3071 Seller of Cloth on Commission, then of Brimscombe (and Hosier, and Dealer in Straw Bonnets, Caps, and Small- not Brimscombe, as advertized in last Tuesday's Gazette), wares, theretofore of Northgate, and formerly of South- in the said county of Gloucester, Clothier, Wool Dealer, gate, both in Wakefield aforesaid, Tailor and Draper, and and Seller of Cloth on Commission, then staying for a also during part of the foregoing period, Licensed Hawker short time,, first at Newnbam, in the said county of of and Dealer in the above-named goods. Gloucester, and afterwards at Birmingham, in the county Robert Butler, late of Fnlford-road, near York, Yorkshire, of Warwick, then travelling to and staying occasionally out of business, previously of Billington, near Blackburn, fora short time, without contracting any debts, at various Lancashire, Joiner, Builder, Ironmonger, Grocer, Tea, places in England (his wife and family during the whole Coffee and General Provision Dealer, and formerly of of such last-mentioned periods residing in lodgings at the Whalley, near Blackburn aforesaid, Joiner, Builder and Thrupp, near Stroud aforesaid), and late residing in Ironmonger. lodgings at the Thrupp, near Stroud aforesaid, and during John Russell, late of Sheffield, Yorkshire, in lodgings, Tailor the whole of the said last-mentioned periods and resi- and Draper, previously of Chesterfield, Derbyshire, Tailor dences, being out of business and employment. and Draper, occasionally residing at Sheffield aforesaid, and Manchester, Lancashire, and formerly of Brampton, Derbyshire, Tailor and Draper. Before the Judge of the County Court of Benjamin Thornton, late of Eccleshiil, Moor Side, near Bradford, Yorkshire, Woolsorter, previously carrying on Bedfordshire, holden at Bedford, on the 24th business as a Farmer, along with John Thornton, Thomas day of August, 1855, at Ten o'Clock in the Thornton, Mary Thornton, and Martha Thornton, and Forenoon precisely. also Woolsorter, theretofore Woolsorter and Farmer, theretofore of York Castle, in the county of York, a Thomas Tuffnell, late of Cobden-street, Luton. in the Prisoner for Debt there, and formerly of Eccleshill Moor county of Bedford, Straw Plait Dealer, and previously of Side aforesaid, Woolsorter and Oil Dealer. High Town, otherwise High Town-street, in Luton William Sutcliffe, late of Baildone Wood Top, near Brad- aforesaid. Straw Plait Dealer. ford, Yorkshire, in lodgings, out of business, but occasion- ally during part of the time employed as a Dyers Agent, previously of Dudley-hill, near Bradford aforesaid, Before the Judge of the County Court of Worsted Spinner, Manufacturer, and Farmer, and at the Yorkshire, holden at York, on Monday the same time carrying on business as a Dyer, at Bowling, 27th day of August, 1855. near Bradford aforesaid. William Crabtree, late of No. 62, West Grove-street, Brad- John Flaxington, late of the Wellington Inn, High-street, ford, Yorkshire, in lodgings, out of business, previously Bradford, Yorkshire, in lodgings, out of business, pre- of Smith-street, Bradford aforesaid, in copartnership with viously of Windhill, near Bradford aforesaid, Cloth Joseph Wray and Jonathan Hartley, trading under the Manufacturer. style or firm of Wray and Co., Machine Makers, pre- Thomas Broster, late of East Parade, Keighley, in the viously of the same place, in copartnership with Stephen county of York, Attorney's Clerk and Licensed Beer- Shepherd, and trading under the style or firm of Crabtree house Keeper and Dealer in Tobacco, and previously of and Shepherd, as Machine Makers, and also at the same Keighley aforesaid, Attorney's Clerk. time and at the same place in copartnership with Joseph. Reuben Garforth, (sued along with George Edward Gar- Simonett, and trading under the style or firm of Simonett forth) late of Earlsheaton, near Dewsbury, Yorkshire, and Co., as Ironfounders, formerly of the same place Blanket Manufacturer, carrying on business in Copartner- Machine Maker, and during all such time residing in ship with the said George Edward Garforth. as Blanket Villiers-street, Great Horton, near Bradford aforesaid. Manufacturers, under the style or firm of George Edward George Fawcett (sued along with Joseph Faweett), late of Garforth and Reuben Garfortb. Batley, Yorkshire, in lodgings, out of business, previously George Edward Garforth, (sued along with Reuben Gar- of Batley aforesaid, in partnership with Joseph Fawcett, as forth) late of Earlsheaton, near Dewsbury, Yorkshire, Cloth Manufacturers, under the style or firm of J. and G. Blanket Manufacturer, carrying on business in Copartner- Fawcett, and also during part of the said time carrying ship with the said Reuben Garforth, as Blanket Manu- on business, at Valley Mill, Heckmondwikr, Yorkshire, facturers, under the style or firm of George Edward Gar- as Scribblers and Spinners of Cloth, in copartnership with forth and Reuben Oarfortb, Richard Hill, James Burnley, Joseph Fawcett, James Thomas Liufoot, late of Lowther-street, Groves, in the Hepworth, George Uepworth, Seth Wilkinson, Christo- suburbs of the city of York, occasionally carrying on pher Burnley, Charles Sheard, John Haworth Sheard, business and residing at Bishop Auckland, in the county and Joshua Walker, under the style or firm of Hill, of Durham, Bricklayer, Builder and Contractor. Burnley, and Co. Thomas Green, late of Kirk by Malham, near Settle, in the Joseph Fawcett (sued along with George Fawcett), late of county of York, Farmer and Innkeeper, previously of Batley, Yorkshire, in lodgings, out of business, previously Malham, near Settle, in the said county, Farmer, Inn- of Batley aforesaid, in copartnership with George Faw- keeper, and Grocer, formerly of the same place, in the cett, as Cloth Manufacturers, under the style or firm of same business. J. and G. Fawcett, a-.id also during part of the same time Henry Hanson the Elder, late of Great Shambles, in the city carrying on business at Valley Mill, Heckmondwike, of York, in lodgings, out of business, previously of Bail Yorkshire, as Scribblers and Spinners of Cloth, in copart- don, near Otley, Yorkshire, in lodgings, Tailor, theretofore nership with Richard Hill, James Burnley, George of Mawson-street, Bradford.Yorkshire, Beer-house Keeper, Fawcett, James Hepworth, George Hepworth, Seth and Tailor, and formerly of Menston, near Otley aforesaid, Wilkinson. Christopher Burnley, Charles Sheard, John Shopkeeper, Innkeeper, and Tailor. Hawarth Sheard, and Joshua Walker, under the style or William Raper, late of No. 8, Palace-hill, Merchants-row, firm of Hill, Burnley, and Co. Scarborough, Yorkshire, Journeyman Tailor, previously David Fearnsides. late of Batley Carr, Yorkshire in of Boston Spa, near Tadcaster, Yorkshire, Tailor. lodgings, out of business, previously of Batley Carr afore- John \Vilson, late of Middksbro' Yorkshire, Glass Bottle said, Rag Merchant and Mill Owner. Manufacturer, and formerly Joiner and Builder. Joshua Law F^arnsides, late of Queen's-place, Leeds, York- Levi Booth, late of Tyersall, near Bradford. Yorkshire, shire, in lodgings, out of business, previously of Heck- Woolsorter, previously of the same place and carrying on mondwike, Yorkshire, Grocer's Assistant, formerly of business at LaUter Dyke, near Bradford aforesaid, Worsted Kclso, Scotland, Commercial Traveller, theretofore of Manufacturer, and formerly of Tyersall aforesaid, and Batley Carr, Yorkshire, Rag Dealer. carrying on business at Raw don, near Leeds, Yorkshire, Thomas Harrison, late of Batley, Yorkshire, Cloth and in Copartnership with Joseph and Thomas Barraclough, Blanket Manufacturer. as Worsted Manufacturers, under the style or firm of Booth and Barraclough, and also Worsted Waste Dealer Thomas Walton, late of Shipley, near Bradford, Yorkshire, on his own account. in lodgings, out of business, previously of Marsh-lane, Leeds, Yorkshire, Innkeeper and Dealer in Tobacco. John Francis Rawson Whitworth, (sued as John Francis Whitworth,) late of Melinda-terrace, Watery-street, Shef- Robert Wood, late of Howarth, near Keighley, Yorkshire, field, Yorkshire, out of business, previously of Little out of business, previously of the same place, Joiner and Bolton, and also of Deansgate, Bolton, Lancashire, Assis- Cabinet Maker. tant to a Jeweller and Silversmith, theretofore of Montague- Robert Parker, late of East-street Bank, in Leeds in the street, Blackburn, Lancashire, Assistant to a Pawnbroker, county of York, Horse Dealer, in lodgings, previously of Clothier and General Dealer, and formerly of S;iint Kirkgate, in Leeds aforesaid, Horse Dealer, in lodgings, Philip's-terrace^Sheffield aforesaid, Assistant to a Pawn- formerly of Little Templer-street, in Leeds aforesaid,. broker, Jeweller and General Dealer, during part of the Horse Dealer, in lodgings. foregoing period, his Wife carrying on the business of a Milliner and Dressmaker. John Hobson, late of H'istlers-terrace, Woodhouse, near Leeds, Yorkshire, Journeyman Stone Mason, previously Joseph Smithson Winter, late of Bond-terrace, Wakefield, in copartnership with James Yewdall and John Yewdall, Yorkshire, Tailor, and. previously of Kirk-fate, Wakefield Stonemasons and Contractors, and carrying on business aforesaid, Tailor, Woollen and Linen Draper, Hatter, in Har ton-lane, Bradford, Yorkshire..
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