THE SOUTHffiS V8I€ffi ffiF ffi*P-Ffi&P ffiA$SK G IG . " ' lfl : {r{, NS ,,,1 € ', l$lil.r i ti ;' : f lrsil# fiil I l'l Iit I I tr lfr r I I ,ttflt'il I t '*nll.llilll :ilrtt FSI'E#U APRLM4 rtilif lllffi lllillffi llll lllllllll urtl r h*c# l-.*1 7 L\JFqn F*.- l-t hJ F-< a<k*l U) rfr?WJ ffiffi f']ffi& pry hr*{ ru4 #{ M#6ffiY k#k F\l- f 1 r*.&. k# K{ ffikF* -E |-{*d wrile.d { w&t--*F r*1#m ;-; M d*; Lt* ilryr, ry{n{-v-lv'aL F.d f* r&&L F--F $r,\kdru W{R {-< flr} tr\#k# x* f Fc*F'{ F*d ac.,*|-S ,ffi,\wffiw ls\ w={waj & V lr Fry Ef;-\F& dR,= = F# \g) ,&. U= r-I r1 -,* .tH \ ld w t,rh WT \# %w A w &h.E L' @ FT_\E {J ffi ffi R'!ntu\ne@ F PL @ E ffi r,ffi 1*r Y- \#J ir LLJ r"fr r-".wPed #.Gqr Ii 56 sryJ t Wi ff 3 -- w -d, f* hld @ w €i k d r.*EY \ fg i w l-gl-. 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Magazine Tha Hole Magazine Ho[[a Magazine Kronick Magazine NewYork, NY Chicago, lL New York, NY Huntsville, AL Atlanta, GA Los Angeles, CA 877-366-3482 847-366-8915 1369 Madison Ave #4O6 256-6s2-0804 www. hollamag.com www.kronick.com www.exposuremagazines.com NY NY 10128 www.thahole.com 770^438-0112 Murder Dog Magazine MVP Magazine New Power Magazine Next Level Magazine OZONE Magazine Rude Magazine Los Angeles, CA Jacksonville, FL Columbus, MS New York, NY Orlando, FL New Orleans, LA www. murderdog.com mvpthemagazine.com 662-251-0075 thenextlevelmagazine.com 407-447-6063 504-246-1491 707-553-'t 850 904-493-6075 newpowermagazine.com www. ozonemag. com Showcase Magazine Street Masters Magazine Streetz Magazine Urban Pages Magazine UrbLife Magazine Xplosive Magazine Los Angeles, CA Memphis, TN Virginia Charleston, SC Montgomery, AL San Francisco, CA 510-481-3080 901-888-1003 8OO-77O-1078 [email protected] www.urblife.com 925-427-9330 843-747-5131 888-683-0677 finishyourbiz@ao[.com Check out other magazines like ours online at www.MAGCOALlTlON.com Ye 8jR.rr Frn I23 M.i'-s .^ayrhdtt US f234j rt i:. OZONE M.!iri!. Ab: F6cdk:l I l*v* *;$itifl i4agaziil*" I lhink it'r one *f 8.li"L?'ts*"'*,0, I rvanl tc r.!'*!'k rcith y'*l! jilst la h*ip g+:l yr:';r lhe holt*st rnag&:ifies that doesn't just talk !T*E orit ii'r{il *th*r ple{es ih*t C*r;'l kn*vg eb*lit th* s3.ni+ eriistc *v*r and over anct eb*ui *Z*i{t. i ii*n'i w*nt *n-v i-**n*y *r *v*r agaift. Keep d*ing your thin*" - Sh*itra, anything like thfit" I j**t i"+*nn* s** s*rns*ns t*y*t*?** ?,@yah**. {sir'i vglro work: as hard as y*li sn l*p lik* lirey're supp**cd tiJ ile. il*t ki::ing a:s, *ul yo*r inag I g*i a c*py *f ycur rlagazine when ! was eilt ifi i.l*w *rleans f*r ttre is hlel,t*r ihail XXL, anei I iave Tl* *s:urce i* {ieath i:i,jt eyeir ihe'f cai'}'t {h*ppa press jx:nksi" lt was the tirst time I've heard *b*ut G:Ol',if iouch wi:a{. y$tj've cre*led. l've *ni.y i-l"}*i:rflrj. -}S. r::tc*, i:i.:t y*u i*ft nr* bec*use i'm based in l-*s Ange[*s. Anyway, !'vs b*en :-*eriiftfl y*iir with e g6$* ir*t:r*ssiqr* ihat tsriit b* nitlr i".r* f*r a i*r:g tir-l:*, *nd r:nc* the edit*ri*l, Jfl's ? Cents, and { just wanteel t* say, keep d*'ing y*ur thing. r*st cf th* idfirld g*ts i] l**k al y*ur nr*g {'m sure ih*y'il be as n*alled as Ysur edlt*ri*l is a g*orJ read, very enlertainiiig. l{eep ii *p guysi - Jag ianr. Y*ur rnag i3 ih* sliii" - *li*lc ei* Fin'l;:, etrawb*i'rie5*?@a*l.s*i?! jay*@belterstat*c. nst ! reaLly wa:-rt ir thark y*r, f*r $iiilti:rg *"ry s!':*t; [in th* h,,.rsines: pr*fiLe $ZfJl'.lt ir4*ga:iile fittarks and :landerr i*cal artisii" i re*ei:tly read nn *1,'$l*ek't'sear': eEO 5:ax]. i don't think tr've €?er :e*n colnrs ol n:y trics *r-Licl* in *I*t"jf, &Aagazirle lha"r was abo*t scrne rum*r: cf nr* talking lo p;"inted lj{* t.-ai. *ax i-q ais* v*ry :in*;-essed anrl you fafi $s* him tir*s* iXs pn AIJL lnsf.ant ],4*ss*nq*r. Ysu rnLlst r*wr';ts this :iary inrmeeJiai*ly Cay: wal:.1'ing ain,ind b,,it!i tn€ t;Zr:ilf 1"1*g in hls hanrJs everywh*re h* jnac.{Jrate. hecause it's l-l*t accurate at aill These ai{egations ar* very gces. I alsc must say thai iisx dia :,.c:rr j*b Or*nrcting in -Iacirs**, i,iS. i never hacl a converiatisn wiih any magazine edilcir *rilirre, n*r have becaus* recenlL;v everytirne : sh*w up scnewhere wilh a {*irera ! gei ! ever misrepresented nryself by pr*tei'rding tc h* a:ked !f i weri.: ioi *Z*Nf, or r.vhere they {eft g€t a kid that :vjtl kilt himsell or a prograrl direct*r one, becaure ihev lrrani tc eet a ;*p-v. Gr*.at j*i:i cf an'y radi* stnti*n. i-i*wev*r, I think that tne Di - Jaro V*cek, r*ntofixgaoi"csti"! who is supporting these *i.i*gaticns h*s sorne ki*d c{ p*rsor:al .rendetta. lt is *ur *nderstaneling that I'm a f*rmer re:iden: o: Orlando, *rd j lhink y*ur" he spoke *qeinrt th€ Lit' Jon sanrple in ih* ssng maga;ine is ih* rhit. I s€e n l;i *f :*'9 friends and e*titt€d" "SK," and yet he put anoiher group's song c:rLleaques {,,rt-tl i:re Ci'ianCo a:ea :'.1 :'': ::3)i, irt on his mix Cn thet featui"ed Tupac's af,apella vocals. yo*r m*g+zine. Thaniss fer aLl l*e |c,.,'e cn {ar:'i*n & 'it The s*ng "ilK," sid include e Lil' Jon saflpl€, but the S'!pta':rats. Peece - -.1. Ge*rge, *ipi*:"*atifice-A- vras oniy frr demc purposes fbr Lil' Jon to aciuaii;r Feila fr.eeords Hxecutive d"& ft., **i la€i-:ai l"e*:* gel oil the scng" U:"ifortunately, it was nct delivered ta Li[' Jen in tin.]e before it was teaked $ut into fcrrs:fion: t** pfrctc cre*ii.: ** sa-<t 7rJ :&h*rrh th€ streets, *nd it turn€d *ut to b* the tatk *f the 2*S,4j wcre fnco;'rsc*. #3,5,4,1e,i3.':5.i* *s*;'* nrusi* induslry anci an r-rndengr.rund hit. We here at l4tpn ,bV ivcfcliio 6o,'.te: onJ :rE .:i fa' :J " ,i-'hr Dr*amer Visiun R,ecsrds are open with aur nfficcs Fhgf* $$ sn p#gs 'i9 tiA*rci': 2AA4i ls ,{i*g {+:"r, r-:cc and our recordi*g facitity. Sur e*mput*rs are *peil Ro* l*v*.
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