
VOLUME XCI HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. THURSDAY. MAY 9, 1940 NUMBER SI Will Wed Saturday HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL Annual Dinner Election Board Truck Man Burns The Glee Club and Orchestra of the Borough to Sell Meeting of D .A.R . To Death in Crash High School will present their annual Members to Visit musical program on Wednesday eve­ $60,000 Bonds At Old Hights Inn ning, May 22nd, in the High School Each Home in Boro On Deans Highway Auditorium. Tuesday, May 21 Anne Kingen, pianist, Harold Apple- Mr«. Charles J. Keeler Installed as Re> Driver Died Tuesday Night, Both gent of Francis Hopkinson Chapter. Registration of Voters Must Be Com­ gate, trumpeter, and Martin Salmano- Bifklcrs to Name Intmat Rate. C5,0M Vehicles Destroyed by Flames. Trag­ Rev. S. K. Gambell the Guest Speak- pleted by Friday. Sample Ballots to witz, saxophonist, will be the soloist. To Maturo Annually Dnrinv FLrst Be Mailed Next Week. edy Occurred Early Tuesday M orn­ The Glee Club will be assisted in its Five Yoart and $74W0 Annusdly Dur­ ing. presentation of a Fantasia on Gounod’s ing Next Fieo Yaari. The annual dinner meeting of Fran­ The district election boards began Tuesday morning the house-to-house The charred body of a man was re­ Faust by Miss Kathryn Dennis, so­ cis Hopkinson Chapter, D. A. R., was Improvement bonds in the amount of canvass for .the registering of voters. moved early Tuesday morning from one prano. Stanley Eldridge, tenor, and Ted held Saturday evening at Old Hights $60,000 will be sold by the Borough of The primary election will be held Tues­ of two trucks that burst into flames Smela,'baritone. Inn. Hightstown at 8 o’clock Tuesday night. day, May 21. The board members re­ from gasoline tank explosions when May 21, at Borough Hall. The bonds Mrs. Charles J. Keeler, the new Re­ ceived specific instructions from the they crashed head-on at Deans. State will be sold with legal opinion furnished gent, presided after being installed by Diamond Rings county election board to visit every Trooper James Kelly said the dead man by Hawkins, Delafield & Longfellow of the retiring regent, Miss Serena Roome. house. Voters who are not registered was tentatively identified as Theodore New York City. Solos were sung by Miss Josephine Sil­ will be unable to vote at the general Roosevelt Williams, 26, Negro of Gone From Rogers ver. The Rev, Stanley K. Gambell was Bridgeton, helper in a truck driven by At the Tuesday night session of Coun­ election. The canvassing must be com­ cil a resolution was passed which de­ the speaker of the evening. pleted by Friday. Gerald J. Stamates, 29, of Bridgeton. Ave. Residence termined the details of issuance, form The guests w ere: Hightstown, Mr The sample ballots will be mailed to This truck was heavily laden with seed­ ling evergreen trees. Estimated Value of $1,000. Loss R e­ and provided for their sale. The official and Mrs. George E. Coons, Mr. an! registered voters not later than Wednes­ advertisement appears in this issue and Mrs. William S. Heyer, Mrs. Dora day,_ May 15. The voters who do not Stamates, driver of the Lahn Truck­ ported to Police Several Days After Valuables W ere Missed. will also be published in the Daily Bond Pleyer, Miss Violet A. Brobeck. Rev. receive sample ballots will be those who ing Company truck, was taken to Mid­ Buyer, New York. Stanley K. Gambell, Miss Josephine Sil­ are not registered. dlesex hospital, New Brunswick. The The loss of six diamond rings with The bonds will be of the denomina­ ver, Mrs. Charles J. Keeler, Dr. and entire right side of his body was said The election officers, as certified by an estimated value of $1,000 was report­ tion of $1,000, and will be dated May Mrs. Joseph L. Schultz, Dr. and Mrs. the county board to municipal derk.s to be badly, probably fatally, burned. ed to the police during the past week Harry S. Hill, Mrs. Joseph C. Ely, Mrs. 1, 1940. During the first five years are as follows: Ollie Baker, 22, of Willards, Md.. by Mrs, Thomas L. Totten of 152 Rog­ $5,000 will mature annually on May 1 Norman A. Keeler, Mrs, Ellen Reeves, District one—Mrs. Minnie E. Nor- driver of the other truck, and Marion ers avenue. Several days elapsed from and during the last five years $7,000 Miss Edith C. Stackhouse, Mrs. John cross, Mrs. Bessie W. Keeler; Jacob C. Crouch, 25, of Pittsfield, Md., his the time of the discovered loss to the will mature annually on May 1. In­ W. Rogers. Mrs. J. S. Turp, Dr. and M. Stults, William M. Loftus. Polling companion, were able to leap in time time of the report to the officers. terest will be payable semi-annually on Mrs. A. C, Jack, Mrs. Elsie W . W est­ place at Gazette office, 114 Rogers ave and escape with minor injuries. They A few weeks ago a Stockton street Mav 1 and November 1. er; Cranbury, Mr. and Mrs. Howar.1 Miss Eleanor MacArthur were discharged from the hospital after nue, resident missed a gold watch and a The $60,000 is a part of the authorized Butcher, Mrs. George B. Ely, Mr. and Miss Eleanor June MacArthur, daugh­ receiving treatment. couple of rings. Police state that they issue of $68,181.81 authorized by an or­ Mrs. Harold Applegate, Miss Kathryn ter of Mr. and M p. Earl C, MacArthur District two—Walter Hunt, Thomas Baker's truck was carrying empty believe local houses are being entered dinance providing for th e incinerator W. Ely, Miss Carrie Buckelew, Mr«? of 228 South Main street, will become L. Totten; Joseph S. Stults, George P. Ralph. Polling place at fire house, poultry crates on a return trip to Mary­ by a person or persons who are familiar and sewage plant improvements. The Eugene Tarrant, Mrs. George Martin; the bride of George Anderson Waters, North Main street. land. Baker told police the accident oc­ with the habits of the occupants. P o­ engineer has reported that the con­ Jamesburg, Mrs. C. M. Davison. Miss son of Mrs. Phillip E. Waters of Ea’ curred when Stamates attempted to pass Tillie Davison, Mrs. Frederick S. Per- District t h r e e—William E. Lasche, lice say that residents should keep their struction work is in its final stage. Grange, Ky., Saturday afternoon at four a third truck. doors locked, especially when away from rine. Miss J. Eleanor Johnson; English- oYlock. T h e ceremony will be per­ Justin N. Stiff; W . Lester Ely, Joseph The building committee was author­ Both trucks burned fiercely and much home. town, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Carr, formed by Dr. Wilbour E. Saunders, Eufemia. Polling place at Motor Trans­ ized to consult with Leroy A. Riegel, of their metal buckled under the flames. Mr, and Mrs. Lester Hann, Miss Kath­ Headmaster of the Peddle School, as­ port building. Mercer street. Trenton architect, regarding plans for Truck debris was scattered along the Miss Jane Puglin ryn Conover. Mr. and Mrs. G. W . Con­ sisted by the Rev. Stanley K. Gambell, East Windsor township—William H. t h e remodelling of t h e fire house. over, Mrs. Charles A. Stutz. Mrs. Ray­ highway, and one lane was completely Council is considering housing all bor­ in Ayer Chapel of the Peddie School. Terry, Clarence Campbell; Walter E. blocked more than two hours. Weds Alva Perrine mond E. Voorhees ; Freehold, Mrs. Miss MacArthur is a graduate of the Wright, William Jessen. Polling place ough offices and the jail in the fire­ Staats C. Stillwell, Mr. and Mrs. W al­ local high school and of the New Jersey at township building, Etra. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence S. Puglin of house on North Main street. Upon DRIVER SUCCUMBS completion of this proposed work the ter H. Grove, Jr., Miss Serena Roome; College for Women, N e w Brunswick. Washington township—Harry B. Tay­ TO CRASH BURNS 425 Stockton street announce the mar­ New Brunswick, Mrs. Peter Warnsdorf- Mr. Waters was graduated from the riage of their daughter, Miss Jane Eliz­ present borough building on Stockton lor, Mrs. Sarah H. Carhart; Charles A. street might be offered for sale. er, Mr. and Mrs. W . B. Medill. Mr. and Speed Scientific School of the Universi­ O’Reilly, Charles H. Updike. Polling Gerald J. Stamates, 29, of Greenwich abeth Puglin, to Alva Curry Perrine, Mrs. Russell Leary, Miss Ruth Leary. ty of Louisville. Pie is employed by place at Grange Hall, Windsor. road. Bridgeton, succumbed at Middle­ son of Spencer W . Perrine of Cran­ the Robert Gair Company, Cleveland, sex hospital, New Brunswick, Tuesday bury. Financial Report West Windsor Township O. night to burns suffered twelve hours be­ Collector E. V. D. Erving submitted MISS RAYMOND WILL District one—Robert C. Sanders, John Mrs. Perrine is a graduate of Hights­ WED CHARLES TINDALL fore when he attempted to pass a truck town High School and of the Kath­ collection report for April: G, Hendrickson; John J. Ward, Wil­ early Tuesday morning on the Deans 1939 taxes......................................$1,141.13 Marion Croshaw Weds liam S. Mathews. Polling place at arine Gibbs School of New York and is Friday, June 7, has been selected by highway. 1940 taxes.................................... 5,068.08 township hall, Dutch Neck. with the Traver Corporation of New Miss Hannah V. Raymond, daughter of Glenn A. Halladay Ollie Baker, 22, of Willards, Md., York City. Bus taxes .............................. 1.42 Mr.
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