- APRlL APRIL APRlL APRlL APRlL APRlL APRlL APRlL APRlL APRlL APRlL SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY IBA 1 5 CLOSED 1 6 19 1 10 GIFTmWRAPPED COMMONPLACE PERVERT IDPREFECT RED #5 HONEST= MOUTHBREATHER 15 BLUE ALICE I FLATLINE WEDNESDAY BLUE STREAK MAGGOTHEADS BENEFIT 118 . 119CLOSED IU) TBA 121 22 23 SHUDDER ICEBURN CAROUNER 10 THINK UDSVlllE RAINBOW LlDSVlllE NOVAGENUS SCRAMBLEHEAD MAYBERRY MOUTHBREATHER 125 126 CLOSED 127 TBA 128 TBA 29 COMING UP... MAY 4 HELIOS CREED MAY 8 IOWA BEEF EXPERIENCE MAY9 UNCLE SLAM MAY 10 BOLT THROWE MAY 10 MAY13 ?a COWS, JANITOR JOE MAY 21 US, OFFSPRING JUNE 2 YEAR BITCH JUNE 5 KREATOR JUNE 23 INTO ANOTHER NEW LOCATION TEE-SHIRTS OR MRRTIWS HUGE SHORTS P 1 A T F 0 R M S LIP SERVICE CLOTHES R A V I H A T S BELL BOTTOMS HRIR COLOR 264 SOUTH MAIN 801 e515e0553 IM-F 10.7 SAT 11-6 Page4 April1993 SLUG 9. The fatherof the Hillbillyfam ily that appeared occasion all^ in the show: mm -..I SEARCH "Bmey Taylor" I Frisco Answer Clue - Find Word 10. The town drunk . I I Otis EDBOFANILORACHTRONCP 11. This hillbilly was the one GNXLHQHELENCRUMPEYOD referred to when someone saic YDUJYDUJYDUJYDUJYDUJ "He's a nut" BUTNPCOATCQSUQLDLYSM CAVFDLMINSABRAPFMCID 12. Movie company from Cali, fornia came to Mayberry tc KCORASWORHTMMCNBRLNO PHOTO EDITOR make a movie about And] EMARALEIGHAOPKPILOSH Called "Sheriff SGHCEHXRBUOQLBJATHNK ,, TEFUOLAMLEHTKIEZKAUI 13. This was Barney's regulal Scott Vice, Clark Stacey GECGEQSTPAOAOKPLFJGE Gal. Matt Taylor, John Zeile IBRNHGAJGNILRADTLOAN Stim Chopper, Boy RCFNAWWBTASMNRBLNCTD 14. Barney always carried thi~ CONTRIBUTING in the pocket of his uniform EGVIERJRENRKVISKJUUL WALLYSFILLINGSTATION 15. The impression Goober al. AFMEMITMLADYRUTNECHM ways did in a fatal attempt a1 WPREFMSTUTRTOJBPRSTR Cary Grant LEUNIEHLBJPSDACZUBIT VLCEFLPJDANIEBPMIKWH 16. The lake near Mayber~ Special Thanks To: BTXGTELDSOSCDNFVUFPN where most of the town dic Kris Johnson, Margie Alban, their fishing Dan Keough, Private Eye SHCYBITEKALSREYMRCGL 1. The State in which Mayberry 6. The waitress in the town's 17. Opie's school teacher resides? diner that Barney dated 18. Andy's girlfriend in the ear. 2. The capital of that State 7. Opie does this at the begining lierepisodeswho worked at the of every show during the cred- pharmacy 3. The nearest big city to its 19. What was the relation be. Mayberry mentioned often 8. This is where Gomer worked tween Goobar and Gomer? - 4. Floyd (the barber) before he left the show to be in 5. This Actress played Aunt Bea the Marines wlh a Sergeant Bavier named "Vince? PLEASE WRITE US SLUG MAGAZINE P.O. BOX 1061 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 841 10m1061 WITHBmSTRANGE AND LOCALS 0" 7 EYE U.L MONDAY, APRIL 5 8:00 THE BAR & GRILL 60 EAST 800 SOUTH 533-0340 A PRIVATE CLUB FOR1 MEMBERS I {Warest Dkkhuds The Coorscompany is notonly Some comments from De- guilty of reprehensible labor prac- ;amber SLUG: tices, they derive a significant part I What you need to do is drink a of their income from theirceramics 'sixer of P.B.R ..." business, which caters to the de- ."This is the kind of show that was fense industry. During the days of I much better when you're fucked the energy crisis, Coors was a UP" member of the Mountain States . 'Remember the friends we lost in Legal Foundation along with the '92 and try not to join them..." infamous former Secretary of the Utah is a very unusual state. Interior James Wan. The purpose When Isee kids from Utah getting of the Mountain States Legal drunk and puking at shows, it's Foundation was to try to declare almost like they are making agreat that Colorado and Wyoming are statement to somebody. I don't an "environmental-free zone," al- know who this is; maybe their lowing the area to devastated in friends, the State of Utah, or their the search for shale oil. parents, who will never know any- Fortunately, this plan never way. How about a really unusual went through. However, if it had, idea: besides being detrimental to Coors stood to make a fortune on the individual, maybe alcohol is ceramic partsthat would have been actually detrimental to music, art used during development of the and politii. shale oil fields. My point in telling you this is - - It is possible to rock, flail, snivel, that there are knowledgeable kick ass, in general be whomever people out here and some of us you wanttobewithout wallowing in disagree with you. I hope this the disease of alcoholism. doesn't present too much of a di- -When you zrive your money to the lemma to you and SLUG. I think liquor inbusfry, yau are not giving it SLUG should publish views from tocreative, interestingpeople. You all sides, not just the pro-alcohol , . are giving it to large corporations side. Unless I'm mistaken, the who represent the great right wing front cover does say "politics"along traditions we have grown todespise with music and art. over the past 12 years. Thanks for speaking out on - Like other killers in this society, politicalissues, even if it doessound silence is death. like you are whining a little. With - Many of us came from dysfunc- Consolidated coming to town and tional family backgrouds. There is you at least bringing up these is- no need to perpetuate this pattern. sues, I like what's happening in It is possible to support the Salt Lake. I also like the fact that clubs in this town who keep music you have a good vocabulary and alive without buying alcohol. Try it you write intelligibly. But please sometime. Maybe try an AA take it easy on people who are not meeting. If you don't want to be the as knowledgeableas you are. They only one there who likes music, will learn. take a friend. In conclusion, please have Love, SLUG publish my letter, even if Lofty you or they don't agree with what P.S. to SLUG: Please keep up the I'm saying. good wok. Your knowledge of Love always music is unparalleled and greatly Lofty needed in this state. Degr Stimboy: Dear Lofty, Attached is a letter I previ- I'm not really sure what yo^ ously wrote to SLUG about alcohol disagreewith from my last column, and politics. Please publish the or why SLUG or I wouldn't agree letter in SLUG. Iam not apolitically with you. We have no editorial correct martyr. t think you will find policy.or position to speak of. I'm that Ican substantiate my point of hip to the various other view. maneuverings of Coors, having - lane b brill993 SLUG lived in Denver for a spell in my charge. Earth Jam will be held in youth. You could dig up as much the Main Pavillion at Liberty Park dirt on Anheuser-Busch (defense on April 17, 1993. The time will be industry connections)or Miller (right approximately from 1:00 p.m. until to life interests) as well. It's just 10:OO p.m. more hip to pickon Coors, I guess. The entertainment will be ex- The important thing is to educate pressed by the local Music and yourself and get the dialogue roll- Arts industry. Earth Jam is also ing, which you have obviously about the Earth and our Environ- done. I know a cheesy column in ment. It's about exchangingviews SLUG isn't going to affect much, if andcreating new ideason what we anything, in the world, but at least can do as individuals to help our it provoked a well considered re- environment in the Salt Lake City sponse. As always, thanks for area as well as on a National level. writing. It's an event in wich we invite Love, Stimmy. nonprofit and other environmental groupstocomeout, set up abooth, and take part by expressing their EARTH JAM opinions on who they are, what 'they represent, and what they are What is Earth Jam? What is it working towards. all about? You may ask these We have an open ~nvitation questions to yourself. First of all welcoming all groups and organi- it's a Music and Arts festival orga- zations, keeping in mind that the nized and directed by Citizens main focusof the day will be on the United To Save The Earth. The Earth and the Environment. concert is open to the public free of The event is a semi-annual function held in the spring and the fall every year. Another question that might be asked is what do we hopetocreate by having theevent? 1- Bring the people together to WlUTEl3S exchange opinions and brainstorm ideas to help the Earth. W IUTEILS 2- Increase membership and ac- tivism in local groups. WIUTBRS 3- Educate the public about envi- ronmental issues. IADOK... 4- Support the Salt Lake City Music wlTH Crypt and Arts Industry. Roht FromThe Slug Needs Colunmisls... 5- Have a good time. If you are a local band or an Yeu Have an Opini on... entertainer who would like to per- AND form or if you are a group that CLAW HAMMER Peonle Lnt To Her It... would like to set up a booth, please contact Branford Butler at485-1426 or Dan Marsh at 596-0235. Looklm~For Coluw Sub As: FAIRPARK HORTICULTURE CORRECTION PosKily Queer I BUILDING 7:OOPM POlltiB The Dana LyonslLone Wolf ozone action concert has been changed ADVANC.E TICKETS $5.00 Elc to Tuesday, April 6 at 7pm. AVAILABLE MONDAYI APRIL 121HI 1993 The nation-wide DAY OF send US What YOU 6ot OUTRAGE against the U.S. For- AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS At SW est (dis)Service and its practices Dlckheads will take placeon Wednesday, April Raunth Retords Heavy Metal Shop P.O.
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