• • NEWS rucl CLIPS und.r oil low,an hole, School for Poor Serving the Univer,il!l of 10W4 and the People of Iowa Clt!l --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- URBANA, m. ~ - Trustees of til, Establiahed Ia 1161 10 cellts a copy Associated Preas Leaaed Wire and Wirephoto Ion CIty, Iowa IZW-Tbursday. July M. UMit Ulliverslty of nUnols voted Wedlesday to expand a program tbat provides spec. lal educational services for "dilIadvut­ aged students." , Acting unanimously, the trustees ap­ , , , propria ted $546,119 for financing, tutor- I/Ig, Individual counseling, and extra : ~tudent Group Apollo to Be Home I rhetoric and mathematics classes for students at Ur~ana and ChIcago CIrcle campuses. The trustees said most ol the students lor tl!e program will' come from the Plans· Sitting In black inner city schools In ChIcago. • ~, , .t f From Moon Today More than 1,100 disadvantaged etu­ dents are expected to attend the two this SPACE CENTER, Houston IJI - The more still than the efforts of I fJvem­ with mankind their renedions Oil their fall. Lyle Lanier, provost of the univer­ Apollo 11 astronauts spoke a hymn of ment-industry team , more even than the odyssey. sity, said the 899 disadvantaged students praise for the men and the nation that efforts of one naUon. Collins described the complexlty of who enrolled at the campuses last year ,On State Probe sent them to the moon as they passed the machines and equipment that sent "We feel that It stands as a symbol of , did much better with special assistance the halfway point Wednesday oC their them to the moon and back and said the Iy BILL MERTENS We are going to see if they are behav­ the insatiable curiosity of all mankind to Ihan they could have been expected . to starUi journey home. explore the unknown." trip itself had been terribly dUficult and do without it. A Student Investigating Committee ing In the fashion or the American leg· demanding. (SIC) Is planning to go into action this islator," he said. In brief, moving farewells In their last Their ttlk.1 timl IOmt I' hourt IMfore telecast from space, their historic voyage Friday by sitting in on the first hearing Higgins said the Ames group now their splcecr.ft WIS to bum lik •• 1M' "Thl. trip If OUI'I tt the 1IlOOII mey of. exploration was described as a symbol hlv, looIced to you simple and ..sy," he of the Legislative Budget and Financial consisted of about 10 students from Iowa teor into the earth's llmosph.re I n d * * * oC "the Insatiable curiosity of all man­ Slid. "I'd lik. to ."u... you that thlt Control Committee, a SIC committee State and that faculty help is expected . spllsh down Into the Plcific Octon 1,196 Honduras War kind ." miles southwest of Honolulu. hiS not been the Ci ..... head said Wednesday. Iowa Student Body Pres. Jim Sutton As th.y sped towlrd _ of tho Itr.ng· The committee head, Tom Higgins, an said he hoped to meet with the Ames "All this Is possible only through the SAN SALVADOR ~ - Two Honduran est Wllcom.s Iny Presid.nt tver gevt Each man talked for about three min­ blood, sweat and tears oC a number of warplanes bombed San Salvador'S in­ Iowa State graduate student In govern· group next week and organize a group utes. Armstrong introduced the other his nit ion', heroes, the Istronluts - people." ternational airport early Wednesday and ment, also said that the committee hoJ)­ at Iowa. The groups from the two Neil A. Armstrong, Edwin E, Aldrin Jr. two and then himself spoke the last then strafed a border village, Sa Ivador ed to obtain the legislative committee's schools will then set up a separate in­ Ind Mich ..1 Colllni - tlCpnlsecl their words of lhe telecast, "To all the people Then Collins paid tribute to the thous­ military sources said. minutes to try to determine the exact vestigation for each university . gr.titud. to the wliting world limply, but who are IistenJng and watching tonight , ands of technJcians who assembled the , No casualties or damage were report­ nature of their forthcoming investiga­ The groups from the two schools will with '"ling. God bless you . Good night from Apollo machines and equipment, the men who ed. tion of the state universities. He said meet when SIC has hearings of Its own , 11." tested them and the men OR lhe ground fuMher that SIC planned to obtain the "We've come to lhe conclUSion," Aldrin The reported attack was the first ac­ which Higgins said will begin in about Speaking directly into the camera, who guided the flight. jOlirnals of the Iowa House and Senate two weeks. said, "that this has been far more than lion in the war between the two Cent­ three men on a voyage to the moon, Armstrong said they wanted to share Aldrin said the flight brought to mind ral American nations since Sunday, for a detailed investigation. a song of praise from the Eighth Psalm when Honduras claimed Salvadoran SIC, representing students from Iowa of the Bible: .. I State University and the University of • Iroops captured five more of Its fil- "When I consider the heavens, the " lages. It also came only six hours after Iowa, was formed in Ames to probe the work of Thy fingers, the moo alld the I the end of the 96·hour cease fire ordered activities of the Iowa Legislature and stars whicll thou hast ordained, what Is • ~ by the Organization of American States. to look into the "social adaptability" of man that Thou art mindful 01 Him," the legislators. Aldrin ald, "Neil's atatement the The ._nctmtllt of the pl.ns for other day upon first selling foot Oft the * * * the invIIHgltlon calM Tu.sday In .... surface of the moon, 'This Is a small step ITraffic COp Nabs spense .. • ~ vo.. by tho Budget for man, but a great leap for mankind,' Ind Fln_I.I Cent ...1 C:ommltttt .. I believe sums up the feelings very nice­ study .perltlons It the three It... uni­ ly." State GOP Head versities. After all t h r e e spoke, the television Charged with speeding by Iowa City A study of the methods used by the screen filled with a fhlll look at their police. State Republican Chairman John Iowa Board of Regents In determining home planet, stili a shimmering blue half E. "Jack" Warren is scheduled to aJ)­ the "social adaptablUty" and qualifica· disc in the black of space 105,000 mUes away. pear In Police Court berore Judge Mari- tlons of the unJversities' faculties was on R. Neely. included in the legislative committee's • Neely is Johnson County Republican plans. ~ chairman. "The primary aim or SIC win he to Warren, or Waterloo, was charged by promote methods and motives of legis­ County Demos police with speeding in the 200 block of lative investigations," said group chair­ IROCkY Shore Drive about 5:25 p.m. Tues· man Mrs. Barbara Yates, a senior ma­ day. Warren was 1 of 14 persons charged joring in English at Iowa State. May Postpone '!\Jesday with speeding on that street. "As a taxpayer and student citizen, I I'm concerned about the so-called ne­ cessity as well as the expense of this probe of the universities," said Mrs. Election of Head • fNasser Pledges Yates. "There is inefficiency in state The election 01 a new chairman or the government that we wouldn't tolerate in Johnson County Democratic Committee the academic community." may be postponed. Egypt Will Fight Mn. y .... SIIeI th.t the commltttt Mrs. Arthur Small, of Hills. sald hoptcI to curb UIIIIIC."lry legisl.tiv. Wednesday she plaMed to ask that the .ctivities by d.monstrltfng t. the "... National Aeronautics and Spac. Adminislr.tion efficials check Wedntsday I election oC a new chairman to replace pie the IneHicl.nelll in the .tlt. gov. ISickroom' for qUlrlntine .r•• on the U.S.S. Hornel, the ship that will pick up the .stronauts Dan Boyle be postponed unUl September . To Get Jerusalem .rnm.nt. • ft.r they land in the Plcific todlY. At upper left is a simulaled command mod· Mrs. Small sald he thought ejection "We are taking a 20th Century out­ ule, placed the w.y the aclual moduli will b. plac.d. It Is linked to the qUlrantint CAIRO ,Nt - President Gamal Abdel Astronauts by the members of the county committee look," said Mrs. Yates. "We are sur­ facility, on the right, by I tunn.'. - AP Wirepholo Nasser declared Wednesday Egypt will should be held at a later date because fight to liberate all Arab lands - espe­ prised that legislators have the time for such things as debating state birds many members were now out of town. l cially Jerusalem . She said she believed that the election "We have to fight for the restoration of and obscene words when there is still poverty and hunger in Iowa." should be held at a time when all the MlJ' lands," be told a cheering audience. 1970 Property Taxe~ Will Be Rai.sed members could participate. "And we shall fight. "'!be entire investigation is going lo Mrs. Small said that the party vice­ , "When I say the restoration of '*" be like a satire," said Higgins, "but we lands I do not mea n Egypt alone, I are dead serious. We are going to stay chairman, Mrs. Donald Volm, could cer· don 't mean just Sinai alone, but all Arab calm, cool and emotionless." To Pay for Government Spending tainly carry out the duties oC chairman lands , and above all Jerusalem," he said.
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