PERIODICALS PHYSICAL REVIEW C Postmaster send address changes to: For editorial and subscription correspondence, American Institute of Physics please see inside front cover Suite 1NO1 „ISSN: 0556-2813… 2 Huntington Quadrangle Melville, NY 11747-4502 THIRD SERIES, VOLUME 68, NUMBER 3 CONTENTS SEPTEMBER 2003 RAPID COMMUNICATIONS Prolate-oblate phase transition in the Hf-Hg mass region (4 pages) ................................... 031301͑R͒ J. Jolie and A. Linnemann ␥ rays emitted in the decay of 31-yr 178Hf m2 (5 pages) ............................................ 031302͑R͒ M. B. Smith, P. M. Walker, G. C. Ball, J. J. Carroll, P. E. Garrett, G. Hackman, R. Propri, F. Sarazin, and H. C. Scraggs High-resolution study of the Gamow-Teller strength distribution in 51Ti measured through 51V(d,2He)51Ti (5 pages) .................................................................................. 031303͑R͒ C. Ba¨umer, A. M. van den Berg, B. Davids, D. Frekers, D. De Frenne, E.-W. Grewe, P. Haefner, M. N. Harakeh, F. Hofmann, M. Hunyadi, E. Jacobs, B. C. Junk, A. Korff, K. Langanke, G. Martı´nez-Pinedo, A. Negret, P. von Neumann-Cosel, L. Popescu, S. Rakers, A. Richter, and H. J. Wo¨rtche Nuclear matter incompressibility coefficient in relativistic and nonrelativistic microscopic models (5 pages) .................................................................................. 031304͑R͒ B. K. Agrawal, S. Shlomo, and V. Kim Au Proton-neutron structure of the effective quadrupole-octupole coupled E1 transition operator (5 pages) . 031305͑R͒ N. Pietralla, C. Fransen, A. Gade, N. A. Smirnova, P. von Brentano, V. Werner, and S. W. Yates Vibrational and intruder structures in 116Cd (4 pages) .............................................. 031306͑R͒ M. Kadi, N. Warr, P. E. Garrett, J. Jolie, and S. W. Yates Specific heat at constant volume in the thermodynamic model (4 pages) .............................. 031601͑R͒ C. B. Das, S. Das Gupta, and A. Z. Mekjian Thermal radiation from baryons and mesons (3 pages) ............................................. 031901͑R͒ Jan-e Alam, Pradip Roy, and Sourav Sarkar ͑ ͒ v4: A small, but sensitive observable for heavy ion collisions (4 pages) ............................... 031902 R Peter F. Kolb Production of the exotic ⌰ baryon in relativistic nuclear collisions (4 pages) ........................... 031903͑R͒ Jo”rgen Randrup ជ 0 ⌬ Measurement of the polarized structure function LTЈ for p(e,eЈp) in the (1232) resonance region (5 pages) .................................................................................. 032201͑R͒ K. Joo, L. C. Smith, V. D. Burkert, R. Minehart, G. Adams, P. Ambrozewicz, E. Anciant, M. Anghinolfi, B. Asavapibhop, G. Audit, T. Auger, H. Avakian, H. Bagdasaryan, J. P. Ball, S. Barrow, M. Battaglieri, K. Beard, M. Bektasoglu, M. Bellis, N. Benmouna, N. Bianchi, A. S. Biselli, S. Boiarinov, S. Bouchigny, R. Bradford, D. Branford, W. J. Briscoe, W. K. Brooks, C. Butuceanu, J. R. Calarco, D. S. Carman, B. Carnahan, C. Cetina, L. Ciciani, P. L. Cole, A. Coleman, D. Cords, P. Corvisiero, D. Crabb, H. Crannell, J. P. Cummings, E. DeSanctis, R. DeVita, P. V. Degtyarenko, H. Denizli, L. Dennis, K. V. Dharmawardane, K. S. Dhuga, C. Djalali, G. E. Dodge, D. Doughty, P. Dragovitsch, M. Dugger, S. Dytman, O. P. Dzyubak, M. Eckhause, H. Egiyan, K. S. Egiyan, L. Elouadrhiri, A. Empl, P. Eugenio, R. Fatemi, R. J. Feuerbach, J. Ficenec, T. A. Forest, Copyright 2003 by The American Physical Society (Continued) CONTENTS - Continued PHYSICAL REVIEW C THIRD SERIES, VOLUME 68, NUMBER 3 SEPTEMBER 2003 H. Funsten, S. J. Gaff, G. Gavalian, S. Gilad, G. P. Gilfoyle, K. L. Giovanetti, P. Girard, C. I. O. Gordon, K. Griffioen, M. Guidal, M. Guillo, L. Guo, V. Gyurjyan, C. Hadjidakis, R. S. Hakobyan, J. Hardie, D. Heddle, P. Heimberg, F. W. Hersman, K. Hicks, R. S. Hicks, M. Holtrop, J. Hu, C. E. Hyde-Wright, Y. Ilieva, M. M. Ito, D. Jenkins, J. H. Kelley, M. Khandaker, K. Y. Kim, K. Kim, W. Kim, A. Klein, F. J. Klein, A. V. Klimenko, M. Klusman, M. Kossov, L. H. Kramer, Y. Kuang, S. E. Kuhn, J. Kuhn, J. Lachniet, J. M. Laget, D. Lawrence, Ji Li, A. C. S. Lima, K. Lukashin, J. J. Manak, C. Marchand, S. McAleer, J. W. C. McNabb, B. A. Mecking, S. Mehrabyan, J. J. Melone, M. D. Mestayer, C. A. Meyer, K. Mikhailov, M. Mirazita, R. Miskimen, L. Morand, S. A. Morrow, M. U. Mozer, V. Muccifora, J. Mueller, L. Y. Murphy, G. S. Mutchler, J. Napolitano, R. Nasseripour, S. O. Nelson, S. Niccolai, G. Niculescu, I. Niculescu, B. B. Niczyporuk, R. A. Niyazov, M. Nozar, G. V. O’Rielly, A. K. Opper, M. Osipenko, K. Park, E. Pasyuk, G. Peterson, S. A. Philips, N. Pivnyuk, D. Pocanic, O. Pogorelko, E. Polli, S. Pozdniakov, B. M. Preedom, J. W. Price, Y. Prok, D. Protopopescu, L. M. Qin, B. A. Raue, G. Riccardi, G. Ricco, M. Ripani, B. G. Ritchie, F. Ronchetti, P. Rossi, D. Rowntree, P. D. Rubin, F. Sabatie´, K. Sabourov, C. Salgado, J. P. Santoro, V. Sapunenko, M. Sargsyan, R. A. Schumacher, V. S. Serov, Y. G. Sharabian, J. Shaw, S. Simionatto, A. V. Skabelin, E. S. Smith, D. I. Sober, M. Spraker, A. Stavinsky, S. Stepanyan, P. Stoler, I. I. Strakovsky, S. Strauch, M. Taiuti, S. Taylor, D. J. Tedeschi, U. Thoma, R. Thompson, L. Todor, C. Tur, M. Ungaro, M. F. Vineyard, A. V. Vlassov, K. Wang, L. B. Weinstein, H. Weller, D. P. Weygand, C. S. Whisnant, E. Wolin, M. H. Wood, A. Yegneswaran, J. Yun, J. Zhao, and Z. Zhou ͑CLAS Collaboration͒ ARTICLES Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction, Few-Body Systems Description of SU͑3͒ s-wave and p-wave baryons (15 pages) ........................................ 034001 Mikito Furuichi, Kiyotaka Shimizu, and Sachiko Takeuchi Modern nuclear force predictions for the neutron-deuteron scattering lengths (8 pages) ................... 034002 H. Witała, A. Nogga, H. Kamada, W. Glo¨ckle, J. Golak, and R. Skibin´ski Low-energy operators in effective theories (8 pages) ............................................... 034003 C. Felline, N. P. Mehta, J. Piekarewicz, and J. R. Shepard Parity violation in proton-proton scattering at 221 MeV (16 pages) ................................... 034004 A. R. Berdoz, J. Birchall, J. B. Bland, J. D. Bowman, J. R. Campbell, G. H. Coombes, C. A. Davis, A. A. Green, P. W. Green, A. A. Hamian, R. Helmer, S. Kadantsev, Y. Kuznetsov, L. Lee, C. D. P. Levy, R. E. Mischke, N. T. Okumusoglu, S. A. Page, W. D. Ramsay, S. D. Reitzner, T. Ries, G. Roy, A. M. Sekulovich, J. Soukup, G. M. Stinson, T. J. Stocki, V. Sum, N. A. Titov, W. T. H. van Oers, R. J. Woo, S. Zadorozny, and A. N. Zelenski ͑TRIUMF E497 Collaboration͒ Nuclear Structure Fine structure of the Gamow-Teller resonance revealed in the decay of 150Ho 2Ϫ isomer (20 pages) . 034301 A. Algora, B. Rubio, D. Cano-Ott, J. L. Taı´n, A. Gadea, J. Agramunt, M. Gierlik, M. Karny, Z. Janas, A. Płochocki, K. Rykaczewski, J. Szerypo, R. Collatz, J. Gerl, M. Go´rska, H. Grawe, M. Hellstro¨m, Z. Hu, R. Kirchner, M. Rejmund, E. Roeckl, M. Shibata, GSI Euroball Collaboration, L. Batist, and J. Blomqvist 5 6 Brueckner rearrangement effects in ⌳He and ⌳⌳He (7 pages) ....................................... 034302 M. Kohno, Y. Fujiwara, and Y. Akaishi Resonance states of 5H and 5Be in a microscopic three-cluster model (7 pages) ........................ 034303 Koji Arai Structure of Tϭ2 24Ne from 14Con 14C (10 pages) .............................................. 034304 C. R. Hoffman, S. L. Tabor, M. W. Cooper, T. Baldwin, D. B. Campbell, C. Chandler, K. W. Kemper, J. Pavan, A. Pipidis, M. A. Riley, M. Wiedeking, and B. A. Brown (Continued) CONTENTS - Continued PHYSICAL REVIEW C THIRD SERIES, VOLUME 68, NUMBER 3 SEPTEMBER 2003 Ab initio shell model with a genuine three-nucleon force for the p-shell nuclei (13 pages) ................ 034305 Petr Navra´til and W. Erich Ormand Identification of isomers in the NϭZϩ1 nucleus 95Ag (6 pages) .................................... 034306 J. Do¨ring, H. Grawe, K. Schmidt, R. Borcea, S. Galanopoulos, M. Go´rska, S. Harissopulos, M. Hellstro¨m, Z. Janas, R. Kirchner, M. La Commara, C. Mazzocchi, E. Roeckl, and R. Schwengner Properties of states at 7–8 MeV in 18Ne (4 pages) ................................................ 034307 H. T. Fortune and R. Sherr  decay of odd-A Cs isotopes in the interacting boson-fermion model (6 pages) ........................ 034308 L. Zuffi, S. Brant, and N. Yoshida Width of 12O͑g.s.͒ (2 pages) .................................................................. 034309 H. T. Fortune and R. Sherr Self-consistent solution to the nuclear many-body problem at finite temperature (9 pages) ................ 034310 T. Frick and H. Mu¨ther Free energy and criticality in the nucleon pair breaking process (6 pages) ............................. 034311 M. Guttormsen, R. Chankova, M. Hjorth-Jensen, J. Rekstad, S. Siem, A. Schiller, and D. J. Dean Pair correlation in neutron drip line nuclei (7 pages) ............................................... 034312 Ikuko Hamamoto and Ben R. Mottelson New method of analytic continuation in the coupling constant with the complex scaling method (3 pages) . 034313 Shigeyoshi Aoyama Recoil-gated plunger lifetime measurements in 188Pb (8 pages) ...................................... 034314 A. Dewald, R. Peusquens, B. Saha, P. von Brentano, A. Fitzler, T. Klug, I. Wiedenho¨ver, M. P. Carpenter, A. Heinz, R. V. F. Janssens, F. G. Kondev, C. J. Lister, D. Seweryniak, K. Abu Saleem, R. Kru¨cken, J. R. Cooper, C. J. Barton, K. Zyromski, C. W. Beausang, Z. Wang, P. Petkov, A. M. Oros-Peusquens, U. Garg, and S. Zhu Structure of 120Te from the 118Sn(␣,2n␥) reaction and 120I decay (15 pages) .......................... 034315 J. R. Vanhoy, R. T. Coleman, K. A. Crandell, S. F. Hicks, B. A. Sklaney, M. M. Walbran, N. V. Warr, J. Jolie, F. Corminboeuf, L. Genilloud, J. Kern, J.-L. Schenker, and P. E. Garrett 56 ϭ 58 Experimental evidence for Ni-core breaking from the low-spin structure of the N Z nucleus 29Cu29 (10 pages) ................................................................................. 034316 A. F. Lisetskiy, N. Pietralla, M. Honma, A. Schmidt, I. Schneider, A. Gade, P. von Brentano, T. Otsuka, T. Mizusaki, and B. A. Brown Lϭ1␣ widths near 5 MeV in 19F (3 pages) ....................................................
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