Published Semi-Weekly by Students of the Georgia Institute of Technology X-lll—Vol. XXXII ATLANTA, GEORGIA, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 15, 1949 Number 42 Scabbard and Blade, Architecture Society Plan Gala Social Affairs After Holidays Architects' Beaux Arts Ball Military Honorary to Present Will Be Presented on April 1 Maestro Thornhill on April 2 By Max Ellis By Dave Crane The Architecture Society on the Tech campus and the American Insti­ Back in musical action after 32 months overseas, during which time tute of Georgia, a professional society, will again combine forces to present he was leader of the famous Navy Rangers orchestra, Claude Thornhill their perennial Beaux Arts Ball, April 1st at the Piedmont Driving Club. will bring his full band and the newly created "Snowflakes" 'to the Tech The Beaux Arts Ball has a long and colorful history. It is one of the gymnasium, (Saturday night, April 2, for the annual Army-Navy Military Ball. biggest events of the year in Paris Jim Willis, president of Scabbard Past Balls have had such themes as 40 new initiates of Scabbard and where it originated. It all started "Go to Hell Ball", "Budda Com­ and Blade, sponsoring organization Blade, consisting of outstanding first- at the Ecole Nationale des Beaux mands", and "Broadway Show". The for the dance, stated Saturday that year advanced Army and Navy Arts, and institution founded by emphasis is always on color, excite­ the Military Ball will be held Satur­ cadets, will be tapped in a military Napoleon. Beaux Arts means "fine ment, and originality. day, April 2, from 8:00 to 12:00 p. m., ceremony. arts" and includes painting, engrav­ Honorary Organization in the gymnasium. Sponsors for the At Alabama ing, sculpture and architecture. The Architecture Society is an hon­ Army and Navy ROTC units and for Tickets are always limited to those Playing at the University of Ala­ orary organization for juniors with Scabbard and Blade, including one participating in one of these fields. bama on the week-end preceding, an average of 2.8 in their architec­ each for regimental, battalion, and The French would probably compare Thornhill will bring an aggregation ture curricula. At the present time, company commanders, will be pre­ this ball with our Mardi Gras, with including six reeds, eight brass, and the society has 80-odd members and Claude Thornhill sented at the dance. Approximately the exception that it lasts only one four rhythm, paced by his own piano, has as its faculty advisor, Mr. B. W. night—from early to early. Each ball to the Military Ball, April 2. The Boguslavsky. The society recently has a theme which is followed very newly added "Snowflakes," composed elected officers and the results were strictly by the decorations and cos­ of two women and three men, will re­ as follows: Porter Driscoll, president; Over 120 Industrialists tumes. The costumes have a reputa­ place Fran Warren, vocalist, who has Dort Payne, vice-president; Bill Pul- tion for being "risque" and a prize recently gone into singing for herself. gram, secretary; and Fred Harrison, is given for the most outstanding dis­ This latter group has received wide treasurer. The society strives to bring Attend Time Conference guise. acclaim in its few month of existence. speakers and artists to address the Started by Arists By Bill Shepherd Willis stated that dress for the architecture students. It also main­ The ball was started in the United Military Ball will be any military uni­ tains a library for the students. Over 120 representatives from industry in Georgia and neighboring States by artists who had gone to form of the United States services or The society has broken its member­ states attended the highly successful Conference on Time Study and Europe to study. They brought back reserve components. Tickets will be ship down into committees for the Methods, held in the Tech YMCA Friday, according to Professor John M. the details and plans for the occasion $2.00, stag or drag, and will be avail­ Ball preparations. Bill Pulgram is Avent, General Chairman. The parley, sponsored by the Atlanta Chapter and joined numbers to make such an able at registration, March 28 and chairman of the Ball. of the Society for the Admancement affair a reality in this country. The 29. Tickets may also be obtained from This year's ball is expected to be of Management and the School of In­ to set the rates for a given operation, Ball was an immediate success, and any military instructor, member of the biggest in its local history and a dustrial Engineering, in cooperation but to see that the rate was under­ today Beaux Arts Balls are held in Scabbard and Blade, or commissioned portion of the function will be covered with the Engineering Extension Di­ stood and accepted by the workers. the major cities all over the nation. officer. by television. vision, featured lectures and demon­ Use of Time Study The Ball to be given here in At­ At Duke strations by three nationally promi­ The evening session, a dinner meet­ lanta will have as its theme, "Banned Thornhill, whose band will play at nent authorities in the field of time ing in Brittain Dining Hall, brought in Boston"; therefore, the costumes BULLETIN! Duke the 8th and 9th of April, took study and work simplification—Ben the conference to a close, featuring an may represent anything that Boston over the Navy's Rangers following Offenses will NOT be assigned S. Graham, Director of the Future address by Mr. Carroll, entitled Society would find objectionable. Artie Shaw's leadership of it, in the to students for cutting final Demands Department of the Standard 'Management's Use of Time Study," The first local Beaux Ball was given early days of the war. Shortly there­ classes of the quarter, it was re­ Register Company; John L. Schwab, in which he discussed five steps in the in 1941. The affair was discontinued after, he was assigned to two com­ vealed today. Manager of the New England Di­ effective use of time study. Comment­ during the war, but has been revived. plete tours of the Pacific, the latter vision of the Methods Engineering ing on the first, the analysis of time of which took him over 70,000 miles Council; and Phil Carroll, Jr. Nation­ itself, he stressed the need for elimi­ to every island of the Pacific except THE SURVEYOR — al Treasurer of SAM. nating "by diligent action the un­ avoidable delays" which lower produc­ Japan itself. As star of the Thorn­ President Van Leer Welcomes tion standards. The additional steps hill All-Star Show, Thornhill teamed Poll Says Classes Oppose The conference opened at 9:00 a. m. discussed were the use of time study up with stage greats Dennis Day, with a welcoming address by Presi­ results as a foundation for wage in­ Jackie Cooper, and Tommy Riggs. dent Blake R. Van Leer, after which centives; the measurement of per­ Thornhill, who spent years orches­ New Proposed Meals Plan Mr. Graham opened the program with formance by the standards obtained, trating with Benny Goodman, Ray a lecture on work simplification as coverage of the usually-neglected in­ Noble, Bing Crosby, and Judy Gar­ By G. Bruce Kidd applied to paper work. He supple­ direct labor by time study methods, land, will be heard to telling effect on mented his talk with a film, a series The results of this student opinion poll reveal that all classes are and last, the application of these the piano in the beautiful theme song of slides, and sound strip. At 1:30 violently opposed to the proposed plan for compulsory meals. This opposi­ methods for effective cost control. (Continued on page 4) p. m. Mr. Schwab began his talk, tion dwindles slightly from the freshman to the senior class, but it is still entitled "Methods - Time Measure­ very positive even there. I ment," in which he explained the de­ 1. Should freshmen and sophomores be required to eat in the dining hall? velopment of a new and different Budgets Are Returned; Fresh. Soph. Jr. Sr. method of making time and motion A. Yes 1.9% 7.0% 7.8% 10.2% studies, using a motion picture camera B. No 95.0% 90.0% 92.2% 88.9% rather than a stop watch in $1,500,000 Cut Ordered C. Undecided 3.1% 3.0% 0.0% .9% analyzing basic work operations. to eat in the dining hall? Deans, school directors and department heads at Georgia Tech had their 2. required This method, he said, was a definite Fresh. Soph. Jr. Sr. 1949-50 budgets returned to them Saturday by President Blake R. Van step toward true engineering—that is, Leer with the request that they be reduced by an overall amount of at least A. Soph. & Fresh. 1.0% 5.9% 6.5% 6.1% the design and planning of a project 7.0% 13.9% 11.3% 12.2% $1,500,000. A total of $5,200,000 had been asked in the initial budgets, toward a final result which is actual compared to $4,200,000 to be expended 92.0% 80.2% 82.2% 81.7% ly known beforehand—in the field of Consequently, the internal revenue this year. 3. Including week-ends, how many meals should the individuals be re­ motion analysis. Methods-time of Georgia Tech for the coming year quired to eat per day? measurement, stated Schwab, enabled In explaining his request, Presi­ will be approximately $500,000 less Fresh. Soph. Jr. Sr. the setting of time standards in one dent Van Leer stated that the state than for the current fiscal year of A.
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