www.ukrweekly.com Address: "... It wouM be surprising Tbs Ukrainian Weekly and also contrary to Amer­ 81-83 Grand Street ican traditions if our citi- Jersey City 3, N. J. fcena of Ukrainian descent failed to retain interest in lei. HEnderson 4-0237 their former homeland or New York's Telephone: to show concern for the BArcly 7-4125 fate and future of Ukrain­ ians there..." JOHN P. KENNEDY Ukrainian National Ass'n The Ukrainian Weekly Section Tel. HEnderson 5-8740 РПС L5CX 4. ?1 SECTION TWO SVOBOPA, UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 16, 1963~ SECTION TWO No. 31 VOL. LXX METROPOLITAN JOSEPH SLIPY, MARTYRED HEAD OF UKRAINIAN Greetings Sent to Metropolitan Congressman Feighan Assails CATHOLIC CHURCH, RELEASED FROM SOVIET DUNGEONS, RECEIVES sifey State Department for Support WARM WELCOME FROM POPE JOHN XXIII IN ROME STATEMENT OF METROPOLITAN SENYSHYN Of Russian Colonialism in Ukraine PHILADELPHIA. - Metropolitan Ambrose Senyshyn, NEWYORK, NY. Feb. 9.— SPENT US YEARS IN JAIL AND CONCENTRATION CAMPS Archbishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Archdiocese of Phila­ Congressman Michael A. Fei­ IN DEFENSE OF THE CHURCH AND THE UKRAINIAN delphia, hailed the release of Metropolitan Joseph Slipy on ghan of Ohio charged Secretary PEOPLE February 9 as an answer to the many prayers offered by of State Dean Rusk "defended Ukrainians throughout the world. One year ago, the prelate the legitimacy of Russian col­ VATICAN CITY, February Ukrainian Catholic Bishops onialism in Ukraine. Georgia 10. (Combined Wire Services), who were captured and put to said in a pastoral letter issued by the Ukrainian Catholic hierarchy throughout the world, "may the sufferings of Metro­ and Armenia" in a letter to the — Metropolitan Joseph Slipy, torture by the Soviet NKVD House Rules Committee and Archbishop' of Lviv, Western and MVD after World War U. politan Slipy move our hearts to more fervent prayers for Holy Unity in the world, so that our Metropolitan Slipy, as that the Russian experts in the Ukraine, arrived here last night j There was considerable spec- State Department who back- after his release from 18 years ulation about the Soviet move Prime Hierarch of a Ukraine unified politically and religiously, could offer the Unbioody Sacrifice in Thanksgiving that his stopped that letter support imprisonment and detention in |in releasing Archbishop Slipy. "the Divine Right of Empire the Soviet Union. j Pope John ХХІП explained Buffering?' were graciously acceptable to and rewarded by the Lord." The pastoral was written on the 70th anniversary of the claimed by an unbroken line Metropolian Slipy, accom-lonly that "the Soviet govern- released Metropolitan's birthday' and it directed Ukrainians of imperial ambitions centered panied by Amleto Giovanni ment had released the prelate everywhere to mark the occasion with religious and несиіаг in the Kremlin." Cardinal Clcognani, Vatican I and allowed him to make his festivities. In a keynote address before Secretary of State, and Gustav way to Rome, where he will "The Metropolitan's release is deeply significant; the full the Political Forum sponsored Cardinal Testa, was received live in a religious community." by the American Friends of the this afternoon by Pope John The event wafe seen in some importance of his liberation will gradually become known," said Archbishop Senyshyn. "Metropolitan Slipy Is looked upon as Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations ХХІП for almost an hour. quarters as another action by the prime jprelate among fourteen Ukrainian Catholic Sees out­ at the Hotel New Yorker. C6n- "A touching consolation ar­ the USSR in an attempt to side the Iron Curtain as well as those Sees in Ukraine." The gressman Feighan presented a Hon. Michael A. Feighan rived last night from Eastern improve relations between the information he gave Pope John ХХГП in a private audience critical analysis of United Europe," the Pope said in an Vatican and Moscow. It fol­ will have a marked influence on the development of the free and States policy toward the cap­ accomplish in Berlin, sur­ emotion-charged voice. "We lowed an exchange of messages enslaved Ukrainian Catholic Church. - tive nations. While scoring rounded as it Is by the Red thank God for this as a thmg І between Pope John XXIII and Rusk for "a profound official There are three Ukrainian Catholic Metropolitan Sees in Army, what we have failed which^in Divine secrecy could I Khrushchev on the Pope's ignorance of the facts" about to accomplish within our own prepare^the Holy Church and!most recent birthday and on the world. In addition to the Metropolitan See of Lviv, headed the captive nations, he lauded by Metropolitan Slipy and the Metropolitan See of Philadelphia, government, free as it is to forthright souls for an out- ] other occasions, Ambassador Adlai Stevenson take corrective actions." burst of sincere faith and of I Other sources pointed to two headed by Metropolitan Senyshyn, the third ecclesiastical for his defense of historical a simple and peaceful aposto- other developments, to help province is located in Winnipeg, Canada, whose Metropolitan truth in the United Nations Other distinguished guests at late." j explain the surprise release. is Most Rev. Maxime Hermaniuk, C.S.S.R. concerning the forced incorpo­ the Political Forum were the Metropolitan Slipy who will, The arrival of two Russian ration into the Soviet Union of Hon. Dr. Tingfu F. Tsiang. Am­ be 71 years of age on Sunday. I Orthodox Churchmen as ob- STATEMENT OF BISHOP J. SCHMONDIUK the formerly independent na­ bassador of China to the United February 17, 1963, was ar­ servers to the Second Vatican "The news of Metropolitan Archbishop Joseph Slipy's tions of Ukraine, Georgia and States; the Hon. Liu Chieh. rested just a few months after Ecumenical Council last Octo­ "A TOUCHING CONSOLATION FROM EASTERN EUROPE" liberation from Communist internment is the happiest that has Armenia. Permanent Representative of he was appointed Archbishop ber followed the visit to Mos­ His Holiness Pope John XXIII greets the Most Rev. Joseph been received since the beginning of World War II. Every U- China to the U.N.: the Hon. Presenting a doc u ,m e n t c d Soo Young Lee, Permanent of the Ukrainians in Lviv in cow of Msgr. John Wille- krainian wherever he is — in the homeland or in free countries Slipy, Archbishop of Lviv and Metropolitan of Western Ukraine, analysis of President Kennedy's Representative of Korea td the November, 1944, following the brands, S. J., of the Secretariat throughout the world — rejoices and thanks God. It is a ray after the letter's sudden release from Soviet jails where he stand in support of the unfet­ U.N.; Mr. YarOslav Stetzko. death of Metropolitan Andrey to Promote Christian Unity. spent 18 years of torture and persecution. of hope as far as it goes. Let us trust that it presages religious tered application of the prin­ These initial contacts, it is be­ former head of the Provisional Sheptytsky. freedom for all other Ukrainians still suffering persecution for ciple of self-determination. Con­ Ukrainian government in Lviv, lieved, may have led to new He and other Ukrainian their faith, as well as liberation for all peoples denied free gressman Feighan further and president of the Anti-Bol­ results, including the release Bishops were tried in April, Metropolitan Senyshyn Flew to exercise of their religious and civic rights at the hand of op­ charged Rusk with enunciating shevik Bloc of Nations in Mu­ 194Q, on, charges of "collabora­ of Archbishop Slipy. pressors whoever and wherever they may be in the world. and supporting policies in op­ nich; Mr. R. Ostrowiky, presi­ tion" during the German oc­ Another development was Rome to Confer with "We must continue to pray and work for these basic human position to those publicly ex dent of the Byelorussian Na­ cupation of Ukraine. In 1947, the stand taken by 15 Ukrain­ rights." Joseph M. Schmondiuk pressed by the President. Саї- tional Committee, and Dr. Ga- the Moscow radio announced ian Catholic bishops of the Archbishop Slipy Bishop of Stamford ling this a "dangerous conflict" |-;-e Re'ssenn^y. president „4$,,Jiad,,,been sentenced, to free world, attending the Ecu­ which threatens the existence ^ thp American>riends of the prison. Subsequently he was menical Council, who de­ PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 13 Archbishop Ambrose Seny- STATEMENT OF BISHOP DOUGHERTY of self government iinn ththee | ARN; ^ TgnUus м ВИІІПвкУі nounced the presence of the (NC.)—Metropolitan Ambrose shyn, OSBM, left for a meeting United States, he called for im­ tried again on charges of "It is beyond our mind to measure or our imagination to chairman of the executive two Russian Orthodox church­ Senyshyn, the head of the with Metropolitan Slipy on mediate and far-r e a c h in g sending secret pastoral letters portray the joy of the Ukrainian people at the Holy Father's board of the AF-ABN. who men while Archbishop Slipy Ukrainian Catholic Hierarchy February 13, 1963, four days changes to remove what he to his faithful and was sent announcement that Archbishop Slipy is free and safe in Rome. f delivered introductory remarks. was still in a Soviet jail. Their in the United States flew to after learning of the Ukrainian termed "a Russian beachhead to Siberian slave labor camps. "As a friend of the Ukrainian community I share your The Hon. Charles Kersten, For years there was no news protest may have started a Rome to confer with Arch­ prelate's arrival in Rome. on our policies" which acts as bishop Joseph Slipy of Lviv Before he left, Archbishop boundless joy and give thanks with you to God. This living ! former Congressman from Wis- from him at all. In 1958 it was.chain reaction which led to the a "Gordian Knot on our politi­ ! consin and chairman of the after hailing his liberation by Senyshyn expressed the hope Martyr is a light of glory to the Church, a hero of his people, cal ideas." reported that he was working; release of the Ukrainian Arch- '• House Select Committee to the Soviet Union as "an answer that his people would continue an inspiration to free men everywhere and a flame of hope Examining the Berlin crisis.
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