®j)E Jleto Jlampgjnte VOLUME NO. 45 ISSUE 5 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. DURHAM, N. H. — March 3, 1955 PRICE — SEVEN CENTS Sharp-Shooters Varsity Faces Wheelchair Vets To Begin Unique Chest Drive Events The annual Campus Chest Drive activities to begin this Satur­ day and continue through the 12th, will be chock-full of entertain­ Local Group Offers ment and surprises this year. The money is to be raised by various campus organizations which will sponsor events for all students. The Drive is hoping to meet the goal set for $1500. The success of Armstrong Comedy the Drive depends on the students and their willingness to co­ The “Town and Gown Players”, a operate. This year the committees are local theater group, will present their hoping for the most successful drive yet. second play of the year which is a The Drive will open Saturday after­ three-act comedy by Chari Armstrong $2000 Rids Campus noon with Wheelchair Basketball. The entitled “ Ring Around Elizabeth”, on basketball game sponsored by the Sphinx Sat., March 12, in Paine Auditorium. between the paraplegic veterans of Ameri­ Mrs. Lorin D. Paine, who had the Of Flagpole Stump ca, who will play in wheelchairs, and lead in the last presentation, “ Double Within a month or six weeks at the the U N H varsity, should prove baffiling Door”, is directing this production. most, a spanking-new 80 foot all-steel to the veteran Wildcats. The paraplegics Cast Members flagpole will grace the University’s hold a record of six wins and no defeats A number of University personnel T-Hall walk. This will be the third oyer able bodied teams. Admission for are included in the cast. Mrs. Louise flagpole to stand in front of T-Hall the game will be 50 cents and 25 cents Thatcher, housemother at Theta Up- since 1918, and has been donated by for high school students. silon, plays the part of Vida, the bossy the class o f 1930. maid at the Cherry hous'ehold. Mr. As tradition has been established, New Busboys The Lens and Shutter Club recently conducted its annual photo contest. Louis Goffe, assistant professor of each class of UNH graduates, re­ The department in Commons should be Dick Daland of the Wildcat is shown presenting an award to Sylvia Smith for English, takes the part of Andy turning for their 25th reunion, present excellent next week, for the professors first place in the black and white division. Looking on are Anne Meader, Blayne, a frustrated play-boy who is the University with a gift, usually will be acting as busboys. Students will winner in the color division, and Bob Chase, Lens and Shutter president. chasing Jennifer, much against moth­ money. This year, however, the class tip them according to their services, which er’s and father’s wishes. Laurette Car­ of 1930 has decided to donate the flag­ will range from getting food and trays penter Styles is played by Mrs. Doro­ pole instead. The gift will also include to carrying books. Bishop Wright Delivers Lecture thy Daggett, wife of Professor Daggett an American flag and a storm flag, Between classes everyone should make of the English department and Jenni­ Daniel M. Hellingworth, Chairman of a bee-line for T-Hall Arch and Mortar fer is played by Mrs. Elizabeth Niel­ the gift committee, announced today. Board sponsored Dean’s Coffee Shop, Steel Pole son, wife of Professor Nielson of the where favorite campus personages will be Tonight In New Hampshire Hall Flagpole number three will be the Sociology department. Mrs. Harry on hand to provide a refresher of hot first steel pole in UNH history. The Tonight the Rev. JoJm J. Wright, Bishop of Worcester, Mass., Keener, wife of Professor Keener of coffee and donuts. Monday, March 7, first was given to the university by the speaks at New Hampshire Hall. The evening will be called Bishop the Dairy Husbandry department, ap­ 9:45-10:45, Dean Sackett and Harry pears as Eliabeth and Mrs. Stanley Student A rm y Training Corp in 1918 Carroll will be doing the honors, followed W right Night and the program will begin at 7 :30 p.m. Bishop and was of wood construction. Scab­ Shimer, wife of Professor Shimer of by Pete Jantos and Don Richards, 10:45- W right’s talk is sponsored by Newman Club. bard and Blade donated the second the Agricultural department, plays 11:45. Wed., March 9, A1 Sanborn and Harriet Gilpin. Also appearing in the flagpole in 1942 and this too was Bishop W right,was born and educated in Boston and received Mr. Eddy at 9 :45-10 :45 and Dean Shafer cast are Mrs. Vakalis as Mercedes, wooden. But with the new steel pole his A.B. from Boston College and St. John’s Seminary. The Bishop and Mr. Titus from 10:45-11:45. Thurs., Mrs. Hinkle as Irene Oliver, Harold experts say that UNH’s flagpole wor­ March 10, 9:45-10:45 Dean Grinnell and was ordained in 1935 and later received the Doctor of Sacred The­ Fray as Hubert Cherry, John Skelton ries are over. Dean Blewitt followed by Mr. W olf and ology from the Gregorian University of as Ralph Cherry, W illiam Clark Jr. as The total cost for the removal of the Dean Richards at 10:45-11:45. Dean Rome, in 1936. 'Wildcats' Support the' policem an and W illiam D ryer as old stump and erection of the new pole Snyder and Dean Medesy, 9:45-10:45, Social Writing Dr. Hollister. will be approximately $2,000, according Dean Seley and Jere Chase, 10:45-11:45 Before being installed as the first Bis­ Campus-Wide Drive Others on the production staff in­ to Mr. Harold Leavitt, Superintendent hop of Worcester in 1950, Rev. W right will wand up Shop activities on Friday, The wailing of saxophones, crashing clude James Vakalis, stage manager, of Properties at the University. The March 11. was Secretary to the Archbishop of Bos­ of cymbals, and the sliding of trom­ Edward Kitfield, ticket chairman, and removal of the stump from the old pole ton, Papal Chamberlain, Domestic Pre­ bones should be successfully repeated Chuck Phillips, business manager. has been completed. After contem­ Obedient Skulls late, and Auxiliary Bishop of Boston. at N otch H all on M arch 9, at 8 p.m. “Ring Around Elizabeth” will be plating several possible methods of re­ The Senior Skulls should cause many He has written several works on Catholic for the Campus Chest Drive. presented on M arch 12, 8 p.m. in Paine moval, an. air-drill was finally used and a feminine heart-flutter with their plans social teaching, including “The Pope and The Wildcats will sponsor a jazz Auditorium of the Durham Community satisfactory results were obtained. The for a Sweetheart Contest. The lucky win­ the War”, and “National Patriotism in concert for the Drive featuring Dan Church. Tickets are priced at 60 cents, name of the firm supplying the new ner will receive a loving cup, dinner at Papal Teachings”. From 1939 to 1944 Carroll on piano, Charley Turner, Paul on sale at the Wildcat, Town and Cam­ flagpole will be announced in the near any place of her choice, a coffee date Bishop Wright was Professor of Phil­ Alipoulis, and Bob Rooney on saxo­ pus, and at the door. future. every night, and Skulls at her every wish osophy at St. John’s Seminary in Boston. phones, Eddy Madden on trombone, and command 24 hours a day for a week, In 1939 he was in Rome and present at Jim Flanagan on bass and Buzz Emer­ including_ flicks _ at the Franklin. The the funeral of ' Pope Pius \ X I and the son on drumS. This group will be aug­ Skulls will be visiting each housing unit election of his successor, Pope Pius XII. "Nite of Sin” Committees Bring mented by W'alt Jackson, leader of the on campus to sell chances for 10c or W hile attending B. C. his ability to de­ “ Blues in Rhythm Kings,” who made three for 25c. bate was discovered and he was awarded such a hit at the Winter Carnival Jazz the; annual Fulton medal for oratory. The Concert. Bourbon Street To Notch Hall Well-organized campus “machines” will roll into place for the Ugly Man Contest. Bishop is forty five years old. The Wildcats had planned to donate The seven Student Union committees set up to prepare for Annual Address their services for a dance to be held Stuffing the ballot box and all the .poli­ This will be Bishop W right’s seventh at the Notch on Sat., March 12, but the annual Nite of Sin have reported favorable progress in their tics that goes with it to support “ His appearance on campus under the auspices due to circumstances beyond their con­ respective fields at a weekly meeting with Ed Lynn, general chair­ Ugliness” will be the cry in all the hous­ of the Newman Club. Since his first lec­ trol, this had to be cancelled. The man in charge of the Nite of Sin. With little more than two weeks ing units supporting a candidate. The candidate may be a member o f the stu­ ture here in 1949, the annual address has dance will still take place however, and left, the Student Union has shifted to high gear in preparations been the highlighted guest lecture spon­ arrangements for another musical dent body or faculty, and a caricature sored by the Newman Cluff A vigorous group are now in the process.
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