.. JBJbiMM.Vit^. >• or ! <: oo or I CD A.=l ^1 o lUJ ^ L #&.v - i.'"r /h^i^C^^tu^C/ MITGHLi.L Li.:ft;;iy GLASGOW. ADVERTISEMENTS. ENEAS * MACKAY, "PEOPLE'S JOURNAL" BUILDINGS, A3 MURRAY PLACE, >^<i»—f- PERFECTLY NEW STOCK IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. All the London, Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Dundee DAILY AND WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS. STATIONERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTIOE, AT EXTREMELY l^OW CHARaES. SCHOOL BOOKS, AND BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, AT 2d, OFF THE SHILLING. •» < A VISIT RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. 1 ADVERTISEMENTS. PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE COMPANY, Ltd,, HOLlBORK bars, IxOKDOE. '- INVESTED FUNDS exceed '- '- ^ - £7,000,000. CLAIMS PAID exceed £9,000,000. The Bonus additions to "With Profit" Policies, at last Quinqnennial Valuation for 31st December, 1886, averaged Fifty per cent, of all Premiums paid during previous Five Years, Every description of Life Assurance Business transacted. DiSTEICT SUPERINTENDENT—E. WELSH, 10 BARNTON PLACE, STIRLING, From whom Prospectus and other information can be obtained. Assurances may Tjb effected for any sum from £50 to £10,000. irittiiM * fif1 FAMILY GROCERS AND ALL OF THE FINEST QUALITY. Order sent for if desired, and delivered per own van daily. 51 MURRAY PLACE, STIRLING. JAMES ROBERTSON & SONS, ^axlor^ and §Iof^icr0, 16 MURRAY PLACE, STIRLING. WI LSO N'S BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF STIRLING, Bridge-of-Allan, Causewayhead, Bannockburn, And Neighbourhood ; WITH lyC^A^ie OIF TECE IDISTIRICT^ Containing Street Plans of Stirling and Bridge-of-Allan. 1887-88. WILSON & COMPANY, 28 Bath Street, Glasgow; Eneas Mackay, Bookseller, Stirling; AND OF all booksellers. Paper Binding, 1/-; Cloth, 2/-; Half-Calf, 3/- Urt 00 Lf^^X--^ ADVERTISEMENTS. ORIGINAL ROYAL RESTAURANT, 29 KING STREET, STIRLING (UNDER STRICTLY NEW MANAGEMENT). T^NTIRELY Re-Furnislied and Re-Decorated in First-Class ^^ Style. "Witliin one minute from the Tramway Cars, Two Minutes from the Railway Station, and on the way to the Castle. BREAKFASTS, LUNCHES, DINNERS, TEAS, AND SUPPERS, ON SHORTEST NOTICE. WINES, SPIRITS, AND MALT LIQUORS OF THE VERY BEST QUALITY. Complete Hiring and Posting Establishment. Moderate Charges. ROBERT M'KENZIE, Proprietor. STAR HOTEL, Corner of BAKER ST. and FRIAR ST., STIRLING, TTAS heen Re-Furnished and Re-Decorated in First-Class "^ Style. Commercial Gentlemen will find every con- venience and attention in this Old-Estahlished Hotel. BREAKFASTS AND DINNERS FROM 1/9 UPWARDS. TEAS—PLAIN, 1/; WITH MEAT, 1/9. BED-ROOM, 2/. No Charge for Attendance. Having acq:uired a Lease of the Rod and Line Salmon Fishing belonging to the town of Stirling, Gentlemen staying at the Hotel can have Fishing on the above Waters Free of Charge. ROBERT M'KENZIE, Proprietor. piTGhtLL uuknii IP I^ E lET" .A. O E. Being rather late in beginniDg to compile this Director}', we have to apologise for its lateness in publication. While endeavouring to make it as complete as possible, still we are sensible that, like all other books of a similar nature, it is not perfect. Three important advantages can be claimed for it, however, over any of its predecessors— 1st, Tlie very fine Map of the Di:jtrict, specially prepared for us by Messrs. Bartholomew, of Edinburgh ; 2nd, The price is such as to bring it within the reach of all, and attain for it an amount of popularity ; and 3rd, The quality of paper is superior to any Directory ever pubhshed. Being published principally by subscription, it may not be had a few months hence from the booksellers, as we do not print a very large number beyond the subscribed list, free copies, &c. Parties, therefore, wishing copies, who have not subscribed, should apply at once. Next year, if no. obstacle comes in the way, we will begin to compile immediately after the May term, and can promise, from our experience this year, very considerable improvement, both in size and matter. Suggestions as to any alterations, &c., will be thankfully received by the Publishers. 28 Bath Street, Glasgow, 1S87. ADV F RTISE MEN TS. THE ROYAL RESTAURANT, 2 MURRAY PLACE, STIRLIHG, (Foot of King Street.) (ij Years Lessee of the Royal Restaurant, King Street,) XT as now REMOVED the ROYAL RESTAURANT business ^ to his oiAm Extensive Premises as above, where he will conduct the husiness in future. BREAKFASTS, LUNCHEONS, DINNERS, TEAS, & SUPPERS ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. CUISINE FIRST-CLASS. LADIES' COFFEE-ROOM. Til WAllttlT l®f1^, (Formerley Carmichael's Temperance Hotel), 4 MURRAY PLACE, STIRLING. This Old-Established First-Class Hotel has heen largely added to, handsomely decorated, and entirely re-furnished. EVERY COMFORT FOR TOURISTS AND FAMILIES. SPECIAL AGGOMMODATION for COMMERCIAL GENTLEMEN; LARGE AIRY STOCK-ROOMS, &c. J^LUNGE, yiAVR, ^PRAY, ^HOWER, ^ pOUCHE J3aTHS. Marriage Breakfasts, Puhlic Dinners, Suppers and Soirees, purveyed in First-Class Style. CHARGES STRICTLY MODERATE. THE CARS ON STIRLING AND BRIDGE OF-ALLAN TRAMWAY ROUTE, AND 'BUSES FOR BANNOCKBURN AND CAMBUSBARRON, START FROM THE DOOR. Carriages of every description to Let on Hire. PETER M'ALPINE, Proprietor. — — geheraLl directory Alloa Coal Co., Wallace street—John Dewar, agent 'Abercromhy, James, brassfounder, 57 Allum, Charles E., music teacher, 10 Lower Bridge street Glebe crescent Adam, Robert, cork manufacturer, American Warehouse, 23 Arcade 45 King street James Philips, manager Adams, Robert, 49 Murray place Anderson, Mrs Barbara, 9 Pitt terrace Adams, Robt., cbina and glass depot, Anderson, Mrs D., 40 Barnton street 21 Port St.; ho., 11 Royal gardens Anderson, David, Southfield crescent Adams, Robert, carrier and confec- Anderson, James, grocer, 57 Baker tioner, 20 Murray place street ; res. , 4 Bank street Adams, William, wine and spirit Anderson, Mrs Jane, 8 Melville ter merchant, 55 Port street Anderson, John, brewer, 84 St Adamson, Thomas, merchant, 30 Mary's wynd Queen street Anderson, Robt. , valuator 1 1 Princes Adamson, Thomas, & Co., family street grocers, 29 Arcade Anderson, Thos. G., Allan park Agricultural Society, Port street Anderson, William, timber merchant; Robt. Taylor, secy. , 46 Barnton st house, 41 Wallace street Aim, William L., oil merchant, 17 Anderson, William, town officer, 25 Clarendon place Spittal street Aitken, Miss, 7 Victoria square Anderson, William, 5 Springfield pi Aitken, John, worsted spinner, Rock- Anderson, William, coal merchant, vale Mills, Craigs; res., Snowdonpl 7 Shore road Aitken, John G., manure merchant, Angus, J. & J., dyers, 33 Port street Abbey road ; res., Southfield Angus, Rev James, 16 Albert place Aitken, Margaret, 17 Bruce street Angus, James, 25 Queen street Alexander, Alex., flesher, 27 Friars st Angus, John (of J. & J. Angus), 13 Alexander, E., Burghmuir ; res., 19 Queen street Queen street Angus, Mrs Margaret, 36 Queen st Alexander, James, 15 Park place Annan, James, 30 Snowdon place Alexander, Peter, joiner, 63 Newhouse Archibald, David, baker, 15 Broad st Allan, A. R., traveller, Belllield Archibald, John, solicitor, 29 Snow- Allan, John, architect, 12 Murray don place place ; res. , 32 Dumbarton road Archibald, John, solicitor, 53 Port st Allan, Peter, hairdresser, 105 Baker st Archibald, William, watchmaker, 18 Allan, Robert, & Son, bakers, 17 St Port street ; res. , 25 Port street Mary's wynd Armour, Mrs James, 12 George place Allan, William, 3 Broad street Armstrong, Janet, fruiterer 65 Port Allison, James, 31 Upper craigs street Allison, Miss, dressmaker 31 Upper Armstrong, William, 5 Upper craigs craigs Arnott, Henry, teacher, 20 Queen st Arthur, George, draper, 120 Baker Bell, Mary, spirit dealer, 56 St Mary's street ; res., 17 St John street wynd Arthur, John, tailor, 33 Baker street Bell, Peter, 55 Lower Bridge street Artillery Volunteer Corps Office, Bennie, Alex., butcher, 56 Barnton 38 Arcade — Instructor, Sergeant street ; res., 15 Douglas street W. Lenton Bennie, D., 11 Queen street AtholjMiss Elizabeth, 5 Abercromby Bennie,Miss, dressmaker, 36 Baker st place Bennet, Gilbert, 10 Upper craigs Atkinson, Robert, traveller, 1 Wind- Bennett, Hugh, potato merchant, 17 sor place Queen street Bennett, John, tailor, 20 Port street B Berrie, David, schoolmaster. Baker st Bett, James. 6 Winchel place Bain, William, boilerniaker, 2 Spring- Beveridge, Archibald, clothier, 1 and field place 3 Queen street Baird, Alexander, 59 Wallace street Binning, Thomas, 17 Snowdon place Baird, Alex., & Sons, 40 Murray pi Bird, Mrs, 19 Allan park Baird, Joseph, grocer, 36 Barnton st Bissett, Mrs John, 34 Albert place Baker, Leonard, drawing master, 22 Black, William, painter, 11 Abbey Albert place Koad place Bald, R., painter, 20 Murray place Blair, G. , 25 Port street Baldie, Mary A., dressmaker, 2 Allan Blair, Miss Isabella, 5 Abercromby pi park Blair, Miss Mary, lodgings, 5 Upper Bank of Scotland (branch), 54 craigs King st—J. W. Campbell, agent Blakfy, J. Wood, solicitor, 59 Murray Banks Brothers & Co., perambulator place ; res., 16 Park terrace manufacturers. Lower craigs Boag, Janet, 37 Cowane street Banks, Edward (of Banks Brothers & Bogle, Josh., last maker, 3 Douglas st Co.), 9 Princes street Borthwick, Margaret, 53 Wallace st Banks, William (of Banks Brothers Boss, Mr. , 5 Nelson place & Co.), 5 Snowdon place Boswell, William, boot and shoe- Banks, Mrs, lodgings, Allan park maker, 18 Baker street and 45 Port Bannantyne, Mrs, bookseller, 10 street ; res., 13 Albert place Irvine place Bow, Miss, 6 Royal gardens Barclay, Mary, tobacconist, 13 Bow Boyd, JMary, lodgings, 11 Abercrom- street by place Barclay, Michael, broker, 9J St Boyes, Edward, maltster, 20 Upper Mary's wynd Bridge street Barclay, Wm., sculptor, Viev.'field j)! jjrady, Ellen, dressmaker, 10 Dum- Barmigan, Thomas, & Fothcringham, barton road builders. 98 St Mary's wynd Bridge of Allan Gazette Office, Barr, James, clerk, 25 Seaforth place 26 and 32 Upper craigs Battison, P., painter, 53 Lower British Linen Co. Bank (branch), Bridge street 10 Port St. —agent, Wm. Stevenson Bauchop, George, 2 Wolf craig British Messenger Office, 1 Mur- Baxter, G. , Bookf - ot villa ray place Baxter, Miss, 5 Queen street Brittain, Samuel G., locomotive Baxter, Mrs, 23 Nelson place superintendent, Parkhouse Baxter, William, 1 Bayne street Brock, David, Lome Tavern, Mar pi Bayne, David, grocer, 100 Cowane st Brock, Mrs, 61 Cowane street Becker, William, bandmaster.
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