Appendix: How to Obtain Satellite Data from Bhuvan Bhuvan is an Indian Geo-platform (http:// • Click on ‘Metadata’ button for metadata of bhuvan.nrsc.gov.in) developed by the National the corresponding tile. Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), Indian Space • Click on ‘Download’ button to download the Research Organisation (ISRO). This portal tiles. Login is required for downloading the tiles. allows the users to select and download the • Number of tiles for download has been fixed to geospatial data free of cost based on various data 10 tiles/day for Cartosat-DEM, AWiFs data and search mechanisms like bounding box, tiles 16 tiles/day for LISS-III data. Other tiles can be (1° Â 1° and 15′ Â 15′), interactive drawing and saved in backlog list for future reference. Survey of India mapsheet number on 1:250,000 for AWiFS Ortho and CartoDEM and 1:50,000 United States Geological Survey (USGS) has for LISS-III Ortho scale for India only. Users can two portals to search and download various download Elevation data of CartoDEM-1arc geospatial database at no cost. USGS Earth- second, Resourcesat-1:AWiFs data(56 m) and Explorer (EE) (http://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/)isa LISS-III(24 m) of Indian region from Indian complete search and order tool for aerial photos, Remote sensing Satellite (IRS). normalized dif- elevation data and satellite products distributed by ference vegetation index (NDVI) global cover- the USGS. USGS Global Visualization Viewer age, CartoDem version 3R1 available for South (GloVis) (https://glovis.usgs.gov/) is another portal Asian Association for Regional Cooperation that provides all Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS, Landsat 7 (SAARC) countries and climate product for the ETM+, Landsat 4/5 TM, Landsat 1–5MSS,EO-1 North Indian Ocean. ALI, EO-1 Hyperion, Sentinel-2, and Global Land Survey (GLS) data sets; LP DAAC ASTER and Steps to download data selected MODIS data holdings are also available. These are browse-based for enhanced visualization • Select the category, i.e. Satellite, Theme or (https://lta.cr.usgs.gov/get_data/). Project, and then desired type of data, e.g. ESA’s Sentinel online has a free full and open CartoDEM-1 arc second. data policy adopted for the Copernicus pro- • Select the tiles on the map using available gramme that foresees access available to all users search mechanisms, i.e. Bounding Box, Tiles, for the Sentinel data products via Copernicus Mapsheet and Interactive Drawing. Open Access Hub. EOLi (Earth Observation • Press ‘Next’ button to get selected tile list. Link) is the European Space Agency’s client for • Use ‘View’ button to view the particular tile Earth Observation Catalogue Service providing on the map and ‘Remove’ (after View is services to browse metadata and preview images pressed) button to remove it from the map. In of Earth Observation data acquired by the satel- case of AWiFS and LISS-III data, you can lites ERS and Envisat and download the products only view the thumbnail of the tile. of various processing levels. © Springer International Publishing AG 2019 225 D. Kumar et al., Spatial Information Technology for Sustainable Development Goals, Sustainable Development Goals Series, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-58039-5 226 Appendix: How to Obtain Satellite Data from Bhuvan The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency everyone to better understand global environ- (JAXA) released ALOS World 3D-30 m, the mental systems. In particular, the GLCF devel- global Digital Surface Model (DSM) data set with ops and distributes remotely sensed satellite data a horizontal resolution of approximately 30 m. In and products that explain land cover from the order to obtain this highly accurate DSM data set, local to global scales. Primary data and products users must register online at http://www.eorc.jaxa. available at the GLCF are free to anyone via jp/ALOS/en/aw3d30/registration.htm. FTP. Online data sets may be accessed through The Global Land Cover Facility (GLCF) http://landcover.org. provides earth science data and products to help Bibliography Agarwal A, Chak A (eds) (1991) Floods, flood plains, and and biodiversity: Proceedings of IGU Rohtak Confer- environmental myths. State of India’s Environment ence. Advances in geographical and environmental (3). Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi sciences, Springer, vol 1, pp 61–72 Agrawal S, Gupta RD (2016) School mapping and Behera MD, Chitale VS, Shaw A, Roy P, Murthy S Geospatial Analysis of the School in Jasra Develop- (2012) Wetland monitoring, serving as an index of ment block of India. The international archives of the land use change–a study in samaspur wetlands, Uttar photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial informa- Pradesh, India. 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