" " ' " " - - , .... HONOLULU, H. I., III MAY 5, 1855. No. 5-- 2 FOX.7NSSIAN BUSINESS CARDS. - BUSINESS. CARDS. GENERAL safes, t- PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT HO.VOLULIT, OAHl, B. I. MERCHANDISE. vaults, tronka not otherwise provided (or, vin Sc. egr, wax, sperm, Hack-fis- h EDWIN O. HALL, EDITOR. WHOLESALE RETAIL. fJnlnnesian. whale, seal, porpoise and BANS OF oil, neatsfoot and cocoanut oils, marblies;--lead- , ' I TerMb r - WILLIAM BOW DEN, Be F. s our lead-pip- e, lines, nets, grind stones, grasw, hr.pt 6 0 PAGE, BACON m SALE ita large assortment of Od copy bbbbbj, ia advaaea, Ship Broker and General Agent? 3 & CO., - ttri.na rOR HEW AOT. live stock not otherwise Pr BKMUbn, .3 50 a- TARIFF enumerated; slate, milder, cup; ix " tf--2 Merchandise, comprising in part the folio wine sand-pape- r, Oa. - w es c llleaalala. Fart Si. 1 . - The following ia the new tariff act passed by spy-glass- and wk.-ry- 3igle eopia., 12J HONOLULU. nusea articles : telesTcfpes Drafts all kinds, Orleans, Alpacca, Alepine, BaK .Hate af Adrertiaia. , , FELDIIEIM & CO., bought on the principal cities of the TJni - DRY GOODS. the House of Representatives on the 28U ult. and bnn Importers ted States England, Cases colors zorine, manufacture of worsted ot Oaqire, (Nltlaes) im insert io, $1 CO. and Commission Merchants, and also stent Exchanfr- - txr ass'd prints, do figured do, on the 3d May by the House of Nobles: or Cashmere, or each eoatiauance, 45 Qarea at.. Haaalala. Oaha, S. I. 25-t- f sale in suras to suit. Do orange striped do, do jaconet muslin, which they shall be a component cart, not Hitf " (3liBerlaa) nratiaaertioB,,.....,.,, 50 Wr. PAGE, BACON & CO, Do blue Sheetings, do silk handkerchiefs, Be it Enacted by the the Nobles otherwise provided for; brooms and bruwlw .;....--- . : caca 12 J. RIXMANN Jt CO., King, and Represen- awuauaaee,. , Do black and blue umbrellas, all kinds, tc--, execediagooa aqaare, - , . Merchants, Baxxbus, San Francisco. worsted table cloths, tatives the Hawaiian lslaiMs, in Legislative furniture arnf rphrolJtery not otherwise Card. Natioaa, at bilf IIonolala,Oahn, S. I., Do of by Hie year,-.- .. 5 00 X aaaaa St. deer a King St. 21-- lj PAGE IcBACOX, women's white hose, bales blue drills. Council Assembled: provided for;' clotks atfil parts of clicks, helu", 8 oat bare etc, not exceediBC one aqaare 00 - .. 23-- tf Bales Denims, cases "aril, Xolice, - Baxxeks, St. Louis. chrome, green and orango piinta. shawls rfut oth'er'ide provided for; paper-hang-4 v,.riv advertising, exceeding oae kalf colama,30 00 K; PITMAIV. ., . That, in lieu of the duties imposed by law on the at jjaies bro. UnUs, ings, matting, tfotja-fotfmrn!- -, medicin- " " " Iubb, 60 Ship Chandler and Dealer in General Men articles hereinafter mentioned, and on such as may honey, Yearly advertiaiBg limited to tbeadvcrtiarr'sowB ba.i Bales Shetucket Stripes, al drugs, roots and leaves; y ' FB7SICZANS. ' now be exempt from duty, aid medicinal preparo chandise. " " Ticks, there aiiall be levied. ations not Twraty-ftv- e . Byrea's Bay, otherwise provided for; 8tirica! iflstru- - AoBTtiamTi cent per line for II ile, Hawaii. Cases bleached Drills, collected and paid on the good, wares and mer- Lit aad aix and one fourth ccnla fur each ub-- Ships supplied with general Recruit,, Wood, &c,attb thort CIIAS. HICIllS. h jr,t jnertiua, F. GUILLOU. Shirtings, chandise herein enumerated and provided esi notice, ana most reasonable term in exrnanre for LATE SFRGEOy UNITED STATES XAVV. " " fcr, im Schedule E. c riptiua to the Polyaesiaa la payable minor roods adapted to the market. IV anted, Wbaler'a Emb'd under sleeves, kid gloves, ported from torcign countries, the following rates jj-Sulw- istabiablv MSKk America a Sea Blacksmith's, Caulker's, Cooper's, bill on th United State, or Europe, tar which money silk parasols, silver basket buttons, of duty, that is to say, Carpenter's, n adrertUetaents will aavaacea on tavorauie terms, a. B. storage Bird's-ey- Stitfemaker's, Machinist's and tooU-rchai- ''gXo'traBsient be laierted, dblem win ie Office corner of KaaAumaHu and Queen Streets, up e Diaper, Foulard silk Un liqueurs, Turner's ' i .r or tomnry rite.-JM- hdkfi spirits, coruals, mentioned io ' j touu Darren taaen at ctti t Dwelling at Mr. DudoU &c. cable, rraila, rivets and spikes of iron, of all kind,, turt;) J. t, Beretania Silk umbrellas, India satinr. Schedule A, of the strength of proof-ht- ee dollars '' and Garden iron hbopV, matfufacteVes of cotton not otherwise B. F. BULLBI, . HOFFMITla. Street. Hair skirts, damask table cloths. per gallon, and so in proportion of any greater or Respectfully offer, his orofeasinnxl service, to resident fam CARPETING. provided for; flannel of whatever material, blankets BUSINESS CARDS. B. F.BOLLES& CO. ilies, to tne uipping, and to strangers generally. Medical and less etrenjrth. ' , Rolls Oil and Wool Carpeting. of all kinds, Coburgs, crash, duck and canvesw, Commission Merchants, ship Chandlers and Mrgkal advice in Englh-h- French, Spanish, and Italian. On wines mentioned in Schedule B. a dutv of - i Office hour, for the present, from 9 to 10 CLOTHING. Osnaburgs, boats, lumber, hewed, sawed and- rotrgh, Importers & Commission Merchants. General Agents, A 11., and from one one dollar per Lahaiaa, Maai. II. I. toxr.M. 41 tl Cases calico shirts, do ribbed cohoe drawers. gallon. casks and barrels, staves, boCfcr, printed and blank; White and grey merino do, denim overalls, Un poods, wares and merchandise mentioned in of1 -. c. 6hip fumi.heJ with recruit. Whaler'. Bills wanted oath . stattorery arrd fbpkf kinds pro-- W. A. ALSBICM, . armor. S. PORTER . all not otherwise - 35-- ti ' FORD, . Schedule C, a duty fifteen per V. a. and fcurope. bTo.Aca Ribbed grey and wh. undershirts, bro. drill drawiK of centmn ad valo vU?ed fon'brifck, cement and building ALDRIC1I A BISHOP. Surgeon and Physician, White do do, red flannel do, check shirts, rem. materia la et . all kindsr bags and G. CLARK, KaakaaaB.tH...l.l..n.kB.!. I. and4 bagging, furn ices, monument, im Mer- X. B. Particular attention given to the Cassimere pants, red and blue wool shirts, On goods, wares ntfere h'andise mentioned in walrus-teet- Importer and Dealers General Dealer Goods, Clothing, &c., treatment of di. ease. spars, h, paints of all kinds, turpentine, in Drr oi tne ear.-3:-- tf I ee and Hickory do, white do, fancy do. Schedule D, a duty of (en per cent, ad chandise. Hatc-- Street llaaalala, S. 1. 2tMm valorem. linseed and other 6iU rAed in painting.varnish, put- Haaalala, Oaha, S. I. White linen pants, fancv do do, check do, Un roods, wares and merchandise mentioned in . JAMES O'BRIEN, ty, soap, rice and paddy, thread not otherwise pro- l,ld Prod ace bought and aold. Ageat for the aale of the GILLIAN &CO BLANKETS. Schedule E, a duty of five per centum ad valorem. product of the Lihue Z'lantatioa.-35-t- f Surgeon Superior wool blankets, grey and white do vided f'.r, hydraulic rams, wood. Coal, ice, aleohol Ship Chandlers and General Agents. and Physician, 12. And be it Enacted. Laahaiaa. Maai, S. I. Office ia Fart St. 3 daar.br low the earaer af Ho - HATS. Sec further That the when introduced for medicinal ot mechanical pur- Ship, aupplied with KacawiT., i'Toaaea, aad Mohbt -- 35 It tel st. aad appaaile the Stare af R. G. Darla. Black Beaverllats, California style, Panama IIats goods, wares and merchandise mentioned in Sched- poses, in accordance with' the Acf patsed Arrgusf CI'UIIS W. JOA'ES A CO., $0r" Particular attention paid to Chronic disease.. 12-- 1 f Palm leaf do, ladies' riding do. ule F, shall be exempt from duty. 16th, Dealers in Wines and Liqae-rs-, II. STAXGENWALD, GROCERIES. 6ec. 6. And be tt further Enacted, That there mi. IIOXOLULU DACIERREAX GALLERY, GEO. A. LATUROP, Casks smoked beef. Schedule F. i CliaaraTa Vaildiag, feat Kaabaauaa King opposite the Globe Hotel. shall be levied, collected and paid on all Trees' Swaa 4i-l- y meet, n shrubs, bulbs, plants roots and seeds for SlrwU 47 aay tf Physiciaa and Surge Cases pickles, 1.2 gals, and qts wares and merchandise imported from foreign Pietare takea ia weather. llaaalala, Oaha, S. 1, . planting and sowing not otherwise provided for: ma- -' do mustard, No. 1 soap, Orgeat syrup. countries, and not specially provided for in this FHEDERIC OGDEN, WILLIAM MAXWELL, Office at the Market Drug Store. Eeaideaee corner of Fort Boxes Oolong Tea, bl'k ink. chinery of all sinds, steam engines, mills,- - eefiee' and Beretania ats., next above the Catholic Church Act, a duty of ten percent, ad valorem. rice-huller- s, - Cases tobacco in foil, do cleaners, plows,- hoes, and other hraflr Importer and general Commissioa Merchant, Butcher, tomato catsup, 4. And be it Enacted, iu At Stall Xaa. 1, 2 aad 4, ia the X'ew Market, Do butter and soda crackers, brc. further That all ca meats of husbandry imported by any agriculturaSsi G. P. JUDD, M. D., ses in which the invoice or entry shall U'aalca BUI Excaaase aa Ea(laad, France, Will supply Ships and Families with the test of Fresh Beef, Kegs S. I. sugar, boxes vermicelli, bbls. rice. not contain or body of agriculturalists, and not intended for btatca. Muttua. I'ork, fee., at the mmt reasonable rates. - Physician and Surgeon, me weigiu or quantity or measure ot goods', a ares animals aaa tar tailed Stock and Vegetables supplied ta VcBfels aboM notice. Haaalala. Oaha. H. I. Quince Sauce, boxes extra flour, (in tins.) sale; for improving the breed in thia King- 5" at Oifice corner of and Merchant open or merchandise, now weighed or measured or gau X.
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