Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 7-29-1948 Bulloch Herald Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Herald" (1948). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 3847. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/3847 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Bulloch Herald, Thursdav Julv 22, 1948 "OJilAIf l ..lA"'" A1' Like Tlllil Read Coke Church t Wallace Bulloch County'. People G p� A Package Shop The Herald's t �h�IC�} News Leadillll I - Ads THE AIR-OONDlTJ.ONIilD - BULLOCH HE'RALD "First On U. S. SOl" j-f:.r-:;;-.;--.. _.._.::;.,....._... Newspaper Where Work -(JomftlrllBbly ()uol- DEDICATED TO TIlE They PROGRESS AND BULLoCH COUNTY The VOLUMEvm BlsllOl)'8 Wife Number S6 with '",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,, .. ,,,.,, ... ,, ... "'..... ,, ... ,,,,,,,,,, .... ,, .. ,, .. "'''''.11''",,,,,,,II.II''III.. '''''''"IIII,II'UIIII,"IIIIIIII'"IIIIII.II'"'"11"""'011111111111111 ..,,1111'0111'"1"'"'" Cary Graut, Loretta Young , Starts 9:20 3:OQ, 5:00, 7:10, Located on the U. S. SOl South Plus PARAMOUNT NEWS Highway, SATURDAY, JULV 24 --­ S1'A'rESBORO PRIMITIVJIl James Craig, Lynn Barry of Statesboro on the Statesboro-Claxton and Johnnie Johnston In BAPTIST VHUROH V. F. Agan, Pastor Man Turn Left at Pine Inn and From Texas SUNDAY, JULY 25 IDghway: the. Starts 1:55, 4:00, 6:07, 8:13. 10:19 Bible Study-10:15 a, m. plus these selected treats: Morning Servlces-ll:30 a. m. First Package Shop on U. S. SOl is the Edgar Kennedy Comedy, Evening Servlces�:OO p In. Tex Williams and Orchestra. Youth Fellowshlp-7:00 p. m. and Color Cartoon I'IMST I'RESBVTJIlRIAN Wallace Package Shop, Cartoon Oamh'"' ut 1 :20 p, m. OIlURVH SUN.. 25·26 -­ MON., JUI"V IIO\', T. L. Hamaberlcr, Putor Barbara Van Heflin • Stanwyck, Sunday Morning Worshlp- In 11:30 a. m. Young B. F,'s Peoples' Meeting, Wed­ Wallace Daughter nesdoy, 6:00 p. m. Helmuth, Mallag�r Storts Sunday: 2:45, 5:08, 9:30 Preyer Fellowship, Wednesday, Starts Monday: 2:30, 4:46, 7:00, p. ------- I - and 9:28 17:30 ,TUES" ,rul.V 27·28 WJIlD., -I Gene Tierney, Dunn Andrews I In 1 I The Irou Curtain, Starts 3:30, 5:29. 7:20, 9:15 I'OR REPRESENTATIVE To the Voters of Bulloch 9 County: I am a candidate for the Geor­ gia General Assembly. I will be a candidate tor the place held by ,I. Bruntley Johnson. I will appreciate your support and in­ fluence and vole. If I should be 2 elected, I pledge you the best service of which I am capable. Sincerely, C. A. PEACOCK. II .1 CLASSJ'FIED IOllLlD UHDU AUI"OIIIY 0. 1"1 COCA·COLA COII'AtIY If FOUND: Truck tire, almost new. STATESBORO COCA-UOLA BOTTLING COMPANY Mounted on rim. Loser may claim tire by calling 381·R or C 19�8. Th. Coca·CoIa Company 132 and descrihlng it, and pay­ ing for this udveruserncnt. �:';';;'�'�IiII';''''';a�biou;t''t�hl:s�y:e;a�r'.·i-e�coLrJd:.�m�as�h�i;�n�g�o�pe:n�l;ng�le�alf�sial�eis.�A�U�c=tI=o=ne;e;r��"�'arehouse, 'Over at the left rilay be Been 'a grollP 0 ware ol�••M'I.Ii.... Rogers, fifth man lelt hand side of row was the sales down being sold, workers waiting for crowd to thin a little so they may iiterally chanting a of dollars for the who are remo.ve the song growers lear. Tobacco to the auctioneer's right has not yet eager-ly watching him as he sells to therow of behind him. been sold, • buyers I All over the warehouse be seen of 'huge may part the approx- The auctioneer, while .the most important man in the I eat of leaf on imutely 450,000 pounds good Georgia cigarette that was sales picture, is but one of a large group of checkers, clerks and the floor when sales on n began. Theleaf, piled baskets (0 e of other warehouse personnel who handle complicated details of the which may be seen in the is into sheets and sales, When a foreground) wrapped farmer sells his tobacco. he gets a check within a away as fast 85 possible after the sale to make for short SIA'IMAIl'II .c8f1'ied way very time: IACIC_AHO SlAT CUIHION BI IOlIIfort· More Ibl. ft. JOU drive peoplej buy ...... CHEVROLETS '11 $3.49 than any other make 01 car! -�� In.tYU � � vJu 1m � J.oIJ4IC ttj �.�t �-,,«nJ up'=url £� HOUlE PAINT PROTECT - BEAUnFY Your HOlM 2,SOO Mil, (J(/(RANTti Val-u. .... M_fl.J..u. M_fl.J.. u. M_ Val- u. BI�COMFORT BIG-CAR Maintain. lubrication effl· PEBFORMANCE BIG·CAR BEAUTY' BlG·CAR SAFETY dency longer. 'I'hls lin. 'llrad. 0111. 97.�% wax fr•• for bettlr flow and better heat ,,"Ietanc.. Drive with the knowledgl that you car Is "otting belt.r thlUl aver· age lubrication. HERE'S HOW IT'S �==U"•••• DONE-Auctioneering tobacco really isn't so tough, it would appeal' from the �II above of Truck STOP LIGHT photograph Auctioneer Ed Dale explaining to a group of lovely visitors the intricacies of the tobaccornan's trade. At the moment Ed Rear Guard. that add margin is explaining how bidding is done. In the group arc: .. -.... of left to right, Ann and , saIety plus being economical, kneeling, Patsy Odom, Evans, Virginia Lee Flo y d, all al Statesboro, and .", durable and dependable, Black Collins and Dale Arnold 01 .... ShlrJey Mary Savannah. In the foregroup, seated left to are: CheVl of all cars in ita Chevrolet of all can in --,....;11 enamel With stalnl... right, "'� alone, it. Chevrolet alone, of all can in'ib o,evrolet alone, of all can in ita Ann Emily Williams, Waters, Betty Ann Sherman, Betty Smith, and Barbara Ann Brannen, ali 6dd. ,ou the Big-Car field. has a world'i field, champion brings you the Bis-Car field. brings you Fisher Uniated of Statesboro. The leaves the are . tobacco gtrls holding may be classed as homework. (Photo by ridina � tI the original and Valve-in-Heed of engine-holder beauty and luxury as well as the Construction, the Unitized Knee­ Savannah Morning News Photographer Lee Banks.) outat.' Unitized Knee- all records fOT miles served and Big-Car strength and solidity of Action Ride and Positive-Action ·ActiOl. owners unmalcheJjorprOli<d satisfied-embodying the Body by Fisher, for Chevrolet Hydraulic Brakes-more features ctJmj,. I safely-found else- same hasic Valoe·{n·H«IJ �' prtn­ shares this better body ooIy with that are combined elaewherc 001,. whero"'ln higher-priced carl, ,;ple featured in costlier can, higher-priced can. itaC<lltJiu_ �1.;3;C-174 I S8 East Main Street STATESBORO, GEORGIA -I'HONE S94- / Ii '!!"""""""""""""""""'"''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"""""""""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Iii -- Wllhout The Bulloch Herald Editorial bustncsscs. these, tho The Enst Side community held The Bulloch 1948 Page could not. huvo Herald, Thursday, July 29, 27 WEST MAIN prograrn been n STREET a community meeting lhis week Published C LAS S I FIE D worthwhile undertaklng. These the building moved to 'a centrul throw away your fUMY books­ Every Thursday 111 Statesboro, JULY 29. 1948 to wOI"I< 0'1.1 detail. ror TIIIJRSDA\� cnnt ributlons do not orgunlz- Bulloch County Include COIl­ locntlon. It will be painted a id send them to the center. Bulloch County, Georgia • trtbuuons to thc which In their H pool, arc decorated the of the by people Your and crltlcllml MISS MATTIE'S PLAYHOUSE tno numerous to mention hero. :I.lgIon J)l'Ogl'HI11C0I11�1Ulll\YlUI VUI' ous I'C�I'�n�re u ( suggesUons community. The junloi- boys and LEODEL COLEMAN ..... Rntes of are SO do not helitate Editor Subscrtptlon: will Monday, September projects, welcomed, reopen gh-ls III'C orgnnlzing Into clubs so G. C. COLEMAN Asso. 6. I received B.S. at t.o let them be known to the dl. Edllo,·. 1 Your. $2.50 my degree thut CUn do in The wading pool Is in rults of nil types nrc 1.0 be they their part JIM in growing COLEMAN .. Adv, Director Georgia 'l'cuchcrs College June, rector, 0 Month•..............................$1.75 popularity und Ihe Gh-l Scouts setting LIP the program for t:he introduced for' nll Tho Easl ----------.....- � u life ages. 1941, and hold Oeorglu pro­ Youth "Entered 88 second-t-tusa ure u fine job, Mothers HI'e community. mullet' JlIllllUI'Y 31, 1946, at the offfce at 1 will doing Sldc Club on post Stntesboro, Georg!n. tinder Iesslonal teacher's license, Sewing is working l'LOOR F,lNISHlNO asked to remember that the Acl of March 3rd, 1879" of appreciate the putronugc my projects to rulsc runds 10 equip I,Ei\OIlE wading pool is open friends. MA'j'rll, LIVELY. til JUNIOR i\1,L-STi\Jt and fucilities; Betu Sigma Phl­ Tuesday, Use extreme care In ullng floor thch- center, The ..Li\VEIIS i\RE SELE<JTED Wednesday and Frtdny from 3 community The Rccroutton Department is equipment fol' center, Including finishing malerials In the home F'OR RENT: s-room unfurnished until 5 o'clock.
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