St. Brigid’s Parish, Killester, Dublin 5 Parish Newsletter Christmas 2018 THE BEST IS STILL TO COME! We have begun our celebration of Advent and our preparation for Christmas. However, we are not just waiting for Christmas, we are also called to reawaken our expectation of the glorious return of Christ – when he will return at the end of time. God promised to help his people. And he is true to his promises. God kept his promise when Jesus came among us. God became one with us so that we could become one with Him. Jesus comes to save us, He shows us how much God loves us, the God we cannot see is our loving Father. Pope Francis has said recently that during these weeks we are called to leave behind a way of living that is routine, and to go out nourishing hopes and dreams for a new future, avoiding being wrapped up in a self-centred and hectic lifestyle. At this time Jesus invites us to keep watch and pray: as we await Christmas we do both of these. Watch. Watch out for others and for Jesus. Advent invites us to a commitment of vigi- lance, looking outside of ourselves, widening our mind and heart to open ourselves to the needs of people, of brothers and sisters, and to the desire of a new world. This is what the poor, the weak, and the abandoned hope for. This is a time for each one of us to open our heart, to ask ourselves concrete questions on how and for whom we spend our life. Pray. The second practice in waiting for the Lord is prayer. It’s about getting up and pray- ing, turning our thoughts and heart to Jesus who is about to come. We get up when we expect something or someone. We are awaiting Jesus; we want to wait for Him in prayer and vi gi- lance. However, as Pope Francis has said, if we think of Christmas in an atmosphere of consum- erism, of seeing what can I buy or do for a worldly celebration, Jesus will pass by and we won’t meet Him. That is why we want to wait for Him in prayer. May the Virgin Mary, woman of wait- ing and prayer who brings us Jesus, help us to prepare for what God brings us, and help us open our hearts to new peace and love. December Dates for your Diary Sunday 16th 3rd Sunday of Advent Do This In Memory Mass 10.30 am with blessing of the crib figures of the infant Jesus Sunday 23rd Confessions after 10.30 & 12 noon Mass Monday 24th Christmas Eve Christmas Eve Children’s Christmas Mass 6.30 pm 8.00 pm Christmas Carols 8.30 pm Christmas Night Mass Tuesday 25th December Christmas Day 10.30 am & 12.00 Mass Wednesday 26th Dec St. Stephen’s Day 11 am Mass Thursday 27th Dec & Friday 28th Mass at 10 am th Sunday 30 December Feast of The Holy Family. Masses at 10.30 and 12.00 noon (Saturday 29th Vigil 6.30 pm) 2019 Tuesday 1st January Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God, New Year’s Day. Mass 10.00am Saturday 5th January 10.00 am & Vigil Mass of the Epiphany 6.30 pm Sunday 6th Jan Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord 10.30 & 12.00 noon Mass *Confessions every Saturday at 5.30pm – 6.15pm. The (unattested) History of the Twelve Days of Christmas The popular song, “The Twelve Days of Christmas” is an English Christmas carol. From 1558 until 1829, Roman Catholics in England were not permitted to practice their faith openly. Some believe that someone during that era wrote this carol as a catechism song for young Catholics. It has two levels of meaning: the surface meaning plus a hidden meaning known only to members of the Church. Each element in the carol has a code word for a religious reality which the children could remember. The “True Love” one hears in the song is not a smitten boy or girl- friend but Jesus Christ, because truly Love was born on Christmas Day. The partridge in the pear tree also represents Him because that bird is willing to sacrifice its life if necessary to protect its young by feigning in- jury to draw away predators. The Underground Catechism of The 12 Days of Christmas 1 Partridge: Jesus Christ 2 Turtle Doves: Old and New Testaments 3 French Hens: Faith, Hope and Charity 4 Calling Birds: The Four Gospels 5 Golden Rings: The Pentateuch 6 Geese a-laying: Days of Creation 7 Swans a-swimming: 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit; 7 Sacraments 8 Maids a-milking: 8 The 8 Beatitudes 9 Ladies dancing: 9 Fruits of the Holy Spirit 10 Lords a-leaping: 10 Commandments 11 Piper’s Piping: 11 Faithful Apostles 12 Drummers drumming: 12 Doctrinal points in the Apostles Creed St. Vincent De Paul’s wish list Unwanted Christmas presents for those most in need in our Parish The essence of this initiative is the fact that most of us receive much more than we need [on Christmas Day] and just one unwanted gift donated to the local Conference of the St. Vincent De Paul will bring much happiness to the least fortunate amongst us. These presents/gifts which you received over the holiday period, which you may not need will be distributed to the less well of in our Parish by our friends in the St. Vincent De Paul. Gifts of new clothing including jeans, jumpers, shoes etc. together with gift vouchers and toys, boxes of sweets and biscuits will be very much appreciated. Phil Mc Bride at 085-1457323 and Louis Gillick at 087-2428438 together with members of the local confer- ence of the St. Vincent De Paul will collect any items you have after all the Masses beginning Saturday 29th and Sun- day 30th December and also on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th January; and finally on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th January. Many thanks. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Please note that Eucharistic Adoration now takes place on Mondays and Tuesdays from 10.30am until 3.00pm each day in the Adoration Chapel on right hand side of Church near Saint Brigid’s altar. Adoration on Thurs- day night takes place in our Church from 7.00 pm until 8.00 pm. If you are prepared to “watch for one hour” per week you will be very welcome. We also invite you to spend some time – even a few minutes — in our Church in prayer and reflection. Each Thursday night for the coming months we will be praying for peace in the Middle East and for the Pope’s intentions. All parishioners are welcome Recently Deceased—please pray for the souls of: Paul Boothman – Howth Road Ann Carroll – Ayrfield Drive Mary Coghlan – formerly Ennafort Park Bridget McAuliffe – Harmonstown Road Baptisms—we are happy to welcome into our Catholic Community: Alice Quealy – Kerry Pike Co Cork Christopher O’Neil – The Orchard Roisin Cullen Mahon – Dunluce Road Darragh Callaghy – Brookwood Avenue Benjamin Courtney – St. Samson’s Court Harry Moore – Abbeyfield Tweet from Pope Francis PontifexPope Francis@Pontifex Advent is a time for renewing the faith, for purifying it, so that it can be more authentic. POPE FRANCIS’ INTENTION FOR DECEMBER Evangelization – In the Service of the Transmission of Faith that people, who are involved in the service and transmission of faith, may find, in their dialogue with culture, a language suited to the conditions of the present time. NEWSLETTERS On behalf of Fr. Liam and myself I would like to say a very sincere thank you for the very valuable work you carry out each month delivering the newsletters to every home in the parish, without you we couldn’t do it. Please keep up the good work. Wishing you all a very happy, healthy and joyful Christmas and a wonderful new year Kathleen. School Enrolments – for September 2019 Applications for September 2019 for both St. Brigid Boys’ National School and St. Brigid Girls’ National School will be accepted between 7th and 31st January 2019. The Enrolment Policy for St. Brigid’s Boys’ National School was reviewed and updated on 28th November 2018 and is available to view on the school website www.stbrigidsbns.ie. Similarly, the Enrolment Policy for St. Brigid’s Girls’ National School may be viewed on www.stbrigidsgns.ie St. Brigid's Parish Shop Christmas 2018 There is now in stock a large selection of Christmas cards from Divine Word Missionaries and St Martin De Porres together with a very special card depicting St Brigid's Church and its history. Also in stock are many other items that would make lovely Christmas gifts and include miniature nativity sets, resin nativity globes, cribs, Christmas candles, medals, holy pictures, angel pins, crucifixes, holy water fonts, rosary beads and lots more. We also have “Down Through The Ages” a history of St Brigid’s Church and Parish from 1926 to 2006 which would make a lovely read over the Christmas period together with a CD from Gerry Noonan/Dara MacMahon with Pauline Cooper on Piano called ‘’ Good Old Days of Music Hall’’ together with a variety of other CD’s which may be of interest and would make a nice KK. So why not call into the shop which is located at the side of the church [Car Park side] and see the array of goods available. It may save you an unnecessary trip into town. All proceeds from shop go to Parish funds.
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