University of Rhode Island DigitalCommons@URI The Good 5 eC nt Cigar (Student Newspaper) University Archives 9-12-2012 The Good 5 Cent Cigar (9/12/2012) University of Rhode Island Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.uri.edu/cigar Recommended Citation University of Rhode Island, "The Good 5 eC nt Cigar (9/12/2012)" (2012). The Good 5 Cent Cigar (Student Newspaper). Book 24. http://digitalcommons.uri.edu/cigar/24http://digitalcommons.uri.edu/cigar/24 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at DigitalCommons@URI. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Good 5 Cent Cigar (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@URI. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND STUDENT NEWSPAPER SINCE 1971 Volume 62 'Just what this country needs ' Wednesday Issue 3 www.ramcigar.com September 12, 2012 URI student tours New England Senior shares positive with 7th R~giment drum corps internship experiences BY KIMBERLY DELANDE News Reporter BY JULIE DAWSON hometown Tucson, Ariz. Contributing News Reporter Target.com Fulfillment Center Most students who com­ as a distribution operations pete in college spqrts don't Think about a store you intern for the inbound depart­ have the opportunity to play enjoy shopping at for a ment, where she was able to· professionally, but a moment. Do you realJy 'know learn all aspects pf the )'msi­ University of Rhode. Island what the company stands for? ness-like operations, logistics What is its reputation like? student proved to be an and developing .herself C\S a exception. During the sum~ Would you ever consider leader. .She shadowed' Aaron mer, Nathan Gomes was working for a company like Davenport, the head of her accepted into 7th Regiment, that? Asking these questions .department called at "group an Open Class drum and led Elizabeth Slaymaker, a leader;'" ' who 'manages bugle corps that toured in senior economics m (ljor, to between 20. to 40 other .teap1 competitions across New h er summer internship at members. · England. Target, a general merchandis­ "At the end of my intern­ 7th Regiment is a corps ing powerhouse that is University of Rhode student, Nate ship, my responsibilities con­ recognized by Drum Corps ranked 38 on the Fortune 500 forming with the 7th Regiment drum corps this summer. sisted of leading the inbound International, the governing list for 2012. team in day-to-day opera­ body for competitive drum amongst 15 other teams. This score was "unheard of," "I chose this internship tions," Slaymaker said. corps in the United States.. marked the first time in DCI according to Gomes. because I respected Target "Leading the team was the Drum corps recognized by history that' 7th Regiment "The 7th Regiment turned and always enjoyed shopping biggest focus as the intern­ DCI tour to compete with placed in the top five in DCI a lot of heads this season," in Target's stores. I also based ship went on and I did this each other across the nation Finals. Considering that 7th Gomes said. "There were my decision on the reputation through removing daily from late ·June to early July. Regiment is considered to be corps with brasslines larger of the company's internship obstacles for the team." The finals for DCI drum smaller than the average than our entire corps com- program and admired their Slaymaker said she corps were held in drum corps (with a count of -------·------- community involvement," Indianapolis, Ind., where 7th 60 members, compared to the Continued on page 2 Slaymaker said. Continued on page 2 Slaymaker worked at her Regiment finished fifth -"-p_la_c_e_-=u=s-=ucc::a"-1.-:a::_v:_:e=-=r-=angc:ce----=co"-f _1=-c0=-=0'-')"-, _t=h=i=-s __________ ----------- Junior ·wins Miss ·Massachusetts pageant, prepares for Miss America BY NANCY LAVIN & JULIA student with strong academics, GEROMINI extracurricular and volunteer Managing Editor & Contributing News Reporter efforts in the community. Kinzler commented that the While most University of most difficult part of these com­ Rhode Island students are set­ petitions is not comparing her­ tling in to the start of a new aca~ self with other contestants. demic year, one student is "Particularly in this system, preparing for one of the most there are so many talented, well-known competitions of the accomplished women," she country: the Miss America said. "It's difficult not to think Pageant. 'why am I not as pretty as her' Junior Journalism student or 'why am I not as talented as and Massachusetts native her."' Kinzler also said, howev­ Taylor Kinzler started compet­ er, that this has made her gain a ing in the Miss America system lot of self-confidence. in 2008, where she won the Miss Despite increased self-confi­ Massachusetts Outstanding dence, Kinzler still said that the Teen pageant. This past sum­ swimsuit competition is her mer, she competed and won the least favorite part. " crown for the Miss "It's difficult to walk Massachusetts Pageant. around in a bikini, but it's kind Photo courtesy of Taylor Kinzler "My friend suggested that I of another part that I've learned University of Rhode Island junior Taylor Kinzler being crowned Miss Massachusetts. compete in the Miss America ··-~--·--~---~------ to accept," said Kinzler. "[It's] system," said Kinzler, who "I was really relaxed. It was that they support, according to .. reaped .the--rewards ·orvoiun­ empowered me to feel better in added that she had been a gym­ -almost that I was kind of at Kinzler. When she first began teering. Kinzler added that she my own skin." nast all her life. "Growing up, I peace because I knew that I had competing, she founded the noticed high school students in By contrast, Kinzler said her wasn't really into any of that .. .I prepared as much as I possibly organization "Give the Gift of particular doing a great deal of favorite part is the interview was a tomboy." could," she said. "I felt really Youl Volunteer," which served volunteer work and decided to section. Although the most recent comfortable and I think that as her platform. The organiza- create a $500 scholarship to rec­ "Before I started competing, competition was only her third translated." tion essentially promotes the ognize these students. For the I was extremely shy [and] had a one, Kinzler said she thinks her When contestants compete · benefits of volunteering in the past four years, since the organ­ lot of trouble speaking," said calmness gave her an edge ·over in these types of pageants, they community, since Kinzler her- ization began, she has awarded the other contestants. need to have a platform or cause self said she personally has a scholarship to a high school Continued on page 2 Today's forecast 77 °F Nickel Brief: Looking for ideas for a Check out tomorrow's issue to good movie to watch? A mainly learn about changes to buses sunny sky. and roadways at URI. See page 3. Page 2 • The Good Five Cent Cigar • Wednesday, September 12, 2012 . CONTINUED Drum corps Pageant Internship From page l From page l From page l bined that were totally baf­ ·Kinzler. Since she started doing received and accepted a full­ fled at how well we scored in interviews, she added, ''[I am] time job offer from Target to the end." becoming more confident and work as a group leader after Even i£ 7th Regiment is a really owning my interview graduation. · smaller team than usuat its skills [and have] been able to "Target truly focuses on members did not take them­ take them and apply them to development, and that fo.cus selves any less seriously. many different parts of life." allowed me to grow as a new Being a member of a drum Kinzler attributed getting the professional, grow personally corps that plays at a profes­ internships that she has had to and most importantly, grow sional level, according to her improved speaking skills. as a leader and broaden my Gomes, holds you to a "much As Miss Massachusetts, ability to lead. Target has higher standard" than play­ Kinzler is marketing the ·Miss countless opportunities in ing drums in a marching America organization to the rn~ny different areas and I am band or college drumline . local community through pub­ confident that I will be able to would. While other members lic speaking, political engage­ explore those opportunities," of 7th Regiment had previ­ ments and visits to high Slaymaker said. ously marched in a drum schools. She is also reading up Slaymaker's advice for corps, Gomes was new to the on current events to prepare for other students who are inter­ experience. the interview portion of the ested in having an internship · "One of my biggest obsta- Miss America pageant. In addi­ is to truly think about what cles as a rookie was alway~ tion, she said she is practicing you want to do and where being 'that guy' who messed her talent, singing, shopping for you see yourself. Slaymaker something up," Gomes said. gowns, working out and diet­ said visiting career sites of_ "It did get frustrating at ~ing to prepare for the competi­ those companies 'which you times, but the professional­ tion. are interested in and utilizing ism of marching with 7th Though Kinzler considered resources at URI like Regiment comes from being taking the semester off, she Rhodynet, or visiting Career able to take harsh criticism decided to take two classes Services and The Office of well and build upon it." because "academics are Experiential Learning · and Before playing with 7th extremely important to me." Community Engagement, Regiment, Gomes played At URI, Kinzler is a which are great for finding tenor drums in the URI reporter for the media athletics job opportunities.
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