MORE ONLINE To read the Entertainment page on days we don’t publish in print, please see our daily email newsletter. To sign up, send an email to [email protected]. ENTERTAINMENT Entertainment pages for non-publishing days also are included in our weekend e-edition. www.state-journal.com The State Journal • Tuesday, January 12, 2021 • B5 GARFIELD DEAR ABBY Mom threatens divorce after teens fi nd their dad’s stash DEAR ABBY: My husband and cannot and should not be ignored, I are going on 19 years of marriage but ending a good marriage be- and have three teenage girls. We cause your husband likes to use pot BEETLE BAILEY have had multiple rounds of mar- OCCASIONALLY seems extreme. riage counseling, It may take more visits to a mar- mostly with good riage and family therapist for you results, although the to agree to disagree on this, but it benefi ts seem to be is very important that your daugh- short-lived. Most of ters be disabused of the idea that our problems have what they did was OK with either of stemmed from my you. It’s time you and your husband husband’s drinking Jeanne form a united front, and he needs to or smoking pot. He’s fi nd a better place to keep his stash. not abusive, he’s a Phillips good provider, but Advice DEAR ABBY: Because of the re- columnist FOR BETTER OR WORSE he just likes to get cent COVID-19 crisis, my wife and high. Thank God it’s I, like so many others, have been not often, but I’m not nor have I ever stuck at home. I have asked her been OK with it. questions about former boyfriends Our girls recently found his and lovers. She told me some things, pot stash and helped themselves. but when I bring it up now, she gets When I questioned them about defensive and accuses me of belit- where they got it, they admitted tling her and bringing back memo- they found their dad’s stash. For ries she has asked God to help her me, this is the last straw. How can forget. I feel I am owed an explana- I teach my kids this is not OK when tion since they all took place while their dad’s actions say otherwise? we were dating (including with my BLONDIE I’m now made out to be the prude best friend) and with a house sitter since apparently I’m “no fun.” after we were married. Am I wrong I’m a nurse, and even if it were to bring it up after many years and legal in our state, I wouldn’t use it. I a great marriage? told my husband that I’m done and P.S. It’s eating at me, and her I’m ready for a divorce. He says I’m stonewalling by saying “I can’t re- being ridiculous. Do I need to light- member” is frustrating, especially en up? I think I already know your because all her friends talk about answer, but I just need to see it to her great memory. validate my feelings. — Depressed in Texas — Anti-drug wife and mom MALLARD FILLMORE DEAR DEPRESSED: Yes, you are DEAR ANTI-DRUG: Although wrong because this isn’t getting you marijuana may be legal in an in- anywhere positive. In fact, it’s the creasing number of states, “supply- opposite. If you are looking for a di- ing” drugs to minors is against the vorce after “many years and a great law in all of them. What happened marriage,” keep digging. HOROSCOPE HAPPY BIRTHDAY for VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) HI AND LOIS Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2021: ★★★★★ Your own offspring or youngsters belonging to friends Professional, inspirational and share their wisdom and wit in a committed, you’re all in when it memorable manner. Wholesome comes to your career, to the point recreation renews you for serious of self-sacrifi ce. You do so well that projects. Take the day off if you’re you’re often the leader in your fi eld. able. Tonight: Let go of old habits to This year, you go out on an unusual prepare for a fresh new beginning. branch and become famous for it. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) If single, you’re such a workaholic, ★★★★ You will recognize new your mate would have to share you. needs expressed by family mem- BUCKLES If attached, you fi nd a lasting kind bers. Adopt a live-and-let-live atti- of happiness. TAURUS is calming tude in coping with an independent for you. or eccentric relative. Bring a spiri- tual, healing atmosphere to the The Stars Show the Kind of Day home. Tonight: Don’t let yourself be You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; swayed by well-meant advice. 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Diffi cult SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ★★★★ Today brings emails ARIES (March 21-April 19) and calls from an old friend. You’re ★★★ Rise to the occasion if brought up to date on juicy gossip as there is an element of the unexpect- well as career leads. Double-check ed at work. A sense of humor helps SHOE details of information received — with unpredictable co-workers. Be there could be a colorful exaggera- well informed about new devel- tion or two to sift through. Tonight: opments in your fi eld. Capitalize Your effi ciency inspires confi dence. on valuable contacts. Tonight: Re- SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) member, you are not an island. ★★★★ A chance to add to your TAURUS (April 20-May 20) income may come your way today. ★★★ You’ll be inventive, will Budgeting problems are solved. communicate well, and can initiate The fi nancial future brightens. improvement at work. Your will- Your energy level rises. You’ll be ingness to experiment impresses seeking an outlet for your inner en- the right people. Friends voice new thusiasm. Tonight: Be patient with DUSTIN goals. There could be a turnover at work. Tonight: You must be patient family members — someone is a if new co-workers need extra help. little volatile. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ★★★★★ ★★★★ Patience is a must re- Your charm will carry garding a cherished project. Be dis- you a long way today. The pleasant creet about voicing controversial impression you are projecting can ideas. Integrate old experiences open doors to preferments you have with advice from others to fi nd the long deserved. An old friend puts best direction. Folk wisdom and in a kind word. Combine friendly tradition provide insight. Tonight: interaction with business matters. Tonight: Online networking. THE FAMILY CIRCUS TINKERSONS You share a secret with another. CANCER (June 21-July 22) AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ★★★★ ★★★ You’ll be swept along by Peace and quiet help the plans of partners. When in you fi nd a sense of direction today. doubt, listen to what your spirit You have ideas concerning future confi rms as right. It’s a day to let plans that others aren’t recep- others ask for advice before you of- tive to just yet. Natural beauty in a fer it. Adapt and cooperate. Team- wilderness setting helps you align work is the key to success. Tonight: your inner rhythms. Tonight: Posi- Relax. tive feedback makes you feel good LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) about yourself. ★★★★ Working conditions PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) may be less than perfect. Adapt ★★★★★ Others see you as a and develop an accepting attitude. role model today. You’ll be more You’ll have a special rapport with confi dent, goal-oriented and doing pets as well as wild creatures. The some extra commuter travel. Vitali- loving care you extend to them will ty is high, and you can accomplish a be richly rewarded. Tonight: They’ll great deal. You won’t enjoy solitude, show appreciation in unexpected preferring action to tranquility. To- ways. night: Seeking out companions..
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