Your Correct Address Is Most Important If you are desirous of receiving each issue of The Pennsylvania Freemason it is imperative that you notify you; Lodge Secretary immediately when you change your address. New postal regulations, now being strictly enforced, will cause your copy OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE RIGHT WORSHIPFUL GRAND LODGE OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF PENNSYLVANIA of The Pennsylvania Freemason to be returned to our Distribution Office at DLUME IX JULY • 1962 NUMBER 2 The Homes and at a penalty cost of 10 cents for each copy returned for lack of correct address. Blue Lodges Invited Architect's sketch of one of four designs for Masonic Halls being prepared for Our only recourse is to destroy your Grand Lodge. Lodges interested in building a new Masonic Hall should contact To Hold Meetings in the Committee on Masonic Temples, Halls and Lodge Rooms through the Grand address plate thus eliminating you from Master's Office. receiving any future issues of The 'Home' of Grand Lodge Pennsylvania Freemason-unless, of Grand Lodge Has Plans for Four Basic course, we do receive your new address Masonic Lodges in this Jurisdiction from your Lodge Secretary. can hold Special or Extra Meetings in Masonic Lodge Hall Buildings Each Lodge Secretary has been sup­ the beautiful Lodge Rooms of Masonic Grand Lodge has commissioned an be available by September. Lodges plied with a quantity of special forms Temple, Philadelphia, on Saturdays­ architect to design four basic Masonic interested in obtaining the plans should for reporting quarterly to the Commit­ free of charge. Lodge buildings as a service to Sub­ contact the Grand Master's Office. tee on Masonic Culture information In making the announcement, Bro. ordinate Lodges. The services of a local architect or needed to maintain an accurate and W . LeRoy McKinley, Grand Master, The plans and speCifications will be engineer will be needed to adapt the current mailing list of the more than J - said: minimum requirements for Lodge plans to a lot and to obtain building 258,000 Pennsylvania Masons. "The Grand Lodge of P ennsylvania buildings in this Jurisdiction. permits. You can help, aid and assist in t his is very fortunate to have such a beau­ The size of the structures will vary Bro. Earl F. Herold, Deputy Grand great undertaking by notifying your tiful M asonic T emple for its 'home.' Z? "Therefore, I believe every Mason to meet the needs of Lodge member­ Master and chairman of the Committee Lodge Secret ary immediately when ~/· ship. They will be designed as eco­ on Masonic Temples, Halls and Lodge you change your address. : , "I ' in this Jurisdiction should have an nomical buildings. Rooms, said the plans are only sugges­ ;:::::::::::::~" opportunity to attend a meeting of his Three basic exterior treatments will tions and are not mandatory upon own Lodge in this T emple.'' In addition, Bro. McKinley an­ be presented-Colonial, modern and Lodges wishing to build new M asonic approximate cost of the various struc­ nounced that ladies could be included suburban. H alls. tures in their locality before commit­ in the Temple visitation and take part Three of the designs will be one-floor When the plans are completed, ting the Lodge or H all Association to in a lunch or dinner that has been structures, without basement. The Lodges will be able to determine the unnecessary expenditures. fourth design will have the social room pre-arranged by the Lodge. in the basement. While the Brethren are attending Plan one will have 72 permanent THE PENNSYLVANIA FREEMASON Application to Mail at Second Class Postage Rate is their Lodge meeting, the ladies could Distribution Office Pending at Eli:rabethtown, Pennsylvania seats, plan two, 107 seats, plan three, MASONIC HOMES arrange a sightseeing trip, shopping 155 seats, and plan four, 107 seats. Eli:rabe thtown, Pennsylvania trip or theater party. Each plan can be erected with the ex­ ( Form 3579 to Above Address) Lodges interested in taking advan­ terior treatment selected. tage of this opportunity must r eserve In all plans, ample space has been a date by writing to Bro. William J. provided for Lodge work, normal social Masonic Temple, Philadelphia, is th e "Home" of Grand Lodge. (Continued on P age 6) functions, kitchen facilities, washrooms, storage, heater and air-conditioning, ost Beautiful Masonic Temple and tool storage. • 'Bd ~UM.oq.J3u"'(:UM.oa 2 "a "d · H Architecture 'Speaks' in the Language of Freemasonry Plans Arto§ Guide pu-er.:r-e ow o M SG'!l.I'E f .. .IW The plans are to serve as a guide. T he M asonic T emple in Philadel­ facing the P arkway, adjacent to City interiors brought together in one build­ They can be a ltered, modified or ia- the "home" of Grand Lodge- Hall Plaza. ing. The designs in Lodge Rooms are changed to meet a specific need. How­ one of the outstanding M a sonic From the pavement to the turret, suggested from Egyptian, G e rma n , ever, all changes must have the ap­ emples in the world. and all through its halls, the Temple French, Italian, Scottish and English proval of the Committee on Masonic It is one of the most prominent "speaks" in the language of Masonic masters. Temples, Halls and Lodge Rooms. ructures in Philadelphia and is lo­ architecture. The site for the M asonic Temple It is hoped that all four plans will lted at Broad and Filbert Streets, One rarely sees so many interesting (Continued on Page 3 ) 8 THE PENNSYLVANIA FREEMASON The Masonic Temple The Washington Apron Issued Quarterly January, April, July and October by In Philadelphi~ Is Historic Masonic Relic in Museum The Washington Apron is one of seum of the Masonic Temple, Phila­ The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of The Most 'Most Beautiful' Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Ac­ the thousands of Masonic rarities and delphia, Pa. cepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Juris­ (Continued from Page 1) historical items on display in the Mu- This unique Masonic Apron, hand diction Thereunto Belonging, through its was purchased by the Grand Lodge of embroidered by Madam Lafayette, was COMMITTEE ON MASONIC CULTURE-Charles H. Nitsch, P. G. M., Chairman, William E. Montgomery, Free and Accepted Masons of Penn­ presented to Bro. George Washington Vice-Chairman, Charles S. Reyner, Minor M. Dain, sylvania on July 1, 1867. The plot, by Bro. Lafayette in August 1784. Russell Davis, W. Frederick Warren, George Woll­ 147 by 245 feet, includes a complete Bearing the national colors around rath, J. Warren McKinley. block. the border, this Apron is adorned with Bro. James H. Windrim, a member many Masonic emblems and is a work Approved and Authori:red To Be Printed by of Philadelphia Lodge No. 72, was the of art with exceptional hand stitching W. LeROY McKINLEY architect. in every minute detail. Right Worshipful Grand Master Bro. Washington wore the Apron on Cornerstone Ceremony September 18, 1793, when he laid the Mailing Address: The cornerstone was laid on Saint cornerstone of the Capitol, Washing­ MASONIC TEMPLE John the Baptist's Day, June 24, 1868, ton, D. C. by Bro. Richard Vaux, R. W. Grand Broad and Filbert Streets, Philadelphia 7, Penna. After the death of Bro. Washington, Master. this famous Masonic Apron was pre­ The gavel used for the cornerstone CHARLES H. NITSCH, P. G. M., Editor sented by the legatees to the Washing­ ceremony was the one Bro. George ton Benevolent Society. On July 3, Washington used to lay, with Masonic Application to Mail at Second Class Postage Rate is 1829, the Apron was presented to the ceremony, the cornerstone of the Na­ Pending at Eli:rabethtown, Pennsylvania. Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Ma­ tion's Capitol at Washington, D. C., The \Vashington Apron sons of Pennsylvania by the Washing­ The dining room in Grand Lodge Hall is where Masonic Lodges will in 1793. Vol. IX July, 1962 No. 2 Picturesque Hallways ton Benevolent Society. In making be served. The room is as impressive as facilities in most luxury hotels. The Temple was dedicated on Sep­ Along the inner steps of the Temple the presentation, the Society stated: tember 26, 1873, by Bro. Samuel C. are two large bronze sphinxes, "com­ "The Legatees of Gen Washington, Visit Your Guests Perkins, R. W. Grand Master. manding" the Grand Staircase which impressed with the most profound Dinner Can Be Served to Masonic Lodges at Homes Building Exterior leads to Corinthian Hall, the meeting sentiments of respect for the Institu­ The exterior of the building on Broad place of Grand Lodge. tion which they have the honor to Masonic Lodges can now arrange the grounds, visit with the Guests or In addition to entertaining wives, the and Filbert Streets is of Cape Ann Sye­ A beautiful stained glass window, address, beg leave to present to them for a special dinner in the spacious attend a special movie in the Deike Lodge can be host to the Guests at the nite, which takes its name from Syne in depicting "Holy Ground," overlooks the the enclosed relic of the revered and dining room of the Masonic Homes Auditorium, which Lodges can arrange. Masonic Homes in the modern, air ­ Upper Egypt where it was quarried for Grand Staircase. lamented Father of his Country. They at Elizabethtown. Before Masonic Lodges can arrange conditioned theater. monuments by the ancient Egyptians. A 20-foot wide foyer sweeps from are persuaded that the Apron, which In the past, Lodges visiting the for a dinner at the Homes, a guarantee Complete arrangements for Lodges The Juniper and Cuthberts Street the front entrance on Broad Street to was once possessed by the man, whom Homes either had to obtain their own of at least 40 must ·be made.
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