Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC April 1990 Daily Egyptian 1990 4-16-1990 The aiD ly Egyptian, April 16, 1990 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_April1990 Volume 75, Issue 136 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1990 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in April 1990 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois Universitv at Carbondale Monday, April 16, 1990, Vol. 75, No. 136,20 Pages Counter-accusations filed by Trojans By Tony Mancuso . and Richard Hund "(Initially) we didn't press Contile said. ~IS Progress Party of four viola- is never ratified by the USG sen- Staff Writors charges against anybody. We felt The election commission, uons:. ate. we had the suppon of the student which met after the election - HIldebrand has no proof _ Craig Jackson, student UUStee The Undorgraduate Student body," Mike Contile, presidential Wednesday, found members of Conule p l~ n ted the note and candidate, was seen wearing Government elections are over, candidate for the Trojan Pany, the Trojan Pany guilty of cam- chased hIm. Fur ~h Mmo re, Progress Party buttons in the but controversy surrounding the said adding that tbe Progress paigning within 100 feet of the H'lIdeb~~ openly admitted 10 the Student Ce nter on Election election continues. pany f1fSl brought ""_ sation$. polling site in Grinnell Hall. commISS Ion he cb ased a car DaY-<l campaign violation. The Trojan Party, tentatively "We wanted 10 stay aWOl £rom TIm Hildebrand, Uno, rgraduate ~nd campus at hig.; speeds--a _ A framed note libelin Contile victorious in the elections violations and stick to LOc issues," Studr~t Government president, '!:!olauon of the Student Conduct was found in the USG oJ.ceearlY Wednesday, has filed counter­ he said. "But now that a loser.,' also said Wednesday Conti Ie and Code.. Friday moming. It is the Trojan accusations of campaign viola­ coalition It.. been formed ID t ry Trojan campaign manager Kris . - Hddeb !,, ~ threatened elec- Party's belief Hildebrand planted tions against the Progress and to remove us, we orr foreed 10 Fabian placed what he called a lion comml ~S1on member. S~ve the note, Contile said. Student parties. A meeting of the come forward with our own alit'- threatening note on his car and Gus t ,that If the comm ls sl~n Contile dectied thal he planted a USG election commission gations." followed him home by car doesn t find the Troj3D P~ 10 note on Hildebrand's car and fur- Thesday will determine the status "It is quite obvioo.< who the stu- Tuesday night vlolauon and annul the elecu?n, of aU parties involved. dents want to :epresent them," Contile accused Hildebrand and he would make sure the elecuon See usa, PageS Goodall to Soviets celebrate lecture at religious freedom University Saturday night with believers car­ Christians crowd rying candles and marching in By Jerlanne Kimmel processions around the gold­ Staff Writor churches on domed churches in the vast land. "Christ has risen frO! he Thirty years since she Easter Sunday dead," people sang during the . tepped onto the sandy processions. shore of Lake TanganyiJca MOSCOW (upr) - Soviet At midnight bells chimed and 10 begin a long-term field television showed Easter masses early Sunday Russians went ID study "f chimpanzees in Sunday and Russian Christians cemeteries to remember their the wild, z oologist Jane filled churches across the Soviet dead. Goodall will talle about Poi on under the new religious [n the second largest Soviet "The Chimpanzees of freedom of the perestroika era. cuy, Leningrad, "it was the first G.,mbe" tonight 8t 8 p.m. Christian faithful across tho lime in decades thai so ma ny in the Arena. wide land heard the Easter mes­ Leningradecs watched the Easter GoodaI~ now director of sage of Pimen, the pauiarch of Divine service." Lbe official Thss the Gombe Slream Moscow and aU Russia. read olll neWS agency Qid. Research Centre in in aU the cIioceoe of the Russian Also 9 for the first time in Tanzanla. bas been credit­ 0nh0cI0x Olurch. decades, the bead of lhe ed with the flfSl recorded In Roman Catholic Lithuania, Leningrad Eparchy was allowed observations of chim­ Lilhuanians also flocked lo ID address believers through the panzees using and making churches where lhey were press by releasing "Church Life tools, a behavior previous­ enjoined 10 be calm in the face of in the Northwest," Thss said. ly believed \I.' distinguish a threatened economic boycott b f Hundreds of c hurches have man from all other ani­ Mos...ow over the Baltic repub­ been reopened under the reforms mals, said George Waring, lic's suuggle for independence. of Soviet leader Mikhail zoology professor. The Russian Orthodox " (Goodall) has con­ C hristian observances began Sao SOVIElS, Page 5 tributed 10 our undemand­ ing of chimps," Waring said. ''This has meaning in the understanding of otbec Conduct code changes primates,liIce humans." Goodall a!so has helped ll) create awareness of the for cheating possible need to protect chimps in their environment, Waring By Brian 'Gross BOlh the Graduate and said. Staff Writor Professional Student Council and Waiting for the sun lhe Undergraduate Student "We need 10 conserve Aaron SeIIe.<s (left), Charles McEndree lFId NaIhan Sellers, III and protect (the chimps) Faculty members couJd acquire Government unanimously by not puuing them aU in the power to dismiss students opposed the amendment frem Benton, bnrved the early morning cold to attend the captivity," he said. from class when they are accusrd Sludent Trustee Bill Hall said SUnrIse ServIce at Bale! Knob Mo\naIn In Ala Pass tor Easter Goodall said she of cheating, without going the faculty does not understand Sunday. dreamed of studying and through the dean, if a proposed the implications of the amend­ writing about animals in amendment is adopted 10 the stu­ ment Africa ever since she was dent conduct code. "A student could be ordered out a chit," g rowing up in A commju.ee is in the process of the class until the out.come of Boumemoulh, Engl.nd, of being formed that will consider the hearing," Hall said. "u they Scheduling problems according to the Jane lhe amendment this fall, Jean are iound innocent, they still Goodall Institute for Paratore, associate vice president missed the c;ass." for student affairs, said. Hall said the faculty has noth­ delay shuttle service See GOODALL, Page 5 'The committee will look at the ing 10 lose by allowing a S1udenl proposed amendment, discuss it 10 attend class during the hearing By Richard Huna "I'm a liulc worried that ... rid­ and vote on whether or not 10 fCC process. StaflWr~.r ership will be down because it's ommend it to Harvey Welch, vice two weeks before finals ...-eeI<," president for student affairs. he said. "U we get enough student Sao CC'OE, Page 5 The proposed s~n ,tlc service The Faculty Senate passed a has been delayed for _ et anothcc 'cipation, we could use this all This Mo~ning resolulion proposed by Don week. Ed W8J !~e rs. an Under­ next year." Garner, chairman of the faculty Gus Bode gradua~: 5tudenl Government The shutUe will take a circular status and welfare committee, path around campus with three s~r senator, said. legendary film requesling the amendment in Walthers, the writer of the biD, ~ropoff poinls: the Arena, the Garbo dies at 84 November. said the u"availability of buses Student Center and the Communications Building. -Page8 ~ Garner said the proposal pro­ caused the two-week trial run 10 tects th\~ academic freedom of be postponed until April 23 to Running tentatively from 8:30 teachers and also protects honest May 4. a.m. 10 4:30 p.m., each trip will students. Walthers said scheduling of tIM; last about 25 minule!:. Softball winning "The rederal courts made it buses had to be completed two Walthers also streSsed that the streakat14 a"solulCly clear that it is constitu­ weeks in advance, and he asktd shutUe has nc connections 10 the tional, 05 wdl as within due pre­ for the buses just a week before citywide Mass Transit proposal -Sports 20 cess, for Ieachers 10 [ail a stude,lI the trial run. " This is an Undergraduate cheating in their class without any Gus says make sure yo ur Fewer people may try the sec­ Student Government proposal and lcind of formal or informal pro­ a n swers are your o wn or vic.' because of the delays, USG will b~ in charge of it," he cess," Garner said. you m lgi1t get sent home. WalUler said. said. Page 20 April 16, 1990 Sp()rt~ )} Dawgs take three from No. '15 Jays By Greg Sc;;lt StallWr~er Salukis making bid to gain Top 25 ranking The 15th-ranked Creighton Bluejays finally figured out a way ByGtegScoIt Missouri Valley Conference with Sunday. ""id the Salukis should to win a game over the red-hot Staff Write' a 6-2 record. Defending champi­ receive some national recogni­ Saluld baseball team. on Wichita State is 5-3 and tion. After losing the first three After winning three of four CreighlOn is 4-4. "Arter we beat (third-ranked) games of the four-game weekend games from the 15th-ranked The Salulois are 27.f5 ovaalL Miami earlier in the season, series, Creighton defeated the Creighton Blucjays this week­ Saluk. shortstop Dave Wrona, everyone said it was a fluke," Salukis 8-6 in the nightcap of end, Saluki players feel they arc who went 5-for-8 in Satnrday's Wrona said.
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