ROUNDING UP CAMPUS NEWS SINCE 1900 THE BAYLOR LARIAT VOL. 110 No. 11 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2010 © 2010, Baylor University OPINION PAGE 2 FOOD PAGE 4 SPORTS PAGE 5 “The advertising industry has made Super Food Sunday All-American runner the right move to make Americans Check out some tasty recipes Men’s track star Trey Harts, more aware of their rights to cook up while watching an Indoor National Champion, concerning Internet privacy.” this year’s Super Bowl looks toward Hall of Fame Loan plan bolsters college hopefuls BY BETHANY MOORE on Jan. 15 and is on its way to centrated on higher education their income in loan repayments learning sources should be free Chairman George Miller of STAFF WRITER the U.S. Senate, is the biggest reform and, more specifically its and have their remaining debt for students to take at their own the educational committee said investment in higher education affordability. forgiven after 20 years. Those time and pace.” that the plan would not raise the Secretary of Education Arne since the G.I. Bill, which offered “The proposal calls for $173 who choose public service ca- Duncan also said they hope national debt or people’s taxes Duncan discussed President Ba- educational benefits to soldiers billion in loans, grants and reers will have their debt for- these initiatives will cause more by stopping subsidizing banks rack Obama’s proposal to make after WWII. work-studies programs which given after 10 years. then 10 million college students instead. college more affordable and “This is a part of a cradle- will help lower financial bur- As outlined in Obama’s fis- to graduate from college yearly. “This is not going to benefit answered questions from colle- to-career program, because the den for three out of every five cal budget for 2011, the plan will “We want to increase the banks in any way, but we have giate journalists, Thursday in a president understands that a college students,” Duncan said. call for $10.6 billion in better pipeline and lower the dropout to stop subsidizing them, if we telephone conference. country’s development depends “We need for all [students] to be community colleges and $500 rate,” Duncan said. “This bud- want to lower the financial bur- The proposal is part of on its education,” Duncan said. successful.” million over the next decade in get will allow us to increase the den on students,” Miller said. Obama’s larger vision for an Although the plan calls for 10 Duncan said one area of the online learning sources. affordability of college and re- Dr. Tony Talbert, associate American education reform million new teachers in the next proposal suggests the Income- “We need to invest more in duce financial burdens through- professor of curriculum and in- plan called Race to the Top. five to eight years and even more Based Repayment plan for re- community colleges since they out college. We need to not just struction in the School of Educa- Duncan said the plan, which reform for kindergarten through paying student loans, allowing are the gateway into the work get them in the door, but help was passed by the U.S. House 12th grades, the conference con- students to pay 10 percent of force,” Duncan said. “The online them graduate.” see PLAN, pg. 6 Several factors define alumni independence Various post-grad association officials talk on variety of operating styles BY LAURA RE M SON cilities no different than another STAFF WRITER campus department or strong affiliate.” Not all alumni associations Randy Lofgren, associate take the same form; some are in- vice president for constituent dependent organizations, while engagement and a former inter- others operate in conjunction im vice president for develop- with their respective universi- ment, was the executive director ties, often under university de- of the BAA during 2001 to 2002. velopment. He sees some value of indepen- By definition, an independent dence for the BAA. alumni association is a 501(c)(3) “At Baylor, we have the inde- corporate entity. This tax code is pendent association,” Lofgren DANIEL CERNERO | STAFF PHOTOGRA P HER used for nonprofit tax exemp- said. “To be an independent as- tions, according to the Internal sociation as an ideological base Drumming in the New Year Revenue Service Web site. As makes a lot of sense to me.” an independent organization, A study conducted by Bay- the association has editorial in- lor during the winter of 2006 Martin McCall, a member of the group Kobushi, performs during Chinese New Year festivities Thursday in the Barfield Drawing Room dependence, separate financial looked at the alumni association of the Bill Daniel Student Center where students gathered to celebrate the Chinese New Year. and database information, the models of private and public power to appoint its own board universities such as Brown, Cor- and the ability to decide on nell, Notre Dame and Harvard, member programming. to name a few. The research sur- The Baylor Alumni Asso- veyed three main tenets: who ciation is one of these corpo- appointed the alumni associa- rate entities, independent of the tion, to whom the association re- All for ONE, two groups unite university. According to both ports and finally, by whom the Baylor and the BAA, there are association is employed. BY SARA TIRRITO Jenalee Schwab, president of those things,” Schmidt said. “I we think hunger, we think hun- different interpretations of what While the initial study in- STAFF WRITER ONE-Campaign Baylor. “We’re think that we hope to just kind gry kids; we don’t really think independent means. cluded an undisclosed number hoping to raise awareness of the of spread the word about this about what that leads to. A hun- Following the withdrawal of universities, findings were in- Nuru International, an or- bigger issues in the world, those new organization to Baylor gry kid is resentful, and that of Baylor’s proposal in Octo- cluded for 23 universities. These ganization that works to help of poverty and world hunger, students and kind of just give resentment leads to anger, and ber, Jeff Kilgore, executive vice findings of this study were in- countries overcome extreme and how helping eradicate these them a tangible way of getting that anger leads to a radical hate president of the BAA, noted that cluded in the Sept. 19 merger poverty, is on a nationwide tour issues would in turn help fight involved and finding out what almost, when you have nothing nothing in the BAA’s license proposal to the BAA. and will be welcomed by ONE the war on terror.” other people are doing.” else to live for.” agreement has changed. Dr. Karla Leeper, Baylor’s Campaign-Baylor at 7 p.m. on Arlington senior Alex Washington, D.C., junior Tiffany Newcomb, tour coor- “The alumni association – its chief of staff, explained the dis- Monday in Bennett Audito- Schmidt, vice president of ONE Eugene Kim, director of events dinator for Nuru, said the orga- status is no more independent tinct difference between alumni rium. Campaign-Baylor, said the event for ONE Campaign-Baylor, said nization’s goals are to help rural today than it was 10 years ago,” associations at private and pub- “The most important thing will be focused on educating that people often don’t realize communities overcome extreme Kilgore said. “It’s the interpre- lic universities. Public universi- about these two organizations students about Nuru. the long-term ramifications of poverty and to motivate devel- tation [of independent]. It’s a ties are not permitted to lobby is instead of throwing money at “The focus is talking about poverty. oped countries to confront this stricter definition of being sepa- other public institutions, such the issues in developing coun- different ways that they’re plan- “A lot of times we think the issue. rate that’s been imposed by the as the state, for money and other tries, they believe it is impor- ning on improving water sani- end of poverty is just to feed “We hope to empower rural university. In the past, we’ve resources. This is why public tant to help equip these coun- tation, agriculture, health care people,” Kim said. “It’s interest- communities living in poverty been considered what we are; universities generally have in- tries with the tools they need and community economic de- ing to expose students to the fact to achieve self-sufficiency, while part of the Baylor family, part of dependent alumni associations. to make long-lasting changes,” velopment, and their ways for that poverty causes more than the university community and said Hampton, Iowa, senior working with others to improve hunger. When we think poverty, see ONE, pg. 6 we’ve been allowed access to fa- see ALUMNI, pg. 6 Globe-trotting prof brings world to class Correction BY LE L A ATWOOD to other cultures and ideas was and Spanish. Other languages he REPORTER through movies and officially has studied include two types of In Thursday’s sanctioned language textbooks. Old French, Portuguese, Arabic, Lariat article, Dr. Cristian Bratu, assistant But in 1989 when he was 10, Ancient Greek and Dutch. professor of French, has trav- his country experienced a dra- Bratu started learning French “Waco theater eled the world, speaks three lan- matic change. in the fifth grade, after the fall confirmed as guages fluently and is proficient “After the fall of communism of communism, because it was paranormal site,” in four others. in 1989, things changed for the a romantic language similar Bratu’s knowledge of lan- better,” Bratu said. to Romanian. A year later he Mike and Cindy guages did not come easily or He said he finally had access added English to his language Jacobus were quickly, however.
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