THE GERMAN BASKETBALL PLAYERS ASSOCIATION PLAYERS’ FOLDER WHAT IS SP.IN ? SP.IN is short for „Spieler Initiative“ or players’ initiative. SP.IN was founded by the members of the German national team in 2005 and is an organization of the players, for the players. It is a non-profi t organization dedicated to promoting the collective interests of basketball players in Germany. Its main goal is to negotiate a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) such as those between the players association and leagues in Italy or the N.B.A. from left: Jan Jagla, Gordon Geib, Miodrag Radomirovic (Coach), Sven Schultze, Robert Maras, Björn Schoo, Guido Grünheid, Dirk Mädrich, Jannik Freese, Marek Kulinski, Max Weber und Walter Palmer (General Secretary) WHO IS SP.IN? Executive Board Gordon Geib National team – committee the federation or other national and international stakeholders. Also, to The executive board is elected every Johannes Herber Giants Düsseldorf, coordinate individual and collecti- three years by the members at the ALBA Berlin German National ve legal questions with SP.IN legal annual meeting. The current mem- team counsel, Jürgen Leister. bers of the Executive Board are: Jan Jagla Project manager Jonas Hoff- Asseco Prokom Gdynia (Poland) mann supports the general secre- Johannes Herber tary in his duties and coordinates Sven Schultze projects like the Made in Germany ALBA Berlin, Angelico Biella (Italy) Initiative. German National For issues dealing specifi cally with Saskia Grotz is responsible for team the BBL or the National team, there accounting and project support. are two subsidiary committees. The members of these committees are: Staff The current General Secretary is former NBA and BBL player, Walter BBL – committee Palmer. A 1990 graduate of Dart- mouth College in the United States, Sven Schultze Gordon Geib he played on several different BBL Giants Düsseldorf teams over his 13-year professional Angelico Biella career. (Italy), Dominik Bahiense de Mello The duties of the General Secre- German National Skyliners Frankfurt tary include running the daily busi- team ness, keeping members informed Artur Kolodjziewski and representing SP.IN in meetings Baskets Bonn and negotiations with the league, GOALS Following is a brief description of challenging SP.IN’s union status that development system in Germany Anti doping some of the priorities SP.IN is cur- they were later forced to withdraw. (such as the NCAA in the U.S.), it is The “fi ght against doping” has taken rently pursuing. The BBL also forces players to necessary that young German play- on an increased importance during sign the “BBL standard contract”. ers have the opportunity to play. the past 10 years. SP.IN stands for In fact, there is no legal obligation A successful national team is a a clean competition on national to sign this contract as it was not critical element in the development Collective Bargaining Agreement and international level but does not negotiated with the players associ- of the sport of basketball in Germa- One of the main goals of a players as- approve of some of the methods of ation and includes many elements ny as it creates a broader interest sociation is the signing of a collective the national and world anti doping that should be included in a collec- in the sport and in the BBL. In order agreement between the players and agencies including whereabouts tive agreement under German law. to run a successful national team their employers. Such an agreement testing, the illegal transfer of per- We advise players not to sign this program it is necessary that as improves the working conditions of sonal data and testing outside of the contract. broad a pool of players as possible the athletes, secures legal certain- workplace. SP.IN promotes athletes be developed with experience at the ty, fi ghts corruption and infl uences rights as citizens and employees highest level of play. the economic professionalism of the through our partner organizations SP.IN also supports young Ger- sport. Collective bargaining agree- Development of the sport and internationally. man players through the „Made in ments exist in other countries in- support of youth players Germany Initiative“. cluding Spain, Italy, Greece, France, Besides supporting professional Israel and the U.S.A. (NBA). These athletes it is also one of SP.IN’s aims agreements have had a positive effect to support the long-term develop- National team on the development of the sport. SP.IN ment of basketball in Germany. entered into collective bargaining with Milestones on that road are an SP.IN negotiates the special inte- the team in Bamberg in 2007 but the improved training system for youth rests of the national team players BBL and the other teams have re- players and an effective domestic with their employers and the fede- fused to negotiate directly. Indeed, in players quota in the BBL and the ration. 2006 the BBL instigated a court case lower leagues. As there is no other HOW YOU CAN HELP… SHORT OVERVIEW OF SP.IN PROJECTS Our work is based on the personal www.spinbb.net to sign up or use the Made in Germany Services support and involvement of our membership form at the end of this The German national team brought We are currently developing diffe- members. These are the ways you booklet to become a member. the „Made in Germany Initiative“ to rent social and labor related servi- can support us: life in 2005.Through this project we ces to support our members during Team representatives: seek to have a long-term positive ef- and after their basketball career. fect on the development of Basket- These services include insurance Contact us To ensure effective communica- ball and its participants in Germany. offers, and education or career If you have a problem or idea tion with our members, SP.IN tries transition planning options. There relating to the situation of players in to install a team representative in will soon be more information about Germany, get in touch with us. Our every BBL club. The “team reps” are these possibilities on our homepage. initiatives come from our members. the interface between the players We need to hear from you. and the organization. The role of the Camps team representative is especially important for the organization of The corner stone of this project is team-internal or league-wide labor the „Made in Germany Invitational“, Membership actions. In this role you can support a youth camp for talented Ger- The most important step is your SP.IN as well as your teammates man players who get the chance to membership! The fi rst question more actively. practice, play and learn from BBL asked by the league is “How many Of course we are open and and national team players. Con- members are there?” A high level thankful for any kind of personal or tacts are made, experiences are of membership strengthens our content support at any time. If you exchanged and the young players position in negotiations and shows have an idea for improvement or learn from experienced professio- the solidarity amongst basketball feedback for our organization we nals about what it takes to make it to players. That’s why each member is please send us an email at the next level. very important to our work. We en- [email protected] or call us at courage all of you to go to our website, 0951 2413679. nizations is extremely important. Employee councils in the BBL SP.IN is a member of UBE – the Under German law employees have European basketball players asso- certain rights under the law, which ciation (a federation of 10 basketball they can only exercise by electing an players unions), EU Athletes – the employee council or “Betriebsrat”. European Elite Athletes Association Under German labor law, basketball (a federation of 30 players unions players are employees and have the from different sports) and is affi li- same rights as other employees. ated to UNI europa – a federation The election of an employee council of European trade unions. These is a good way to make a case for affi liations allow SP.IN to participa- your interests. te in international discussions on SP.IN supports teams in the election issues like anti doping, corruption process and in their work as em- and European sports law making. ployee councils. We have developed It also allows us to provide you with a guidebook and our legal advisor contacts of players associations in is available to supply more detailed many European countries and provi- support. de access to information about legal support and the working conditions in those countries. International affi liation Find out more at All of you are invited to participate The labor market for professional www.ubeplayers.com and as mentors. Run a practice, talk to athletes is international in scope. www.euathletes.info young players and pass some of your Therefore, SP.IN’s membership in knowledge to the next generation. three different international orga- PROBLEMS WITH MANAGERS AND PLAYERS AGENTS? Teams who go bankrupt are their „solution“ is oftentimes an ille- Over the past fi ve years, SP.IN therefore earn more. But there are almost always teams that are also gal fi ring. Here are some examples: has been able to gather a lot of hidden costs. If a player is injured, struggling to stay in the league and, The team doctor might fi nd information on the practices of team the state insurance will only cover therefore, often are spending a lot himself in a confl ict of interests and managers and player agents in bas- his offi cial salary.
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