© 2012 Kalmbach Publishing Co. This material may not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher. www.ClassicTrainsMag.com < 01 1 -1-P 71 1 51 /-»- mi 1--5 -1 --'-..-'.---- L-Tz -3.- V.-/1 .. ....'i..Wi'-5,///=.* 'ta''..1 I 1. 1..1. ' . - 1.--. ..... -1 -#11.:'• . .. :r-.:. .. .1 -'. :.. .' ..\\#7=/ 1 &. T - 1 J 1 i- -1- -- - --1.- 11-1• 1 . 1. 1. ': ,1 1 1 .1i i. ':/.•'..--$.-.--il =*=--• 1 ·•.. · •:··A:-··:lifi) A•3 6·'- 7.8' .'fl-.'..·,4.*fr i" 042,1•4I' - , -9 I .•«'-·" . ... -I ..'' i I•'t.•hlr / ',1. ••• I.'·..'3 .••1''H..'' 6%"4 ull.. .*.0 1 1 ' .Fil....•7-Y 1 11 • i--11. •14-:- di h 11'NI'll/"/Ill//4,/51'M'TY'HYMPI -», · ·.: ·"st,di 1 --=====4.r•*M.#*I•,¥ - 4:ja lanta Fe ' '··:3' 1 -I ---- - · \/Ai.., '. 9 F :,..1 / i- 1.-1 . - 3•2 1., -:-:.-11·. 9.:S ...·G=7 --•.".milim--..7,'.»,r:'1:" .2/ii.*...-442».--=-'. O --*5/.2 -=- , ,••.......036w.- --. - 9 1-- --,...... .. 77 I ',tibettf'I'J •/==••77/mem.m"m• .' -- -- t. ewi i '': .--- t .i .- ·u,l r .1 . 1 -* -: ' i.2 ... ... / -A S * *. 21·..4341"UbbiZREit iti/9/ .isillihijillillili1 .Ad'llimu..........Li;,£3:•ift ligils;63';1-460*kid#*ffl*•Z•.• solvency. In the midst of tlie' econom- H•ving left Chicago's Dearborn Station • 13 , .... PA )-ADE N AI= . •7- id sluinp, St6rey was succeeded by · two days earlier, the inaugural run of.the 1 : 2 • 71:.PhRAL/t Samuel.T. Bledsoe; a forward-looking Super Chief rolls into Pasadena, Calif.; on - executive. May 14,1936. The boxy "One-Spot Twins" -1 1 r •13 6 111 1,3,1 . mr. ' • •·Bledsoe was not'a railroad man in head up the all-heavyweight consist. • 1 036 n 111 1'. thE traditidn of his predecessors · "' 1Ve./4/k , ,* li IL«Fr 5 I . ,. i036 ..12* &0 , Stor« Edward Payson Ripley, and William Barstow Strong, all of whdni ger cars. Th6 board agreed And ap- had hands-on 9perating experience: proved the expenditure., 7//*•2•:je 6 1 ·befo're•being•namedpresident. Bled- And spend he did. During 1934, ././. soe came to the presidency with a: Santa ·Fe.installed the new steam- strong backgrourid in law,-specializ-. - ejecton air-conditioning system in 66:. ' 'ing in land and railroad 16gal matters. A cars:,18 club-lounges,·:4 cafe-observa- , Perhaps because'he had n-o direct op- tions, ·14 dining'cars, 13 Pullman room : L erating experience, Bledsoe was never cars, and 17 Pullman observation cars. - 35.: reluctant to take Pri new'technology. Couiiting the 23 dining cars Santa Fe 39& I ....... ...... In hissix years leading.the Santa' Fe, previously had air-donditionedithe he demonstrated an enthusiasm 'for·' railway.was operating 89 air-condi-, '•." ·· ' -A'·' " /'CS;r · - l it,- and for the required monetary: in- ti6ned cars .by the end of'1934. This . vestment'in it. Notonly did lie direct: was the first ofaseriesof decisions •·• ., " ' ·' .· o ..:· the acquoition:of.new; advanced loco- ,that would see Santa Fe bffering. one• '" ·: .. • ..." lij)• · '.':• · : •• . ··•·,·4St ./< . r' motives (both steam and diesel); he of tlid finest and fastest long-distance :. 2, . L'O,Ni·j254*:,.,Ob,1 -:i« • • instituted neiv. high-speed; stream- -passenger-train fleets onthe continent. ·-" .· . :·Z·'·S·:.70., '33·'· ,-'' t':'-'i·-5 ......•,1 ' - :r 9,· C '.,11.'.»,:t': 1:if-5.-•; lined Bassenger'service and spent : On Mdy 29,1934, Bledsoe con- • ·, . -, · ':042 , -.'*·) '•, . •••• _ ':26: .42.·,r.K= large sums on impr6ving the physical vincedthe board to approve·the'air- : , " · ..1 '· .,·'· • •" ·- plant and modernizing the tight of. conditioning of 30.Pullman sleeping " 7 .i:. -. -'-•'-::..: ",-1.• :S:".... '-,.C. I ........... I way to accommodate it. cars; The following year Santa Fe.' .· .::...·.(042,2.·;.·'.:i':.1.-:·: -:ri......:...." -' The drastic reduction in busibiess added even more air-conditioned ·· '/-·,"·'ie.•e:F....1.....·r:.: ..7.'.;....7I• 't::....13:'....•/it,·.•..:':i.•.·.·•·1,·... activity and personal travel br6ught standard Pullman sleepers,·club-: - .'':'. '2,'A....:' 042-*•,ST·. '-.. ,042E .* .Ff.*..'.- .,·*,·'t S. ". -:t' .. '.1.. about by the Depression severely af- lounges,· and diners to its Beat. The «: :-,·" . -036•• ', ·' . '·· ·::3 •:,I....2. fected freight and passenger. service. · estimated cost ofeach cars conver- :' ·· ··· - i' '. ..'.....:; '•I.·'.-'.·i -....:.'.. ...:':.·'y · .·'.., f.. ..'): Losses were exhcerbated by, three fac- sion:.$8000. · tors: the rapid rise in private auto· '.· ': 1 ·......1i /...: ··..1 :I...i..9...1: i :t ; ..., :p ·-· • ·· : 042 ·,..&:.·3'1 .'l·042k:.042 •• . •· ''. " · -, ..:. ' ownership, 'which pumrheled intra- BOX-CAB DIESELS AND ·4394«1·)!042't '.'·ij-'•..:,M:·F .·-F state passenger patronage; the fledg- • .- HEAVYWEIGHT CARS Vp·4%0:18*·., 042'··..A.· ( I. .... .. I. A....'.;....:...,t:t''l•-'.:.9'.:. ':':. i:,i,1:':........•'.:........;., i,e, ;.•1 *M:. 3':i.;·.:· '·-1 ling air-transport industry;.and the Having introduced air conditioned "# 11.·.·",<'.1 .",'.'042i.'·.•'·,f•" t. ....':'.,-:.:'...:.'. expansion of the interstate trucking, comfort for first-class passengers be- f.• :......i:..:2:.•F.:,'' . 2••• ,•••·•.,•• '. ':..P'....'...'I.:i:.:t•f industry,.which·cut freight reveriues, yond dining cars, Bledsoe then -tutned . especially less-than-carlobd·business. to motive,powen Hewas aware of the 'A:......6..... />.:.:! 0.2.., ie." t.,0.-, ''·,042.-.':042,4,:.+,...:.'.;'.:;'4,..A 042rit,<, ... '. 1.1.-/-- :) 1 · ·;,:,· . :.·.:>,I·....L.:'..1 2''b'.'•·;' :. ··'3'.3.U.036....::,f·•'·••·' '· ·• .1.'.f :,•.8'.... .R . .:..'. .:.·4 · ..t.- In 1929, Santa Fe's operating rev- · new diesel-electric derilori•tration 10- ,'..1,4,2.·rl•·F,AMA#Z,14·'' ··...,Rif.•- .0-'.9·" ····' e."t: .:,.C·. t• . .. ' enue r042>as $267·2 million, yielding in- comotive in the planning stagesat c6me of $61 inillion. By.1932;,the fig- Electro-Motive Corp., whose'chief en- -ures had dropped to $133 million and gineer, Richard Dilworth, had cgn- $7.5 million, respectively. These is- ceived and was working'on the con- sues and numbers were the.focus of cept of a multiple-unit locombtive.4 . : 5, /2 ..:*32#• 1 1-l . ..M, attention for President Bledsoe and This'machide w6uld incorporate · ;41'1404#2*.4':; ,',/:.·-•·).2.042'·,-.···.<•4,•0 ...• 1•/•'..1 1 .. ... .A.. '. 13.4..f.. " W. K. Etter, vice president, operations. his untried idea df a diesel-powered . 43·....(a:*,s); F:ep-'., ·· They were adare of both.the need'for mainlihe locomotive with an enclosed 5973»Zi#WiP• .•..Iirr:. 2.... advanced locomotive technologi for body, and main frame fabricated from • • . faster freight'schedules that would re- structural steel.. Dildorth was intent.·.1 39...:4 ..11'.:.:ty:-,sf.:7 6•N.TA....lI*. •7,;ii .:1'· k.''r·' ..;· P;;i·:94: ·•042..1.,L--/ . ·····4,:, .' cover lost· traffic, as well as the need' 00, creating a 3600 h.p. multiple-unit to boost passenger.patronage. .locomotife poweifd·by foui of the new •· " •:·'.:1.4.27,•U I ., .. 6 At the Santa.Fe directors:meeting • 900 h.p. Winton·201A diesel engines,. ,- ' .1 '111 of November 28, 1933, Bledsoe 9 ,/49•2:•lfr29• ·......,• ... : . 44441*FS.ts.. I , .· I brought up tlie first of his many sug- b.'...3•:4:'.i,Evi,';· ·•· '·'• gestions for improving passenger , The Super's box-cabs and heavyweights .. i»·.'.":6..'.:0:.:·r·••.: service. Since the railway's Chicago- gave way to streamlined El diesels and Ar·U.156 - Los Angeles•route trdversed the hot· stainless-steel cars in May and June 1937., desert Southwest, Bledsoe pushed the Though no more powerful than.the'One- , idea of using air-conditicining.passen- Spots, the E's were miles ahead in styling. Y ....'-.£2:.::.:'.2.6.-•.0.....:1.62'/:52.3,;'5 I 147••I -r-'j'.•4':••6-•:...-4-'•: iii'• 22 STREAMLINER PIONEERS 1 2005 1· : ·' ··'.. KY'··'·:i.•..,;· ··:. ·'-'... .'.-'. ·lii/* = ..· • i, 1.....4..... ..'.»'.- ...1•d $:.. lj . *:..'*« :94'. Ilimll* .....,. 0. 'r,r.< 'ff#*2»:-./4.'*I . .4.'. 8.4 ..k. I. .. , I - _12 /'39 4 4.141 4 - ---•ZZU- 2.-1- --=•. .'.-... 4*':.1 ../... 0 . '•- 036=-•=2#1.'N••F,7.34*1 -r.,7 R i Flt. I iiI 1-t«11-•1 111*111-Eil ilit---tililill'11 *Tr13 lit 1 P. 1.1 1.f' 1 fe 1 / 4 1 t t - l 1 4-*fi -i7..i -5- pure-•irgfit... --6-/.....•.-E.;'-•·:•LLJL·.,J• I ./.Bilr•'m//Bl./Ap' 1 Vt 6 In f:,imlimll iullr• Al///W 1 w MP *t li..-7. /···5-·- ····· , -7-·-·· ... - ILJ)/W:1*4 Lie*&*rf':.'.Irf.·«_JI % K:.042r:St:J;•.I :..,•-&.--- .· · - / <-4*=····r036r036=--* - F ,-' .. -·.-stkI,·.-3 .. -'· -..·../:.;k . · · ·,# ./- - ... ..........7.--.>fl. -2...:- .. ·>Re'.:*d-1 ·TWO PHOTOS, SANTA FE ..• e ..5 4•/...:. ..r .5 ..,....Df.:'" 7•<•2••.4•,4•4•*EN)/46//)11&9//-- 9.00=*-4<--.. ..••.,.1640...lm.••Ge#2/•••44%*66•i»•'fM»*• 18--4--- · Fr.yA-*:IL, '31,1, •t.. AM,f,·'.·'.11.'• 3" -=-•:.< 1 /4 - 1 1 er,9'.-2 - -r-042.1 .,.-145: '. l: B - '. *' • ' ' ky-i:..r,! ··•••' ........ ./ '. ..' :, . '. I 0411 .- 1-1 /t.'. Tuf »,36,•i' 44»#.... - il-l- Itt'.4 ;591<3:47.'t,i.b.7: ... '' 1...t.t:K.. ' - -·:,..9... f .. 34//.tfl:£ 7<3<21 ff.'.1 t' S-*ZX..r-· .f .79,:..e:; t ..2......:.,• :I" .036. :,-I-.. » - 4·..·,7.: /· R,-I -L.1.- ./>. ... 7..3 4" P.:i..':i: : -:. .7.'. 'tri)...·f. .· .'-2.XIiI.·:·'f'i· • ''• •'' 1 i. r,2 9*2-K = 4:..232:.4:'..•-;:.·..• 'id.'2•4: '-•'...El.*.'.:r.*u.. 4,.1..:i --2• '.:01-llilll,B,&M ''., ty'l,>r... -ELE. .Y. :53'.:.:A·ill'•·:•·''L'• "·.t·»2'•'4·'.•;7*AVJ :--:;·. »...\ •036111'Vt•'••'.• ...4, . 1-:'.Ni·- .'·'."':·,·'A'·-•.•'.·1*"EM·•49042,-.e•2.ri•t· .., «9-,036«=1-* 6-5-5 e. ... .. 5 . ...:. =..1.- 40422:'••' • .::·0>:.'..'I.' "i: -4. "·,t.'042042.•'.,4+. ':..(* 1.•::'· .......•:.5!:,W·F.Z.-T'.:.p,,...1, . ... 1*»". , . ..t;..1 ... ... .f...:.-r-·.1.,I i: 'C. Il' '.0• ' ..,-:.............-- ........ 3. 2..:..i.:.:*.«.iI . 4.I• 22%.-4.:1:tf254Eit•• . ':.'.;'ESC%1*'...... • - -I-------,-- .. *- , '.t··,OA..·ii:fS . a'37.'.'•'-·f:r:·.•(·.•'•*':;2,·'4*..' .'.'...I.
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