TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2014 THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 DAILYIOWAN.COM 50¢ Lawsuit In a league of her own in court again A lawsuit against the University of Iowa will reach the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday. By LILY ABROMEIT [email protected] A local case now in its fifth year will move to the next phase Thurs- day, when it reaches the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Paul, Minn. The court will hear the arguments in Wagner v. Jones, discussing wheth- er or not Teresa Wagner, a potential candidate for a posi- tion in the Universi- ty of Iowa College of Law, was denied a job by then-Dean Carolyn Jones on the basis of Wagner’s political af- filiation. While officials said Wagner they couldn’t be con- plaintiff fident in how the case will culminate, they said it could have possible implications for the ac- (The Daily Iowan/Tessa Hursh) ademic world. “Politics is often a point of friction,” said Walter Olson, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute. “[If she won,] law schools would be looking over their Iowa head coach Lisa Bluder watches a special video presentation in shoulders a lot … more when they decide who to hire.” celebration of her 270th victory in Carver-Hawkeye on Monday. Iowa He said it could begin to set an ex- ample for future employees. “It’s likely to be watched by peo- defeated Northwestern, 90-84. With the victory, Bluder surpasses C. ple of other law schools … because it raises some hopes and some fears at the same time,” he said. “You want Vivian Stringer as the Hawkeye women’s coach with the most wins. to believe they are doing a better job of teaching lawyers to [be balanced Sports. because] you simply will get a better SEE WAGNER, 3 Gas-tax bill faces rough BY THE NUMBERS PROPOSED GAS-TAX HIKE water sailing in Legislature A pending legislative proposal suggests increasing the state motor fuel tax by 10 cents per gallon to aid repair of roads and bridges. Similar proposals have been shot down in recent years; Currently, the state tax on gas sits at 22 cents per gallon. if passed, this would be the rst time the state tax has increased since 1989. By REID CHANDLER GOY TO DAIL IOWAN.COM [email protected] toW VIE A DAILY IOWAN TV SEGMENT COVERING A poll recently conducted by the Des Moines THE GAS TAX Register shows nearly two-thirds of Iowans A proposed bill to be taken up by the House surveyed oppose the tax increase. Thirty-ve Transportation Committee sometime this month 63% percent said they were in favor, and 2 percent is facing opposition, even if state lawmakers say it as deficient. In Johnson County alone, out of the said they weren’t sure. would provide necessary funding to repair roads 361 bridges, 42 are structurally deficient, 25 are and bridges in the state. functionally obsolete, and 67 are defective. The House Study Bill 514 was signed by all five sub- Iowa Department of Transportation announced it committee members, made up of two Democrats is running on a $215 million deficit to fund these THREE YEARS and three Republicans, and it now awaits review necessary repairs. If passed, the tax would rise by the House Transportation Committee, which is “You get what you pay for,” local resident Carl incrementally over the course of expected to look at it this month. Schweser said. “If you want infrastructure, if you three years, beginning July 1. “Our roads and infrastructure are in need of re- want roads, you’ve got to pay for them. Who is us- pair, and the costs are not getting any cheaper,” ing them? The people who buy gas.” CURRENT STATE Rep. Sally Stutsman, D-Riverside, said. “We’re But Deb Helmick of Washington, Iowa, said she $50-60 AND FEDERAL getting further and further behind.” cannot afford a higher tax. The increase is estimated to cost MOTOR FUEL TAX The proposal would increase the current state “I am disabled and on a fixed income,” she said. the average motorist an additional tax on fuel by 3 cents on July 1. Three more cents “Every time it goes up, it takes something out of $50 to $60 per year. 40.4 PER GALLON would be added on July 1, 2015, and a final 4 my refrigerator.” cents would start July 1, 2016. Currently, Iowa’s Spiker said there are many Iowans in Helmick’s state tax on gas sits at 22 cents per gallon. situation, and a higher tax is not the answer. $215 MILLION Iowa GOP chairman A.J. Spiker said the tax in- “With the hundreds of millions of dollars that The annual shortfall faced by the Department of crease would be detrimental for families. are sitting in the state coffers in surplus, that Transportaion for maintaining and repairing the most critical “When gas is well over $3 a gallon, and a lot certainly should be the first place that’s looked at public roadways. of Iowans are struggling financially with rising before ever raising taxes,” he said. costs of everything, the last thing we should be But Gov. Terry Branstad told reporters in Jan. looking at is raising taxes,” he said. the nearly $900 million budget surplus in Iowa is ROAD AND BRIDGE CONDITIONS According to a Des Moines Register poll, 63 per- already committed to paying for programs in fu- cent of Iowans are opposed to the tax increase. ture years. State Auditor Mary Mosiman said on But Stutsman said those opposed may not under- Monday the governor’s 2015 budget plans to spend Forty-two percent of Iowa’s major locally and stand the benefit of the proposed bill. $144 million more than it will take in, meaning 42% state-maintained roads and highways are either “Nobody wants another tax,” she said. “That’s money from the surplus will have to be used. in poor or mediocre condition. just something people generally across-the-board “It’s going to take a lot of political will to move don’t like. But this would be a user fee.” ahead with this,” Stutsman said. “Becase it is an More than a quarter of Iowa bridges are in need “If you use the road and buy gas, you would be election year, most lawmakers will be hesitant to of repair, improvement, or replacement. paying the tax,” she said. pass a bill that stamps a tax raise to their record. Twenty-two percent of the state’s bridges are 27% Anyone who drives through the state would be And with the poll numbers against them, the House structurally decient, and 5 percent are paying the tax. Transportation Committee is unsure how either functionally obsolete. The Federal Highway Administration ranks chamber, or the governor, will receive the proposal. Iowa 38th in the nation in terms of road condi- “I’m just really concerned in an election year GRAPHIC BY ALICIA KRAMME tions, and 20 percent of its bridges are classified that the political will isn’t there.” SOURCE: TRIP report and the Des Moines Register WEATHER DAILY IOWAN TV ON THE WEB INDEX HIGH LOW • SCAN THIS CODE CHECK DAILYIOWAN.COM FOR HOURLY CLASSIFIED 9 10 1 • GO TO DAILYIOWAN.COM UPDATES AND ONLINE EXCLUSIVES. FOLLOW DAILY BREAK 7 • WATCH UITV AT 9 P.M. @THEDAILYIOWAN ON TWITTER AND LIKE US OPINIONS 6 Sunny, breezy, wind chilly. It’s SUNDAY THROUGH THURSDAY ON FACEBOOK FOR MORE CONTENT. SPORTS 10 warmer in Roosevelt, Minn. 2 NEWS THE DAILY IOWAN DAILYIOWAN.COM TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2014 A T THE BUBBLE POP The Daily Iowan Volume 145 Issue 134 BREAKING NEWS STAFF Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher 335-5788 Email: [email protected] William Casey Fax: 335-6297 Editor-in-Chief 335-6030 Kristen East CORRECTIONS Managing Editor 335-5855 Call: 335-6030 Jordyn Reiland Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for ac- Metro Editors 335-6063 curacy and fairness in the reporting Rebecca Morin of news. If a report is wrong or mis- Stacey Murray leading, a request for a correction or Opinions Editor 335-5863 a clarification may be made. Zach Tilly Sports Editors 335-5848 PUBLISHING INFO Josh Bolander The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is Danny Payne published by Student Publications Arts Editor 335-5851 Inc., E131 Adler Journalism Building, Sam Gentry Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004, Copy Chief 335-6063 daily except Saturdays, Sundays, Beau Elliot legal and university holidays, and Photo Editor 335-5852 university vacations. Periodicals Tessa Hursh postage paid at the Iowa City Post Projects Editor 335-5855 Office under the Act of Congress of Jordyn Reiland March 2, 1879. Design Editor 335-6063 Haley Nelson SUBSCRIPTIONS Graphics Editor 335-6063 Call: Juli Krause at 335-5783 Alicia Kramme Email: [email protected] Convergence Editor 335-6063 Owner Soobin Youn on Monday reaches for macaroons at her restaurant Bubble Pop, located in the Old Capitol Town Center. Bubble Pop opened for business in September 2013. Subscription rates: Brent Griffiths (The Daily Iowan/Rachael Westergard) Iowa City and Coralville: $20 for one TV Director 335-6063 semester, $40 for two semesters, Reid Chandler $10 for summer session, $50 for TV Sports Director 335-6063 full year. Josh Bolander Out of town: $40 for one sememster, Web Editor 335-5829 $80 for two semesters, $20 for Tony Phan summer session, $100 all year. Business Manager 335-5786 Schools may get more funds Send address changes to: The Daily Debra Plath Iowan, 100 Adler Journalism Build- Classifed Ads/Circulation Manager The Senate passed a bill granting school districts an increase in state aid.
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