Yaccarino Sworn to District Court Bench - SEE STORY BELOW Sunny, Pleasant Sunny and pleasant today. Clear THEDMIY HOME and cool tonight. Fair and T Red Bank, Freehold . 7* warmer tomorrow. Long Branch / FINAL (Sea DetalU Page 3) REGISTER Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 23 RKI) BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1968 TEN CENTS Birth Control Ban Reactions Vary Papal Order Stirs Debate By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS outlaw contraception, steriliza- said in New York: "I suspect Commonweal, a liberal the world to return to moral A spokesman for Archbishop Some Roman Catholics have tion and abortion as means of that Pope Paul and a lot ot weekly journal edited by Cath- sanity." Terence J. Cooke of New York reacted with dissent or indif- limiting population. church authorities are going to olics, said in an editorial for Most Catholic prelates and said the papal decree was "an ference to Pope Paul VI's en- Most liberal Catholics who be surprised by the lack of con- publication this week: "For mil-. priests preferred not to com- authoritative teaching on the cyclical against birth control spoke out after the announce- cern caused by the encyclical. lions of lay people, the birth ment until they had seen the part of the Pope (hat does re- while others hailed the papal ment took the view that those Minds Made Up control question has been con- official text of the Pope's ency- quire assent by Catholics." statement as refreshing and among the world's half billion "If Pope Paul had come out fronted, prayed over and set- clical. Some, however, did "Rome has spoken," said a reaffirmation of Christian Catholics who already use mod-with it four or three or even tled — and not in the direction voice their views. Richard Cardinal Cushing of • truth. ern birth control methods would two years ago, it might have of the Pope's encyclical." James Francis Cardinal Mc- Boston, "and for In p. time bo- The Pope, in a long-awaited continue to do so based on the made a difference," he said. On another note, Triumph Intyre of las Angeles, a con- ing the case is closed." pronouncement yesterday, up- belief that sexual morality is "But by now I think that most magazine, which voices a con- servative, found the Pope's In Washington a group claim- held the prohibition on all ar- a matter of conscience. couples who have been strug- servative viewpoint, declared statement "refreshing" and "in ing to speak for 142 of the 1,223 tificial means of contraception Gerald L. Fitzgerald, a Cath- gling with the problem have the papal statement was "a conformity with time-estab- clergymen in the archdiocese and appealed to leaders of civil olic layman and official of the made up their minds and set- courageous reaffirmation of lished principles of right rea- went on record against the an- governments everywhere to! Christian Family Movement, tled their consciences." Christian truth" that "invites son and scientific research." (See BIRTH, Pg. 3, Col. 5) ACTION AT TRINITY — Cleanup of damaged interior State House Agency of historic Episcopal Church on West Front Si., Red Bank, which was gutted by fire on Easter Sunday, has started. The Rev. Canon Charles H. Best, rector, left, says work will be completed within two to three weeks. Also at scene are Matthew Lyon, center, senior warden \ow Key to Thruway of the church, and contractor Donald C. Hembling. Canon Best callsd the action "very encouraging to the WOODBRIDGE - The New million road project because it collecting tolls until free alter- with the State House Commis- Jersey Slate House Commis- endangers marketability of au- nate roads are open for local sion for the purchase of the parish and the community" and reported that rebuild- sion now holds the key to the thority bonds. traffic. toll-free Parkway sections. The ing will commerce as soon as the present undertaking Garden State Thruway, D. Lou- Obstacles created by the lan- The authority had pledged to State House Commission has is completed. (Register Staff Photo) is Tonti, executive director of guage of the federal bill might have the alternate roads open the exclusive right to dispose the New Jersey Highway Au- be circumvented by carefully before imposing tolls, and Mr. of the state's assets. thority, said yesterday. designed wording of the con- Tonti noted, the road design Hopes for Contract The 1968 federal highway aid tract between the authority and makes toll booth construction Mr. Tonti said he is hopeful bill, which includes provisions the commission for the author- impossible until the service the Commission will agree to for the thruway, was approved ity's purchase from the state roads are completed. But writ- a contract permitting the au- Rocky Leads by the Senate yesterday by a of toll-free sections of the Gar- ing the guarantee into the fed- thority to take equitable title vote of 66 to 6. den State Parkway, Mr. Tonti eral legislation violates the au- to the free stetches of the Park-! The bill was passed by the said. thority's agreement pledging way without taking deed to j House on Friday. To Levy Toils its bondholders no other agen- them, and arranging for deliv- But even with prospects of Under provisions of the fed- cy would have control over ery of the deed when the ser- In Youth Poll an early presidential signature eral bill, the authority will pur- tolls, the authority's advisers vice roads are built. By WILLIAM J. ZAORSKI Of more than 66 people into law, Mr. Tonti isn't jubi- chase and impost tolls upon contend. They say this creates This would circumvent the FREEHOLD - While the questioned by the two youths— lant. sections of the Garden State a legal loophole which will obstacle created by the lan- Gallup Poll gives Richard M. who are themselves divided in The authority's advisers con- Parkway in Middlesex and make it impossible or prohibi- guage of the federal bill, Mr. Nixon the lead for the GOP their opinions — and their tend that wording of the bill, Union Counties now free be- tively expensive to market au- Tonti explained, because those presidential nomination, a poll brothers, 21 favored Rockefel- insisted upon by Sen, Clifford cause they were built with fed- thority bonds. stretches of the parkway aren't by two 14-year-old youths here ler, with 16 preferring Nixon B. Case, R-N.J., threatens the eral funds, The language of the part of the authority's pledge gives the lead to Nelson A. and one for California Gov. IT'S NOW JUDGE — Thomas L. Yaccarino, right, is The authority, as a public economic feasibility of the ?130 bill prohibits the authority from corporation, would contract (See THRUWAY, Pg. 2, Col. 3) Rockefeller. Ronald Reagan. sworn in as a County District Court judge by County On the Democratic side, the Court Judge Thomas J. Smith yesterday in the Hall of unofficial teenage poll gives the lead to Eugene McCarthy Records, Freehold. Judge Yaccarino's oldest son, with 12, Vice President Hubert Thomas Jr., 9, holds the Bible. The new fudge resigned Ike Urges No-Surrender PlatformII. Humphrey with four and as an assistant couniy prosecutor to accept the judge- President Johnson, one. Former Alabama Gov. ship. (Register Staff Photo) Massachusetts, said he would MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP)- But even some sympathizers considerable weight in the nam problem, but he may have George Wallace picked up six Chances for a dramatic Repub- of New York Gov. Nelson A. drafting. more to say later in the week like to see a platform plank more supporters in yesterday's lican platform proposal to end Rockefeller agreed that the Sen. John G. Tower of Tex- by way of statements in his be- along these lines. survey compared with a poll the Vietnam war dimmed to- plank on the overriding inter- as, a Nixon stalwart serving on half to the platform commit- Another Rockefeller man, conducted last February by the Ex-Prosecutor Aide day as former President Dwight national issue cannot be too the committee, said a majority tee. Gov. John H. Chafee of Rhode boys which gave him four. specific. of the group is "Nixon-dis- Island, said he expects no plan D. Eisenhower opposed any Rockefeller has proposed a New York's Mayor John Eisenhower urged the cam- posed." He added: "It is log- four-stage peace plan featuring so specific. Rep. Peter Fre- "camouflaged surrender." Lindsay is a newcomer in the paign document writers to ical to expect that the platform use of an international military linghuysen of New Jersey, a r.ampling, picking up his first Becomes a Judge Eisenhower's special mes- "make it clear to Hanoi that we will reflect that sentiment." force as a buffer. One of his ad- member of an uncommitted support of one yesterday. sage to the platform commit- do not seek nor will we accept Nixon has not spelled out his herents on Ihe platform com- delegation but personally fa- The pollsters said that many tee accompanied the testimony FREEHOLD - Thomas L. back and say "Hi, Tom," but a camouflaged surrender which proposals for handling the Viet- mittee, Rep. Silvio Conte of vorable to Rockefeller, agreed. of the Wallace supporters Yaccarino walked into the Hall will instead say, "Hi, Judge." of a nonpartisan committee, of would inevitably result in the .seemed reluctant to voice of Records here yesterday with Supreme Court Justice Hay- which he is a member, rul- United States writing off South- their candidate at first, stat- a mister tacked before his dn Proctor of Asbury Park ing out both pullout and mas- east Asia for the foreseeable ing no opinion and then giving name.
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