Digital Commons @ George Fox University Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church Friendly Endeavor (Quakers) 6-1934 Friendly Endeavor, June 1934 George Fox University Archives Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_endeavor Recommended Citation George Fox University Archives, "Friendly Endeavor, June 1934" (1934). Friendly Endeavor. 141. https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_endeavor/141 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church (Quakers) at Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Friendly Endeavor by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Friendly Endeavor Volume 13, Number PORTLAND, OREGON June, 1934. "BUILDERS" 1934 ANNUAL BANQUET REPORT W a l t e r P . L e e I am sure none of the 345 Christian (Given at the 11th annual Twin Rocks Endeavorei's who attended the Confer Conference Banquet April 28, 1934) Hello, everybody! Well, Boise is ence Rally Banquet, April 28th, at the The honor of addressing; a group of back in print again. We finally have Sunnyside Friends Church left with a great architects and builders would not decided to break our silence and remind lack of enthusiasm, for interest in our be beneath the dignity of the President you that Boise is still on the map. coming Conference ran high throughout of the United States. How profoundly However, just because you have not the whole evening. The program o u r l i v e s h a v e b e e n a f f e c t e d b y t h e h e a r d f r o m u s d o e s n o t m e a n w e h a v e seemed planned to remind us of all the builders, men who build colossal man not been doing anything. On the con fun and enjoyment we have had at sions, men under whose direction the trary, we have been more than busy Conference, and with a renewal of these giant skyscrapers raise their lofty t h i s w i n t e r a n d s p r i n g . sweet memories came the old longing heads, men whose sense of beauty A s y o u p r o b a b l y k n o w, C h e s t e r H a d - to go back again. But we will start shapes the magnificent cathedrals. ley came over here April 13th, 14th and at the first to tell how it all came Yet to my humble person has come 15th, as the main speaker at our Capital about. the great honor of addressing a greater District Christian Endeavor Convention. The announcement that supper was group of architects and builders in Because of that fact our Church and ready was a welcome one, and we all which there are those who will erect Christian Endeavor Society attended its flocked downstairs and were soon seat buildings more lofty that the Crysler sessions perhaps more regularly and ed about the tables. Each table held a Building, more nohle than the Rheims eagerly. clever centerpiece made of a red canoe Cathedral. Each will build a man or Of course, Boise had a delegation at filled with a bouquet of wine-red tulips. a w o m a n — a c h a r a c t e r. the Annual Conference Rally Banquet. The lampshades were aquatic, too, show Man's eyes cannot pierce the future, It WU3 held at Greenleaf this year which ing an ocean scene. The food, how but great builders build for the ci'isis. is the farthest Friends' Meeting from ever, was not aquatic, but was very Their structures mu.st stand when the us in Boise Valley. But distance is wind blows a gale, when the rains de deliciously "landlubberish"—mashed po scend in torrents and when the verv nothing when such a treat is on hand. tatoes, gravy, chicken-veal, peas and Early in December the Christian En iello salad. earth _ trembles. deavor Society elected the following Part of our attention was claimed by Christ once told the secret for con officers for the new year: President, the songs from the different tables - tracting such enduring edifices when Elizabeth Brown; Vice-President, Ger "howdy do" and "stand up" songs and He said, "A wise man built his house trude Zurcher; Secretary, Lowell Mur other familiar ones. Allen Hadley and upon a rock; and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the wind phy; Treasurer, Margaret Rinard. The Eugene Coffin were song leaders. following committee chairmen were also And then came the ice-cream! In the blew and beat upon that house; and it elected: Prayer Meeting, Gladys Zur center of a square of vanilla ice-cream, fell not; for it was founded upon a cher; Missionary, Ida Momberg: Look done in chocolate, were our old friends, rock. But a foolish man bui t his out, Gertrude Zurcher; Social, Lois the Twin Rocks! A Twin Rocks spe house upon the sand; and the rain Emerson. cial, as Chester Hadley had announced. descended and the floods came, and the Since the first of the year we have As had been announced in the Friend winds blew, and beat upon that house had two young people's socials and one ly Endeavor, an essay contest was to and it fell; and great was the fall out-door picnic. be held, with all Christian Endeayorers thereof." So the secret is the founda Even though we have a small society, of grade and high school age eligible. tion. we can bring home the bacon. Just The culmination of this contest was to Have you contemplated the future ? recently we won a .85.00 prize given by be at the Banquet, whese the four best Men look blindly and fearfully ahead. the Boise W. C. T. U. to the young essays were to be given orally. These Ominous war clouds hover over, polit people's organization having the high four essays were then to be judged, and ical and social unrest are everywhere, est per cent of representation at the the one rating highest would get first economic difficulties become more acute, Annual Young People's Temperance prize—^free board and room at Confer and lawlessness is rampant. There is Banquet, held in Boise. We had a ence, and the second pi'ize, half of this. crisis in the future. representation of 225 per cent of our All four contestants were to receive Yet you can build a life, a character total membership. free Banquet tickets. Chester Hadley so strong the screaming shells from the announced that they had changed their w a r g u n s w i l l n e v e r s h a t t e r i t , t h e minds, however, and were givin"- to the floods of social and political unrest can third and fourth places two days free never move it, and the shock of econom E D I T O R ' S N O T E board and room at Conference, beside ic upheaval can never shake it down— the Banquet tickets. if you build on the right foundation. We had expected a report of the So now had come the time for these If you would stand securely, there is to be given, and we all were eager to but one foundation, "For other founda Quaker Hill Conference Banquet, but tion can no man lav than is laid, which none has arrived. Sorry it has failed hear these prize-winning essays about t o r e a c h u s i n t i m e . Conference. The first name drawn i s J e s u s C h r i s t . " was Marie Ellis, of Sunnyside, on Why But my friends, and I say this rever- I Like to Go to Conference, telling ently, foundation alone does not make SNATCHES OF A MISSIONARY'S about a typical day at Conference. a beautiful building. I am thinking DIARY Dorothy Choate, of Lents, was next, on thus evening of some people who built the same subject, contrasting her early a fine basement, a good foundation for (Continued from May issue) surroundings on the plains of Kansas a splendid building, but they put a N o v e m b e r 2 8 — S t u d i e d a s u s u a l . with the beautiful scenery to be seen roof over it and started using the base Pastora was half sick and I gave her at Twin Rocks, also telling how Confer ment and they are still using it. They some soda and in the evening some med ence is a social and spiritual help to got the foundation and then quit build icine for grippe. In the afternoon I her. Keith Macy was third, with the ing. visited the captain's wife awhile. (Every topic of "Why a Spiritual and Recrea It is against the laws of reason for a port has a captain to superintend the tional Combination is Desirable." He contractor to gather together material coming and going of the boats.) Had proved that only this combination would for a modest dwelling and then expect a good time of prayer this morning. make a real vacation for a Christian to have a splendid temple when he has Doctored the foot of the lady who group of people.
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