The Biodiversity of African Plants Proceedings XlVth AETFAT Congress 22 - 27 August 1994, Wageningen, The Netherlands Edited by L.J.G. van der Maesen X.M. van der Burgt J.M. van Medenbach de Rooy Department of Plant Taxonomy - Herbarium Vadense Wageningen Agricultural University The Netherlands KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS DORDRECHT/ BOSTON / LONDON Contents Foreword ".' '" xm Sponsors XV Monographs and databases 22 August 1994, Convenors: I.M.M. Hedberg, O. Hedberg 1 Monographs, databases and biodiversity conservation 0. HEDBERG 3 Conspectus of the vascular plants of Madagascar: a taxonomic and conservation electronic database G.E. SCHATZ, P.P. LOWRY II, M. LESCOT, A.E. WOLF, S. ANDRIAMBOLOLONERA, V. RAHARIMALALA & J. RAHARIMAMPIONONA 10 Computerisation of the East African Herbarium: development of a regional plant information service T.R. PEARCE, D. FILER & E. VANDEN BERGHE 18 Posters: Plants of southern Africa database T.H. ARNOLD & M. KOEKEMOER .32 Uses, chromosome number and distribution of Solarium species in Uganda R. BUKENYA-ZIRABA 33 The plants of Pehr Forsskal's Flora Aegyptiaco-Arabica F.N. HEPPER & I. FRIIS 38 Enumeration of the flowering plants of tropical Africa J.-P. LEBRUN & A.L. STORK 40 Thunberg, Hoffmann and the Phytographische Blatter R.O. MOFFETT 42 Biodiversity of succulents and African arid regions 22 August 1994, Convenor: N. Jiirgens 47 Biodiversity of arid islands in tropical Africa: the succulents of inselbergs W. BARTHLOTT & S. POREMBSKI . 49 Patterns and characteristics of the flora of the Succulent Karoo Biome, soutiiern Africa C. HILTON-TAYLOR 58 Taxonomy and biogeography of the anomalous genus Wellstedia M. THULIN & A.N.B. JOHANSSON \ . 73 Diversification in an arid world: the Mesembryanthemaceae H.-D. IHLENFELDT 87 Posters: Tubers and bulbs as an adaptive strategy in the Kalahari B.J. HARGREAVES - 88 New collections of Mesembryanthema in South African grasslands M. MOSSMER, G.F. SMITH, H.E.K. HARTMANN & CM. SMIT 92 VI Contents Biodiversity in African lowland rain forests 23 August 1994, Convenors: F.J. Breteler, J.F. Villiers 99 Centres of plant diversity in Africa H.J. BEENTJE 101 Mapping plant biodiversity on Mount Cameroon M. CHEEK, S. CABLE, F.N. HEPPER, N. NDAM & J. WATTS 110 Les Legumineuses Mimosoidees ombrophiles de basse altitude africaines et malgaches: biodiversite et repartition J.F. VILLIERS 121 Posters: Biodiversite morphogenetique, exemples des plantes plagiotropes A. AMOUGOU 131 Analyse de la biodiversite vegetale dans la Foret des Abeilles, Gabon K. GESNOT, K. VAN ESSCHE & J. LEJOLY 140 Apercu sur les groupements secondaires a Marantaceae, Zingiberaceae et Costaceae de la Foret des Abeilles (Gabon) M.M. DHETCHUVI 145 Utilisation de la methode du transect en vue de l'etude de la biodiversite dans la Reserve de Faune du Dja (Cameroun) J. LEJOLY, B. SONKE & K. VAN ESSCHE . 150 Structure du peuplement des Pt6ridophytes d'une foret ombrophile a Madagascar: reactions a un stress de nature anthropique F. RAKOTONDRAINIBE, G.M. RAHAJASOA & H.L. RANARIJAONA 155 Biodiversity in African savannas 23 August 1994, Convenor: C. Geerling 161 The subcanopy flora in the dynamics of the Kalahari Thoraveld O.A. LEISTNER 163 Plant species diversity of West African inselbergs S. POREMBSKI & W. BARTHLOTT 180 Biodiversity in three traditional groves in the Guinea savanna, Ghana A.A. OTENG-YEBOAH 188 Biodiversity of the Maputaland Centre A.E. VAN WYK 198 Posters: Les Eriocaulaceae et leurs habitats dans les savanes africaines V. KIMPOUNI 208 Flora and vegetation of Niokolo-Koba National Park, Senegal J.E. MADSEN, D. DIONE, A.S. TRAORE & B. SAMBOU 214 Inventory and conservation of economic plant genetic resources in Kenya rangeland: a case study of Turkana district F. MSAFIRI 220 The floristic status of grasses of the South Luangwa national park and the Lupande area P.S.M. PHIRI 224 Contents VII Les fades a Andropogon pseudapricus des groupements post-culturaux et des savanes arbustives du Nord-Benin: dissemblance floristique et caracteres communs B. SINSIN, M. OUMOROU & V. OGOUBYI 231 Ecology and conservation 24 August 1994, Convenor: V.H. Heywood 239 A floristic classification of the indigenous forests of Transkei, South Africa S.G. CAWE 241 Conservation status of mopane woodlands in Malawi: a case study of Mua-Tsanya Forest Reserve A.C. CHIKUNI 250 Deforestation in southern Cote d'lvoire: a high-resolution remote sensing approach C. CHATELAIN, L. GAUTIER & R. SPICHIGER 259 Plant biodiversity conservation in Kenya: the plant conservation and propagation unit of the East African Herbarium - a case study S.W. SIMIYU 267 An ecological and ethnobotanical study of wild or spontaneous coffee, Coffea arabica in Ediiopia MESFIN TADESSE & LISANEWORK NIGATU 277 Implications of the Convention on Biological Diversity for cooperation in botanical research TEWOLDE B.G. EGZIABHER & I. FRIIS 295 Posters: Preliminary study of threatened plants of Mozambique S.O. BANDEIRA, L. MARCONI & F. BARBOSA 306 Conservation and in vitro propagation of rare Kenyan Orchidaceae, a common goal for conservation and horticulture B. BYTEBIER, S.W. SIMIYU & T.R. PEARCE 310 Conservation priorities in the arid and semi-arid lands: the case of the hilltop forests of Kenya F.N.M. GACHATHI 313 Forest management systems to sustain resource use and biodiversity: examples from the southern Cape, South Africa • C.J. GELDENHUYS I . 317 How gallery forest turns into savanna: an example from Senegal A.M. LYKKE 323 Molecular taxonomy of Saintpaulia rupicola and the genus Saintpaulia S. MACHARIA, T.R. PEARCE, B. BYTEBIER & R. AMAN 329 Similarity of nickel distribution in leaf tissue of two distantly related hyperaccumulating species J. MESJASZ-PRZYBYLOWICZ, K. BALKWILL, W.J. PRZYBYLOWICZ, H.J. ANNEGARN & D.B.K. RAMA 331 Implications of changes in vegetation in Pandero, Murchison Falls Park, Uganda M. ONEKA ! 336 The conservation status of the genus Saintpaulia in Kenya S.W. SIMIYU, P. MUTHOKA, J. JEFWA, B. BYTEBIER & T.R. PEARCE 341 Floristic composition of Gara Muleta and Kundudo mountains, south-eastern Euiiopia: implications for die conservation of biodiversity D. TEKETAY 345 VIII Contents Generic delimitations in flowering plants 24 & 25 August 1994, Convenor: A.J. Paton 351 Monophyly: a criterion for generic delimitation, with special reference to Leguminosae B.D. SCHRIRE & G.P. LEWIS 353 In defence of paraphyletic taxa R.K. BRUMMITT 371 Generic delimitations in African groups which also have wide distributions outside Africa F.J. BRETELER 385 Problems with generic delimitation and subdivision in a large genus, Barleria (Acanthaceae) M-J. BALKWILL & K. BALKWILL 393 Generic delimitation and relationships in the tribe Hildebrandtieae (Convolvulaceae) SEBSEBE DEMISSEW & D.F. AUSTIN 409 The problem of generic delimitation when conflict exists between molecular and morphological data E.B. KNOX 421 Generic delimitation in the palms of Madagascar H.J. BEENTJE & J. DRANSFIELD . 433 Les delimitations des genres chez les Caesalpinioideae africaines (Detarieae et Amherstieae) (1957-1994) J. LEONARD 443 A new circumscription of the genus Dolichos (Leguminosae) M.P. MUNYENYEMBE 456 Posters: Generic delimitation of subfamily Cassinoideae (Celastraceae) in Africa R.H. ARCHER & A.E. VAN WYK 459 Leaf anatomy of the African genera of Commelinaceae: Anthericopsis and Murdannia R.B. FADEN & K.E. INMAN 464 Generic delimitation of Lasiodiscus (Rhamnaceae) E.P.N. FIGUEIREDO 472 A study on microsporogenesis and ovule morphology in tropical African Anthericaceae and Asphodelaceae S. KATIVU 477 On the position of the genus Pergularia (Asclepiadaceae) S. LIEDE , 481 Taxonomic studies of die genus Sansevieria (Dracaenaceae) P.K. MBUGUA & D.M. MOORE 489 Generic concepts in Bidens and Coreopsis (Compositae): an overview MESFIN TADESSE, D.J. CRAWFORD & E.B. SMITH 493 The taxonomy of the genus Fuirena (Cyperaceae) in East Africa A.M. MUASYA 499 The plant family Apocynaceae in East Africa E.A. OMINO 504 Provisional generic delimitation in the Haumaniastrum/Acrocephalus complex (Labiatae) A. PATON 507 Contents . IX Leaf anatomy and generic delimitation in South African Amaryllidaceae P. VORSTER & A.D. SPREETH . '. 513 Glacial forest refuges 25 August 1994, Convenors: M.S.M. Sosef, J.J.F.E. de Wilde 517 Le cadre paleoenvironnemental des refuges forestiers africains: quelques donnees et hypotheses J. MALEY 519 Les Rinorea comme indicateurs des grands types forestiers du Cameroun G. ACHOUNDONG 536 Changes in forest composition over the last 4000 years in the Ituri basin, Zaire T.B. HART, J.A. HART, R. DECHAMPS, M. FOURNIER & M. ATAHOLO 545 Geography of African Rubiaceae with reference to glacial rain forest refuges E. ROBBRECHT 564 Patterns of endemism in the woody flora of north-east and east Africa J.C. LOVETT & I. FRIIS 582 Begonias and African rain forest refuges: general aspects and recent progress M.S.M. SOSEF 602 Posters: Saprophytic flowering plants of Mount Cameroon M. CHEEK & N. NDAM 612 Caesalpinioideae and the study of forest refuges in central Africa M. RIETKERK, P. KETNER & J.J.F.E. DE WILDE 618 Rain forest refugia in Liberia R.S.A.R. VAN ROMPAEY 624 Floral biology and pollination 25 August 1994, Convenors: S. Liede, D. Lachaise, H. Baijnath 629 Floral structure and pollination in Pelargonium M. STRUCK & J.J.A. VAN DER WALT 631 The one-to-one species specificity of die Fj'ow-Agaoninae mutualism: how casual? J.Y. RASPLUS 639 Posters: Sex expression in Canthium mundianum (Rubiaceae) K. BALKWILL, J.R. SEBOLA & E.R. ROBINSON . 650 Difficulties with cross-pollinating five cowpea lines: technique development H.M. VENTER 656 Uses of African plants 27 August 1994, Convenors: C.R. Peters, F.E.M. Cook 661 Introduction to the symposium Uses of African plants C. KABUYE 663 African wild plants with rootstocks reported to be eaten raw: the Monocotyledons, part III C.R. PETERS 665 Utilization and conservation status of wild food plants in Kenya P.M. MAUNDU 678 Contents Strategies for enhancement of utilization potential of edible woody forest species of south-eastern Nigeria J.C. OKAFOR, H.C.
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