March 2020 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Campaign Kickoff Children’s Garden. We have The thickness can vary due also for years tried to cut back to the play zone Sunday, March 22 the existing landscaping so The surface will drain that we could have safe, walka- Join us March 22 during properly due to engineered ble paths and also to prevent sub-surfaces TED time for a celebratory the limbs from encroaching brunch to officially launch the into the play structure and There is a 10-year warranty Capital Campaign! We’ll enjoy swings. Now is our opportuni- on this type of surface mimosas (non-alcoholic alter- ty to create a safe, clean, invit- Minimal maintenance is natives will be available), learn ing and flexible space for Trin- required about upcoming campaign ity children and adults alike! projects and get excited for the The plan is to reduce the future of Trinity! The idea is to provide an landscaping but still have environment for both children some. The play structures will Look for an invitation in and adults that is safe and be rearranged to open up the the mail in the next few weeks eliminates any current haz- space. This will allow for adult with more details. ards. The playground will be gatherings in the area and ta- resurfaced with a poured-in- bles to be set up for outdoor March’s Featured place rubber. The poured-in- events. The surface will feature Campaign Project: place rubber surfacing can act an inlayed track which will be as both walkway surface and suitable for walking, children Updating the Ringo softer play surface, with vi- on scooters, etc. Children’s Garden brant colors and shapes as part The estimated cost to of the surface design. refurbish the playground is Parents have for years been This has many benefits: $100,000. Please see the ren- a little dismayed to find their Many shades of color are dering on page 3. children covered in dust, dirt, available within the surface and with pebble-filled shoes Paul Wilson after play time in the Ringo Carter Dickerson IN THIS ISSUE Easter Flowers Form ................. 5 Music .......................................... 9 Birthdays .................................... 8 Finance .................................... 10 Rector’s Report ......................... 2 Calendar & Schedule ............. 6-7 Lenten Opportunities ................ 5 Staffing....................................... 4 Liturgical Notes ......................... 8 Youth .......................................... 4 RECTOR’S REPORT Dear Friends, Joan Chittister’s The Time is Now: A Call to Un- February provided us with a big surprise. common Courage. Both of these take place fol- Joe Obrochta, our deacon, announced that he lowing the 10 a.m. service. We will also have had accepted a new job in Orlando, Florida. Joe special worship opportunities on several Sun- will be working for Truist Bank, formed by a day evenings. On March 1st we will gather for merger of BB&T (Joe’s current employer) and Evensong at 5:00 p.m. On March 8, 15 and 22, SunTrust Banks. We said goodbye to Joe and we will gather at 5:00 pm for a Taizé Prayer his partner David on February 16 as we wished Service; this lay led service of prayer and sing- them godspeed in their new life in central Flori- ing is modeled on a worship created by a group da. Joe’s departure was completely unexpected, of Protestant monks, this is an opportunity to and combined with Justin’s departure in Janu- gather for silent contemplation, prayer, and song. ary, may leave us all a little unsettled. However, I have a plan for how we move forward as we On Sunday, March 22, the Capital Campaign continue to search for a replacement for Justin. goes live. As I said in my annual meeting ad- We may not have a replacement for Joe because dress, it’s a very exciting time for Trinity. The deacons in the Diocese of Lexington are very congregation has not undertaken a capital cam- scarce. Please see my separate article on staffing paign since the 1990s. And since that time, the (on p. 4), excerpted from my annual meeting wishes, hopes, and dreams of Trinity have address. broadened. As you will see, we still wish to pre- Looking ahead to March, we arrive at the serve this building which embodies Trinity for season of Lent. Shrove Tuesday and Ash so many people. In addition, people want to Wednesday fell in late February, and the first share our gifts—including the institution of Trinity—with the broader community; indeed, Sunday of Lent falls on March 1st. On several Sundays in Lent (March 1, 8, 15, 29, and April the theme of the campaign is “Bringing Our 5) we will have a variety offerings to help us en- Blessings to the Community.” Look for much ter into this season of learning, contemplation, more information in the weeks to come. and prayer. Our Trinity Enlightening Discus- In Christ, sions (TED) will focus on the gospel of John; Peter concurrently our Resonant group will discuss Upcoming TED Topics Easter Egg Hunt April 12 Feb. 23 Annual meeting Candy-filled plastic March 1 EFM group discussion on John’s Gospel eggs are needed for the annual Easter Egg March 8 John Deaver on music inspired by St. John Hunt for Trinity’s chil- March 15 Michael Flowers on John’s Gospel dren. Please bring your donations to the March 22 Capital Campaign Kick-Off kitchen on Easter March 29 TED talk on St. John morning. Children ag- April 5 Palm Sunday- Fr. Peter on Holy Week es toddler to 10, don’t forget to bring your Easter baskets! April 12 Easter, no TED 2 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN—PLAYGROUND RENDERING 3 STAFFING AND CHRISTIAN FORMATION The Rector’s Comments main unfilled, so Trinity is not alone. I am fol- lowing some leads, and new candidates contin- on Staffing ue to emerge. My thanks to the Bishop and his staff for their help in finding priests who might We have developed a staffing plan to meet be interested in serving at Trinity. our current needs. Father Chris Slane will be assisting at worship for February and March. Youth News and Events He is also serving at many of the Wednesday evening services. Thank you, Chris, for your Since February 9, 23 youth have participated willingness to step into the breach. in Trinity’s Faith & Sexuality program based on I have added six hours to Shannon Gemein- the curriculum These are Our Bodies written by hardt’s salary to oversee the Episcopal Youth top Episcopal theologians. This 5-week program Community (EYC), both to provide program- will finish on March 8. Thanks to our small ming and to work with parents to ensure that group leaders for their willingness to listen and our youth in grades 7-12 continue to grow in lead our youth in difficult, yet important, dis- their faith. The EYC is one of most important cussions about how our faith guides our values evangelism tools, and we need to ensure it con- and opinions around sexuality: Elise Hyder, tinues to flourish. My goal is to call a part-time Nancy Grayson, Greg Burrows, Ana Summe, EYC Director (with the same six hours) and al- Natalie Gabbard, Brandon Gabbard, Chris Kel- low Shannon to focus solely on her ministry to ley, DeAnna Kelley, and Emily Cahill. A very our families. Thank you, Shannon, for your will- special thanks to Rev. Maggie Foote, who serves ingness to take on this increased responsibility. an Episcopal congregation in Forest Park, OH. Last, I have called Susan Blom as Trinity’s She has been a wonderful partner and chaplain. Lay Pastoral Associate. She will serve 15 hours a The spring Happening event will take place week. Susan is a trained hospital chaplain and March 13-15 at The Cathedral Domain for youth crisis counselor, as well as being one of our Ste- in grades 10-12. Please keep the youth of our phen Ministry Leaders. She will coordinate the diocese in your prayers as they experience this congregation’s eight pastoral care ministries to faith-building time on our beloved mountain. ensure that each person receives care tailored to Registration is open for the Episcopal Youth their needs. She will also be the person primari- Event (EYE20) which will take place at the U. of ly responsible for direct pastoral care with assis- Maryland-College Park, July 7-11, 2020. The tance from me for the sacramental duties. I am theme for this year’s event is UNITE! The cost is also always happy to visit people in the hospital, $400 and covers the registration fee and the care facilities and at home. Please let me know campus housing fee. EYE20 is for students en- if you or a loved one would like a visit. rolled in grades 9-12 for the 2019/20 school Even as we put these pieces in place, I am year, or between 15-19 years old. The last EYE still searching for a second priest. Once that was attended by over 1300 participants. It truly person arrives, our EYC Director and Lay Pasto- is an exciting experience and an opportunity to ral Associate positions would cease because worship with youth from all around the world. their responsibilities would be folded back into The deadline to register is MARCH 5th. I the assistant’s duties. However, we have to will be one of the adult chaperones for this practice patience. The Episcopal Church faces a event. Please see me for more information. clergy shortage; positions in many parishes re- Shannon Gemeinhardt 4 Trinity Episcopal Church 16 East Fourth Street, Covington, KY 41011 I would like to make a gift of Easter Flowers (please circle one) in memory in thanksgiving in honor of: ___________________________________________________ From __________________________ Enclosed is $___________ Please make checks payable to “Trinity Church” with a memo for Easter Flowers.
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