Gaspard Duchêne Full Publication List

Gaspard Duchêne Full Publication List

Gaspard Duch^ene Full Publication List Department of Astronomy Tel: +1 510 642 5275 501 Campbell Hall { UC Berkeley Fax: +1 510 467 2674 Berkeley CA 94720-3411 USA [email protected] REFEREED PUBLICATIONS 1) Using polarimetry to check rotation alignement in PMS binary stars. Principles of the method and first results, Monin, M´enard & Duch^ene, 1998, A&A, 339, 113 2) Binary fraction in low-mass star-forming regions: a reexamination of the possible excesses and implications, Duch^ene, 1999, A&A, 341, 547 3) Low-mass binaries in the young cluster IC 348: implications for binary formation and evolution, Duch^ene, Bouvier & Simon, 1999, A&A, 343, 831 4) Accretion in Taurus PMS binaries: a spectroscopic study, Duch^ene, Monin, Bouvier & M´enard, 1999, A&A, 351, 954 5) Near-infrared polarimetry of the GG Tau circumbinary ring, Silber, Gledhill, Duch^ene & M´enard, 2000, ApJL, 536, L89 6) The formation and evolution of binary systems. III. Low-mass binaries in the Praesepe cluster, Bouvier, Duch^ene, Mermilliod & Simon, 2001, A&A, 375, 989 7) Visual binaries among high-mass stars { An adaptive optics survey of OB stars in the NGC 6611 cluster, Duch^ene, Simon, Eisloffel & Bouvier, 2001, A&A, 379, 147 8) Resolved near-Infrared spectroscopy of the mysterious pre-main sequence binary system T Tau S, Duch^ene, Ghez & McCabe, 2002, ApJ, 568, 771 9) NICMOS images of the GG Tau circumbinary disk, McCabe, Duch^ene & Ghez, 2002, ApJ, 575, 974 10) Polarization in the young cluster NGC 6611: circumstellar interstellar or ... both ?, Bastien, M´enard,Corporon, Manset, Poidevin, Duch^ene & Monin, 2003, JRASC, 97, 210 11) A layered edge-on circumstellar disk around HK Tau B, Duch^ene, M´enard,Stapelfeldt & Duvert, 2003, A&A, 400, 559 12) The first measurement of spectral lines in a short-period star bound to the Galaxy's central black hole: a paradox of youth, Ghez, Duch^ene, Matthews, Hornstein, Tanner, Larkin, Morris, Becklin, Salim, Kremenek, Thompson, Soifer & Neugebauer, 2003, ApJ, 586, L127 13) First detection of spatially resolved mid-infrared scattered light from a protoplanetary disk, McCabe, Duch^ene & Ghez, 2003, ApJ, 588, L113 14) No fossil disk in the T Tauri multiple system V 773 Tau, Duch^ene, Ghez, McCabe & Weinberger, 2003, ApJ, 592, 288 15) On the universal outcome of star formation: is there a link between stars and brown dwarfs?, Kroupa, Bouvier, Duch^ene, & Moraux, 2003, MNRAS, 346, 354 16) A multi-wavelength scattered light analysis of the dust grain population in the GG Tau circumbinary ring, Duch^ene, McCabe, Ghez & Macintosh, 2004, ApJ, 606, 969 17) First determination of the dynamical mass of a binary L dwarf, Bouy, Duch^ene, K¨ohler,Brandner, Bouvier, Mart´ın,Ghez, Delfosse, Forveille, Allard, Baraffe, Basri, Close & McCabe, 2004, A&A, 423, 341 18) On the alignment of Classical T Tauri stars with the magnetic field in the Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud, M´enard& Duch^ene, 2004, A&A, 425, 973 19) Multiple protostellar systems. I. A deep near infrared survey of Taurus and Ophiuchus protostellar objects, Duch^ene, Bouvier, Bontemps, Andr´e& Motte, 2004, A&A, 427, 651 20) Stellar orbits around the Galactic Center black hole, Ghez, Salim, Hornstein, Tanner, Morris, DUCHENE Gaspard Full Publication List Becklin & Duch^ene, 2005, ApJ, 620, 744 21) The circumstellar environment of T Tau S at high spatial and spectral resolution, Duch^ene, Ghez, McCabe & Ceccarelli, 2005, ApJ, 628, 832 22) An infrared flash contemporaneous with the γ-rays from GRB 041219a, Blake, Bloom, Starr, Falco, Skrutskie, Fenimore, Duch^ene, Szentgyorgyi, Hornstein, Prochaska, McCabe, Ghez, and 16 more co-authors, 2005, Nature, 435 181 23) Investigating disk evolution: a high spatial resolution mid-infrared survey of T Tauri stars, McCabe, Ghez, Prato, Duch^ene, Fisher & Telesco, 2006, ApJ, 636, 932 24) Discovery of an optically thick edge-on disk around the Herbig Ae star PDS 144N, Perrin, Duch^ene, Kalas & Graham, 2006, ApJ, 645, 1272 25) Accurate stellar masses in the multiple system T Tau, Duch^ene, Beust, Adjali, Konopacky & Ghez, 2006, A&AL, 457, L9 26) Binaries in the Orion Nebula cluster, K¨ohler,Petr-Gozens, McCaughrean, Bouvier, Duch^ene, Quirrenbach & Zinnecker, 2006, A&A, 458, 461 27) Monte Carlo radiative transfer in protoplanetary disks, Pinte, M´enard, Duch^ene & Bastien, 2006, A&A, 459, 797 28) Anatomy of a flaring proto-planetary disk around a young intermediate-mass star, Lagage, Doucet, Pantin, Habart, Duch^ene, M´enard,Pinte, Charnoz & Pel, 2006, Science, 314, 621 29) Measuring the mass of a pre-main sequence binary star through the orbit of TWA 5A, Konopacky, Ghez, McCabe, Duch^ene & Macintosh, 2007, AJ, 133, 2008 30) New very low-mass binaries in the Taurus star-forming region, Konopacky, Ghez, Rice & Duch^ene, 2007, ApJ, 663, 394 31) HD 97048: a closer look at the disk, Doucet, Habart, Pantin, Dullemond, Lagage, Pinte, Duch^ene & M´enard,2007, A&A, 470, 625 32) On the stratified dust distribution of the GG Tau circumbinary ring, Pinte, Fouchet, M´enard, Gonzalez, & Duch^ene, 2007, A&A, 469, 963 33) Preparation of VLTI observations, Duch^ene & Duvert, 2007, New Astron. Rev., 51, 650 34) The AU Microscopii debris disk: multiwavelength imaging and modeling, Fitzgerald, Kalas, Duch^ene, Pinte & Graham, 2007, ApJ, 670, 536 35) New observational frontiers in the multiplicity of young stars, Duch^ene, Delgado-Donate, Haisch, Loinard & Rodr´ıguez,2007, in Protostars & Planets V, B. Reipurth, D. Jewitt, and K. Keil (eds.), Univ. of Arizona Press, p. 379 36) Multiple protostellar systems. II. A high resolution near-infrared imaging survey in nearby star- forming regions, Duch^ene, Bontemps, Bouvier, Andr´e,Djupvik & Ghez, 2007, A&A, 476, 229 37) Discovery of an extended debris disk around the F2V star HD 15745, Kalas, Duch^ene, Fitzgerald & Graham, 2007, ApJL, 671, L161 38) Multiwavelength studies of the gas and dust disc of IRAS 04158+2805, Glauser, M´enard,Pinte, Duch^ene, G¨udel,Monin & Padgett, 2008, A&A, 485, 531 39) Structural and compositional properties of brown dwarf disks: the case of 2MASS J04442713+2512164, Bouy, Hu´elamo,Pinte, Olofsson, Barrado y Navascu´es,Mart´ın,Pantin, Monin, Basri, Augereau, M´enard,Duvert, Duch^ene, and 5 more co-authors, 2008, A&A, 486, 877 40) High angular resolution imaging of disks and planets, Duch^ene, 2008, New Astron. Rev., 52, 117 41) CARMA millimeter-wave aperture synthesis imaging of the HD 32297 debris disk, Maness, Fitzgerald, Paladini, Kalas, Duch^ene & Graham, 2008, ApJL, 686, L25 42) Probing dust evolution in the IM Lupi's circumstellar disc. Multi-wavelength observations and modeling of the dust disc, Pinte, Padgett, M´enard,Stapelfeldt, Schneider, Olofsson, Pani´c, Augereau, Duch^ene, Krist, Pontoppidan, Perrin, and 10 more co-authors, 2008, A&A, 489, 633 43) HDE 245059: A weak-line T Tauri binary revealed by Chandra & Keck, Baldovin Saavedra, Audard, 2 DUCHENE Gaspard Full Publication List Duch^ene, G¨udel,Skinner, Paerels, Ghez & McCabe, 2009, ApJ, 697, 493 44) The circumstellar disk in the Bok globule CB 26, Sauter, Wolf, Launhardt, Padgett, Stapelfeldt, Pinte, Duch^ene, M´enard,McCabe, Pontoppidan, Dunham, Bourke & Chen, 2009, A&A, 505, 1167 45) Disk and envelope structure in Class 0 protostars: I. The resolved massive disk in Serpens FIRS 1, Enoch, Corder, Dunham & Duch^ene, 2009, ApJ, 707, 103 46) The case of AB Aurigae's disk in polarized light: is there truly a gap?, Perrin, Schneider, Duch^ene, Pinte, Grady & Hines, 2009, ApJL, 707, L132 47) Planet formation in binary systems: a separation-dependent mechanism?, Duch^ene, 2010, ApJL, 709, L114 48) High precision dynamical masses of very low mass binaries, Konopaky, Ghez, Barman, Rice, Bailey, White, McLean & Duch^ene, ApJ, 2010, 711, 1087 49) Panchromatic observations and modeling of the HV Tau C edge-on disk, Duch^ene, McCabe, Pinte, Stapelfeldt, M´enard,Duvert, Ghez, Maness, Bouy, Barrado y Navascu´es,Morales-Calder´on, Wolf, Padgett, Brook & Noriega-Crespo, 2010, ApJ, 712, 112 50) Toward understanding the formation of multiple systems { A pilot IRAM-PdBI survey of Class 0 objects, Maury, Andr´e,Hennebelle, Motte, Stamatellos, Bate, Belloche, Duch^ene & Withworth, 2010, A&A, 512A, 40 51) Continuum and line modelling of discs around young stars. I. 300000 disc models for Herschel/GASPS, Woitke, Pinte, Tilling, M´enard,Kamp, Thi, Duch^ene & Augereau, 2010, MNRAS L., 405, L26 52) Gas in the protoplanetary disc of HD 169142: Herschel's view, Meeus, Pinte, Woitke, Montesinos, Mendigut´ıa,Riviere-Marichalar, Eiroa, Mathews, Vandenbussche, Howard, Roberge, Sandell, Duch^ene, and 39 more co-authors, 2010, A&AL, 518, L124 53) Herschel-PACS observation of the 10 Myr old T Tauri disk TW Hya: constraining the disk gas, mass, Thi, Mathews, M´enard,Woitke, Meeus, Riviere-Marichalar, Pinte, Howard, Roberge, Sandell, Pascucci, Riaz, Grady, Dent, Kamp, Duch^ene, and 36 more co-authors, 2010, A&AL, 518, L125 54) The Herschel view of Gas in Protoplanetary Systems (GASPS). First comparisons with a large grid, of models, Pinte, Woitke, M´enard, Duch^ene, Kamp, Meeus, Mathews, Howard, Grady, Thi, Tilling, Augereau, and 40 more co-authors, 2010, A&AL, in press 518, L126 55) Gas in Protoplanetary Discs (GASPS). I. First results, Mathews, Dent, Williams, Howard, Meeus, Riaz, Roberge, Sandell, Vandenbussche, Duch^ene, Kamp, M´enard, and 40 more co-authors, 2010, A&AL, 518, L127 56) Resolving debris disks in the far-infrared: early highlights from the DEBRIS survey, Matthews, Sibthorpe, Kennedy, Phillips, Churcher, Duch^ene, Lestrade, Moro-Martin, Wyatt,

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