^imn&Mmin§^^ooo . O iclobe^iBU i ~ Ei& l Thursday, Oct.nth Friday. Oct. 20th Saturday. Oct. 21st 11am U.U. Kick Off 1-3 pm Laugh Olympics 10 am Parade Mott Lawn Downtown 6 pm Mock Rock Farmers Market 3 pm Rally C Mock Rock Mustang Stadium 6 pm FoothaliOame vs II.R. Davis \ i i \ G a i 5 * o i u Presented hy: Cal Poly Foundation Cal Poly Athletics Associated Students Inc. United Rentals Cal Poly Alumni Association Golden One Credit Union TheaJku^ IhBTkadilwtv Mustang Daily 14 Thursday, October 19,2000 Sports M \ l.ike: B ile 's SANCHEZ St. Louis (8-y') .It K.ins.is (aty ()- continued from page 16 D: This will Be the Rams’ toiiyhest yame ot the year to date. Sure, the ''hoiilvl Ix' .1 vl[\ low'scoi int’ y.tiUL’ ;is R.ims .ire 6-i2, But look at the tc.ims \u II, ,is I' .ilwavs the cax' whenever they’xe played. Tike out Den\er’s haltiiiu'ie plavs. Baliiinoie may Ix' record (4-D, .ind the record ot the alhiwinn Diilv 10 points a u'-tmv, I'lit teams they h.ive pl.iyed comBined is they’re oirly seoriny; .irouiul 18 points (v22. K.ins.is C'ity h.is .1 yood ottense ,> y.ime. Baltimore hasn’t even scored this ye.ir as they always do and will Be a touchdown in the last three f^.imes playiny .it home. This yame will Be -they coiikln’t even >i touchdown closer than most people think, But against the Browtis. The ilitference in the Rams’ ottense is just too powertul. this j>ame is that Tennessee is a Better The Rams’ ottense leads rhe NFL in yards a yame (505 a yame), .ind their all-around team. Hven thoiit^h -■''f Baltimore is a t.;reat team and is play­ ottensive pl.iyers lead tlte NFL in ing at Itome, they can’t seaxe, ansi almost every cateyory as well. The Tennessee has a Better all-.iround reason the Rams will win this yame is ream and they can actually sciire Because the C'hiets can’t run the Ball. touchdowns, which helps. My Tike: Rams My Tike: Tennessee The Rest: ♦ $34.95 FOR ANY SET OF TRUCKS Detroit (4-2) .it Tampa Bay ()-)); New Orleans over Atlanta ♦ $25.95 FOR A SET OF WHEELS This IS a imist-wm yame tor the Bucs. Denver over Cincinnati ♦ $25.95 FOR BLANK 7-PLY DECKS T.impa h.is lost their l.ist three iiames Dallas over Arizona ♦ A FULL SELECTION OF ACCESSORIES AND to tall to T T But th.it streak stops this Indiattapolis over New Fnyland week. T.imp.i Bay |ust had their Bye Minnesota over Buttalo APPAREL week to yet thinys toyether and Philadelphia over C'hicayo ♦ SKATE PARK RIGHT BEHIND SHOP they’re at home. To make matters San Francisco over Cairolina T.'Zr~ ♦ FULL SELECTION OF BOARDS AND SUITS worse tor the Lions, their quarterB.ick CTikland over Seattle Official Volcom Headquarters ♦ NEW EST SEAMLESS WET SUITS has the third worst iiuarterBack r.itiny PittsBuryh ovet Cdeveland in the N’FCL T.impa Bay’s detense is Washinyton ovet Jacksonville * ADDITIONAL 10% OFF ALL CLOTHING WITH A )ust too yoixl tor IVtroit, .ind the VALID CAL POLY STUDENT ID home crowd should pump up the Matt Sanchez is a business sopho­ EST wetsuits - Expanded Seam Technology Bias enouyh to win this important more. E-mail him with comments at ALSO: yame. [email protected] EST Laboratories O NEILL has partnered up with Body Glove RIP CURL the end ot the season to talk ahout to produce a completely stitch free wet­ THAPAR this one. Lou Holt: is a no-Brainer. suit that will give you the best in performance RUSTY continued from page 16 For the uninitiated, the University ot and quality. The expanded seam will provide TRUCK C0MP\I4Y SMITH South C'arolina had a 21-yame losiny ' J times the surface area of a straight seam^ REALM streak cominy into this year. They arc- making it stronger and stretchier potential Downtown .Athletic ('luB than a traditional seam. FULL GIRLS now 6-1 and are yoiny to a Bowl yame invites should Be sent to Josh Heupel LINE tor the tirst rime since 1994. He even trom Cikl.ihoma, Ohtis Weinke trom 95 Cayucos Dr (by the pier) . Cayucos, CA . 995-1000 . www.SurfCompany.com yot the tans to stop rippiny the tield Florida St.ite and LalTiinian yoal posts down. Tomlinson trom TCTJ. Heupel came out ot nowhere, Weinke puts up Biy Want a JoB? Florida State’s record numBers ayainst interior competition, would still stand unBlemished it they .ind Tomhnsiin can settle tor the had some semBlance ot a kickiny The weekenJ’s here, and you’re ready ro W.ilker .Aw.ird tor Beiny the Best run- yame. Heather Sue Mercer just yot PARTY-HARDY. But Before you plan niny B.ick in the n.ition. .iwarded $2 million trom ITuke Pl.iyotts Cdioices: Sorry, But th.it’s a Because they cut her trom the team the all out ra^cr at your hou.se, hotter detinue no. The huye T\' contr.ict tor Beiny temale, or so she says. She’s think ahout your nei^hhors. If your party th.it ABC' has to Broadcast IVnvl a kicker and she’d prohahly not he .my worse then what Bohhy Bowden C'hampionship Series yames dix-sn’t gets out of hand, it can cost you upwards expire tor tive years. Cimsecjiiently, already has on the team. we’ll have to do with th.it piHir excuse Star 101: Seth Burtord is No. 8 of $500 dollars in fines. Here’s some ways tor determininy the n.itional champi­ nationally in passiny efficiency with you can avoid annoying the neighbors and on. 1 5 TD passes. Only tive other players P.ic-10 M.idness: Usii.illy the in all ot Division I-AA have more getting slapped with a hig fine; ITd-.-X vs. u s e ' yame would K‘ to touchdown passes than him. decide who wins the Pac-lC' .ind Re.illy CJiHil FiHuBall Name: Oeyon vs. C\eyon St.ite would just Minnesota QB .Asad AKlul-Khaliq. K- tor pride. Bur not this year. .Atter Trv and s.iy th.it tive times t.ist. impressive wins over two top tive Weird COuote of The Week: teams .it home, L’C L.A h.is yone win- “FiHitB.ill players, like prostitutes, arc- oil the road. USC' is 0-5 in the in the Business ot ruininy their Bixlies P.ic-lc'' tor the tirst time ^lnce B^57. tor the pleasure ot stninyers."- Merle Oreyon plays CVeyon St.ite in the l.ist Kc'ssler. y.ime ot the sc.ison, which miyhl deliver the P.ic-10 ch.imp. This yame Alex Thapar is a business senior who 1^ mi'iiiiment.il Bec.iiise it is otherwi'c watches too much college football. Keep tl\o party inside! BuinBliny drunks outsKk- known .o the “C'ivil W.ir.” E-mail him with comments at atha- t .o.ich ot The Ye.ir; 1 don’t need [email protected] . aro sure to draw the in- ol luiyhBor- NO MORE CLASSES • Turn the B.iss down on yiaiir stervo - B.iss can really .-<hake up ,i iieiyliKirhiXxl. TmfflcSchonl.com • l.iNten to the SN.A.P.s - they’re yinir e.irly w.irnitiy -.y - - / ( inirt approvrd thmutthout ('alifomia www.trflfnr^chmil.roni system. H they s.iy it’s tune to shut down the party, then it’.s rime ro shut down the parry. Alcohol Offense and under 21? 1 Did von know that if convicted vou W'LL i I iOSe vour drivef s iicenso lor ONE vear?! i / í r h | | '' Don t let that happen to you ...; i cat! for a free initial consultation today. KAM KUtS »OUCC OCAAMfMCNf i 544-7693 Jeffrey D. Stulberg WWW stulberg.com Attorney at Law Mustang Daily Sports Thursday, October 19,2000 15 FOOTBALL openers, ajid plays you want to run, BALLS first down and second down, and “ /t has to he like a family. ..It all starts from the head continued from page 16 continued from page 16 then you usually create a situatit)n coaeh down, and if it's run that way, you have to he for doing that,” he said. “Either it is aeeountable, you hai'e to he demariding within a family to hriniL’ ;ill ot the halls they have film of the previous game. a first down and you’re back tt) fiathered to that j>aine to he counted. “First thing we do is come back openers or it’s third and short. You strueture." The student with the most halls wins from a game and look at the film of have third and short situations, you Jeff Brown the week before," he said. “We have third and medium situatituis the trip. Cal Poly defensive coordinator grade the films and then we meet and you have third and long situa­ The trip includes airfare and lody- with individuals (players).’’ tions, and then you practice them.” “When you work hard, when you “Your middle linebacker is kind in^ and is sponsored hy KKAL 9 9 J The players are then given a Rrown sees the practices leading train hard, you know you have the of like your big, strong guv, and FM. grade on their performance.
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