Albertiana 45 5 Triassic Literature TRIASSIC LITERATURE – 2016 Geoffrey Warrington Honorary Visiting Fellow, School of Geography, Geology and the Environment, University of Leicester, LE1 7RH, UK Email: [email protected] This compilation is based on the contents of over 500 serial Al-Sheikhly, S.S., Al-Bazi, N.T.Sh. & Oboh-Ikuenobe, F.E. 2016. titles and other publications. It is a continuation of the New The Permian-Triassic boundary in the Kurdistan region of Triassic Literature contributions that appeared in Albertiana up northern Iraq. Journal of Environment and Earth Science, to December 2017 (44: 33–48), and includes items dated 2016, 6(1): 39-51. together with some pre-2016 titles that were not included in Al-Suwaidi, A.H., Steuber, T. & Suarez, M.B. 2016. The Triassic- earlier compilations. Jurassic boundary event from an equatorial carbonate platform (Ghalilah Formation, United Arab Emirates). Journal of the Abbassi, N., Ghavidel-Syooki, M., Yousefi, M. & Navidi Izad, N. Geological Society, London, 173(6): 949-953. 2016. Cruziana ichnofacies from Nayband Formation (Late Alves, T.M. 2016. Polygonal mounds in the Barents Sea reveal Triassic) in the Parvadeh section, southwest Tabas, east Central sustained organic productivity towards the P-T boundary. Iran. Iranian Journal of Geology, 10(38): 1-15. Terra Nova, 28(1): 50-59. Abdolmalekai, J. & Tavakoli, V. 2016. Anachronistic facies Anderson, T., Kristofferson, M. & Elburg, M.A. 2016. How far in the early Triassic successions of the Persian Gulf and can we trust provenance and crustal evolution information its palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Palaeogeography, from detrital zircons? A South African case study. Gondwana Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 446: 213-224. Research, 34: 129-148. Abdullin, F., Solé, J., Solari, L., Shchepetilnikova, V., Meneses- Anell, I., Faleide, J.-I. & Braathen, A. 2016. Regional tectono- Rocha, J.J., Pavlinova, N. & Rodriguez-Trejo, A. 2016. Single sedimentary development of the highs and basins of the grain apatite geochemistry of Permian-Triassic granitoids and northwestern Barents Shelf. Norwegian Journal of Geology, Mesozoic and Eocene sandstones from Chiapas, southeast 96(1): 27-41. Mexico: implications for sediment provenance. International Anell, I., Lecomte, I., Braathen, A. & Buckley, S.J. 2016. Geology Review, 58(9): 1132-1157. Synthetic seismic illumination of small-scale growth faults, Adatte, T., Planke, S., Svensen, H. & Kürschner, W.M. paralic deposits and low-angle clinoforms: a case study of the 2016. Preface: Impact, volcanism, global changes, and Triassic successions on Edgeøya, NW Barents Shelf. Marine mass extinction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, and Petroleum Geology, 77: 625-639. Palaeoecology, 441: 1-3. Anfinson, O.A., Embry, A.F. & Stockli, D.F. 2016. Geochronologic Ajirlu, M.S., Moazzen, M. & Hajialioghli, R. 2016. Tectonic constraints on the Permian-Triassic northern source region of evolution of the Zagros Orogen in the realm of the Neotethys the Sverdrup Basin, Canadian Arctic Islands. Tectonophysics, between the Central Iran and Arabian plates: an ophiolite 691(A): 206-219. perspective. Central European Geology, 19(1-4): 1-27. Antczak, M. 2016. Late Triassic aetosaur (Archosauria) from Alfaro, E.M., Santos, A. & Ferrer, J.B.D. 2016. First evidence of Krasiejów (SW Poland): new species or an example of rooting lycopsids preserved as imprints and trace fossils from individual variation? Geological Journal, 51(5): 770-788. the Silves Sandstone (Upper Triassic, eastern Algarve, South Antić, M., Peytcheva, I. and 7 others. 2016. Pre-Alpine Portugal). Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, 31(1): 131-144. evolution of a segment of the north-Gondwanan margin: Al Hseinat, M., Hübscher, C., Lang, J., Lüdmann, T., Ott, I. geochronological and geochemical evidence from the central & Polom, U. 2016. Triassic to recent tectonic evolution of Serbo-Macedonian Massif. Gondwana Research, 36: 523-544. a crestal collapse graben above a salt-cored anticline in the Antipin, V., Gerel, O., Perepelov, A., Odgerel, D. & Zolboo, T. Glückstadt Graben/North German Basin. Tectonophysics, 2016. Late Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic rare-metal granites in 680: 50-66. Central Mongolia and Baikal region: review of geochemistry, Published online: May 17, 2019 Warrington, G. 2019. Triassic Literature – 2016. Albertiana, vol. 45, 5–38. 6 Albertiana 45 possible magma sources and related mineralization. Journal Newton, 1894 and Dasygnathoides longidens (Huxley 1877). of GEOsciences, 61(1): 105-125. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Antonov, A.Yu. & Travin, A.V. 2016. On the problem of the Society of Edinburgh, 106(3): 199-205. scale and composition of Paleozoic and Mesozoic granitoid Baioumy, H. & Ulfa, Y. 2016. Facies analysis of the Semanggol magmatism in the Khilok-Vitim fold belt of central Formation, south Kedah, Malaysia: a possible Permian-Triassic Transbaikalia. Russian Journal of Pacific Geology, 10(2): boundary section. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 9(8): DOI 105-122. 10.1007/s12517-016-2573-9 (16pp). Arboit, F., Collins, A.S., Morley, C.K., Jourdan, F., King, R., Balaky, S.M., Swrdashy, A.M. & Mamaseni, W.J. 2016. Permian- Foden, J. & Amrouch, K. 2016. Geochronological and Triassic lithostratigraphic study in the Northern Thrust Zone geochemical studies of mafic and intermediate dykes from the (Ora), Iraqi Kurdistan region. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Khao Khwang Fold-Thrust Belt: implications for petrogenesis 9(5): DOI 10.1007/s12517-016-2352-7 (21pp). and tectonic evolution. Gondwana Research, 36: 124-141. Barash, M.S. 2016. Changes in environmental conditions as the Arboit, F., Collins, A.S., Morley, C.K., King, R. & Amrouch, cause of the marine biota Great Mass Extinction at the Triassic- K. 2016. Detrital zircon analysis of the southwest Indochina Jurassic boundary. Doklady Earth Sciences, 466(2): 119-122. terrane, central Thailand: unravelling the Indosinian orogeny. Barbolini, N., Bamford, M.K. & Tolan, S. 2016. Permo- Geological Society of America Bulletin, 128(5-6): 1024-1043. Triassic palynology and palaeobotany of Zambia: a review. Argyriou, T., Clauss, M., Maxwell, E.E., Furrer, H. & Palaeontologia Africana, 50: 18-30. Sánchez-Villagra, M.R. 2016. Exceptional preservation Barboni, R., Dutra, T.L. & Faccini, U.F. 2016. Xylopteris reveals gastrointestinal anatomy and evolution in early (Frenguelli) Stipacinic & Bonetti in the Middle-Upper actinopterygian fishes. Nature Scientific Reports, 6(18758), Triassic (Santa Maria Formation) of Brazil. Ameghiniana, doi:10.1038/srep18758. (10pp). 53(5): 599-622. Arkhangelsky, M.S., Zverkov, N.G., Zakharov, Yu.D. & Borisov, Barbosa, É.N., Córdoba, V.C. & do Carmo Sousa, D. 2016. I.V. 2016. On the first reliable find of the genus Tholodus Stratigraphic evolution of the Upper Carboniferous-Lower (Reptilia: Ichthyopterygia) in the Asian peripheral area of the Triassic sequence, Parnaíba Basin, Brazil. Brazilian Journal Panthalassic Ocean. Paleontological Journal, 50(1): 78-86. of Geology, 46(2): 181-198. Armitage, P.J., Worden, R.H., Faulkner, D.R., Butcher, A.R. Barbosa-Gudiño, J.R., Torres-Hernández, J.R. & Villasuso- & Espie, A.A. 2016. Permeability of the Mercia Mudstone: Martínez, R. 2016. Revisión estratigráfica y estructura de la suitability as a caprock to carbon capture and storage sites. Sierra Plomosa, Chihuahua. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geofluids, 16(1): 26-42. Geológicas, 33(2): 221-238. Arsairai, B., Wannakomol, A., Qinglai Feng & Chonglakmani, Baresel, B., Bucher, H., Brosse, M., Bagherpour, B. & Schaltegger, C. 2016. Paleoproductivity and paleoredox condition of the U. 2016. High precision dating of mass extinction events: a Huai Hin Lat Formation in northeastern Thailand. Journal combined zircon geochronology, apatite tephrochronology, of Earth Science, 27(3): 350-364. and Bayesian age modelling approach of the Permian-Triassic Ascarrunz, E., Rage, J.-C., Legreneur, P. & Laurin, M. 2016. boundary extinction. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 18, Triadobatrachus massinoti, the earliest known lissamphibian EGU2016-15085. (Vertebrata: Tetrapoda) re-examined by µCT scan, and the Basilone, L., Frixa, A., Trincianati, E. & Valenti, V. 2016. evolution of trunk length in batrachians. Contributions to Permian-Cenozoic deep-water carbonate rocks of the Southern Zoology, 85(2): 201-234. Tethyan Domain. The case of Central Sicily. Italian Journal Ashchepkov, I.V., Kuligin, S.S., Vladykin, N.V., Downes, H., of Geoscience, 135(2): 171-198. Vavilov, M.A., Nigmatulina, E.N., Babushkina, S.A., Tychkov, Basilone, L., Sulli, A. & Morticelli, M.G. 2016. The N.S. & Khmelnikova, O.S. 2016. Comparison of mantle relationships between soft-sediment deformation structures lithosphere beneath early Triassic kimberlite fields in Siberian and synsedimentary extensional tectonics in Upper Triassic craton reconstructed from deep-seated xenocrysts. Geoscience deep-water carbonate succession (southern Tethyan rifted Frontiers, 7(4): 639-662. continental margin – central Sicily). Sedimentary Geology, Avigad, D., Abbo, A. & Gerdes, A. 2016. Origin of the Eastern 344: 310-322. Mediterranean: Neotethys rifting along a cryptic Cadomian Baucon, A. & De Carvalho, C.N. 2016. Stars of the aftermath: suture with Afro-Arabia. Geological Society of America Asteriacites beds from the Lower Triassic of the Carnic Alps Bulletin, 128(7-8): 1286-1296. (Werfen Formation, Sauris di Sopra), Italy. Palaios, 31(4): Bachan, A. & Payne, J.L. 2016. Modelling the impact of pulsed 161-176.
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