E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 2016 No. 108 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was The PRESIDING OFFICER. The keep Americans safer in their commu- called to order by the President pro clerk will read the bill by title for the nities, to help strengthen our military, tempore (Mr. HATCH). second time. and to help prevent families from un- f The senior assistant legislative clerk necessarily paying more for the food read as follows: they purchase. PRAYER A bill (S. 3110) to provide for reforms of the Let me remind colleagues of the four The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- administration of the outer Continental bills on which I filed cloture just before fered the following prayer: Shelf of the United States, to provide for the the Fourth of July State work period: Let us pray. development of geothermal, solar, and wind the Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Father, we come to You, the source energy on public land, and for other pur- Act, Kate’s Law, the biotechnology la- poses. of our hope and strength. We have re- beling compromise, and the Defense ap- cently celebrated America’s independ- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, in propriations bill. I will have more to ence, but each new day seems to bring order to place the bill on the calendar say about each of those measures in reminders of how our Nation and world under the provisions of rule XIV, I ob- just a moment. are buffeted by winds of instability and ject to further proceedings. First, we will consider Senator The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- danger. We continue to be reminded TOOMEY’s Stop Dangerous Sanctuary tion is heard. that freedom is not free. Cities Act and, then, Kate’s Law from As our lawmakers seek to pay the The bill will be placed on the cal- endar. Senator CRUZ. Senator TOOMEY’s Stop price for freedom in unstable times, Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Act aims may they not forget that You are not f to deter extreme and unfair so-called intimidated by any of the divisive and LEGISLATION BEFORE THE sanctuary city policies in the first evil forces we face. May our Senators SENATE place. Senator CRUZ’s Kate’s Law will remember that their best blessings Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, last help protect the public even when cit- come from You, the One who has been week’s passage of responsible, bipar- ies insist on maintaining these dan- our help in ages past and remains our tisan legislation on Puerto Rico shows gerous policies. hope for years to come. Give them the what is possible when we keep our Senator TOOMEY’s bill would support wisdom to find creative solutions to focus on serious solutions. That is jurisdictions that cooperate with Fed- the many problems we face, trusting where we should keep our focus again eral law enforcement officials and redi- You to direct their steps. during the coming work period. rects funds to them from those places We pray in Your great Name. Amen. We knew that doing nothing was not that refuse to do so. It would also sup- f an option on Puerto Rico. So Senators port law enforcement officers who put PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE of both parties worked to pass respon- their lives on the line every single day, protecting them from having to live in The President pro tempore led the sible legislation to help the Puerto constant fear of being sued for simply Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: Rican people and prevent a taxpayer bailout. doing their job. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the We also knew that doing nothing was It is no wonder that this bill has such United States of America, and to the Repub- broad support from the law enforce- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, not an option on Zika, yet Democrats indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. blocked over a billion dollars in new ment community, including the Fed- eral Law Enforcement Officers Associa- f funding for women’s health and preg- nant mothers, as well as record funding tion, the National Sheriffs’ Associa- RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY levels for veterans. As I have said be- tion, and the National Association of LEADER fore, the Senate will revisit this impor- Police Organizations. Senator The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. COT- tant issue over the current work pe- TOOMEY’s bill, in conjunction with Sen- TON). The majority leader is recog- riod. ator CRUZ’s bill, aims to prevent more nized. We will give Democrats another op- families from experiencing the heart- f portunity to end their filibuster of ache that Kate Steinle’s family has funding that is critical to controlling been forced to endure. MEASURE PLACED ON THE Zika and supporting our veterans. We It has been a year since Kate was CALENDAR—S. 3110 will also address other important tragically murdered in San Francisco Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I issues. by a convicted felon who had been de- understand there is a bill at the desk Senators will have the opportunity ported five times. What makes this due for a second reading. to support proposals designed to help tragedy even more heartbreaking is ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S4777 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:39 Jul 06, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06JY6.000 S06JYPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S4778 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 6, 2016 that it could have been prevented, but I also filed cloture to begin debate on air. He was told this by the Centers for San Francisco had an extreme so- the fiscal year 2017 Defense appropria- Disease Control, the National Insti- called sanctuary city policy of not tions bill, which funds the training, tutes of Health, and other public complying with Federal immigration equipping, and readiness of our Armed health officials. laws—apparently, even when it came to Forces. This bill provides the men and Republicans have simply ignored this detaining dangerous criminals residing women who protect us with the re- emergency. It is an emergency. So why in our country illegally. sources they need to execute their mis- is the party of Trump and MCCONNELL In this case, the city’s irresponsible sions, and it provides our military with treating Zika differently than they policy helped lead to a young woman the tools it needs to prepare and mod- treated every other modern public senselessly losing her life at the hands ernize the force, which is critical at a health emergency? of a felon who should have never been time of numerous threats to our Na- Well, maybe it could be that it is on the streets to begin with. Senator tion. uniquely devastating on women. I CRUZ’s bill is about getting dangerous Senators from both sides have al- would hate to think this is the case, criminals off our streets and keeping ready passed a bill to authorize funds but you can’t ignore the facts when our communities safer. It will prevent for national defense priorities. Now it women face the greatest risk—terrible individuals who have been convicted of is time for Senators for both sides to risks. Everyone now knows these mos- coming here illegally and who have pass this bill that will actually appro- quitoes are ravaging thousands and been convicted of committing serious priate those funds. thousands of people, and tens of thou- criminal offenses from harming more f sands of women have this virus. We innocent victims such as Kate Steinle. don’t yet know how many will give We are a nation of immigrants. We RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY birth to these deformed babies. all appreciate the many contributions LEADER Suddenly, Republican men suddenly that immigrants have made to our The PRESIDING OFFICER. The feel they know best about women’s country over the years. Americans Democratic leader is recognized. health. This isn’t new. They have al- from both parties know it would be in- f ways done that. You see on TV that the credibly dishonest to pretend this bill people who are the most pro-life are ZIKA VIRUS FUNDING is aimed at law-abiding citizens who men, not women. enrich our country, rather than those Mr. REID. Mr. President, I am sure Every day new reports emerge of at whom it is really aimed—those who the American public recognizes that we Americans being affected with Zika. come to this country illegally and have are returning from another vacation—a Right now we know at least of about criminal convictions. Americans from break, as they are called—without a se- 550 women who have this infection. It both parties also understand that ex- rious proposal to address Zika. has been proven in labs. As I have indi- treme sanctuary city policies can in- Zika is a threat. It is a scourge. In cated, millions more are threatened, flict incredible pain on innocent vic- less than 10 days, the Senate will ad- and women in States with large Latina tims and their families. journ for its longest break in many populations are at the greatest risk. President Obama’s own Secretary of decades. Sadly, though, Republicans Zika has been linked to many health the Department of Homeland Security are no closer to getting serious about problems but notably a terrible birth has called sanctuary city policies not Zika.
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