University of Texas at El Paso ScholarWorks@UTEP Fanny Zlabovsky-National Council of Jewish MS 508, Box 6, Zickhardt-Correspondence Women Case Files June 2020 Folder 19 -- Correspondence -- 1939 Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.utep.edu/box_6 Recommended Citation "Folder 19 -- Correspondence -- 1939" (2020). MS 508, Box 6, Zickhardt-Correspondence. 6. https://scholarworks.utep.edu/box_6/6 This Case File is brought to you for free and open access by the Fanny Zlabovsky-National Council of Jewish Women Case Files at ScholarWorks@UTEP. It has been accepted for inclusion in MS 508, Box 6, Zickhardt- Correspondence by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@UTEP. For more information, please contact [email protected]. '1~ va ~ Jo.nroz and Cal 1s mdo on fwaf. lles••••.. 32 ltooting f~illee coning fros lleltioo Ot 'f\Y· to loon tei in· J'uat!CZ••.-.•·•••• •• •••• ••• •• •• ..........,. S Enrollttl(t ehtl#reu in Public au:1 'loentioool SchtH>l ' R~~roenttng Appll-ocmta :!'rrr 1l?1idu~ Ot"()aeing oordo• 8 fle11r~l or 1-'Unspo.rts.............. .................... 4 no.-;rooootins Canoe ·to f~'1cr!i.0CJ'1 Co-naula. te•••••••••• 6 nooetv!ng one- quom n~~~ pert"nn.oot ontt.v tn us · 1 Rceo1Ving Visitara Vise. .... (German)................ 1 ca:ring ~-or ~oao llel4 at Tto.t>Qr11noot or lvol~nti*>n i'or vcreiftmt!on of 1-0gn.1 entry t.n~ u. s•• •••••••• 1 Eato.blf.sb.i..nf! eitl~crmhip tn case o~ mrrlnge to ~01."910nCr' ·tn lta:ttiCO••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••· 2 ro. -of' nfrldavtdsvt to d~a Ult for rel.a tl 'V'Of:••••••• 20 Re}lreaentlliS pe-raonie try!?lZ .to oote;r 1.::exico &t thin Pert of ~ • nine ·auceeaefu1• tbroo pe;ldiog a:tJd nne ·ref'usett. 'ln ad,d! t:lon t& tbte about. 00 ~tteh '·t1t"G wrl tten fe,r t.h.'!s l>GPnlt'tmellt. · , . \ neepecttu11y nu\®t_tteCl, 'It T_B i N S L A t I 0 S. Fft!b ~.~9 Feb ~ ::i .39 Berlin N.O.t Rombergat rasse l9. I beg to inquire whet.hex ,vou cQ\ild he:ip ae to locate some relatives in the USA. Tlle7 e.re sister·s a.utl brother& of my llotber and we do not mow •bethel they are still uanc the living,fle ~ould like to eorrespjud with thn. I lllss Ive;. Sche.rft Mc;b.ile,Alaha.11~ Cable Address Telephone Nacomref, New York LOngacre 3-3905 • NATIONAL COORDINATING COMMITTEE for Aid to REFUGEES and EMIGRANTS COMING from GERMANY 165 WEST 46th STREET NEW YORK CITY James G. McDonald March 29, 19.39 Honorary Chairman Joseph P. Chamberlain Chairman William Rosenwald Vice-Chairman TO ALL COOPERATING AGENCIES: Paul Felix Warburg Treasurer Recently we have been receiving reports from the Central and South Jacob Billikopf American countries with regard to the status of the refugees who Honorary Consultant Resettlement Division have entered there for temporary residence. These people come with Cecilia Razovsky very limited funds, as a rule, and a.re obliged to accept relief from Secretary and the local Committee there. Naturally, the local Committees are very Executive Director limited in the amount of resources they possess, so that the relief S. C. Kohs Director given is generally quite inadequate. It is therefore extremely Resettlement Division essential, in every possible instance where there are American relatives who can be asked to assist, that they should be induced to send as much as they can afford to give, in order to obviate any difficulties arising for the r efugees in those countries. From a report received from Panama recently, we have been advised that most of the refugees feel very insecure. First of all becauoe of their enforced idleness, as they are not permitted to work, and secondly because of the fear of deportation, since the Government has only issued temporary visas to a great many of them. Although the Committee in Panama. was assured, by responsible Government Officials, that visas would be reissued every month for temporary stays, nevertheless a number of refugees whose visas had expired, were jailed. This, of course, creates Unfavorable public notice and, at the same time, adds to the insecurity of the refugees. For this reason, the moral and financial cooperation of relatives in the United States must be secured to relieve the problems of these unfortunate refugees. We give this inforl'TIEl.tion to you so that you may spread it amongst the people who are interested in the plight of the refugees in other countries. Sincerely yours, CR:MA Executive American Committee for Christian-German Refugees Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America American Friends Service Committee German-Jewish Children's Aid, Inc. American Jewish Committee Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society (Hias) American Jewish Congress Hospites American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee International Migration Service B'nai B'rith International Student Service Committee for Catholic Refugees from Germany Jewish Agricultural Society Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds Musicians Emergency Fund, Inc. Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Physicians National Council of Jewish Women Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced German Scholars Zionist Organization of America Jewish Social Service Federation of San Antonio Fourth Floor, Bexar County Court House Garfield 9731 San Antonio, Texas SPECIAL DELIVERY AIR I.TAIL Miss Hannah Hirshberg Executive Director OFFICERS June 9, 1939 Jake Karotkin , President Gilbert Lang Flrat Vice-President Mrs. Frank Zlabovsky I. Silber 1016 Olive Street Second Vlce..Prealdent El Paso, Texas J. D. Oppenheimer Treaeurer Mrs. I. A. Victor Dear :Mrs. Zlabovsky: Recording Secretary I am writing you again for some information regard­ DIRECTORS ing Gustavo Arce, Attorney at Mexico City, whose address Mrs. Wm. Alter you so kindly gave me. I have been in communication Melvin August Mrs. 0. Berman with Mr. Arce for one of our Board members. I wrote 1.tr . Dr. B. H. Bloom Arce that his fee of $125.00 had been deposited with our Eph. Charninsky office and that when the persons he was assisting us in Frank Falkstein getting entry into I.:-exico arrived, the fee would be sent Harry Fish Stanley Frank him. This was done on the advice of a resident of Mexico , Dr. E. Frisch who told us not to send any money to any attorney in Mrs. Joe Frost Mexico until the person's arrival in Mexico. Leon Glasberg Herman Glosserman We have a communication from Mr. Arce, stating that Nat Goldsmith Mrs. Hugo Goodman he wishes 33% as a retainer's fee sent him at once "and Mrs. Max Goot the balance when permission obtained and never when the A.H. Halff persons are in Mexico . " G. A. C. Halff Mrs. Henry Halff Will you kindly let me hear from you as soon as Perry Kallison A. Kamrass possible as to what your procedure has been with ~Er. Arce Sidney Katz in regard to payment of his fee? I. Lewin Dr. L. J. Manhoff Appreciating your cooperation and with kind personal Dr. F. G. Oppenheimer greetings, Mrs. Henry Oppenheimer E. W. Phillips Mrs. D. L. Pincus Very sincerely yours, Rabbi A. Rabinowitz Max Rosenman Louis Scharlack Morris Stern Joe Straus Rabbi David Tamarkin Nathan Trottner A. S. Weiner mr./mr Miss Rosa Wolf .1\lne 13, 1939. I. Mias Hannah Hirshberg, Ex"ecuttve DirectO:r,. · · ·4th Floor, 'Bexar Cq.tufty CC)Urt House, · .San An ton1o, Tse.is... , . · ·· . \. ~ De~, Klee ;R~rehbeJ;"~I ' I ; . I '· ' I ' , ./ Due t.o· ~th:e . apa~e , ,,or .• -our "1rs. Zlabd~ rrom the C!t)', 31our lette-r elated Jane 9th, bas "been handecl ~ - f'•r • repl¥• Oor ~- ~ onJ.y engaged -~ Ard · ·~ -...·WO caaea, ' . \ I and .in b•tb J.f!atallcea: ... Arce d•a*4 the i-eta!m.rt • '. tee t4 .as..~ . bamed~· a.te]W 111'*1 Ida ~e'letlt:tta• ....._ . ~ _th~ Va4•Z-.WlllhW that. the balaaee waa to 'be pat« tlPd . COlllPlett~a of, hla '. •,ervt.cu• aoi :wbea ~ . persona enteTed. , l.t.exieo. ~r firsi .c11;ent . wae •coeaatu-i tn •ecurtng. rtsae t _r~ ~ to· Jtexto0, an4 .ai-e ._. Jllaklns arzoanguMsn~• ·. tor tbel~ d,epartur• .to lledc-. .. -•o• •• wm w.a· reoei.Ted tro11I the at\OrrteJ, · ~~ .eable. -~ gone f ·o~ ,to ittJ.e ll~tmn I. -coneul. abrdat\f - ~ - i- · ~lteat. ee.nt Mm -the balanoe . dite bia• Tl:LJ. '' otbel:' eae• !a, e.U:U pend.taa•· , , . '· · · ' ,. · ~at.ltag :w.a • · Ute intomau.O. 4 · ~~- J. • .. ' . ' \ ·. .. T0u~a ~ tm~• -< ·_ I .. ~ > ,, . , Jira• soi GoJatu-b• s eo.retarr • , ' .~ .· NATIONAL COUNCIL OF JEWISH WOMEN 1819 Broadway, New York, N. Y. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR ot SERVICE TO FOREIGN BORN of the NATIONAL COUNCIL OF JEWISH WOMEN to the BOARD OF DIRECTORS November 13-16, 1939 Emma s. Schreiberj Ph.D. Madam President and National Board Members, I bring you greetings from our professional staff. I am glad of this opportunity to discuss our common problems, and in order that we may have as much time for discussion as possible, I have set down the report of the activities of the Service to Foreign Born Department since I became its Director in June of this year. There is so much ground to dover that in this report, I must, of necessity, touch only the high spots. An important idea I should like you to oarry away with you is that the National Council of Jewish Women in the field of social welfare, is a profession­ al agency, which especially in the field of immigrant welfare, has made a contribution. Many persons even in the social work field, do not know this. We need, therefore, to publicize our work in the past, to continue improving our professional standards, and to acquaint the public with our progress.
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