COURIER-JOURNAL Wednesday, Septembers, 1984 Msgr. Baroni Dies, Education the Key, Hicks Black Catholics Told Home Heating Inc. Urban Affairs Expert New Orleans Noting the high enrollment HEATING-COOLING < Education !§• the key fe \he of blacks and Hispanics in 424-4848 L 271-4650 Washington (NO — Msgr. ment to preserve urban developing the concept for future strength of the ftafjlm, public schools, he said, "Do Geno C. Baroni, 53, a neighborhoods and to protect the Campaign for Human the communjjy and the,fpni- not let school systems die on A. W. BEILBY specialist in urban ethnic af­ civil rights and ethnic iden­ Development, the U.S. bish­ ly, speakers." stressed %*the the vine, because the grapes fairs and the first Catholic tity. ops' anti-poverty program. National Qfgce for lj|!|ck that will rot will be black and &SOIM priest named assistant secre­ He was described as a In 1971 he founded the Catholics biennial confer­ brown." tary in a cabinet-level U.S. Funeral Home "pesky gadfly" by The New National Center for Urban ence. ;:•• ',' J\ In another speech, James government agency, died James Rotsell York Times in 1977 because Ethnic Affairs, an affiliate of In his keynote awjjfess, McConduit,. president of Aug. 27 in Washington. of his persistent efforts to the USCC, and was a board Norman Fraggis, presid'eSu of NOBC, urged members to Darrell O'Brian Msgr. Bafoni had a rare save the rtaliari, Polish, Irish member of national civic and Xavier University, ask^j'If work -to keep parochial 139 Walnut St. form of abdominal cancer, and other ethnic religious organizations de­ the nation is "at risk be|puse schools open in inner cities to diagnosed in 1981. He had neighborhoods which once voted to urban, racial, Dial 936-9121 of an educational cridj|Tor ensure higher-quality educa­ been hospitalized for several Corning, N.Y. enlivened American cities. ethnic, community and the majority;. populatiicM -- tion for elementary school months prior to his death at He hadcome to public interest concerns. what must th^'t mean t3 <l|? It children. Providence Hospital. Washington from western As president of the urban is essential for our fui&res, Workshops covering Msgr. Baroni served as Pennsylvania in 1960 to study ethnic affairs center, Msgr. black and \|hite, tha)f»|his blacks in parish life, ministry assistant secretary for Hous­ at The Catholic University of Baroni pushed for laws nation have «gs strong e§$ca- and education were scattered Carrier ing and Urban Development America. As an assistant aimed at reducing "redlin­ tionalsystern.'!' r.,?\ among the speeches at the during the Carter ad­ pastor at the inner-city parish ing," the denial of mortgages He emphasized the* im­ Aug. 8-11 conference. Heating & Cooling ministration, working from of Sts. Paul and Augustine, to a particular neighborhood. portance of'"the farSiJg in 1977 to 1980 with he soon became involved in Service & Installations The American Revolution educating pce-school cHiffren Father Rollins Lambert of neighborhood • groups and fighting poverty, improving Gas & Oil Furnace Bicentennial Administration and praised the rf'lack the U.S. Catholic Conference helping them establish joint inner-city life and defusing Central Air & Heat Pumps in 1975 named Msgr. Baroni Catholic family fo? »fhts Department of Social Devel­ partnerships with the private interracial tensions. Electronic Air Cleaners to its national Advisory wealth of strength.'' w|f opment and World Peace and public sectors for re- He walked on picket lines Committee on Racial, Ethnic Francis aljp asked tK§»?126 said in one workshop that vitalization. "This," he once JOHN BETLEM INC. and joined the 1963 March and Native American participants |p support jjpblic "religion cannot be separated said, "requires a 1980s CALL PAUL on Washington, led by the Participation in the Bicen­ education bggatise the ^fulk from the other parts of our approach of more organizing 271-8888 Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. tennial. of our black children ,a|tend lives," and he urged people and less hell-raising." Msgr. Baroni became public schools," ••$& to register and vote. ft 898 Clinton Ave. So. Before joining the Carter director of program devel­ When Carter left office in administration, Msgr. opment for the U.S. Catholic early 1981, Msgr. Baroni was •iP*P Baroni, the son of an immi­ Conference Task Force on named a special assistant for grant coal miner, had plenty Urban Problems in 1970. community affairs to Arch­ Energy and of experience struggling on While with the USCC, he was bishop James A. Hickey of rg the outside of the establish­ one of those responsible for Washington. FURilAC • Gllin heat • Check and adjust iSlhanger thermostat $ 95 Priesthood Was Central • fiJlUn all burners • Check belts • ©leln pilot & filters 29 V- iifembly • Clean smoke To Cardinal Shehan T a0| adjusl flame pipe ^?5U HAVEA ISenior Citizen! Baltimore (NC) - The bishop in Baltimore and the U.S. bishops had spoken FRIEND • ©||motor D Clean base priesthood was "the central first bishop of Bridgeport, against the Vietnam War, IN HEATIN|, P 6r|eck and adjust of chimney DISCOUNT fact" of his life for retired Conn. Cardinal Shehan wrote a pas­ Controls Cardinal Lawrence Shehan As archbishop of toral letter referring to the WHEN YOU CALL ASK ABOUT who was a leader in social Baltimore, he became known war as "a cancerous growth justice, ecumenism and edu­ for his stand on racial justice in the vital parts of our cation. The cardinal died and for his ecumenical nation" and called for an end Aug. 26 at age 86. breakthroughs. He had an to the "uncontrolled Violence RHEEM's80% + In his autobiography, "A international reputation for and senseless wholesale de­ EFFICIENT FURNACE Blessing of Years,'' ecumenical activities and rep­ struction of human life and Increase your furnace's efficiency and save money with Brandt and Rheem published in 1982, the cardi­ resented Pope Paul VI at a moral values." nal said, "In thg end 1 believe meeting with Orthodox Pa­ 1 shall be judged primarily as triarch Athenagoras in Cardinal Shehan, a pro­ a priest." Istanbul, Turkey, in 1965 in duct of Catholic schools, was BiARIDT AIR CONDITIONING A Baltimore native, he was which mutual excommunica­ episcopal chairman of the • Established i[§34 237 Winton Road North ordained in 1922 and became tions of Catholic and Ortho­ National Catholic Welfare a cardinal in 1965. He served dox churches were withdrawn Conference and president Your Fr/frfcfs FofjBver as archbishop of Baltimore after 900 years. general of the National * 24 HOUR from 1961 to 1974. As a He was papal legate at the Catholic Educational 288-4270 young priest he was assigned Eucharistic Congress in Association. He supported 50YIARII Emergency Service to Washington when it was Melbourne, Australia, in the Catholic school system part of the Baltimore Arch­ 1973, which he said was "the and urged the Kennedy ad­ J&T diocese. He was an auxiliary greatest honor ever accorded ministration in 1962 to in­ me in my life." He also said clude Catholic schools in Radiography it was "an enviable way to • proposed massive federal aid end my career in the service for education. Students of the church." Another issue of concern EW REMAINING In 1963 he published a to the cardinal was abortion. Graduate controversial pastoral letter In* 1970 when the Maryland condemning prejudice, say­ legislature was considering Hornell -- Four students of V GRAVEPL0TS ing, "We have an essential repeal of laws against abor­ the St. James Mercy Hospital duty in justice to recognize tion, the cardinal said such School of Radiography re­ and respect equally the rights action could lead to "grave QR0KLY: ceived diplomas at gradua­ of all men." He was among social consequences." Three tion following a buffet churchmen taking part in the years later the U.S. Supreme dinner, Friday, Aug. 24, at s 00 Includes March on Washington which Court struck down most state the Hornell Country Club. thrust Dr. Martin Luther restrictions against abortion. Perpetual Care Ann Schwenzer of King into national pro­ In a case similar to the Baby Pre-riie48d Payment0s o f • 13 - Per Month Dansville received the minence. Doe situation Of 1980s, Car­ .Outstanding Student Award, In 1962 Archbishop dinal Shehan joined Cardinal NO jUTEREST or Finance Charges gi\en by the school to the need Payments ol Shehan established a local Patrick O'Boyle of student with the highest Limited Number of Plots at This Price Commission for Christian Washington in 1971 in pro­ cumulative average. The Unity. Along with a similar testing the death of a award, a plaque, was pre­ group founded in Europe, it newborn mongoloid child Stop in fdrpletails and sented by Patrick Rogers, was a first in the world. whose parents would not give revive «,^REE family school director. Cardinal Shehan's retire­ permission for a simple Portfolio Rfe&rd File to Karen Aini of Hornell was organize pergonal and ment years were active ones. operation to remove a stom­ given a crystal pendant from firyartcial toforhiation. No In 1983 he accepted a ach blockage. the radiology staff as "the B#hase nwossary - one-year term as chairman of $e$ coupon bSbw. best all-around student who the board of directors of the In 1966 the cardinal exemplifies the profession of- Center for Applied Research clashed with a priest in the radiologic technology." in the Apostolate, which Baltimore, archdiocese who Anne Konopa, radiology since Vatican II has re­ had been ordered to dis­ WHITE HAVEN MEMORIAL PARK department head, made the searched and studied a vari­ sociate himself from a presentation. ety of church-related issues. movement challenging 210 Marsh Rd., Pittsford, NY Also graduating were Ann liturgical renewal and other A f Known for his ecumenical Tobin and Kalvin Shaw of reforms of the Second Vati­ breakthroughs, Cardinal Phon* Hornell.
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