Cincinnati Contra Dancers Non-Proft Org. 56 ! "#en$ie% A$en&e U.S. Postage Cincinnati, OH '5((' PAID Permit #9151 )et&rn Ser$ice )e*&este+ Cincinnati, OH & FLING PIGTOWN THE ROSENTHORNS CONTRAFORCE 2 0 1 8 And Kristen Planeaux And And Bev Bernbaum March 23 Deadline Early Registration - March 3 - 25 optima# f&n for a##. optima# f&n for and wa#.t0roug0s, quic. -airings, anddance tune great faci#itate to together m&sic come contra o/ #o$e and dance the o/ nature c#oc.%or. in the Herde#ig0t voice. %arm smoot0, in a instr&ction concise c#ear, with dances ca##s Kristen Planeaux Kristen dancers. -#eas&re for a ca##ing her ma.e sty#e teac0ing straig0t/or%ar+ and voice Her c#ear u-. things mi2 to wa6s interesting /or the looko&t on a#%a6s S0e's dance. to lo$es s0e that herse#/ dances ca## is to Heraim sty#e. eas6going an brings Toronto, from Bev, Bernbaum Bev again. bac. modern and to from smooth#6 traditiona# mo$e and the6 perc&ssion, g&itar, fl&te, f++#e,piano, Featuring years. se$era# past the so&nd o$er 0ig0-energ6 their honing been ha$e )osenthorns Rosenthorns The s&r/ m&sic,roc.. and 8astern Mi++#e tec0no, roc., -s6c0ede#ic f#m scores, in4&ences5 di$erse incor-orates and drivingsound immersi$e SC. T0eir /rom C0ar#eston, band bold, e2-erimenta# this /orm f&se g&itar to dr&ms, androc.-so#id hand kit o/ tra- f++#e,a Virtuosic ContraForce A loca# gem o/ a ban+, Cincinnati's Cincinnati's ban+, a gem o/ A loca# With sound by EdHowe soundby With Contra Dance Contra >a#tA 7orning ;r&nch S&nda6 Dance Contra >a#tAing >or.s0o-s? Dance Contra )egistration >a#tA, Englis0 Co&ntr6, >or.s0o-, Englis0 Ca##er9s >a#tA, dancing at Dar#ene Under%oo+Cs Under%oo+Cs 0omeD at Dar#ene dancing 30e fna# sc0ed&#e %i## 1e a$ai#a1#e at +ance, t0e a$ai#a1#e 1e %i## fna# sc0ed&#e 30e Iris0 Set Dance, Co&ntr6 (-Ste-, Salsa Co&ntr6 (-Ste-, Iris0Dance, Set 7&sician9s >or.s0o-, 7&sician9s Eam, 7&sician9s>or.s0o-, Bate Sat&rda6 nig0t a/ter--art6 and a/ter--art6 nig0t Sat&rda6 Bate 30e #ist o/ %or.s0o-s is s&1Fect to c0ange. s&1Fect isto %or.s0o-s o/ #ist 30e %%%. PreliminarySchedule Saturday, March 24 March Saturday, Sunday, !arch 25 Sunday, with Kristen Planeaux with Kristen Friday, March 2# Friday, Cincinnati 'H $%""( Cincinnati 'H CincinnatiContraDance Bernbaum Bev with Bernbaum Bev with The Rosenthorns The an+ on %ebsite: an+ o&r Worksho0s "#% Hosea Hosea &ve "#% )%*#+ ,-*.(**- )%*#+ ContraForce ContraForce 1@5 0 1@5 1@5 0 1@5 O-ens at = O-ens =5 0 =5 A7 A7 Noon - Noon 8 8 P7 P7 - '545 - '545 -11545 P7 1@5 0 1@5 .org - - 1( -1( - ! - ! A7 A7 A7 A7 P7 P7 P7 P7 Housing Requests 4ocation 'nline Registration Re1istration One +ancer -er registration /orm. Housing re2uest deadline3 Purce## 7arian Hig0 Schoo# :or online registration, or more Saturday !arch # (9 5 Hac.1err6 Street information a1o&t &s, Confrmations %i## 1e sent $ia emai#. If 6o& -re/er confrmation $ia snai# mai#, -#ease inc#&+e a self- Cincinnati, OH, 45(@6 $isit o&r %e1site at5 Contact5 ;ets6 Be0man a++resse+ stamped en$elo-e. Par.ing is a$aila1le in t0e 8mai#5 1ets6#e0man@gmai#.com %%%. C incinnati C ontra D ance.or g C0i#+ren &n+er 12 m&st 1e s&-er$ised at a## times. #ots s&rro&n+ing t0e sc0ool. Name: ;e s&re to note an6 s-ecia# A++ress5 re*&irements. :or e2am-#e5 .id-/riendl6, a##ergen-/ree, -et-/ree, ma#e or /ema#e !ore Information Contacts Cit65 onl6, or co&-#e accommodations. State: Oi-5 4unch 0re.order deadline3 P0one: Saturday !arch # Pre.Re1istration Emai#5 Please do not re*&est 0o&sing i/ 6o& 30MrNse Nort0ro- Name t0at %i## go on 6o&r +ance 1&tton5 are ma.ing arrangements direct#6 %it0 Bag 4unches -erichoresistG0otmai#.com a dancer. A$ai#a1#e /or K8. Lo&r choice o/ a >e're switching to on#ine registrations! $eggie %ra-, t&r.e6, or 0am sandwich, Housin1 >o&#d yo& li.e a pa-er form ne2t 6earP a#ong %it0 carrots, ce#er6, c0i-s, /r&it, ;ets6 Be0man 9 :o 5;ll register online < 9 =es 0lease < mint and a coo.ie. 1ets6#e0manGgmai#.com &ccommodations Full Wee/end Please indicate 6o&r choice on t0e ;e/ore 7arc0 K >( Q registration /orm. Scholarshi0s 30ese 0ote#s are %it0in Kitt6 >aters After 7arc0 K ,( Q Lo&t0 Hage 11-1=I K "% Q 10 minutes o/ t0e 0a##5 %aters..itt6Ggmai#.com The Sunday Spread Friday Night K #( Q A scr&m-tio&s 1r&nch %i## 1e -ro$ide+ Saturday Wor/sho0s K "( Q Hampton Inn Cincinnati Upto%n 7endors Saturday Night K #% Q @(4 ,ine St. +&ring t0e S&nda6 dance. 8ri. Hermanns Sunday K "% Q (51 I (!1-(=@@ Starts at 1@5 0 A7. eri.0ermannsrn@gmai#.com ↣ 56 orderin1 be6ore March #: ↢ C#i/ton Ho&se ;e+ an+ ;rea./ast Shoe Policy 8ueen Pi1 T-Shirts (unisex+ K *% ea. Q 5@@ 3errace A$e Please 1ring dancing s0oes, %it0 so/t S0e##6 Oeiser SiAe5 RS S S S 7 S B S RB S RRB 51 -((1-=6@@ Co#or5 ;#&e S ;#ac. S P&r-#e S Le##o% #eat0er so#es or non-mar.ing r&11er s0e##6.AeiserGgmai#.com A++itional shirt or+ers: so#es. 30an. 6o& /or 6o&r coo-eration! 3o see s0irt -re$ie%s, or to 7i##enni&m Hote# Cincinnati register on#ine, -#ease $isit 15@ >est 5th St. %%%.CincinnatiContraDance.orgS-igto%n.0tm (51 I 5(-(1@@ 7olunteering >e o//er /&##--rice or 0a#/--rice Bag Lunch (Saturday+@ K , ea. Q Ho-.ins Par. ;e+ J ;rea./ast scho#ars0i-s in e2change /or $o#&nteer ? Circ#e one: 3&r.e6 Ham ,eggie %ra- 195@ ;ige#o% St. 0o&rs. Please get in to&ch %it0 Kitt6 Total Cost3 Q H @ I 641-1@ >aters i/ 6o&'re interested in 0e#-ingD Please make chec/s payable to3 Cincinnati Contra Dancers Co&rt6ar+ 7arriott %aters.kitt6Ggmai#.com !13 8+%ar+s )oa+ Please address mail to3 (51 I 6=(-71@@ Cincinnati Contra Dancers cSo 30Mrèse Nort0ro- P.O. ;o2 =5316 :t. 30omas, <L, '1@=5.
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