
rN ..'1 I --. ,'1.. -'4 r .:. , J . ,' .\'ilt.[1]'-7 -:i ir "t -, lr i : ..- g.i , ii_ /r- ri\'' 'r:t' ^ '1''i.i r ari!' * nasnt urs+ prsq r*ffi? E33s ld*,v Aetir:n 1 * $lthili{.1,.. ilor Ic*nners *r{l st$llf - Highe r Xlilucrtitln S{udeni &nd $tfilT klobilit-r Xnter-i nstitutiqc$xl t *sreern*nt 3e X4/ 30 15 *?$?*l 2 12 b*twe*n prssr&mrne €su*tries IMininrurn requirements]l The institutians namecj belor+ aqre* t0 cooperfite for the exchange of stucienis end/or staff in the context of the frasmus+ program$te. They commil to respect the quaiity requirements of the frasm0$ Charler for Higher Eclr-rcation in all aspects related to the o!-ganisation and management of fhe ffiobility, in pafticuiar the r*cognition of the credits arvarded to gtudents by lhe partner institution. A. Snformation about higher edilcation institutions International Relations Office Ms. Sylwia Salamon UNIVER.SITY OF WARSAW PL WARSZAWOl Erasmus + Institutional Coordinator :ii:*:\:r-!ll!trlitl."l I llit rtil.-li:I.-llt i1., : ii-i-d it.1.,.i.1._v"r._,_{1 j]j$l Tel. +48 22 55 24009 Institute of Internationa I PI WARSZAWOl Departrnental Coordinators www.tsm.r-:ul.edu.pl Relations ,1akub Zajqczkowski, [email protected] Anita Budz,szewska, !"i {t ii-1.-1,}-t.l$,]:,l5illtr',iti kil s!!iltil.]}iL:, ill tel: + 48 22 553 16 35 University of Zagreb HR ZAGREBOI DeBartmental Coordinators !:!M.-Y{...1,11-rti.Q.Jl lda Ogulinac j{1I). *t11 r i i ii i:.til1}i.r o i:r n, h r Faculty of Politicai Science HR ZAGR.E8O1 Facultv c0.ordinatori iuil:'r.i i ii..t,.r.iili::.i.1.-il I NEBOJSA BLANUSA (MT) ri-ui.ii-i.r,,li.J$ l. i.rii. f l.i, tel: +385-1-46-42-1L? t lnter-institutional agreemerlis can be signed by two ol more hi8her edLlcation lnstittltions 2 Higher Educatiin lnstitutions have to agree on the period of val!dity of ihls egreement tCl;uses rray be aCded to ihis template agreerrent to better reflect the neture of the institutiorlal partnership 'Contafi detailsto reach the senirlr officer in charge of this agr.ement and of its possible update5. ts, Mobilaty nurrlherss Fer arsdlem!c yeer The partners commit to amend the table below in case of chang€s in the moi)llity data by no later than the end of lanuary in the preceding academic year. Student Mobility {SM$) HR ZAGREBOl 4 (20 months) ln'/z'd/3'd 4 (20 months) Staff Mobility ($TA or 5TT) 2/L4 days 2/14 days C, &ecommel^lded langueges skillg * $ee Anne)ies A and B which are integral pari of this agreement. D. Additional requirements - see Annexes A and S which are integral partof thisagreement. E. Calendar - see Annexes A arrd B lvhich are integral parlof thisagreen'lent. F. Information on: 1. grading system,2. visa, 3. insurance,4. housing - see Annexes A and B which are integral paitof thi$ agreement. ' N4obility numbeTs can be give0 per sendinglreceiving institutions ond per educatian field (optional*: S, Signatr*nes *f legal repr'*s*ntativ*s amd seals o$ the Instltutlons * According fo lhe Article 2L af the Sfalufe, tlniverstty of Zagreb, in the J5rh session of the 344th acaderrric year (2A12/2A13), held on 7J. July 2073 UniversifySenafe reached a Decision that alt the agree?"renfs relevanf fc one l'aculty or acaderny can be signed by th* Dean of the relevant acacieny/faculty 6 Scanned signatures are accepted Annex A to ERASMUS+ [nter-kesfitmtiomal Agreernent Institutional Factsheet: FI-, \&/ARSEAW&1 l. Institutionnl Informrtion l.l. Institutional detnils Namc of the institution r..i-r IvElts t'l'Y ()F lvA RsA$ , Fi asmus (lodc I)l \\,,\lis/,\\\,'0 I Institution q.cirsite ( )n Iinc ccrLrrsc catill0suc rv rlu,. i n lirrrlnlrirccls. ri t,. ui1u. pl,'cn 1.2. hlain contacts {lontact person Si,I*ia SAL,.AN'lOs- Responsibility IIRASLI L: S- I nstitutionul Coordiuator C'ontnct detnits ,,\dclrcss: InternaliLltal l{clations O1'llcc. Kr*koivskie Prz-edntiescig 26i28. 0U-Q27 \larsatr. Ptrlattd I'honc: -: 48 22 5-j 2;tr 0(]{) r I'ax: r*B 21 55 2+ 01 1 : [-mail: sy'Jr.r.ia.salarrortr?rradnt.ttrv.ecitr.pl h4onika SA'l-i\j ,,\ Respo nsibilit-v Erasnrus oulgoing slu.ltrlts and stai'l Contact dctxils Addrcss: IntcrnilLioral Rclatio:rs Olllrrc. Klnkorvskie Przcrlmiescic 26i28. 00-927 Wnrsau'. Polard Phone: .i48 22 55 20 818: I:ax: ,4{i 12 55 2,tr 0il : F.-rriril: rnonika.satala.lilatlm.urv.eciu.pl Contact person Kicmcnll'na Kii:L,,\K Responsibility Contact details Addrcss: inrcrnlrtiorral Relations Ol'Licc. Krakorvskie Plzctirrlq'scit 26,'28. 0U-927 \{arsau. Poland j Phonu: +J8 12 55 24 070: Fax: +48 1l -l 2:l 0ll : E-mai'l: hlcnreni)'na.kiclakr.'-rJ,atlrn.L.rt.ctlLt.pl i conttlct persod llesponsibility l:lrasmus inter-i nstitutiorlal irgrceitrents Contact de*sils , ,Ar.klress: Inttrrtationirl lLr'lalions L)1'1ice. Krakori'skie Prz,edmiescie 26128. 00-92] \Uarsa\i Phonc: +.11i 22 5--s 20 560: l:ax:+.18 ?:55 24 0i I : ilmail: orva.rakirr.':adnt.ut'.edu.pl 2. Detniled requirements lnrl arlditional information C. Ileconrmendecl tllnguage skills stt thai thcr. cili hars lire r.rcotnnrcnrlerl izurguagc ski.lls ai tht starl ol'tht srLrdl' or tcirching puriod: 'l'ype of rnobitity Subject area L:rngunge(s) of instruction llecornmentlerl lu nguage ol' instruction lcr'el :rccortling to CIl:tl Srudent \4obilitV lbr Sturli,:s An] I)o1ish,'i:)ngl ish or language o1' li? instrucliinr o l' lhc speci ll c pi'ol{r'an'rrnr Stai'l !lobiJiti lirl I'oaching An) l'}olishrFlnglish or languag.: ol' C1 inslruclion oi' tirc speciflc proqrarnrne i' Anlrex to ERASMUS+ tnter-lnstitutiondl Agreement / lnstitutianal Foctsheet PL WARSZAW}T - Octaber 207i Jr: ,i'ii:r.i$,''l D. Addition:rl requirenrents A) l]) Iiver,v incoming slirdent is cntiLlecl ro coursi:s to ririximunr 30 [C'iS i)crr se nr!-s1cr. L-i sy-.sldnr c8lled I jSOSrI eh, l)) http:,.,rurvs.hru.trrv.edu.pllen,irnir'.1a1 liin<iex.hlnrl ). E. Calend*r l\iorrinntion Deadlines: i\pplicatirnslinlixnrinian on slualenls nonrinated nlrst reach oLrr inrlitution h1 Autumn ternl iplease specify) Spring term (plensc rpecify) Trrnscripts of Records: A l-ranscript of llecords r"'ill be issucd h1'thu Univcrsitl. o1'\\iarsarv (PL \\rAltSZA!Yt)1) no latcr thirn live s.ecks a.lier [he assessnrcnt period hr'rs flni-shcd. Terrninrrtion of Agreemrnt: A unilirteral tlecisirxr to disccxtirlre lhc e\changcs notilled to thD oLhcr part1, h1 l Nur,cnrher 2()XX will on11'take +1]tct:rs ol 1 Septcmber l()XX+1. Nrithcr Llre l:iLtt'opearr (lonririssirxr uor the s\ationnl ;\gencii:,< crln lrc held responsibie in eiusc ola conl'1ict. F. Aritlitiontl inlbrmation A) Grading s),stem: ri,-i', l ii i,, i.,'.r -. iir, -::i l-i('11"S is useqi in all stucll'areirs lor both incoming and loctrl sLrLrlults B) ! is:r points and in{brmalion sourccs: Contaet pcrson lilemcrrtl'na KIEI,AK Responsibilifl i--lras:rrus inoonrinq sturlcrits Contact detnils Acldress: lntomat.ional llelarions OLllce. Kr',thtilskie Przedr:ricsciu ?6;'2ti, 00-927 \\rarsarv. Polirncl Phone: +"1,! 22 5-i 2,1 070: Fzx: +48 22 55 21 0l I : l'l-r'nail: klern*rt),na,kieiakrrlradm.uw.edu.pl \\'ebsite rv* rv.iro.rir.v.edrr.pl ) lnsurance Our institutions ruill pror.idc assistonce in obtailing iusurance l'br ittcoming and outgoing studcnls,rstill'i: accorcling to the i.!;:.i-':,r.r-i-!i,r.,-fi-i..:--i:il. i:i1r.1 . Wc r','iil infirrm incoming slrrdentsistail'ol'ciis*s in rrhiclr insurance eover ls not automnlilyrllv providctl. h iornration and assislltncc can be provided b1,thc loilorving contilcl poinls and irtl'olrtralion \uLlICcs: Contact person Klcrnenlyna Kltrlt.AK Responsibilit5, l:}'irsmus incominn studerlts Contact details Addless: Irtenriltional R*lations Ol'licc^ Krakorrskie Pr'zednrie scie 2(1i28. 00-917 \Vurstirt. Poland l'hor:e: -i'.l8 ?2 55:+ 070: I-as: +48 22 5i 24 011 : l::-rrail: klunreniyna.kielalttirradrn.r:iv,edu.pl Website \\ \! \\. ir0.lr\\.(Llu.pl D) Housing lbr lliglrcr F-ducirtion. lntbrmiition arld its$ist&nce c,an be providcd h1, the lirllou,ing persons and inibrrlatiori sources: Contact person \:rffi Responsitrility Ir'asmus in,;:oming studenls Contact tlet.tils Adtlress: {nternational Rclatitns ()illce- Krakoiirskic Przcdmiescic 26128. 00-917 Warsarv^ Poland Phone: 21 55 i0.[87; I]'as: "i 48 22 -55 ?4 0ll : l:l-maii: aneelika,dudckiri:ndnr.itw.cdt.pl -4lii -----_-'-___ -1:11;,-. lVebsite rvri,rv.iro.Lnv.cdir.l:1 - ll.. ,.| Annex to ERASM{JS+ lnter-lnstitutional Agreement / lnstitution0l Foctsheet PL WARSZA\IIAT - Acbber ?013 ) '"r'a I.
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