7922 CO_NGRESSIONAL RECORD.-HQUSE JUNE 1 · Strange, Russell Paddock, 14165A. Wright, Noble Dean, 14259A. ME$SAGE FROM THE ·PRESIDENT Street, Marion Scott, 13720A. Wylie, Billy Clifford, 14225A. A message in writing from the Presi­ Stroud, Joe Forrest, 13971A. XYoung, Barnett Braswell, 12637A. Stuckey, Norman Dale, 14037A. Youngs, James Roy, Jr., 13159A. dent of the United States was communi­ Stump, Charles Fay, Jr., 14324A. Zedler, Donald Louis, 12438A. cated to the House by Mr. Miller, one of Sullivan, Richard Donald, 13686A. Zurivitza, William, 14237A. his secretaries, who also informed the Sullivan, Robert Francis, 13733A. Medical House that on May 31, 1950, the Presi­ Sullivan, Roy Marcus, Jr., 13942A. dent approved and signed a bill of the Suprenant, Charles Edward, 12829A. Bickerton, John Harvey, Jr., 19361A. Buker, Richard Steele, Jr., 19833A. House of the following title: · Suther, Fred Lee, Jr., 14283A. Cashman, Charles Albert, 19363A. H. R. 6329. An act for the relief .of Betsy Swanberg, Sigvard Christ, 14275A. Chambers, George Henry, 19362A. Sykes, Thomas McQuiston, ·13933A. Sullivan. T abor, Raleigh Emerson, Jr., 14073A. Dobyns, James Harold, 19831A. Farrell, Donald Francis, 19827 A. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Taft, William Bert, 13094A. X Good, Frederick Dale, 19830A. Tarwater, Benjamin Wylie, 14264A. A message from the Senate, by Mr. Haynes, James William, 19829A. Tat e, LeRoy Dale, 14350A. McDaniel, its enrolling clerk, announced J ahnke, Edward John, Jr., 19657A. that the Senate had passed without Taylor, Carroll Alfred, 13626A. Kennedy, James Vincent, 19359A. Taylor, Liston Talbott, 13963A. Mahoney, David Ignatius, Jr., 20009A. amendment a bill of the House of the Taylor, Ulysses Samuel, Jr., 13465A. Marshall, Charles Benton, Jr., 19962A. following title: Thomas, John Howe, Jr., 14080A. Patters'on, Roy Russell, 19826A. H. R. 6655. An act for the relief of Taeko Thomas, William Herbert, 14033A. Peterson, William Frank, 19913A. Suzuki. XThompson, Cary Anderson, Jr., 14221A. Sedlacek, Richard Leo, 19828A. · Thompson, Douglas William, 12324A. Stein, Ignatius Joseph, 19963A. The message also announced that the Thompson, Edward Leigh, 14291A. Streete, Billie Gordon, 19832A. Senate had adopted the following res­ Thompson, John, 14016A. Tkach, Walter Robert, 19360A. olutions: Thompson, Lassiter, 11664A. Turner, William Robertson, 20011A. Senate Resolution. 288 Tillotson, Robert Levi, 13991A. Walton, Lowell Clair, 19914A. XTinges, Anne Weatherbee, AL80112. Watts, Charles Clyde, Jr., 20010A. Resolved, That the Senate has heard with Titsworth, James Henry, Jr., 14335A. The following-named officers for promo­ profound sorrow the announcement of the Todd, Vernon Richard, 14246A. tion in the United States Air Force under death of Hon. JOHN LESINSKI, late a Repre­ Todd, Victor Kenneth, 13328A. the provisions of section 107 of the Army­ sentative from the State of Michigan. X Toner, James Henry Edward, 14192A. Navy Nurses Act of 1947. All officers have Resolved, That a committee of two Sen­ Treadway, John Earl, 14012A. been found professionally qualified as re­ ators be appointed by the Vice President to Trumbo, Charles E., Jr., 14104A. quired by law. Those officers whose names join the committee appointed on the part of Tucker, Stanley.Eugene, 14122A. are preceded by the symbol ( X) are sub­ the House of Representatives to attend the Vaughan, Harry Hailmon, Jr., 1398BA. ject to physical examination required by funeral of the deceased Representative. Verhulst, Florent Joseph, Jr., 12328A. law. Resolved, That the Secretary communicate XWaggener, Herman Alpheus, Jr., 14047A. To be captains these resolutions to the House of Represent­ Wagner, James Mark, 14199A. Air Force Nurses atives and transmit a copy thereof to the Walker, Barton Fellows, Jr., 14249A. family of the deceased. Walker, Charles Lynn, 14167A. X Askegaard, Elizabeth Ann, AN1436. Resolved, That as a further mark of respect Walker, John David, 14005A. Deegan, Florence Irene, AN769. to the memory of the deceased the Senate do Walker, Lawrence Davenport, 14233A. X McNally, Mary Jane, AN770. now take a recess until 12 o'clock noon to­ ·Walker, Stewart Burgess, 14103A. Staudt, Veleska Barbara, AN1599. morrow. Waller, Charles Skillman, 13692A. NoTE.-Dates of rank will be determined by Senate Resolution 289 Walsh, Edward Francis, 14209A. the Secretary of the Air Force. Wampler, Louis Clinton, 12883A. Resolved, That the Senate has heard with Ward, Albert Thomas, 13889A. profound sorrow the announcement of the Ward, John Rowland, 13789A. death Of Hon. WILLIAM LEMKE, late a Repre­ Ward, Robert William, 12386A. sent ative from the State of North Dakota. Ware, Samuel Houston, 14133A. HOUSE ·OF REPRESENTATIVES Resolved, That a committee of two Sena­ Warner, Richard James, 14108A. tors be appointed by the Vice President to XWarren, Johnnie J., 13097A. THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1950 join the committee appointed on the part of Webb, Bert Harry, Jr., 12132A. the House of Representatives to attend the Webster, Fredrick Leonard, Jr., 14121A. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. funeral of the deceased Representative. X Webster, John Andrew, 14134A. The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Bras­ Resolved, That the Secretary communicate Webster, Noble Leo, Jr., 142.95A. · kamp, D. D., offered the following these resolutions to the House of Represent­ Wehrman, Kenneth Edward, 14178A. prayer: atives and transmit a copy thereof to the Wertz, John Charles, _14160A. family of the deceased. West, Sammy Abner, 14202A. Most merciful and gracious God, who Resolved, That as a further mark of respect Westermark, Robert Valdemar, 14276A. art found by all who truly seek Thee, to the memory of the deceased the Senate do Whalley, William Louis, 13939A. grant that our minds and hearts may now take a recess until 12 o'clock noon to­ White, Harry Alexander, Jr., 14305A. morrow. White, John Sutton, 12227A. be kindled with a greater devotion · to White, Morris Douglas, 14320A. Thee and our beloved country. The message also announced .that the X White, Robert Charles, 14074A. Emancipate us from every sin which Senate disagrees to the amendment of White, Robert Golson, 11712A. darkens and defiles our souls and which the House to the bill <S. 2596) entitled Whitenight, Harry William, 14182A. makes us unworthy and unfit to serv'e "An act relating to education or training Wiedenmann, Neal Louis, 14336A. Thee and our fellow men. of veteran~ under title II of the Service­ Wiggins, Leland Roy, 11625A. Keep us in the ways of honor and Wilhelm, Andrew Carl, 14181A. men's Readjustment Act <Public Law 346, Wilkowski, Ernie William, Jr., 12685A. integrity. Gird us with faith and with 78th Cong., June 22, 1944) "; requests a Williams, Arthur Franklin, 14203A. fortitude. Give us· patience and per­ conference with the House on the dis­ Williams, Evan Edward, 12249A. severance as we labor for the coming agreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, Williams, Hubert Swan, 11797 A. of that blessed day when reason and and appoints Mr. PEPPER, Mr. HILL, Mr. Williams, Paul Ray, 14075A. righteousness shall be gloriously tri­ DOUGLAS, Mr. TAFT, and Mr~ MORSE to be Williams, Robert George, 12139A. umphant. the conferees on the part of the Senate. Williams, Thomas Ferdinand, 14330A. May we never lose heart and allow X Wills, Robert Martin, 12405A. our faith to become eclipsed by that de­ UNVEILING OF STATUE OF BRIGHAM Wilson, Clifford Allen, 14118A. YOUNG Wilson, Francis Earl, 14035A. basing spirit of cynicism and defeatism Wilson, Homer Henry, 13168A. which would have us believe that our Mrs. BOSONE. Mr. Speaker, I ask Wilson, Roy Edwin, 14288A. search for peace and good will among unanimous consent to address the House Wilton, David Nichols, 14180A. men is a forlorn hope and a vague for 1 minute and to revise and extend my Wine, Paul Harvey, 14055A. impossibility. remarks. Wirt, Robert Eliot, 12920A. Hear us in the name of the Prince of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Wise, John Warren, 14340A. Peace. Amen. With, Cleland Davis, 14214A. objection to the request of the gentle­ Wood, Edwin Arthu r, J r ., 14117A. The Journal of the proceedings of woman from Utah? Wozniak, Stanley Edmund, 14296A. yesterday was read and approved. There was no objection. 1950 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 7923 Mrs. BOSONE. Mr. Speaker, today at 000,000; and during 1949 he took $40,- and use, the general public does not real­ 2 o'clock in the main rotunda of the 500,000,000-a total of $121,500,000,000 ize what happens as the costs of gov­ Capitol the statue of Brigham Young will in the last 3 years taken away from us ernment go up and up and up. be unveiled. This is a great occasion by force. We could have bought a lot Hidden taxes enter into the cost of which we should like you Members of of tbings for our families with that living to a . much greater extent than Congress to attend, and I issue this cor­ $121,500,000,000, could we not?_ Perhaps most-people realize. A tax study shows dial invitation to you in the name of the if we yelled economy loud enough, Uncle that when one buys a new car there are citizens of Utah and for my colleague the Sam 'would let us keep a part of that over 200 different taxes concealed in the gentleman from Utah, WALTER GRANGER, $121,500,000,000 to spend for our own price of the car, and they amount to and myself. family needs. But it might accomplish one-fourth the total cost of the car. Brigham Young has long since gone more if our people were voting for If the price of your new car was $2 ,000, down in history as one of the great col­ economy instead of yelling for economy. about $500 of that price was the cost of onizers of America. In 1847 when there Mr. Speaker, there are 55,000,000 indi­ the hidden taxes you had to pay, In were only the trappers' and Indian trails viduals who file Federal tax returns.
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