No. CD- 1 1 01 2/01 I 2020-Coord. Government of lndia Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (Coordination Section) Transport Bhawan, 1, Partiament Street, New Dethi - 110001 +\ Dated the { March, 2021 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: - Monthty Summary for the Cabinet for the Month of February, 2021 . A copy of the unctassified portion of the Monthty Summary (Both Engtish & Hindi) for the cabinet pertaining to the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways for the month of February, 202'l is enctosed herewith for information. ?*rl,-* )z'^-,-'*t (Prashant Kumar) Section Officer(Coord) Enct. As above To, 1. At[ members of the Councit of the Ministers 2. Deputy Chairman, NlTl Aayog, Yojana Bhavan, New Dethi 3. Att Members of NlTl Aayog, Yojana Bhavan, New Dethi. ('10 spare copies) 4. Cabinet Secretary , Rashtrapati Bhavanm New Dethi 5. Alt Secretaries to Government of lndia 6. lnformation Officer, PIB , Shastri Bhavan, New Dethi Subject: Monthly Summary for the Cabinet for the month of February' 2021' has constructed 1. Award and construction of National Hiqhwavs: The Ministry ll,l33kmofNationatHighwaysuptoFebruary202'lascomparedto3'785km inFebruary,2020.TheawardfigureisS,5lskmduringthisperiodascompared to 4,775 km in the Previous Year. 2. Transport and Highwavs: The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways wi[[ also took after the devetopment of Ropeways and Atternate Mobitity sotutions. An amendment to the Government of lndia (Attocation of Business) Rutes, 1961 has been notified, to enabte th'is step. The Ministry witt have responsibitity for devetopment of ropeway and atternative mobitity sotutions technotogy, as wetl to give as construction, research, and poticy in this area. The move is expected a boost to the sector, by setting up a regutatory regime, and facititating research and new technology to come into this sector' A symposium on 3. svmposium for safer Roads and rectification of Black Spots: ,,safer Roads / Btack spots and discussion on Ptan for Rectification of Btack spots during Next one Year" was organized by the Ministry in two sessions on 3rd& 4th February, 2021 at New Dethi. The Ministry emphasized the need to be proactive and design roads in such a way so that accidents do not happen due toroadengineeringfeatures.lncaseduetochangeingroundscenariossome road sections become vutnerabte, an immediate intervention be made to save precious human life and resources. 4. Webinar series NitinGadkari,Hon,bteMinisterforRoadTransport&HighwaysandMSMEhas inaugurated the Webinar series, on 09.02.2021 , being launched by the lnternational Road Federation, lndia chapter, on the theme of "Road safety Chattenges in lndia & preparation ptan,,. of an Action On this occasion, the Hon'bte Minister has catted for atl-round efforts by att stakehotders to ensure that deaths due to road accidents are reduced by 50y"by 2025. 5. : Chairing a meeting government of agencies and representatives from research institutions on 10.02'2021 in New Dethi, shri Nitin Gadkari, Hon,bte Minister for Road Transport & Highways and MSME has catted for adoption of an integrated approach for developing indigenous fuel cetts. He urged scientists, academia and industry to harness hydrogen-based energy. 6. lndia's first-ever cNG tractor was [aunched on 12.02.2021 in New Dethi. on the occasion, shri Nitin Gadkari, Hon'bte Minister for Road Transport & Highways and MSME said that cNG is ctean a Fue[, as it has the lowest content of carbon and other poltutants. lt has zero tead and is non-corrosive, non-ditutive and non_ contaminating which hetps in increasing the tife of the engine. shri Dharmendra Pradhan, Hon'bte petroleum, Minister of Natural Gas and stee[ was atso present on the occasion. 7. : The Ministry has issued orders on 12-02.2021 that att steel - whether produced from ore, biltets, pettets or metting of scrap - woutd be attowed to be used for Nationar Highway construction, as long as it meets the standards required for specific grades of steet. The steel proposed to be used woutd be tested in NABl-accredited laboratories as a third party check before approvat. 8. FASTae declared mandatorv: The Ministry has decided that att ranes in the fee ptazas on Nationa[ Highways shatt be declared as "FASTag lane of the fee plaza" w.e.f midnight of 15th-i6thFebruary,2021 . As per NH Fee Rutes 200g, any vehicle not fitted with FASTag or vehicte without vatid, functionat FASTag entering into the FASTag tane of the fee ptaza, shatt pay a fee equivalent to two times of the fee appticabte to that category. This has been done to further promote fee payment through digitat mode, reduce waiting time and fuet consumption, and provide for a seamtess passage through the fee ptazas' Minister has 9. PM laid foundation stone of two bridees in Assam: Hon',ble Prime taid foundation stone of two major bridge projects across River Brahmaputra on 18.02.2021:. a. The 2-lane major bridge over Brahmaputra River between Majuti (Kamatabari) and Jorhat (Nimatichat) (6.8 km) on NH-71 5K, costing Rs.g25.47 crore, wi[[ provide easy and att time access to the people tiving in MajutitownwithrestofAssam.Thebridgeisexpectedtobecompletedby March, 2025. b. The 4-tane Dhubri (Assam) - Phutbari (Meghataya) Bridge to be constructed on River Brahamputra on NH-127B, costing Rs 4997 ctore, witl reduce travel distance from 205 km to onty 19 km and travel time from 6 hours to 20 minutes. The bridge witt provide another atternative tink to the states of Meghataya, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura and Barak valley region of Assam with the rest of the Country. This project is expected to be compteted by September, 2028. '10. standine Finance committee (sFc) meetinqs: ln the month of February, 2021, a total 21 nos. of projects were considered by the Standing Finance Committee. The 21 projects of tength 809 Km and total capital cost of Rs.17,623 Cr. were appraised by SFC and recommended for approval. s56, qfu{64 3it{ {rtrffr4 drrtrq Eqq: eifl+isd fi fr{ q.-rEtI,2o2't aw 6r aIfrdF snilll r. {Tfiq rffiffrrit qit ft-al 3itr ffq, }iqr q. A s-{q-t, 2020 6r a,zas trffirt 6t E+ar * F{qt 2021 d6 1r,r38 ffi {r$q rmrTrril 6T F-atur lo,-qr tr w rqfu fi akra s}qr rrqr aio-sr s,sra frnffic* t, B-df+, frsd Ed' 5S 3{Efu fr qF :rio-5 +,zzs En-S ent z. ss6 qfo{irf, 3itr {ra{rJi }iaffiq fr' 3ISfd {'lqi 3it{ ihFfufi'qfu{Fd sqrq, rso qfu{6d 3it{ {mfi{'t'?rdq ffi 9* ffim qfr{@ sqrq b fumrs o} iti-}r t $€ 6s_q ol sers ori h fr(, erya wrmrr (arqR ar :mira) fr{rff, 1961 fr r'o +ililtra 6f gffifd flo-qr rrqr tt ,iTrdq s. qrs rM 3iti ffim qfgra sqrq dqlFFfI il fu6R{ 6 €Tar-srar 5s ql{ d Mq 3rflerTa 3ik fifr fi ffi FtJffr frfrqrtrm aEr€ET dir +elrq-dr 3it{ 3r{s!]1-d 3if{ a$ d-rs6 6I gEEr + EF-(fi 6rtr {s et{ 6t rarfi tA fi srfr tl 3. g{fr-d Fr61 fi frq dritCl 3it{ *6 Rf--s 6'l gtrrdr, *izrrq 6Rr 'g{Fd F56tzd6 Eir,{ qr r.+ rh& 3il-{ 3rrri qo qrd S' dTra dm €qi-.d€ + gtm 6 ftv qlaar w irqt' 3 Frqft :rt* + qr+tr, zozr of d Fit fr' il$ AFA d 3irdB-d 6r rr$ eftt ,i"rdq i {s dr6 i sl6-q 3fE E_drad Efh {dri w ai* ft-qr arfo s.rrn FfrffirT gfr'crr:{t b on"r {trcarc a rit rSA qf€aqi fr qnrrfd & 6Rq g;6 rs-6 cis 3r$fe-d ef we S, oga"a'ar+q ff.rd 3lt{ ,isTtr;it 61 E-{ra fi ft(' aom rwetq l6-qr srar srrEc{6 tt qt-€d l. sg-o gran sra fi attra ilcan 4rq-dl, fr Efi-d ,rE-6t, aradrq €-5dF 3fk {T3l-4rrt 3tt{ t,arrrff$ ri* i rs-6'g{eTr ffr6 fi qt{rd og.oz.aozr +t ifr-ar* acm or sgrra lo-fl ffi ffiq sro ro+iq, *B{I tE{ fi artr "cIrGI dt sso grqrT Tdft-ql 3it{ <'+ or$ d-+ar tqr 6-{dr" trsq qr drt Frqr rrqr ent {rtrfiq d* e wfr G-awAt t +d{sr rqr€l 6r 3n6rf, l6-qr t arfo * gBflt-d f6qT ar sb fu 2o2s irm €'.56 d--dBit d' 6ti Ere d-dt d 59s fi1 rff 3{rv I s. gdko qrd fi frq Eaqft gtra t-d 6l ffia 6-re fi frs !-6rgd rqr€, fr FGa 456fr, sg6 uft+5a 3tr{ irs{rf Sk vavwa$ +i* i lo.oz.zozl 6t t$ ft"m d srdrt 'deruit 3it{ s{sqTa d-errdt b qfrBM 6t uo d-om 6r s{t;qErar o€ E, whfr fira +}Rrotrit S fomrs h 6o qqi q.6rfd EfrqtuT 3{q-dri.Fr 3{16l?r Foqr t ldri ffii Frar 3it{ 5{fJl C Frgigd-glrlTiad rsi or sq*rr ori ot srErt fu-qrt .rz il$ fud I oz zoz.r 6t s{rrd fi qad *1 * rrql qTI q{,4 s{r $i*t Bft-d rrf*fi, nr,.fi-q H.r6 q1-{f,d {rdfrrtrtY 3it{5- 3it{ care!-a't d* * orr f6 dio,o gard o.F F-.d t, Rnr6 $Fd 6.ed sik 3ra q-*-6) 6r €rffrn silg 6ff tt F{rJi l.a.*h+r :itr qg ,k_sern_o, t Tfr et Tfi gr} u,ar :il* d. Sfuo t $-sd fi il-{a qn c6r} "il f rc< 6-rdr tt fffrA-q a* afi rr$-fr qrnd ndfrqa qTt€-6 +€ sitr gfi 5+vn Ss Jr+s{ w sqRrd Q}r .
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