23.9.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 279/1 II (Non-legislative acts) REGULATIONS COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 991/2014 of 19 September 2014 amending Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards maximum residue levels for fosetyl in or on certain products (Text with EEA relevance) THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 February 2005 on maximum residue levels of pesticides in or on food and feed of plant and animal origin and amending Council Directive 91/414/EEC (1), and in particular Article 14(1)(a) and Article 16(1)(a) thereof, Whereas: (1) For fosetyl, maximum residue levels (MRLs) were set in Part A of Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005. (2) The residue definition for monitoring applicable to fosetyl comprises the parent compound fosetyl, the degrada­ tion product phosphorous acid and their salts. Salts of phosphorous acid are named phosphonates. (3) The Commission received information from Member States and business operators showing the presence of phos­ phonates in or on certain products leading to higher residues than the MRL of 2 mg/kg laid down in Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 for those products, corresponding to the limit of determination. (4) The Commission collected monitoring data in 2014 to investigate the presence of phosphonates in food. Those data were generated by food business operators and showed that phosphonates are present at levels that vary depending on the source and product, but frequently exceed the MRL set at the limit of determination of 2 mg/kg. Further data analysis indicated that the vast majority of non-compliant samples contain residues of phosphorous acid and its salts in excess of the limit of determination while residues of fosetyl and its salts remain below the limit of determination. (5) Although phosphonates have not been included in Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 2003/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council (2) by virtue of Article 14 of that Regulation, they could be contained in fertilisers authorised at national level, notably certain fertiliser products applied to the leaves of plants (foliar fertilisers). Given the lack of relevant authorisations for plant protection products containing fosetyl both in the Union and in third countries that are important exporters of the concerned food products into the Union, the scarcity of detectable residues for fosetyl and its salts, and the use of phosphonates as ingredient in foliar fertiliser products, it can be reasonably assumed that residues are a consequence of the application of foliar fertiliser products containing phosphonates. (1) OJ L 70, 16.3.2005, p. 1. (2) Regulation (EC) No 2003/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 2003 relating to fertilisers (OJ L 304, 21.11.2003, p. 1). L 279/2 EN Official Journal of the European Union 23.9.2014 (6) The Commission asked the European Food Safety Authority, hereinafter ‘the Authority’, to give an opinion on public health risks of phosphonate residues in or on certain products. Given the urgency the Authority issued a statement, referring to several remaining uncertainties, rather than a reasoned opinion (1). It forwarded that state­ ment to the Commission and the Member States and made it available to the public. (7) The Authority concluded in its statement that the proposed temporary MRLs are expected to sufficiently protect consumers. The lifetime exposure to phosphonate residues via consumption of all food products that may contain them did not show that there is a risk that the acceptable daily intake (ADI) is exceeded. The Authority did not perform an acute consumer exposure assessment due to the low acute toxicity of phosphonate. The Authority pointed out that its statement is affected by uncertainties and proposed to change the residue defini­ tion. (8) To avoid significant market disruptions in the trade of the concerned products and as there is no risk for con­ sumers identified from the current scientific data, it is appropriate to set temporary MRLs for fosetyl, based on the available monitoring data and on the statement of the Authority. Those temporary MRLs should apply only until measures to prevent the occurrence of phosphonate residues in relevant crops in future growing seasons take effect. (9) Based on the statement of the Authority and taking into account the factors relevant to the matter under consid­ eration, the appropriate modification to the MRL fulfils the requirements of Article 14(2) of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005. (10) Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 should therefore be amended accordingly. (11) The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health, HAS ADOPTED THIS REGULATION: Article 1 Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 is amended in accordance with the Annex to this Regulation. Article 2 This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States. Done at Brussels, 19 September 2014. For the Commission The President José Manuel BARROSO (1) European Food Safety Authority; Statement on the dietary risk assessment for proposed temporary maximum residue levels (t-MRLs) for fosetyl-Al in certain crops. EFSA Journal 2014;12(5):3695, 22 pp. 23.9.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 279/3 ANNEX Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 is amended as follows: In part A, the column for fosetyl is replaced by the following: ‘ANNEX III PART A Pesticide residues and maximum residue levels (mg/kg) Þ Code Groups and examples of individual products to which the MRLs apply (a) number sum of fosetyl, ð salts, expressed as fosetyl phosphonic acid and their Fosetyl-Al 0100000 1. FRUIT FRESH OR FROZEN NUTS 0110000 (i) Citrus fruit 75 0110010 Grapefruit (Shaddocks, pomelos, sweeties, tangelo (except mineola), ugli and other hybrids) 0110020 Oranges (Bergamot, bitter orange, chinotto and other hybrids) 0110030 Lemons (Citron, lemon, Buddha's hand (Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis)) 0110040 Limes 0110050 Mandarins (Clementine, tangerine, mineola and other hybrids tangor (Citrus reticulata × sinensis)) 0110990 Others 0120000 (ii) Tree nuts 0120010 Almonds 75 (+) 0120020 Brazil nuts 2 (*) 0120030 Cashew nuts 75 (+) 0120040 Chestnuts 2 (*) 0120050 Coconuts 2 (*) 0120060 Hazelnuts (Filbert) 75 (+) 0120070 Macadamia 75 (+) 0120080 Pecans 2 (*) 0120090 Pine nuts 2 (*) 0120100 Pistachios 75 (+) 0120110 Walnuts 75 (+) 0120990 Others 2 (*) 0130000 (iii) Pome fruit 75 0130010 Apples (Crab apple) 0130020 Pears (Oriental pear) L 279/4 EN Official Journal of the European Union 23.9.2014 Þ Code Groups and examples of individual products to which the MRLs apply (a) number sum of fosetyl, ð salts, expressed as fosetyl phosphonic acid and their Fosetyl-Al 0130030 Quinces 0130040 Medlar 0130050 Loquat 0130990 Others 0140000 (iv) Stone fruit 75 (+) 0140010 Apricots 0140020 Cherries (Sweet cherries, sour cherries) 0140030 Peaches (Nectarines and similar hybrids) 0140040 Plums (Damson, greengage, mirabelle, sloe, red date/Chinese date/Chinese jujube (Ziziphus zizyphus)) 0140990 Others 0150000 (v) Berries & small fruit 0151000 (a) Table and wine grapes 100 0151010 Table grapes 0151020 Wine grapes 0152000 (b) Strawberries 75 0153000 (c) Cane fruit 75 (+) 0153010 Blackberries 0153020 Dewberries (Loganberries, tayberries, boysenberries, cloudberries and other Rubus hybrids) 0153030 Raspberries (Wineberries, arctic bramble/raspberry, (Rubus arcticus), nectar raspberries (Rubus arcticus × Rubus idaeus)) 0153990 Others 0154000 (d) Other small fruit & berries 0154010 Blueberries (Bilberries) 75 (+) 0154020 Cranberries (Cowberries/red bilberries (V. vitis-idaea)) 2 (*) 0154030 Currants (red, black and white) 75 (+) 0154040 Gooseberries (Including hybrids with other Ribes species) 75 (+) 0154050 Rose hips 2 (*) 0154060 Mulberries (Arbutus berry) 2 (*) 0154070 Azarole (mediteranean medlar) (Kiwiberry (Actinidia arguta)) 2 (*) 0154080 Elderberries (Black chokeberry/appleberry, mountain ash, buckthorn/sea 2 (*) sallowthorn, hawthorn, serviceberries, and other treeberries) 0154990 Others 2 (*) 23.9.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 279/5 Þ Code Groups and examples of individual products to which the MRLs apply (a) number sum of fosetyl, ð salts, expressed as fosetyl phosphonic acid and their Fosetyl-Al 0160000 (vi) Miscellaneous fruit 0161000 (a) Edible peel 0161010 Dates 2 (*) 0161020 Figs 75 (+) 0161030 Table olives 2 (*) 0161040 Kumquats (Marumi kumquats, nagami kumquats, limequats (Citrus auranti­ 75 (+) folia × Fortunella spp.)) 0161050 Carambola (Bilimbi) 2 (*) 0161060 Persimmon 75 (+) 0161070 Jambolan (java plum) (Java apple/water apple, pomerac, rose apple, Brazi­ 2 (*) lean cherry, Surinam cherry/grumichama (Eugenia uniflora)) 0161990 Others 2 (*) 0162000 (b) Inedible peel, small 0162010 Kiwi 150 0162020 Lychee (Litchi) (Pulasan, rambutan/hairy litchi, longan, mangosteen, 2 (*) langsat, salak) 0162030 Passion fruit 75 (+) 0162040 Prickly pear (cactus fruit) 2 (*) 0162050 Star apple 2 (*) 0162060 American persimmon (Virginia kaki) (Black sapote, white sapote, green 2 (*) sapote, canistel/yellow sapote, mammey sapote) 0162990 Others 2 (*) 0163000 (c) Inedible peel, large
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