![$!M&*^ F" '^T^^^.Fews-1 :;:^^!G^Ai:Rl :Rl?F:L](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
.-.-.-;?»«*i Vff 13 s. &^J&^x^!^?*®&-$$%fX: .-•-&•* $!M&*^:;:^^!G^Aif" '^t^^^.fews-1:rl :rl?f:l. and CJ I. &c.| JT~ - 4 . - - ' ' * T H U ft 8 D ' A Y, JJULY 14, 1774. *' "." -V:'- > .'... .' i .:.'... '..''... LONDON, 5. duke of Richmond fpdke firft, and was anfwered by ly they will box the compafs, but it behooves fomebody lord Sandwich, lord Lyttle*oi5 lord Shelbume, lord at the helm to keep a good look out for the crew, for L HE French and £panifh • fleets now in the Rochford, lord Dartmouth, ToM Camden, lord Mans­ fear of foundering in lome unfeen rock beneath. '. Mediterranean are known to amount to field, and the marquis of RotBngham, which clofed 16 capital (hips of the line, befides frigates, the debate. T PHILADELPHIA^,^ and other (mall veflels, and even their The queftion was then pHitknd the houfe divided merchant (hips are provided for fighting upon the queftion, that the bill do pafs; content* ExtraS' of a letter from Pittjburg, June 6± i/f^"* ' i time of war. The tf nglifti fquadron connfts of with the proxies', 91, hot contents, with the proxies, ^o. " Yefterday two Indians arrived here, who bring three 64. gun (hips, one 74, anct two frigates. So certaw, -for fome days paft, has been the the news that all the traders are (et off from the 6haw- I, sir 1 y A t has, it is faid, declared tb profpecl orthe French king's death, that on Friday anefe towns with all their peltry for this plSce't that at cabinet counfellor, that he would engage to laft a hundred*pounds <ven money was laid upon it. the Shawanefe have lent fix of their people ah'3 two ch from one ehd of the continent of North-Ame- The current belief of the town yefterday evening Delaware's in their canoes, and that they will fend a fuf- \\Q the other, at the head of 5000 men. Me, he, was, tha^TXs Chriftiarfmajefty was then no more. ficient number to cl'cort thofe who come by land, and »me friend for him, i» defired to inform the public, ^lie/citizens are fo certain of the king of France's we may, if this news is true, expecl all the traders will jther he meant as a friend or an enemy, death, that no policies could be done upon him yefter- be here in eight or ten dXys hence." lever in all the annals of this country, does it ap- day at Lloyd's. that the French were permitted to arm themfelves,. We venture to give it to our readers for certain, Extrafl of a letter from Ahxander AT Kef, Eft ; agent for tlv prefsht cafe at all points, without being fb that Lewis the fifteenth, king of Trance, is dead. Indian affairs at fjrt fitt, June i -, 1774. th as queftipncd about their intentions, .'Even wagers are now laying in the city that the " You mufl 'ere this be acquainted wj^h the critica onie malicious perfons do not fcruple to aflert that king of Hruffia is allb dead. fituatron of rhis country ;-- the unhappy difturbances* M y', inltcad of being concerned, are highly The politics of Europe are expecled to take a moft which have lately arofe between tlic Virginians and the 1 at the American bullies, as conceiving they fudden change-, every thing now bears the profpstt natives; the event of which ftill continues doubtful 5 be rendered a covering for other more capital of war, from the confufion into which the different whether matters will be brought to a general rupture or ties of mal-adminiftration. intcrefts will be thrown. In apprehenfion of this, accommodation. Hoftilities however have beun com­ The mortifying contempt with ich the premier (tocks are expefted to have a fudden downfall. mitted on both (ides, but at prefent there feems to be a •<\ :.ll the offers of the Rockir ' and Shelburne May 13. i he lords on Wednefduy night, after a ceflation.- -Some wife interpofition of government is is ncvr to be forgotten^ feys our cor- long debate, pafled the bill for the better regulating truly neceflary and would undoubtedly reftore peace (ibndent, the malignitwof Poll e hungry the government of the province of Maflachutetts Bay; without it, impoflible, and thoufands of the inhabi­ bulence of kdmuiuf, the peflt nl ofB g, on a divifion 69 againft 10, and 13 proxies. tants involved in mifery and diftrefs; but to do the m- jOliverian braniflrofS g*»t|, rous ditties Read a firft time the bill for the more effectually dians juftice, they have given great proofs of their pa- [p *-rll, a|d the cadaverousTil of an old fccurinp the health of prifonert in jail, during their cific ilifpofition, and have aitcu with more moderation^ 1-roTe'. confinement. than thofo who ought to have been more rational, a hear that 49rA Chdtham will be in his place at Head a fecond time the bill for the impartial ad- few Mingoes and ihawanefc excepted, who have been houfe of peers to-morrow, when the Americin miniftration of juftice in the province of Mallachufetis long refractory.-- -There are more etfeftaal means oT i. to be tuken into conlideration; but few doubt Bay. Adjourned. chaftifing them for their infolence and perfidy, than '>y r. is: the other houfe. We can allure our readers, from undoubted autho­ involving the defencelefs country in a war, which therev.. may be thought, it is1 certain, tint lord rity, that the parliament will break up on the ad is too much reafon to fear at this time will become gek ii..m s :. ixicc has been much attended to for thefe of June. neral, and which muft inevitably be the deftruclion of . months part, in every thing that has been done Fifty fail of (hips have been feen off Scilly, and are this country," |gjv.irr.i*"-nr, from which" jv£* need'not be at a lofs fuppolcd to have been beating about the channel for I know wl.at are his ferttiments of the Americans, leveral weeks, owing to the esfterly winds. ExtraS of a letter frem Cave Cumberland, June IT, 1774. i wlvi. :uc\'ures ought to be taken with .them. The George, Pinkerton, from Philadelphia, is ar- " I have had no accounts of niy brother fince lie left Way 6. r;;>3rt is very current in. the city, that rived at Londonderry, with damage. Fort Pitt, nor is there any news, or word of any of the Sp.inilh iLitlenicnts of ^o(|iiimbj and Cliaclane The duke of Richmond has entered a proteit againit traders of the Shawanefe towns. What is come of them i the > rh seas have fallen into the hands of the the bill which pafled on Wednesday laft, fbi1 regulating God fcnlv knows, but all accounts from that quarter is I'llcii in-'.i i , who have muftacred all the Lurdp«ans. the future government of Maffachafetts Bay j the fame very baa. We have received accounts this day hv ex f 11,. aiji.-.-.. l.-.r the colonies of New-York, I'hiladel- figncxt by his grace, and lords Eftingham, Leintter, prefs, that one Capt. M'Clure a Virginian is killed* Ba, : h;.-. llan.lj and New-Hampshire, have re- 1-ortland, Ponlonby, Craven, Abingdon, Rockinghanj, and another man deadly wounded by a party of Indians, Ivcil onlv-r to attend the earl of Dartmouth', on F itzwiiliam, King. which was out near Redftont. All the poor people unday -K xt ut the plantation office, VChitehall^on 1 'he French miniftry, aftrr having been vaftly fub- who was fettled over Allegany mountain, are either Svate aitVu s miffive to hngland for a long time, 'tis faid, when it moved off, or gathered in Targe numbers and making lAfflv 11. °r Vrcd ill the lords to be fummoned for was thought that their king was near his death, began places of defence, to fecure themfelves. All thofe mif- Is d.iy i-.i the iecond reading of.( >e impartial juilice to talk in a very high ftrain. They fay, that the king's fortunes, and the lives and property of the unhappy moderation and love of peacti has been very injurious people who are among them, are owing to the barba­ Vgrtr>l to t'.c rrr.ort of the amciuhnents made to the to that nation, an t that they mould be obliged to rous murder, no other name can I give it, committed u»r rCK.u'i.'iMii;- the province of Madachufetts-Bay. employ all the nuans which providence hath put into by Chriflbp and one Backhoufe, with their men, on a lered to be read the thfrd time this day, anJ the their hands of revenging many infults the Englifh have few Indians who refided oa or lived near the mouth of rds t'j h' !\:.n:no:icd. for tome time offered them. Yellow cretk." [By a Icttci leceived from America we ar* informed, 1'he bauphin, two years agp, told an Englifhman Exira3ofaltlt!rff3m Capt. John Connolly, commandant (at Ac:•\m":, K^ruoch, i'ow and Mackintolli, the four of diltinftioii, that if he ever lived to come to the at Fart Pin, to bit friend in Philadelphia, June 17, 1774. ' of ihe Bultaiiians, have got notick of the de­ crown, he would certainly pay a vifit to the court ns formed by admunltration to (eize tlfcir peribns, of England. * The inhabitants in gfcneral are fled from this place, and this country is in great coufufion. I underftoo.l, a jtd have taken etfedfu'il methods to evade the orders Extrafi ef a letter frofa Chatham, May 11, r»t over for that purnoi'e.
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