North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship NCAT Student Newspapers Digital Collections 11-20-1936 The Register, 1936-11-20 North Carolina Agricutural and Technical State University Follow this and additional works at: https://digital.library.ncat.edu/atregister Recommended Citation North Carolina Agricutural and Technical State University, "The Register, 1936-11-20" (1936). NCAT Student Newspapers. 38. https://digital.library.ncat.edu/atregister/38 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Digital Collections at Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship. It has been accepted for inclusion in NCAT Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Class Games Thanksgiving Dec. 5,12 The Register Beat State "THE VOICE OF THE STUDENTS'' Volume XXXI No. 2 A. & T. College, Greensboro, N. C, November 20, 1936 5c Per Copy Inquiring Reporter Chapel Programs Thanksgiving Classic To Interviews Prof. Brooks Sophs Upset The new arrangement for chapel programs institutes the On July 8, 1936 Professor A. R. following order: Feature Aggies And Eagles Brooks head of the English De­ Monday—President Bluford Freshmen To partment set sail on the "Queen Wednesday—Students' Day 0- Mary" for France, arriving at Friday—Members of the RecordCrowd Expected Cherbourg where he boarded a Faiculty and othjer special (lass Football train for Paris, arriving in that programs. Win Debate The annual Thanksgiving classic city on the 14th of July which is This arrangement will re­ this year will bring together the celebrated throughout France as strict the number of days al­ Days of Patterson two strongest teams of North Car­ Games To Promote Bastille Day. The day was cele­ lowed for student programs. olina; namely, A. and T. and North brated in rioting between the fas­ Therefore all student organi­ Recalled As Sopho­ Carolina State. This occasion is College Spirit cists and communists and in danc­ zations planning to render always a colorful one, and plans ing in the street. programs are requested to see mores Break Seven are almost completed to make it According to reports coming While in Paris, Professor Brooks Dean Gibbs at the earliest pos­ Year Record. even more enjoyable this year. from Coach Barksdale, intra-mural visited the University of Paris, sible date. Dates for pro­ The rivalry between these two athletic competition will be includ­ Notre Dame, Luxembourg, the grams will be given as they The 37th Annual Freshman- schools has been keen for over a ed in the athletic program for this Bastille, and other historic spots. are requested. Sophomore Debate proved disas­ considerable period of time. Pre­ year. Upon being asked by the report­ trous to the long record of victories er to comment upon any evidence hung up in recent years by the ceding 1934, the Eagles held the Plans have already been com­ of Race prejudice, Mr. Brooks re­ Freshman - Sophomore Debating state championship for three years pleted for the football games, the competition. For seven years, the sponded that there was an utter Roosevelt Popular in succession. But since that time first of which is to be played on Freshmen have been the victors in this contest, but the venerable Coach Adams has not developed December 5, between the Fresh­ lack of any evidence of Race pre­ equals to Malone, Witherspoon and judice shown during his sojourn in sohomore team composed of Mol- men and the Sophomores. On the With Students ton Zachary, James Pendergrast many of the other "greats" of the following week end, the Juniors Paris. There were many Black na­ and Pearl Garrett, upset the Townsend period. Nevertheless, will meet the Seniors. The win­ tives in France but few mulattoes. dope this year and were the win­ ners, over a very excellent and well we note Slade, Holmes and John­ ners of these contests will play From Paris our traveller crossed The straw vote conducted here son, who are rather consistent trained team of Freshmen com­ for the championship on December the famous English Channel to Nov. 3, followed the revelation posed of Joseph Himbry, Fannie linemen and who always play 26. Practices are already being Folkstone, England, at which place made on Oct. 10 by the American Nicholson and Quentin Williamson. "heads-up" football are deter­ held in preparation for these feuds, he boarded a train to London. Institute of Public Opinion, head­ Cheers should be sent up for the mined to check every Aggie play, The arrival of Professor Brooks ed by Dr. George Gallup. This Sophomore debators, for not since and much eagerness is being the year of 1928-1929 in the days The record for the Eagles (so shown by both men and women. in London occurred on the day revelation showed that the Negro of Maceo Patterson (now practic­ far) is rather impressive but not The men representing the class after the attempted assassination man's political sympathies on the ing physician in the state of Mary­ as much as that of former years. teams are confident that their re­ of the King. The following day whole—which have been the tra­ land) has a team won this contest he stood during the playing of ditional property of the Republican as Freshmen and in the Sophomore They have lost to the Bluefield spective colors will fly triumph­ year, repeated the victory. and Va. Union, and won from antly over all others. The wom­ "God Save the King," in a thea­ party ever since the civil war— are aligned today with Franklin It would not be exaggerating to Fayetteville State Normal, St. en of the various classes have as­ ter, as is the custom in those places say that the debate this year was Paul, St. Augustine and Shaw. sembled en masse and have plan­ throughout England. D. Roosevelt and the Democratic for the best that has been pre­ This gives us some idea of tnat ned class yells and songs to in­ The reporter, curious as to just party. In our canvass almost sented here in the last four years "f.gnting to the last minute" spir­ spire their favorites. what London looked like, was in­ three fourths of those who regis­ at least. The interest of the audi­ ence was held from the beginning it that they possess and also some formed that there are no sky­ tered voted for Roosevelt, and it This type of athletic program to end, and it is such a contest that idea of what type of aggregation scrapers in that city, and the is firmly believed that Roosevelt distinguishes the real judge. The will give the "forgotten student" the Aggies will meet. The Eagles streets are winding making it very is the cause of such a shift in poli­ speakers proved that they were the student who is not able to play will come here primed for action, easy for a stranger to lose his way. tics and not the Democratic party. sure of their ground at all times varsity football, a chance to play and they presented constructive, with revenge in their hearts for The buildings are for the most football. There is no reason to Although only 321 students reg­ (Continued on page 3) the losses incurred by the Aggies part ancient and gray, having been istered with exactly 300 voting, we during the past two seasons. believe that the type of play be­ tween the various class teams repaired numerous times down feel that this is a sufficient num­ This game will not be a set up as through the years. ber to show the political trend of many are prone to believe. would be inferior to that of var­ Senior Education sity teams, if it were possible for One of the principal purposes thought here. The results gave The Aggies, like the Eagles, have both teams to have the same type of Prof. Brooks' trip to Europe was Roosevelt 240 votes. The other 60 also suffered reverses this season. of coaching, for many of the men to attend Cambridge University, votes were divided among the Re­ Students In Program So far they have won from St. reporting for practice are of true where he spent four weeks study­ publican, Socialist and Commun­ Paul, Claflin and Virginia Union, varsity calibre but because of de­ ing the literature, philosophy, and ist parties. The fifth party on American Education Week ob­ and lost to Va. State, Hampton, ficient class grades, an unusually social background of Tudor, Eng­ our ballot, the Unionist received no servance was begun on Monday, and Morgan. From the records, heavy schedule, outside work, or land. votes. Percentages were not taken Nov. 9, when the Senior Education we are bound to give A. and T. even disinterest, they have not re­ During several visits to London, because of the small number of students rendered their program. the edge over State again this ported for varsity practice. Nine­ (Continued on Page 4) votes. The importance of such a program year. This prophecy is made in a ajs the observance of Education ty per cent of the intra-mural In connection with the voting, sort of dubious manner, however, week will be comprehended when players have had gridiron exper­ the students were asked to give for it seems that the Aggies are ience, either during the high school AGRICULTURAL it is learned that the President of their reasons for voting as they slow in getting together. The days or since their college work the United States,, himself issued did. This proved to be very in­ tricky trio comprising Capt.
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