ ing hand are placed in the vagina while the other hand is used to palpate the lower abdomen. ZIFT Zygote intrafallopian transfer. Similar to GIFT but fer­ tilization and thus zygote formation occurs outside the body. The zygote is transferred back to the distal end of the fallopian tube to allow the early part of embryogen­ esis to occur in its natural environment. Index Note: page numbers in italics refer to tables, those in bold refer to figures. Abdominal examination 20-1 Androgen insensitivity 269 Bladder drill 234, 235 Abdominal pain Androgens 116 Bladder neck ectopic
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