CPI, Canal & Eastern Properties Maritime Planned Development District (MPDD) Change of Zone Application Draft EIS Appendix H-3 Historic Documents •HOM « VARIETY Friday, February 10, 193 CABARET BILLS NEXT WEEK SOUTH AFRICA I Arthur Bucknec opened * J - show at the Capitol restaurant oa By H. HANSON West Fifty-first street Tuesday (Continued from Page 23) IKameya Cnaa Seamen id halt WUhnr Maek Oa night. Sig ^'erner Is operating the Stratford Comedy i QUINCT, place. Feed * Pries I Calla Weetea Q* CAPE TOWN On the Pier a fancy dress carnival IHTERSTATE CIRCUIT Stories of the Canadian border Frank WUaoa Kenny Mnsna A • DALLAS. Cape Town, Jan. *. dance and confetti battle on New and liquor are plentiful, but seldom (One to til) IXTTLB BOCK OPERA HOUSE.—The African Year's Eve drew a big crowd. Maker a Redford ad naif dwell upon the smallncss or big­ Coscla a Verdi Rosa a Pons Clifford Warns t Frank Wits** theatres production of "Chu Chin Wm Brack a Sia Chow" drew capacity for & month ness of the customs or revenue men. McOratk * Deeds Zelaya "Volunteers" JOHANNESBURG For instance, on the Quebec Central CALKSBUmO. ILL. Dan Sherman Co Columbia * Victor Branson a BaM*t% starting Dec. 2. This length of sea­ HIS MAJESTY'S.—The panto- Dooley a Storey Bdith Clifford^ son is unusual for Cape Town. The going into Sherbrooke (the border, BACINB. WIS. Helea Keller mine "Little Red Riding Hood" is Ross a Foes Wm Brack Ce production was elaborate. Com­ and coming from Canad .) there is Bonn a Drela 2d halt drawing capacity. The production McOratk a Deeds Nip Raymond Schlctl'a Manikins mencing Jan. 2, Leonard Rayne's a -v stoma officer who will make Teas Sherman Co Letpsls is good. Ford * Goodridre Mack a MaybaUa Co. staging "Brown Sugar," with passengers disgorge even a pint Id half Roatiao a Barrett rr. WORTH. Freda Godfrey. Week of Jan. 9, STANDARD—Week of Jan. 2 was Two Rosalias Bd Bsmonde Oa ••Carnival," with Freda Godfrey and the last of the Sir. Frank Benson's bottle of whiskey, though urged not "Rubevtiie" Andrieff Trio to molest the liquor as it Is for me- Kenny Mason at 8 Nippon Duo Alfred Pammier. season, which has been a success. (One to fill) Wheeler a Potter OKLAHOMA CaTt "The Wandering Jew" by K. Temple C .»al . tones. The officious cus­ Tracey a McBrtdo TIVOLI.—Vaudeville, week of Dec. CD ISLAND. NEB. MnJoatte 27, Teddy J. Wood, vocalist; Herbert Thurston has been staged and was toms man 'American, say? it is Mack a Stanton Ben Smith (Tulsa split) a triumph for the company. Jan. 9, Stile Martonne Rolfo'a Revuette Pros, and Jackson, entertainers; the law, and insists upon the empty 4 Valentino* • lat halt Pearl Mitchell and sister, musical; company opens at Opera House, bottle being produced to him be­ Ford a Packard Johnaton a Mack Ford a PHco Watta a Rincffold (Three to fill) Bennett Sia Chas Semon Frank Varney and Teddy Butt, in Pretoria. fore the train reaches ° is border, Frlah Rector a T 2d half OALVBSTON. TEX. Wilbur Maek Co mirthful stunts, a good all-around ORPHEl-M.—Week of Jan. 2. while the same train may have 100 HANNIBAL, MO. Barbette Celia Weston Co act; Martin and Castle, enter­ Florence Yaymen and Napier and or more bottles of liquor hidden all Jack Georire t (One to fill) tainers, Tony Castle is the hit of Yvonne, contortion act. Georgia Howard Trlxle Frlganaa (13-lt) the bill. Tom Lcamore, the London over it the customs offlct akos (Two to ftli) Rltter a Kaappe (Same bill plays BAN ANTONIO PALLADIUM.—Commencing Jan. (Two to fill) Austin lt>lt> character comedian, has good recep­ r.o effort to locate. At other points Sd hair _w MnjeatJe 2 the Jewish actress Sarah Sylvia in Doha a Landolt Michon Bros Three Keeals tion. McArdle and Donald. Scotch along the border customs men have ST. JOB. MO. Perrone a Oliver "Resurrection." Alexander a Pietda x Foil is Sia comedy act. Week of Jan. 4. Arthur ALHAMBRA (Doorufountein).— been known to pass as much as a Kiakatd Kllttes Bleetrie Fiske a Lloyd Sarah Padden Ferris in comedy character studies; Commencing Jan. 2. J. Strunin car of liquor golnj in a car Bennlna-ton a Scott B a M Nrnie Carson a Wlllard Betoncourt and Lady. French-Cuban JOIJKT, ILL. Mellon a Bonn I«ee Children The Cansinos specialty; Harvey and Courtney, (Jewish actor), in "Sora Sheindel." when convinced the owner was not 2d half George Morton Claudia Coleman musical; Varney and Butt, mirthful EMPIRE—Business brisk. Week a dealer, and that the liquor being B!aide La Bersere Foster a Pe*«y Five Chapins I*dy Alice's Pets of Jan. 2. Loronda La Bella. Mexican Fisher a Lloyd Chamberlain a B stunts; Pearl Mitchell and sister, conveyed was for personal use. HOI STON. TEX. Tl I.s.t. OKLA, musical; Teddy J. Wood, vocalist; artist, in song-scena. elaborately (One to nn> ST. LOt IS Tom Leamore, comedian. dressed: Henry De Bray, assisted 2d halt MnjenUe MaJeaUc by May Vivian, dancing act; Arthur Marsh IS is set as the date for the BAB Conrad Cotnmhaa Jusslmic Nelsons (Oktn. City split) RAILWAY INSTITUTE.—An en­ Beresford. character study; The opening of the New Cnoe Place Saw in* n Woman Kittle Thomaa Carleton a Bellow 1st half tertainment called "The Ideal Show." Inn at Hampton Roads (formerly (One to fill) Flaherty a Stonin* "Hi*h Low Brow'* Tyler a St Clair run by Friedman and Firssimons. Martells; Benson Gray, ventrilo­ Stratford Comedy 4 Sampson a Do »la* Rhinehart a Bat doing good business. The main at­ quist; The Fanyacks. Charles Good Ground), I* I. The inn repre­ JOPIJN. MO. Fields a Harr'gton Neat Abel rtobaon a Sirens Ancaster. Juggler; Dusty Rhodes, sents an investment of I?06,000 by Electric Id half McKay a Ardlne Scuniou Doa'ea a I traction of the show is "Tanagra." Saw Ins a Woman a novelty. A fire-place scene opens. English burlesque comedian. Julius Heller. It will have SO hotel RMiolt Johnson Co Austin a Gale Four l.amya rooms, and a replica of th former LAW Wells K a B Kuhn A miniature stage is seen. The mini­ *d half lAwrence a J'naon PANT AGES CIRCUIT ature curtain goes up. and real A strike amongst the coal miners ground floor, of antique design, and Alfred Powell Co (One to fill) figures of artists appear in minia­ in the Transvaal is likely to affect the pavilion adjoining., The old (One to fill) V INMPLG Kva Tanguay ture going through their acts. The V%«l»nn JT I»v>rt amusements. Canoe Place Inn burned iast April, KANSAS CITY Riaiio a LaMoni act is worked probably by the aid Cook a Valdare Henry Catalano Co T Tumbling Dem'nt of mirrors. It is a chart movelty. just as Mr. Keller was announcing •esse Tybelle Sis the new summer season. Bonn Nee One I.utea Rrce I Hernivici Bros Co Pucheea* Cats, good show Josephine Countess Roubadi. the violinist. Our Future Home I Massie Clifton Go Hall A Francis "Smiles" Chic Supreme Reeve is pleasing with slight of hand was wed Dec. IS to Arnold Wagner, _. _. * I (One to All) Tom Brown Co Johnson a Brown and sharp shooting; Severus a Johannesburg pianist. The Washington revenue office 2d half AI Abbott Soothern Pour LOS ANGRLW Schaffeo gives a clever juggling sent 30 men to New Yoi" this week *»<**arthy a Gale Poll Frolics Mae Weston , performance. Mellon a Kenn Rose Wyae Co :oth Century 4 Pnntagea to act under the direction only of II Ue Re now Co Lulu Coatea Co Smith's Animals ALHAMBRA.—Capacity; week of Jan. 9. the Graham Moffatt Co. CALGABV. CAN*. Craig a CMS open farwell season. Director Day. m, SIOVX CITY, IA. Dec 2«. "Tilly of Bloomsburg," fea­ •^ ••••• • m Fnntncea Densee a Raird turing Edna Best and Tom Rey­ Skelly a Ilelt Rev Lunatic Baker* nolds. Week of Jan. 2, "The Bat le The liquor arrests made at the, Foster**? Peier Mar-rsret Taylor Foley A O'Nell Samoeel a I.'nWt of Jutland." Pagel's Circus and menagerie is Flotilla restaurant, at Sixth ave- Marshall a Conner ra B Ford Walter Hastings Ferris Hartmea Co showing around Johannesburg. nue and Fifty-fifth street. New Hall a Dexter Solly a Thomas O W Johnson Co GRAND. — Good business; Doc. Hite Reflow Co J R Johnson 3 Ambler 8ia SAN DIEGO 29-31. -The Beloved Blackmailer." York, were of two waiters. The 4 Bai'.matns Toney a Norman Soroy GT PALLS, MONT. (film) with Carlyle Black well. Jan. George Graves, the London artist, management disclaimed all knowl­ Id hair D Humphrey Co Class Manning a C 2-4, -North of S3." starring Dustln opens at Rmp'.re Johannesburg edge of the sale of any liquor, and Palto a Frees Co • M half Fnntnneo Havden G*«tw*n a R Farnum. Jan. S-7, "The Devils Haines Jk Avey Toney a Norman Cl«-to) Fields a Shehtoa Wheel." featuring Gladys Brockwell. about Jan. 16, with his own sketch • immediately discharged the. impll- Dance Flashes Fred liofrhea Co (Same bill plays Dr Paulme company. icated waiters. It is said the man Holliday a Willette Leedom a Gardner Helena li) Pantheon Singers WOLFRAMS.—The excellent pro­ Josephine Victor "Cupids Closeup" gram is attracting big crowds. I agement appeared before the United 1 J a J Gibson Joe Rolley Co Roreini Troupe LXJ BKACR. CAU Dec. 28-30, "The Hope Chest." fea­ The African theatre have secured States Commissioner hearing the MADISON, WIS.
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