Sustainability Understanding the Sustainable Lifestyle BY STEVEN COHEN A sustainable environment and economy buy and what we consume but, it is not only that. are possible only if they provide support to a It also means rethinking how we organise our daily sustainable lifestyle. This is a way of life that life, altering the way we socialise, exchange, share, sees material consumption as a means rather educate and build identities.”3 than as an end and attempts to ensure that Environmental advocates often focus on indi- consumption has as little negative impact on vidual behaviour and say we need to develop the biosphere as possible. lifestyles that consume less and do not damage ecosystems. On a worldwide basis with billions hat is a lifestyle? It’s a peculiar word, of people aspiring to higher levels of material but it is what people do with their time: As we examine consumption, individual reductions in consumption Wwork, recreation, entertainment, travel, the sustainable in the developed world will have little real impact. social life, family life, religious life, education/ lifestyle, it is not But I have hope that we can and are changing the learning, hobbies, and so on. It also includes the only about what nature of consumption just as we are changing the setting within which they undertake these activities we are choosing nature of work. To be clear, we cannot survive – where someone lives, where they work, where to consume, but without food, air, water, clothing and shelter. But they play, and where they pray (if they pray). What where we are due to automation we need fewer people to make does lifestyle have to do with sustainability? It’s not choosing to live. and manage those things. simply what you do, but how your lifestyle impacts As we examine the sustainable lifestyle, it is natural systems. not only about what we are choosing to consume, It is clear that sustainable urban systems lead to a but where we are choosing to live. Globally, more sustainable environment and economy only if they people live in urban areas than in rural areas, with provide support to what we might call a sustain- 54 percent of the world’s population residing in able lifestyle. This is a way of life that sees material urban areas as of 2014.4 These ideas of closed consumption as a means rather than as an end and systems of production and consumption are central attempts to ensure that the materials consumed to the concept of the sustainable city. As the mech- have as little negative impact on the biosphere as anisation of agriculture reduces rural employment possible. Definitions of sustainable living in the liter- and as the Internet communicates the appeal and ature generally refer to using as few resources as seductiveness of urban lifestyles, more and more possible, reducing carbon footprints, and reducing of the world’s population is moving to cities. Cities environmental damage.1,2 The United Nations are culture hubs with dense populations, which Environment Programme defines sustainable life- means resources can be reused and shared easily styles as “rethinking our ways of living, how we and effectively. www.europeanfinancialreview.com 7 Sustainability Consumption and Work in the of communication is electronic and Example: Sustainable Waste 21st Century require few incremental resources to be Management All of us inevitably consume resources undertaken. I am quite certain that we One of the most unique sustainability in the course of our daily lives. We plug spend more time than ever communi- challenges lies in managing material our computer into the electrical supply, cating professionally and personally. flows. Garbage, or what environmental we turn on the climate control, we turn Peer-to-peer markets, known as engineers call solid waste, presents on the lights; we bathe, dress, and eat. collaborative consumption, or more immense difficulty for communities Some of us fill up the gas tank of our commonly “the sharing economy”, and government officials. Any casual car. Rather than being defined by the also demonstrate changes in the way we look at New York City’s public recycling size of one’s home and the consumer consume and use goods and services. bins will provide a sense of the diffi- items one possesses, the sustainable The sharing economy has become an cult road New York must travel to reach lifestyle involves a search for different appealing alternative for environmen- anything approaching the “zero waste” values. For example, even a huge home tally conscious consumers that are ideal of places like San Francisco. Paper could be designed with geothermal concerned about climate change and bins are filled with bottles and the climate control, have a solar water sustainability. With sharing, less energy bottle bins are filled with a wide variety heating system and could be designed is needed for transportation and of unsorted waste. However, the city to reduce its environmental impact. production of goods, and less waste has proven in the past that progress is You can build a zero energy house on is created as everyday products and possible. New York City has eliminated the outskirts of Houston and drive your services are shared among a group of indoor smoking in public places. New electric car all over, or you can live in people.5 We are learning how to share Yorkers have learned how to comply an apartment in Portland and bike, walk autos, cabs, clothes, bikes and even with alternate side of the street parking and take the light rail. These choices homes when we travel. By allowing rules and some are even learning how in homes, possessions and experiences people to consume less and own less, to stop jaywalking. So it is possible that are lifestyle choices, and they all have thereby using fewer resources, the waste disposal behaviours could change. resource implications. sharing economy promotes urban It is more likely that we will get better Contemporary lifestyle decisions are sustainability.6 According to the MIT at automated waste sorting and so one made possible by an economy where Sloan Management Review, the sharing waste stream can be subdivided when less and less of the GDP is devoted to economy has the potential to “unite the waste is processed. Zero waste is the manufacturing of food, clothing cost reduction, benefit augmenta- an element of the concept of a circular and shelter. At one time, that was virtu- tion, convenience and environmental economy. In a circular economy, all ally all the economy did and it was how consciousness in one mode of waste from consumption becomes an people spent all of their time. How we consumption”.7 It is a system built input into new production. Inevitably spend our time is changing. Today, we around the utilisation of unused or there is some leakage in the tightest spend less of our time pursuing our underused resources.8 Owning less circular production process. But the basic needs, which means that more of invariably means less waste. The chal- goal is to move from a linear model our work and our time must be devoted lenge these emerging companies face of production-consumption-waste to to other pursuits. Part of this is due to is proper management, and cities must one more closely resembling a circular the fact that work is no longer limited strategise on efficient regulations for model. I don’t think of zero waste as an to the office or factory or to particular the sharing economy. achievable operational goal, but rather times of day. In the global economy the as a model and an aspiration. It is a way workday is always beginning somewhere. to think about resource use and waste The Internet and cloud computing mean We are learning how to share management, rather than an absolute that analytic work and written work can autos, cabs, clothes, bikes and target. It requires a paradigm shift or a take place anyplace at any time. So too even homes when we travel. By new way of thinking about consump- can meetings. They can become Skype tion and garbage. sessions or conference phone calls. allowing people to consume less While I remain convinced that humans and own less, thereby using fewer The Future of the Sustainable Lifestyle require live interaction and in person resources, the sharing economy So how do we transition to a sustainable contact to be effective, a high proportion promotes urban sustainability. lifestyle? We have already begun to 8 The European Financial Review December - January 2018 transform our energy, consumption infrastructure to reduce the impact of and waste systems. It is not difficult to flooding on our streets and waterways. imagine continued progress, but the only Young people are increasingly inter- way it will happen is if people are positively ested in experiences and less interested attracted to the sustainable lifestyle in owning things like big houses and rather than punished for their attraction to flashy cars. More and more of our time is unsustainable consumption patterns. This does devoted to the low impact consumption of not require a monolithic one-size-fits-all limited music, movies, news, games, social communica- way of life. What unifies the people pursuing a tion and anything else that appears on our smart sustainable lifestyle is that consumption is a means phones. Young people think about where their food and not an end. The winner isn’t the one who comes from and its impact on their own health and accumulates the most stuff, but the one who lives the health of other living beings. the fullest life, however that is defined. The key to How we spend our time and what we do every the sustainable lifestyle seems to be the pursuit of day will continue to change.
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