Index Acting and actors, 22, 54–55, 72, 78. Antihomophobia, 81, 100, 157, 184, See also names of individuals 185 Action (Shepard), 145, 148 Antiracism, 29, 81, 100, 174 Adler, Thomas, 25–26 Art, 12, 13, 16, 17, 216n. 17 Advertising and marketing, 7, 13, Art museums, 16, 19, 23 43–45, 48 As Good as It Gets (film), 180, 181–82, Affirmative action, 149–50, 152 184, 186 Africa, 98, 151, 153 Astor del Valle, Janis, 69, 80 African Americans, 20, 92, 126, 140, Atkinson, Brooks, 26, 49, 53 149, 183; gay male, 68, 182; male, Auden, W. H., 10 152, 173; and music, 32–34, 40, 54 Audiences, 23–24, 40, 55, 67, 75; lib- AIDS and HIV status, 27, 41, 77, eral, 62, 129, 202 112–13, 132, 186, 195 Audrey (The Little Shop of Horrors), 179 Albee, Edward, 65, 87, 131 Austin, Gayle, 166 Allen, Robert, 150 Authenticity, 37, 38–39, 45–46, 47, 188 Amin, Samir, 83 Avant-garde, 4–5, 9, 12, 13, 16, 26, And Baby Makes Seven (Vogel), 191, 66–67; sexual, 37, 178 193–94, 195, 200 Andersen, Kurt, 13 Bakke, Allan, 149–50 Anderson, Benedict, 119, 121 “Bali Ha’i” (South Pacific), 31 Angel (Rent), 40, 42, 210n. 128 Baltimore Waltz, The (Vogel), 189, Angels, the (Angels in America), 195–96, 204 114–15, 118, 120, 133 Baumol, William J., 23 Angels in America (Kushner), 18, Bazin, André, 71–73, 75 62–63, 67–68, 75, 107–33, 215n. 1; Beauty and the Beast, 18 ghosts in, 83, 93, 95; Millennium Beckett, Samuel, 97–98 Approaches, 108, 114, 126; Pere- Beidler, Philip, 29, 30 stroika, 107–8, 109–10, 115–17, 128; Belize (Angels in America), 96, 109, success of, 57, 66, 78 118, 126–28 Anna (The Baltimore Waltz), 189, Benjamin, Walter, 45, 95, 117, 216n. 195–96, 204 17; and Angels in America, 108, 110, Anna I and Anna II (The Seven Deadly 112–15, 120, 121, 132–33, 215n. 14; Sins), 190 “Theses on the Philosophy of His- Antifeminism, 137, 150 tory,” 110–12, 116 225 226 Index Benny (Rent), 38 Cabaret (Kander and Ebb), 46, 54 Bercovitch, Sacvan, 121–22, 124, 129 Cable, Lieutenant (South Pacific), Berlant, Lauren, 124–25, 128–29 30–32, 209n. 97 Between Men (Sedgwick), 159 Canby, Vincent, 52 Binarisms, 67, 138, 141, 146, 173, 175, Cannibalism, 170, 172, 175–78 203; in Angels in America, 109, 113, Canon, 15, 96, 98, 158, 188; American, 116–17, 122 17, 26, 125, 131 Blackness, 170, 173–75. See also Capital, 15, 78; cultural, 12, 15, African Americans 129–31 Blair Witch Project, The (film), 84 Capitalism, 83, 95, 119, 128, 190, 203; Bloody Mary (South Pacific), 30–32 early, 121; industrial, 122; late, 13, Blue Room (Hare), 51, 54 114, 135; mercantile, 123 Bly, Robert, 135–39, 145, 151–54 Carby, Hazel, 124 Bohème, La (Puccini), 35, 37, 41 Carl (The Baltimore Waltz), 189, 204 Bohr, Niels (Copenhagen), 79 Carlson, Marvin, 89 Bourdieu, Pierre, 5, 17, 100, 129 Carousel (Rodgers and Hammerstein), Bourgeoisie, 5, 33, 173 34, 208n. 97 Bowen, William G., 23 Carroll, Noël, 85 Bowles, Jane, 68, 155–57, 165–66, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (Williams), 73 168–69, 200, 201, 222n. 26 Cats (Lloyd Webber), 53 Boys in the Band, The (Crowley), 65, Chablis, Lady (Midnight in the Garden 69 of Good and Evil), 182 Brackett, Howard (In and Out), Chambers, Jane, 69, 193 181–82, 185, 186 Characters: female, 60, 189, 191, 193; Brantley, Ben, 35, 42, 47, 49–50, 51–53 gay, 108, 180–86; identification Brecht, Bertolt, 71, 87, 109–10, with, 60, 71–74, 79, 173, 212n. 27; 188–90, 202, 203 lesbian, 41, 54, 56–58, 62, 180, 185, Brennan, Timothy, 121 195; male, 191; queer, 41; split or Brick (Cat on a Hot Tin Roof ), 73 doubled, 189–90, 194, 196, 203 Broadway, 33, 42, 46–47, 50, 59, 61, Charlene (Hot ’n’ Throbbing), 190, 191 131; and Angels in America, 122; Chauncey, George, 59 and British theater, 51, 53–54; and Cheney, Sheldon, 19 culture vs. economics, 129–30; and Chicago (Ebb and Fosse), 46 Rent, 35–36 Christmas Carol, A (Dickens), 83 Brown, Wendy, 58, 77 Churchill, Caryl, 36, 118 Brustein, Robert, 108 Cinema, 19, 21, 70–73, 86–87, 90, 102. Bürger, Peter, 37 See also names of individual films Burns, Anthony (“Desire and the Civil rights, 76, 149, 185 Black Masseur”), 171–78 Class, 75, 128, 131; middle, 10, 23, 40, Burroughs, William, 177–78 46, 62; white, 58, 66, 76, 149, 182, Bush, George H. W., 82, 123 184; working, 5, 21, 22, 23, 149 Bush, George W., 82, 123 Closet dramas, 68, 131, 157–58, 161, Butch-femme, 164–66 168, 182–85, 201 Butler, Judith, 74–75, 92, 144, 161, Clum, John, 108, 109 164, 177, 193 Cocteau, Jean, 97, 98 Index 227 Cohn, Roy (Angels in America), 93, culture; Highbrow culture; Middle- 110, 112–13, 132 brow culture Cold War period, 4–5, 9–12, 65, 85, Cunanan, Andrew, 185–86 116, 132 Coleman, Robert, 156 Darling, Alexi (Rent), 38 Colonialism, 30, 83, 98, 99, 103, 151 Death, 86, 90, 93, 121, 140, 175, 178; Coming out, 181, 185, 188 in films, 182, 185 Commodities, 13, 44, 179 De Becque, Emile (South Pacific), Commodities, cultural, 4, 14, 31–32, 29–30, 32 33, 42; art as, 12, 46, 139; difference Deconstruction, 46, 66, 68–69, 90, as, 124; hotness of, 48; productions 122, 186; and Paula Vogel, 193–94, as, 37 203 Commodity culture, 95, 114–15, 178 DeGeneres, Ellen, 180, 185 Communism, 5, 6, 9, 83 Democracy, 119, 126–28, 217n. 46 Communists, Cowboys, and Queers Depression, Great, 7, 20, 21, 85 (Savran), 173 Derrida, Jacques, 88, 93, 95, 96, 101, Community, 63, 68, 76, 102, 109, 119, 192 121 Desdemona (Vogel), 191, 193 Congress, 7, 87, 88, 217n. 39 Desire, 60, 73–74, 79–80, 97, 133, 176, Conroy, Marianne, 17, 22 198–99; contradictions in, 174; Conservativism, 122, 129, 133 cross-race, 170; and fantasy, 160, Consumers and consumption, 6, 13, 179; in In the Summer House, 43, 45, 77, 178, 185 157–62, 167–68, 169; lesbian, Contradictions, 126, 130, 148 66–67, 157, 167–69, 200; masochis- Copenhagen (Frayn), 78–79 tic, 143–45, 178; between men, Corman, Roger, 179 146–47; and men of color, 173; sex- Critics, 47–52, 54–55, 156, 170, ual, 157, 177, 201 182–83; feminist, 136, 145, 202. See Deviance, 8, 58, 95, 168, 194 also names of individuals Dialectics, 126, 128, 144, 189 Cronenberg, David, 86 Difference, 11, 181, 189 Crow (The Tooth of Crime), 146, 148 DiMaggio, Paul, 19 Crowley, Mart, 65, 69 Dirty Blonde (Shear), 46, 78–79 Culture, 25, 124; commercial, 15, 17; Dissensus, 125–26, 129–30 counter-, 42, 151; elite, 15–16, 22, Diversity, 123, 125, 126, 180 36–37, 56, 62, 107, 203; hierarchy Divine, 187–88, 203 of, 13, 17, 48, 52, 97; Hipbrow, Dolan, Jill, 58, 80, 157, 192 45–46; of hotness, 13–14, 15, 27, 45, Drag, 40, 74, 77, 126, 182, 194–95; 48; lowbrow, 3–6, 12, 20, 33, 78; and Paula Vogel, 187, 188, 199, 202, mass, 8–9, 23–24, 47, 84–88, 97, 203 107, 132; Native American, 135–36; Dyer, Richard, 182 1950s, 3, 7, 8, 9–10, 12, 65; 1960s, 11, 12, 65; 1990s, 65–66, 76; No- Eagleton, Terry, 110 brow, 13–14, 45; popular, 15, 36, 53; Early, Gerald, 33 sub-, 14, 77; youth, 12, 42. See also Edson, Margaret, 51, 63 Commodities, cultural; Commodity Ellen (In the Summer House), 160–61 228 Index Ellen (television program), 56, 180 56, 65, 131, 184. See also names of Ellis, Havelock, 165 individuals Europe, 66, 85, 98, 99, 103, 110, 151; Gender, 57, 74, 128, 164, 190, 194, ancient, 89, 91 199; fluidity of, 187, 200–201; Ewen, David, 28 norms of, 137, 146, 191; perform- Experience, 39, 45, 96 ance of, 118, 193 General, the (The Wedding on the Falk, Florence, 145 Eiffel Tower), 98 Faludi, Susan, 136–37 Gershwin, George, 26 Fanon, Frantz, 100 Gertrude (In the Summer House), Fantasy, 135, 152–53, 160, 171, 173, 158–61, 164–69, 222n. 26 179; masochistic, 140–41, 176, 177 Ghosts, 82. See also Theater, ghosts in Fear, 9, 173, 176, 186 Ginsberg, Allen, 43, 177–78 Federal Theatre Project, 21, 87 Glass Menagerie, The (Williams), 201 Femininity, 6–8, 117, 137, 146–47, God (Angels in America), 115–16, 118, 185, 190, 203 120, 125, 127 Feminism, 12, 81, 100, 149, 152, 192, Goodman, Charlotte, 222n. 26 203; and critics, 136, 145, 202; les- Good Person of Setzuan, The (Brecht), bian-, 193–94; and Paula Vogel, 190–91, 203 188, 189, 191 Gordon, Suzanne, 136 Feminization, 94–95, 148, 152, 173 Greek Chorus (How I Learned to Fiedler, Leslie, 4 Drive), 190, 198 Films, 13; gay and lesbian, 180–86; Green, Stanley, 27 noir, 182–83, 185. See also Cinema; Greenberg, Clement, 4, 6, 8, 10 names of specific films Greif, Michael, 39–40, 41 Forbush, Nellie (South Pacific), 29–30, Gross, Robert, 176 32 Group Theatre, 21, 87 Fornes, Maria Irene, 69–70, 80 Frayn, Michael, 78–79 Hair (MacDermot, Ragni, and Rado), Freud, Sigmund, 10, 74, 195; “The 37 Economic Problem in Masochism, “ Hamer, Diane, 200 140; and homosexuality, 67, 163, Hamlet (Shakespeare), 83, 93, 96 165–66, 200; “Instincts and Their Hammerstein, Oscar, 14, 19, 21, 24, Vicissitudes,” 147; “Mourning and 27–29, 87 Melancholia,” 92, 162; and sado- Hannah (Angels in America), 117–18 masochism, 141, 146, 170, 172–73, Hansen, Klaus, 119, 121 175–76 “Happy Talk” (South Pacific), 30, 32 Frohman, Charles, 24, 36 Hare, David, 51, 54 Fukuyama, Francis, 116 Harper (Angels in America), 110, Funding, 53, 88, 132 117–18 Hart, Lynda, 192, 193 Gattaca (film), 183–84, 186 Harvey, David, 75, 99, 178 Gay men, 41, 54, 57, 76, 210n.
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