PRAXIS PHILOSOPHISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT INTERNATIONALE AUSGABE Redaktionskomitcc Branko Bošnjak , D anko G rlić, M ilan K a n g rg a , V eljko K orać, A n d rija Krešić, I van K uvačić, M ih ailo M arković, G a jo P etro vić, Svetozar Sto j ANO vić, R udi S upek , L jubo m ir T a dić, P redrag V ran icki, M ila din Ž ivotić Chefredakteure V eljko K orać und G ajo P etrović Redaktionssekretare Branko D espot und N ebojša P opov Redaktionsrat Kostas A xelos (Paris), A lfred J. A yer (Oxford), Z ygmnud Ba u ­ mann (Tel-Aviv), N orman B irnbaum (Amherst), E rnst B loch (Tubingen), T homas B ottomore (Brighton), U mberto C erroni (Ro­ ma), M laden Čaldarović (Zagreb), R obert S. C ohen (Boston), V eljko C vjetiča nin (Zagreb), B ožidar D ebenjak (Ljubljana), M i­ hailo Đ urić (Beograd), M arvin F arber (Buffalo), V ladim ir F il i- pović (Zagreb), E ugen F ink (Freiburg), I van F o cht (Sarajevo), E rich F romm (Mexico City), f L ucien G oldman (Paris), A ndrž G orz (Paris), J urgen H abermas (Frankfurt), E rich H eintel (Wien), A gnes H eller (Budapest), Besim I brahimpašić (Sarajevo), M itko I lievski (Skopje), L eszek K olakowski (Warszawa), Ka rel K osik (Praha), H enri L efebvre (Paris), | G eorg L ukAcs (Budapest), Serge M allet (Paris), H erbert M arcuse (San Diego), E nzo P aci (Milano), H o ­ ward L. P arsons (Bridgeport), Z agorka P ešić-G olubović (Beograd), D avid R iesman (Cambridge, Mass.), V eljko R us (Ljubljana), J ulius Strinka (Bratislava), A bdulah Šarčević (Sarajevo), Ivan V arga (Budapest), K urt H. W olff (Newton, Mass.), A ldo Z anardo (Bologna). Herausgebcr H rvatsko filozofsko društvo J ugoslavensko udruženje za filo zo fiju Druck der internationalen Ausgabe: IBG — Tiskara »Zagreb« — Zagreb (IBG — Druckerei »Zagreb« — Zagreb) Preradovićeva 21 DD A V I Q REVUE PHILOSOPHIQUE I | \ / \ A I J EDITION INTERNATIONALE ZAGREB, 3- ET 4- TRIMESTRE 1972 8« ANNEE, No. 3— 4 ANARCHIE, AVENIR, REVOLUTION Trivo Inđić / Anarcho-Communism — the Movement and its M o ra ls .................................................................................. 175 Daniel Guerin / Spontaneite, organisation et anarchisme . 185 Enzo Paci / Spontaneita, ragione e modalita della praxis . 195 Ivan Kuvačić / Spontaneite et organisation ..............................203 Robert Jungk / Zukunftswerkstatten............................................. 209 Hans-Dieter Bahr / Die Zukunft des Fortschritts . 215 Ricardo Quarello / Pour la construction d’une alternative po­ litique — aussi bien que sociale — a l’industrialisme . 229 V. L. Allen / Contemporary Capitalism and Revolutionary Change .......................................................................................237 Ivan Maksimović / Teleological and Genetic Bases of the Economic Problems of Contemporary Socialism . 251 Helmuth Fleischer / Normativistisches und materialistisches Verstandnis der sozialistischen Transformation . 269 Zivojin Denić / Sociologie de l’apparition, de l’existence et de la fonction de l’economie m archande .............................. 279 Octavian Chetan / Culture et dem ocratie ................................... 305 Vlado Mađarević / Literatur und revolutionarer Mythos als Kategorie der U topie ..................................................................313 Niculae Bellu / Theses sur la signification ethique du fait de l’art dans la constitution de la cu ltu re .........................321 Robert Kragalott / Mahatma Gandhi’s Concept of Trusteeship Socialism: A Hindu Search for U to p ia ................................... 325 Shingo Shibata / Die Vietnamesische Revolution und die marxistische Philosophie ........................................................339 Serge Mallet / Mouvements sociaux et lutte politique de l’apres-mai 1968 en F ran ce ...................................................351 Miroslav Jilek / The Crisis of A dventure ................................... 359 PENSEE ET REALITE Kostas Axelos / Le jeu de l’ensemble des ensembles .... 367 Predrag Vranicki / Theoretische Begriindung der Idee der Selbstverwaltung .......................................................................373 DISCUSSION Ivan Kuvačić / The Basis and Prospects of the Radical Right 395 APPENDICE Index des auterus, Praxis, Edition internationale 1972 . 409 Prema Mišljenju Republičkog sekretarijata za prosvje­ tu, kulturu i fizičku kulturu broj 4849/1-1972 od 10. 11. 1972., časopis »Praxis« je oslobođen plaćanja poreza na promet proizvoda. 174 AN ARCHIE, AVENIR, REVOLUTION ANARCHO-COMMUNISM — THE MOVEMENT AND ITS MORALS Trivo Inđić Beograd The fundamental question of anarcho-or libertarian commu­ nism, both in theory and practice, is contained in the dilemma how to attain liberty through liberty itself. Only liberty and the struggle for liberty — Malatesta always pointed out can be the school for liberty. The primary criterion for our analysis, too, is, in fact, to follow that continuous dialogue between order and liberty, efficiency and liberty, revolution and liberty, end and means, intelligence and reason, individual and society; to follow that rich and inspiring heritage of anarcho-communism as the only persistent modern a-cratic movement, as one the possible ways to a concrete Utopia. Anarcho-communism as a project of total humanism is, in the first place, a reaction to the imperilment of the idea of humanity, the imperilment of liberty and the degradation of human dignity that constitute the essential trait of modern civilization since its very beginning. Anarcho-communism is a promethean call to re­ volt against violence as a constitutive element wielded by contem­ porary society and culture against the coercive institution that we had almost come to consider as the only possible salutary form of social integration and liberty preservation. Anarcho-communism showed us, long before Marcuse, that under the rule of a repres­ sive structure liberty can become a powerful instrument of domi­ nation, and thereby it prophetically anticipated our present situ­ ation: the rational character of the irrational as the most burden­ some aspect of developed industrial civilization. Bearing witness to the present urgent need for a re-evaluation of utopia in the Blochian sense, (i. e. a tested will for the existence of an ALL: the active effort to transcend the existing) we take the liberty of reminding that even Gustav Landauer (De Homine 1907) refused to place on the same level the concepts of utopia and topia, that he contrasted the concept of utopia with a concept of topia, that is, he demonstrated that within each system, within 175 each topia there is a germ of utopia developing a dialectic between utopia and the established system. Utopia, then, is that which is fettered by the powers of the established society — an attitude which, we see, does not differ in the slightest from that of Marcuse (in An Essay on Liberation). Landauer, the thinker of anarchy instructs us that anarchy is concrete utopia, where projections are mediated through the existing tendencies and potentials of reali­ ty itself, with reference to the coming bearers of the society. Anarcho-communism is that dimension of the future that is deemed as adequate, i. e. which is able to activate the methodical plus ultra. That is why anarchism and socialism are not sciences, Malatesta insisted, but in fact projects of society which must be attained through practical efforts bearing in mind the given cir­ cumstances. That is why the marasmus is greater when »scienti­ fic socialism« becomes a body of given circumstances ending as a most superficial apology of opportunism, and vulgar determinism becomes the complement of integral despotism. To that extent anarcho-communism too is, as is any utopia ,an expression of authentic voluntarism which has nothing in common with the scientific blockade of the liberating function of negation. This demand — that liberty at the same time be the prius of human action and its posterius — is in constant opposition to the vulgar scientific socialism of the Second and Third Internationals, an opposition culminating with particular vigour German social- -democracy. In the doctrines of social change and its agents, socia­ lism of this hind inevitably results in an integration with the status quo, in the equalization of society and state, in the fetichi- zation of statism, in the so-called Volkstaat-socialism. The inten­ sive voluntarism that appears within the anarcho-communism mo­ vement can therefore also be explained as a protest against the developed and intensively institutionalized forms of socialism and socialist, particulary Marxist, ideology. There is the origin of the libertarian theory and practice of insurrectionism, of the doctrine about the nuclei of conscious militant minorities that will lead the masses (which today are known as foco guerillero in the Third World, or as minority-detonators in more developed environ­ ments), of the initiative will of the minorities, of direct action, of propaganda through example and social experiment, etc. Mala­ testa insisted with particular ardor on these voluntaristic ele­ ments, which are anthropologically supported in their conception of man as a creative, freedom-loving and self-determined being. Anarchy is primarily conceived of as an aspiration of the human will arising from the moral revolt against social injustice. As distinguished from closed scientific theories or philosophical systems, anarchy, according to Malatesta is a practical aim, a social project achieved by human will. It is a »way of individual and
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