328 a List of New Mineral Names. by L. J. SPENCEI~, M.A., F.G.S

328 a List of New Mineral Names. by L. J. SPENCEI~, M.A., F.G.S

328 A List of New Mineral Names. By L. J. SPENCEI~, M.A., F.G.S. HE following is a list of recently published names, which are not to T he found in the 6th edition (1892) of Dana's ~'ystem of Mi,er,do!ty. Although it can scarcely be hoped to make such a list complete, it may still be useful for reference. Probably not more than a third of these are now minerals, which could, when completely determined, stand as distinct species. Alexandrolito. S.M. Losanitsch, Chem. News, LXIX. 248, 1894 ; and Ber. deutsch, chem. Oes. XXVI[I.(8), 2631, 1895. A green, hydrated silicate of A1 and Cr, resulting, with blue milosehine, from the decomposition of avalite. Servia. Alexjejewite. h. Karnojitzky, Zeits. Kr;~/st. Miu. XXIV. 504, 1895 (u Aleksyeev, Verb. russ. rain. Ges. XXIX. 201, 1892). [This vol. p. 286.] A wax-like hydrocarbon. Russia. I Andorite. J. A. Krenner, Malh. ds terol.-tud. Ertesit,~, X[. 119, 1892. This vol. p. 286. 2PbS.Ag~S.BSb2Sa. Rhombic. Hungary and Bolivia. Asoharite. W. Felt, ~ hemiker-Zeitung, XV. 827, 1891. 8Mg~B20~.2H~O. Ascherleben, Prussia. Baddeleyite. L. Fletcher, Z~a~tre, XLVI. 620, 1892; XLVII. 288, 1892; Min. ~a 9. X. 148, 1893. E. Hussak, Y,~ch. Miu. M~tth. XIV. 895, 1895. [This vol. p. 110.] ZrO~. Mono-symmetric. Ceylon and Brazil. Bagotite. !T. EglesLon, Catalogu~ of Minerals, (1887), 1889, p. 192 ; A. H. Chester, Dictio~z,~ry of the .Yarners ~f Minerals, 1896, p. 25; Student's Index to the British Mt~set~m C~l/~ction ~' ~linerals, since 1885~. Green pebbles from Bagot, Ontario, have been in the British Museum since 1882; these are labelled bagotite, and are identified with the lintonite variety of thomsonite. Molybdenite comes from the same locality. 824 L.J. S~ENCEB Barium a~orthite. See celsian. ]Barium heulandlte (heulandite baritiea). D. Lovisato, Rend. R. Acead. Lincei, VI.(1), 260, 1897. Heulandite with 2-55 per cent. BaO. Sardinia. Basiliite. L.J. IgelstrSm, Geol. FSr. FSrh. XIV. 307, 1892 ; and Zeits. Kryst. Min. XXII. 470, 1894. Hydrated antimonate of manganese. Sj5 mine, Sweden. Batavite. E. Weinschenk, Zeits. Kryst. Min. XXu 157-160, 1897. h scaly decomposition product, perhaps related to the micas or chlorites. Bavaria. Bismutosmaltine. A. Frenzel, Tsch. Min. Mitth. XVI. 524, 1897. Co(As,Bi)a. Cubic. Sehneeberg, Saxony. Bixbyite. S.L. Penfield and H. W. Foote, Amer. Journ. 8ci. IV. 105, 1897. Ferrous manganite. Fe0.MDO~. Cubic. Utah. Bliabergite. L.J. Igelstrsm, Zehs. Kryst. Min. XXVII. 603, 1897 ; spelt bliabergsite in Geol. F6r. F6rh. Xu 41, 1896. M. Weibull, Geol. FSr. FSrh. XVIH. 515, 1896. Shown by Weibull to be a brittle mica near ottrelite. Bliaberg, Sweden. Blueite. S.H. Emmens, Journ. Amer. (~hem. Soc. XIV. 207, 1892 ; S. L. Penfield, Amer. Journ. Sci. XLu 496, 1893. Shown by Penfield to be niekeliferous pyrites. Sudbury, Canada. Bougltsite. E. Cumenge [A. Lacroix, B~dl. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Paris, 1895, p. 42]. F.h. Genth, Amer. Journ. Sci. XLu 32, 1893. Described by Genth as a mixture of anglesite and gypsum. 2PbS04~-CaS04~-2H~0. Boleo, Lower California. Brazilite. E. Hussak, hreues Jahrb. "Min. I[. 141, 1892; Min. Mug. X. 158 ; XI. 110. Synonym of baddeleyite. Burmite. F. Noet!ing, Records Geol. Survey India, XXVI. 81, 1893. O. Helm, [bid. XXV. 180, 1892; XXu 61, 1893; and b'chrifte~ Ges. Danzig, u 63,189~. An a~aber like resin from Upper Burma. A LIST OF NEW I~IINERAL NAMES, 825 Canfletdite. S.L. Penfield, Amer. Journ. Sci. XLVII. 451, 1894 ; XL~I. 107, 1893. [Min. Mag. X. 330 ; XI. 40.] 4Ag2S.(Sn,Ge)S~. Cubic. Bolivia. Caswellite. A. H. Chester, Tra~s. N.Y. Acad. Sci. XIII. 181, 1894. [This eel. p. 243.] An Mtered biotite, allied to clintonit~. New Jersey. Celsian. H. SjSgren, Geol: F6r. F6rh. XVII. 578, 1895. Barium anorthite. BaO.hl2Oa.2SiO ~. Anorthic. Sweden. Chloroarsenian. L.J. Igelstrsm, Geol. FSr. Fi)hr. XV. 471, 1893 ; and Zeits. Kryst. Min. XXII. 468, 1894. Arsenate of manganese ? Sj5 mine, Sweden. Chondrosttbian. L. J. Igelstr5m, Geol. F6r. Fbhr, Xu 343, 1893; and Zeits. Kryst. Min. XXII. 43, 1893. Hydrated antimonate of manganese and iron. Sj5 mine, Sweden. Clinozolsite. See klinozoisite. CosIllOohlore. See kosmochlor. Crossite. C. Palache, BMl. Dept. Gee/. Univ. Califi I. 181, 1894. [This eel. p. 35j. A soda amphibole between riebeekite and glaucophane. California. Cubaite. F. Vidal y Careta, Cronica Cienti~ca, Barcelona, XIII. 497, 1890; L. F. Navarre, Anal. Soc. EsFafi. Hist. Nat. XXI. Actas, p. 120, 1893. A supposed cubic form of silica; shown by Navarre to be rhombohedra of c/uartz. See gn~nabaquite. Cumengeite. E. Mallard, Bull. Soc. fran. Min. XVI. 184, 1893 ; E. Cumenge, Compt. 1lend. CXVI. 898, 1893; A. Lacroix, Bull. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Paris, 1895, p. 39. This eel. p. 164. PbCI~.CuO.H,,O. Tetragonal. Boleo, Lower California. Cuprocassiterite. T. Ulke, T,'(~ns. Amer. Inst. Mining Engineers, XXI. 240, 1892 ; W. P. I-Ieadden, Amer. Journ. Sci. XLV. 108, 1893. " 4SnO.~-Cu~Sn(OH)~." Shown by Headden to be a decomposi- tion product of stannite. S. Dakota. Cuprolodargyrite (Cupro- Jodargyrit). H. Schulze, Chemiker-Zeitu,y, XYI. 1952, 1892, CuI.AgI, Chili, 826 L z. sP~NcEa Derbylite. E. Hussak and G. T. Prior, Min. Mag. XI. 176, 1897; XI. 85, 1895. FeO.Sb~Os+5(FeO.TiO~). Rhombic. Brazil. Dicksbergite. L. J. IgelstrSm, Geol. F6r. F~rh. XVIII. 281, 1~96. Shown by M. Weibull and A. Upmark (Ibid. XVIII. 52.~, 1896) to be rutile. Dieksberg, Sweden. Dietzeite. A. Osann, Zdts. Kry~t. Min. XXIII. 588, 1894. To replace Dietze's name jodehromate (Ibhl. XIX. 449, 1891). 7Ca(IOa)2.8CaCr04. Monosymmetric. Chili. Dundasite. W. F. Petterd, Catalogue ~ Minerals of Tasmania, 1893, p. 26 ; and Papers a~d Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, for 1893, 26, 1894. " Hydrous carbono.phosphate of lead and almnina." Elfstorpite. L. J. Igelstrsm, Geol. Fi~r. bbrh. XV. 472, 1893, and Zeits. Kryst. Min. XXII. 468, 1894. Hydrated arsenate of manganese ? " Rhombic." Sj5 mine, Sweden. Elpidite. G. LindstrSm, Geol. FSr. F;irh. XVI. 830, 1894; G. NordenskiSld, Ibid. p. 348. Na~O.ZrOv6SiOvSH~O. Rhombic. Greenland. Epididymite. G. Flink, Geol, .~6r. Fbrh. XV. 201, 1893; and Zeits. Kryst. Min. XXIII. 353, 1894. IThis vol. p. 100.] BeNaHSi308. Rhombic. Greenland. Fluor-adelite. See tilasite. Folgerite. S. H. Emmens, Jom'~t. Amer. Chem. Soc X[V. 205, 1892; S. L. Penfield, Amer. ,four. 8ci. X[JV. 491, 1893. Shown by Penfield to be identical with pentlandite. Sudbury, Canada. Franckeite. A.W. Stelzner, Neues. Jahrb. 3hn. II. 114, 1893. 5PbS.2SnS~.Sb,~S3. Bolivia. Fuggerite. E. Weinschenk, Zeits. Kryst. Min. XXVII. 577, 1897. Tetragonal? Between s and gehlenite in composition, but dimorphous with this group. Tyrol. Geikielite. A. B. Dick, 3Tin. Ma!l. X. 145, 1893 ; L. Fletcher, .~Sa,re, XLVI. 620, 1892. MgO.TiO~. Ceylon, A LIST 0~' NEW MINERAL NAME~. 81~7 Gersbyite. L.J. Igelstr6m, Zeits Kry.~t. 3h:,. XXVIII. 810, 1897. Near lazulite. Sweden. Gonnar4ite. h. Lacroix, lad/. Soc..1;.,,. 31&. XIX. 426, 1896. F. Gonnard, Co~pt. Ileml. LXXIII. 1147, 1,~;71. A zeolite. (Ca,N%)~Al.,SiaOt;+ 5~-HaO ? Rhombic. Described by Gonnard as mesolite, but it difibrz from this optically. Pny-de- DSme. Graphitite. W. Luzi, Zeits. /'. ~Vat,r,'iss. LXIV. 257, 1891, and ller. deutsch, chem. Ges. XXIV..2), 409'3, 1891 (1892); E. Weinschenk, Zeits. ](ryst. 3l~1. XXVIII. 291, 1897. A variety of graphile which does n~)t swell up when moistened with nitric acid and ignited. Weinsehenk c(msidcrs it. to be merely graphite. Guanabacoite. See gnanabaquite. Guallabaq~.ite. F. u y Careta, CrSJdca (7e,tifica, ];arceh)Jta, XIV. 268, 1891, Given to replace the name cubaite (7. r.) for the " cubical quartz" of Guanabacoa, Cub'~. Also includes the " cubical chalcedony " of the stone h)('ality (Ibid. XIV. 268,273, 1891. ; XII[. 29~, 1890) ; this is shown by L. F. Navarre (Anal. Soc. h'stJaZ, l/is/. A'at. XXL Act,ts, p. 120, 1893,) to be pseudomorphous, possibly after fium'ite. ttainite. J. Blumrich, "l~ch. 31iJ~. Mirth. XITT. ,172, 1.a93. Silicate of Na,Ca,Ti,Zr. Anorthic. llelated t() ros(;nMsehite, ,~ce. Phonolites of N. Bohenfia. HB,1TJ.(~lito. T.S. Hunt, Mitle,r,l I'h!/sioh,l!l aml I)h!l.~i,,:lraph!l, 1886, pp. 194, 334; "l'ra~s. l:oy. Soc. Canada, IV.(3), 9, (lS86), lt~S7. Hydrated silicate of A1,Fe,Mg. New lh'unswick. ttastingsite. F. D. Adams and B. J. llarrington, Am~,'. ,I,,r,. Sci. I. 212, 1896; and Canadial~ l/ecord NH. VII. 81, ] ~9(;. [This re1. p. 214.~ A soda hornblende with tile orthosilicate fi)rlanla (IL(,IY'):JI:~"'Si:~(),~. Mmmsymlnetric. II%~tings Co., Ontm'i(,. I:11 828 L.J. SPENCER ttauchecornite. R, Scheibe, Jahrb. preuss, geol. Landesanst. u. Bergakad., for 1892, XII. 91, 1898; H. Laspeyres, Verb. naturhist. Vet. Bomb, L. 177, 1893. [Min. Mag. X. 339.] Ni~SbBi~S~a or (Ni,Co,Fe)7(S,Bi,As,Sb)s. Tetragonal. Rhenish Prussia. tta,ltefeuillite. L. Michel, Compt. Re~d. CXVI. 898, 1893; and B,ll,. Soc. j'ran. 2[in. XVL 38, 1893. [This vol. p. 162.] (Mg,Ca):~(PO,)~+SH20. Monosymmetrie. Norway. tteazlewoodite. W. F. Petterd, Oatalogtte of 3Tinerals of Tas- mani(q 1896. Sulphide of Ni and Fe, related to pentlandite. ttemiopal. H.H.A. Francke, ~/lin. Nomenklatar, 1890, p. 81. Syn. of halbopal and semiopal. I-Ieulandite baritica. See barium heulandite. ttoeferite, F. Katzer, Tsch. Min. Mitth. XIV. 519, 1895. [This vol. p. 161.J 2Fe~Q.4SiOu7H~O. Related to the chloropals.

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