DOCUMENT RESUME ED 066 001 EM 010 002 TITLE Financing for Public Broadcasting--1972. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Communications and Power of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, House of Representatives. INSTITUTION Congress of the U. S., Washington, D. C. House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. REPORT NO SN-92-62 PUB DATE Feb 72 NOTE 359p.; 92nd Congress, 2nd session, February 1-3, 1972 EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$13.16 DESCRIPTORS *Educational Television; *Federal Aid; Financial Support; Government Publications; *Public Television IDENTIFIERS *Corporation for Public Television ABSTRACT Three related bills to provide for i-nproved financing for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting were introduced in Congress. The bills would increase funding for the years 1972-77. Hearings on these bills before the Subcommittee on Communications and Powe- are reurinted here. Included are the texts of bills, statements made to the Subcommittee on Communications and Power, supporting letters, and discussion of the bills. Achievements of educational television stations are cited in support of the financing. (int) FINANCING FOR PUBLIC BROADCASTING 1972 HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON COMMUNICATIONS AND POWER OF THE COMMITTEE ON INTERSTATE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-SECOND CONGRESS SECOND SESSION ON F R. 11807, H.R. 7443, AND H.R. 12808 BILL,1 TO PROVIDE FOR IMPROVED FINANCING FOR THE CORPORATION FOR PUBLIC BROADCASTING FEBRUARY 1, 2, AND 3, 1972 Serial No. 92-62 Printed for the use of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce U.S. DVARTM ENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE DF EDUCATIDN THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIG- INATING IT. POINTS OF VIEW OR OPIN- IONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDU- CATION POSITION OR POLICY U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 74-325 0 WASHINGTON : 1972 COMMITTEE ON INTERSTATE AND FOREIGN COMMERCE HARLEY 0. STAGGERS. West Virginia, Chairman TORBERT IL MACDONALD, Massachusetts WILLIAM L. SPRINGER. Illinois JOHN JARMAN, Oklahoma SAMUEL L. DEVINE. Ohio JOHN E. MOSS, California ANCIIER NELSEN, Minnesota JOHN D. DINGELL, Michigan HASTINGS KEITH, Massachusetts PAUL G. ROGERS, Florida JAMES 'I'. BROYHILL, North Carolina LIONEL VAN DEERLIN California JAMES HARVEY. Michigan J. J. PICKLE, Texas TIM LEE CARTER, Kentucky FRED B. ROONEY. Pennsylvania CLARENCE J. BROWN, Ohio JOHN M. MURPHY, New York DAN KUYKENDALL, Tennessee DAVID E. SATTERFIELD III, Virginia JOE SKUBITZ, Kansas BROCK ADAMS, Washington FLETCHER THOMPSON, Georgia RAY BLANTON. Tennessee JAMES F. HASTINGS, New York W. S. (BILL) STUCKEY, Ja., Georgia JOHN G. SCHMITZ, California PETER N. KYROS. Maine JAMES M. COLLINS, Texas BOB ECKHARDT, Texas LOUIS FREY, Ja., Florida ROBERT 0. TIERNAN, Rhode IsIciud JOHN WARE, Pennsylvania RICHARDSON PREYER, North Carolina JOHN Y, McCOLLISTER, Nebranica BERTRAM L. rODELL. New York RICHARD G. SHOUP, Montana HENRY HELSTOSKI, New Jersey JAMES W. SYMINGTON, Missouri CHARLES J. CARNEY, Ohio RALPH II. METCALFE, Illinois GOODLOE E. BYRON, Maryland WILLIAM R. ROY, Kansas W. E. WILLIAMSON, Clerk KENNETH J. PAINTER, Assistant Clerk Professional Staff JAMES M. MENGER, Jr. ROBERT F. GUTHRIE WILLIAM J. DIXON ICURT BORCHARDT CHARLES B. CURTIS SUBCOMMITTEE ON COMMUNICATIONS AND POWER TORBERT IL MACDONALD, Massachusetts, Chairman LIONEL VAN MERLIN, California HASTINGS KEITH, Massachusetts FRED B. ROONEY, Pennsylvania CLARENCE J. BROWN, Ohio ROBERT 0. TIERNAN, Rhode Island JAMES AL COLLINS, Texas GOODLOE E. BYRON, Maryland LOUIS FREY, :Tn., Florida CONTENTS Hearings held on Page February 1, 1972 1 February 2, 1979 121 February 3, 1972 241 Text of R. 7443 9 ILR. 11807 3 KR. 12808 14 Report of Comptroller General of the lioited States on H.R. 7443 26 Corporation for Public Broadcasting on : H.R. 7443 27 H.R. 11807 30 H.R. 12808 28 Office of Management and Budget on : H.R. 7443 31 FIR. 11807 31 H.R. 12808 31 Office of Teleconnnunications Policy on H.R. 12808 32 Statement of Adams. Hon. Brock, a Representative in Congress from the State q Washington 137 Boggs, Hon. Hale, a Representative in Congress from the State of Louisiana 923 Breitenfeld, Federiek, 1li. D., vice chairman of the board, educational television stations, National Association of Educational Broadcast- ers, and executive director, Maryland Center for Public Broad- casting 121 Burch, Hon. Dean, Chairman, Federal Connnunications Commission 245 Deanery, Mrs. Moise W., member, board of trnstees, past chairman, WYES-TV, and board of trustees, National Frieds of Public Broad- casting, New Orleans, La 223 Fore, Rev. Wlllhnn, chairman, Corporation for Public Broadcasting Advisory Committee of National Organizations, and executive direc- tor,Broadcasting and Film Connnission, National Council of Churches of Christ 231 Griffin, Hon. Robert P., a U.S. Senator from the State of Michigan 241 Harley, William G., presblent, National Association of Educational Broadcasters 121 Ives, David, president. station KGBII-TV, Boston, Mass 96, 104 Johnson, Vieholas, CommlOoner, Federal Communications Com- mission 262 Kager, Kenneth, chairman, board of directors. National Educational Radio, NAEB, and general manager, station KUOW, Seattle, Wash 121, 137 Kaiser, Lloyd, chairman, executive board, National Association of Educational Broadcasters, and president and general manager. sta- tions WQED and WQEX, Pittsburgh, Pa 121, 134 Jchn W., Jr., president, Corporation for Public Ermulcasting_ :13, 42 Montgomery, Joint A., executive consultant, instructional television, National Association of Educational Broadc asters' aild executive121 director, Iowa Edneatimml Broadcasting Network , 158 Ouzts, executive vice In.esident and general manager, statimi KPTS- TV, Wichita, Kans 96, 100 IV Johnson, Nicholas, CommissionerContinued Page Pace, Frank, Jr., chairman of the board, Corporation for Public Broadcasting 33 Rogers, Ralph, chairman of the board, station KERA-TV, Dallas, Tex 89 Schooley, Prank E., member of the board, Corporation for Public Broadcasting 33, 41 Shriver, Hon. Garner E., a Representative in Congress from the State of Kansas 09 Siegel, Sheldon P., executive vice president and general manager, sta- tion WLVT-TV, Allentown, Pa 96 Vaughan, Charles W., president and general manager, station WCET- TV, Cincinnati, Ohio 330 Whitehead, Clay T., Director, Office of Telecommunications Policy, Executive Office of the President 273 Additional material submitted for the record by American Bar Association, letter dated January 27, 1972, from Ken- neth J. Burns, Jr., to Chairman Staggers, re resolution in support of efforts of Corporation for Public Broadcasting adopted by ABA 352 Corporation for Public Broadcasting : Attachment A to Mr. Macy's statement: Budget estimates, 1973- 77 47 Attaclnnent B to MiS. Macy's statement : Sunnnary of activities of the Corporation since its creation 51 Killian, Dr. James R., Jr., member of the hoard, statement 38 Letter dated February 14, 1972, from John W. Macy, Jr., presi- dent, to Chairman Macdonald, responding to testimony of Mr. Whitehead 327 National production and delivery costs for three selected pro- grams 64 Share of nationwide audience for public broadcasting programs__ 63 Fore, Rev. William, chairman, Corporation for Public Broadcastthg Advisory Committee of National Organizations, and executive di- rector, Broadcasting and Film Commission, National Council of Churches of Christ: List of CPB advisory committee organizations endorsing long- range financing 236 Resolution enacted by CPB Advisory Connnittee of National Orga- nizations, January 11, 1972 235 Griffin, Hon. Robert P., a U.S. Senator from the State of Michigan : Proposed amendment to Public Broadcasting Act of 1934 244 Excerpt from report of Senate Commerce Committee on the "Public Broadcasting Financing Act of 1970" (Senate Report 91-869) 244 Interstate and Foreign Commerce Connnittee: Article from Durham, N.C., Herald, September 17, 1971, entitled "Ex-Correspondent Cuffs Media Views" 82 Article from Washington Post, February 3, 1972, entitled "Attack on Public Broadcasting" 282 Beirne, Joseph A., president, Communications Workers of Amer- ica, and member, board of directors, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, statement 88 Extract from House Report 00-572 : Additional views of Hasting Keith 287 Letter dated February 1,1972, Clay T. Whitehead, Director, Office of Telecommunications Policy, Executive Office of the President, to Speaker of the House Carl Albert, re revision of section 396 of the Communications Act of 1934, with copy of proposed bill attached 308 Letter of transmittal accompanying House Resolution 841 of 1970 (Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1970) 292 Preliminary report of public television stations' incomeCom- parison of fiscal years 1969 and 1970 296 Sources of income by type of licensee, fiscal year ending June 30, 1970 297 4 V page National Association for Christian Political Action, John R. Hamilton, Washington representative, statement with appendix 346 National Association of Educational Broadcasters, letter dated Febru- ary 14, 1972, with attachments as follows 214 1. Discussion of a permanent plan for support of educational broadcasting 215 2. Recommended modified version of H.R. 11807 218 3. Supplementary statement to oral testimony : (a) Station representation on CPB board 219 (b) Explanation of the Richmond, Va., two-station situation_ 220 (c) Additional oomments from noncommercial educational broadcasters 220 Network Project, The,
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