THE CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTS OF JESUS AND MARY CONTINUES TO SERVE SAN DIMAS, LA VERNE, AND SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES. “The best way of training the young is to train yourself at the same time; not to admonish them, but to be seen never doing that of which you would admonish them.” Plato 2 THE MOST HOLY TRINITY WELCOME TO HOLY NAME OF MARY STAFFED BY THE CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTS OF JESUS AND MARY THE PARISH 724 E. Bonita Avenue • San Dimas, CA. 91773 Fr. Rich Danyluk, SS.CC. www.hnmparish.org Phone (909) 599-1243 Fr. Chris Santangelo, SS.CC. Fax (909) 599-4230 Bro. Daniel Estrada, SS.CC. Office Hours Sunday …………...9:00 am—2:30 pm DEACON COUPLES Al & Rita Austin ..................... x. 178 dnal @hnmparish.org Monday-Friday ….9:00 am—7:00 pm Marv Estey ........................ x. 177 dnmarv @hnmparish.org Saturday………… 9:00 am —12:00 pm Jose & Maria Guadamuz .. x. 110 dnjose @hnmparish.org Mario & Irene Lopez ....... x. 110 dnmario @hnmparish.org Amante & Christina Pulido x.172 dnamante @hnmparish.org STAFF WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Pastor ............................. Fr. Rich Danyluk, SS.CC. [email protected] ....................................... x. 114 Saturday at 5:00 Pm, and 1st Saturday at 8:30 am. Associate Pastor .......Fr. Chris Santangelo, SS.CC. Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:30 pm (español) & 5:00 pm [email protected] ...................................... x. 118 Secretary ............................................................ .. DAILY MASS SCHEDULE ... ............................................................................. x. 110 Monday-Friday 8:30 am (English) Director of Administration ..................... Pat Joyce Saturday 8:30 am (communion service) [email protected] ........................................... x. 112 Director of Pastoral Ministry ...... Charlie Martinez SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION [email protected] .................................... x. 140 Saturday at 3:30 pm (English) Director of Music ......................... Trevor Thomson [email protected] ..................................... x. 135 Bereavement & Marriage .................. Brenda Luna ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT [email protected] .................................... x. 137 First Friday until 6:00 pm Staff Accountant ............................ Salah Bahouth [email protected] ....................................... x. 198 EARLY MORNING ADORATION Administrative Assistant .................. Michele Cote Weekday Mornings 6:00 am—8:30 am [email protected] ................................... x. 199 (Sign -up sheet in the narthex of the church) Volunteer Coordinator....................... Lani Galvan [email protected] .......................................... x. 111 Communications Coordinator ...... Gabby Pedrego LITURGY OF THE HOURS Monday-Saturday after Adoration Exposition [email protected] .................................... x. 136 Catechetical Programs Coord. ....... Melanie Bailey [email protected] .................................. x. 232 MISAS Y SERVICIOS EN ESPAÑOL Youth & Confirmation Coord. ..........Candice Mora Domingo 12:30 pm y Cada Miercoles a las 6:30 pm [email protected] .................................. x. 234 El Primer Miercoles hay Misa y la Uncion de los Enfermos. Rel. ED. Admin. Assistant ......... Erika Montenegro el Segundo Miercoles hay un Servicio de comunion. [email protected] ........................................ x. 280 El tercer miercoleS hay misa y confesiones. Youth Min. Admin. Assistant .........Jamie Alarcon El Cuarto miercoles hay Servicio de Comunion [email protected] ...................................... x. 220 el Quinto miercoles hay servicio de comunion Receptionist....................................... Maria Triska [email protected] ...................................... x. 110 Seminarian ................ Bro. Daniel Estrada, SS.CC. [email protected] .............................................. Marriage Annulments .....MaryAnn Brewer-Nolan ............................................................... (626)484-1355 St. Vincent de Paul Society ......................... x. 138 Gathered with Mary as one family in the Eucharist, Holy Name of Mary School 124 S. San Dimas Canyon Road, San Dimas, CA 91773 Principal ..................................... Debbie Marquez We are called to live the love of Jesus. [email protected] ................................ x. 226 Holy Name of Mary Mission Statement www.holynamemaryschool.org Phone: (909) 542-0449 FROM THE ASSOCIATE PASTOR June 16, 2019 3 Fathers Past and Present, A number of factors – a growing population of women in the workforce, an unsteady economy and stale cultural stereotypes – are forcing modern parents to redefine gender roles and change the very definition of father and mother. “Historically, dads have had a good understanding of needing to be a provider, ” says Roland Warren, president of the National Fatherhood Initiative (NFI). “Today's dad understands that's not enough. You must provide, but also nurture and guide. That heart -to -heart connection is critical. ” Meet the Modern Dad , Shawnawn Bean I found this quote in preparation for my reflection on Father’s Day. As this weekend coincides with the Church’s celebration of Trinity Sunday, I find myself more drawn to reflect on the concrete reality of fatherhood rather than this mysterious tenet of our faith, the Holyly Trinity. While my Mom was a housewife whose primary work was caring for our family’s daily needs, my Dad worked away from home during the week. He personified the classically defined role as provider of our family. Mom provided the ordinary discipline needed to keep us 5 children in line – but woe to the one who merited harsher correction denoted by the threat, “ Wait until your father gets home !” We know that modern fatherhood is a complex reality. We each have a father – whether or not he has been an active presence in our lives; whether or not he has been the father we wanted or needed; whether or not he exhibited qualities we want to emulate as we grow and mature. Their biology helped bring us into the world – hopefully they gave us much more throughout our childhoodd and into our adult lives. Our fathers received modeling (adequate or less-than-adequate) from their own fathers and other men in their lives about how to parent their children. While there continues to be too many absent fathers from their families, the author above also stated that “fathers participating more and more in their children's upbringing isn't a trend but a permanent shift”. With God’s help fathers of today will seek support for becoming the providers, nurturers, and role models whom their children need them to be. Each of our God-given gifts is different, and societal expectations about how each of us uses these gifts may shift over time. The pivotal role of fathers in the lives of their children is a constant. We pray that our fathers – living and deceased – will continue their service of guiding children entrusted to their care. St. Joseph, earthly father of Jesus, pray for our fathers who need heavenly guidance to serve their families well. God bless you on this Father’s Day. In Christ, Fr. Chris, ss.cc. 4 THE MOST HOLY TRINITY Padres pasados y presentes, Una serie de factores: una creciente población de mujeres en la fuerza laboral, una inestabilidad la economía y los estereotipos culturales antiguos están obligando a los padres modernos a redefinir los roles de género y cambiar la definición misma de padre y madre. "Históricamente, los papás han tenido un buen entendimiento de la necesidad de ser un proveedor", dice Roland Warren, presidente de la Iniciativa Nacional de Paternidad (NFI). “El papá de hoy entiende que no es suficiente. Debes proporcionar, pero también nutrir y guiar. Esa conexión de corazón a corazón es crítica". Conozca al papá moderno, Shawn Bean Encontré esta cita en preparación para mi Reflexión sobre el día del padre. Como este fin de semana coincide con la celebración del do- mingo de la Trinidad en la Iglesia, me siento más atraído a reflexionarnar sobre la realidad concreta de la paternidad en lugar de este misterio-io- so principio de nuestra fe, la Santísima Trinidad. Mientras mi mamá era una ama de casa cuya el trabajo principal erara atender las necesidades diarias de nuestra familia, mi papá trabajabaaba fuera de casa durante la semana. Él personificó el papel definido clásicamente como proveedor de nuestra familia. Mamá proporcionónó lo ordinario la disciplina necesaria para mantener a los 5 niños en línea,ea, pero ay de quien mereció una corrección más severa denotada por la amenaza, “¡Van a ver cuando su padre llegue a casa!” Sabemos que la paternidad moderna es una realidad compleja. Cadada uno de nosotros tiene un padre, haya sido o no una presencia activa en nuestras vidas; si ha sido o no el padre que queríamos o nece- sitábamos; si exhibió o no las cualidades que queremos emular a me- dida que crecemos y maduramos. Su biología ayudó a traernos al mundo; esperamos que nos hayan dado mucho más durante nuestra infancia y en nuestras vidas adultas. Nuestros padres recibieron ejemplos (adecuados o menos que adecuados) de sus propios padres y otros hombres en sus vidas sobre cómo criar a sus hijos. Si bien sigue habiendo demasiados padres ausentes de sus familias, el autor mencionado ante- riormente también afirmó que "los padres partici- pan cada vez más en la educación de sus hijos no es una tendencia sino un cambio permanente". Con la ayuda de Dios, los padres de
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