248Acta zoológica lilloanaL. 58 Valverde (2): 248–250, et al.: First 2014 record of Rachipulsia nu as host of Trichogramma bruni248 NOTA First record of Rachiplusia nu (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) as host of the egg parasitoid Trichogramma bruni (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) Valverde, Liliana1; Ranyse B. Querino2; Eduardo G. Virla3 1 Instituto de Entomología, Fundación Miguel Lillo, Miguel Lillo 251, (4000) San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina, [email protected]. 2 Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, EMBRAPA, Brazil, [email protected] 3 CONICET- Instituto de Entomología, Fundación Miguel Lillo, Miguel Lillo 251, (4000) San Miguel de Tucu- mán, Argentina, [email protected]. Resumen — Trichogramma bruni Nagaraja (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) is record- ed parasitizing eggs of the “sunflower looper”, Rachiplusia nu (Guenée) (Lepidoptera: Noctui- dae). This is the first report of this important pest as host of T. bruni. The association was registered in soybean crops in Tucumán, Argentina. Keywords: Sunflower looper, soybean pest, Argentina, association host-parasitoid. Abstract — “Primera cita de Rachiplusia nu (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) como hospeda- dor del parasitoide de huevos Trichogramma bruni (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae)”. Se reporta por primera vez a Trichogramma bruni Nagaraja (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) parasitando huevos de la “oruga medidora” Rachiplusia nu (Guenée) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Este es el primer registro de esta importante plaga como hospedador de T. bruni. Esta asociación fue registrada en cultivos de soja en Tucumán, Argentina. Palabras clave: oruga medidora, plagas de soja, Argentina, asociación hospedador-para- sitoide. The «sunflower looper» Rachiplusia nu of pesticides and minimize the impact of (Guenée) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a very agricultural activities on the environment. In important pest of soybean in northwestern this context, an accurate knowledge of the Argentina (Valverde, 2007; Valverde et al., natural mortality factors affecting the pests 2008b). In our country, soybean pests are is indispensable. controlled by chemical pesticides, although In Tucumán province, the soybean defoli- recently transgenic germplasm expressing ating caterpillars have few larval parasitoids the Cry protein of Bacillus thuringiensis have (Berta et al., 2009) but egg parasitoids are been sown to control Lepidoptera larvae. more relevant reaching high parasitism rates Resistance of lepidopteran pests both to in- (Valverde and Virla, 2007). Until now, only secticides (Felland et al., 1990; Yu, 1992; Trichogramma pretiosum Riley and Encarsia Thomas et al., 1996; Mascarenhas and Boet- porteri (Mercet) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) hel, 1997) and to Cry proteins of Bt events were recorded as egg parasitoids of R. nu in (Mascarenhas et al., 1998; Zhang et al., the region (Frías et al., 1993; Ovruski and 2013) has been reported. To solve the prob- Frías, 1995; Valverde and Virla, 2007). Sur- lem of soybean pests, a rational manage- veys to study the Trichogramma species and ment plan should be generated, considering their associated hosts in soybean crops were all the factors affecting the crop and its pro- occasional, and even more so in the north- ductivity, focusing on the establishment of an western region of the country. Thus, T. pre- integrated pest management (IPM). We tiosum from eggs of A. gemmatalis (Hübner) should aspire to reduce or eliminate the use (Erebidae: Eulepidotinae), R. nu and Chryso- deixis includens Walker (Noctuidae: Plusii- Recibido: 07/10/14 – Aceptado: 03/12/14 nae) were reported by Frías et al. (1993) Acta zoológica lilloana 58 (2): 248–250, 2014 249 and Valverde and Virla (2007). Later, T. bru- and Argentina) (Noyes, 2014). In Argentina, ni parasiting the eggs of A. gemmatalis was it was previously registered for Iguazú (Mis- mentioned by Valverde et al. (2008a). The iones) without mention of hosts (Querino importance of soybean and its associated and Zucchi, 2002) and later it was reported pests, and the limited information on bio- in soybean crops in Tucumán, in the same logical control agents in the crop, deter- region where Rachiplusia nu specimens were mined the need to intensify studies to im- collected (Valverde et al., 2008a). prove the knowledge of the egg parasitoids Its known host species belong to differ- complex in this agroecosystem. ent families of Lepidoptera such as: Not- The surveys were conducted during three odontidae, Hesperiidae [Urbanus proteus growing seasons in a commercial soybean (L.)], Erebidae [Anticarsia gemmatalis Hüb- crop (80 ha) at the Institute of Animal Re- ner, Hypocala andremona (Stoll), Anomis search for the semiarid Chaco (INTA IIACS) sp.], Geometridae [Erosina hyberniata in Santa Rosa de Leales (Leales Department, (Guenée) and Melanolophia sp.], Nymphal- Tucumán, Argentina, 27º11’34.85'’S – idae [Hamadryas feronia Fruhstorfer, Helico- 65°13’31.96’’W, 327 m). Eggs of R. nu were nius sp. Heliconius erato phyllis (Fabricius), collected from soybean plants and placed Mechanitis lysiminia (Fabricius)], Gelechi- individually in gelatin capsules (2 cm x 0.5 idae (Sitotroga cerealella), Pyralidae (Ephe- cm diameter). Eggs were checked periodical- stia kuehniella, Corcyra cephalonica) (Pinto, ly to verify the larvae hatching or emergence 1999; Querino and Zucchi, 2002; Pratissoli of adults of parasitoids. Identification of et al., 2007; Valverde et al., 2008a; Zucchi eggs at a specific level was performed ac- et al., 2010). Different aspects of its repro- cording to the structure and design of the ductive biology reared on alternative hosts micropilar area of the chorion according to were provided by Da Silva Dias et al. Angulo and Weigert (1974) and Angulo and (2010). This study establishes the first record Olivares (1991). of Rachiplusia nu as host of Trichogramma Parasitoids identification was based on bruni. the male genitalia, following the specific keys of Pinto (1999) and of Querino and LITERATURE Zucchi (2005). This work was performed in the laboratories of the Institute of Entomolo- Angulo A. O., Weigert G. T. 1974. Rachiplusia gy, Miguel Lillo Foundation (Tucumán), nu (Guenée) estados inmaduros y biología (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Boletín de la So- where voucher specimens were deposited. ciedad de Biología, Concepción, XLVIII: 117-122. EXAMINED MATERIAL Angulo A. O., Olivares T. S. 1991. Microestruc- 1 Ÿ, 2 ÿÿ, Santa Rosa de Leales, Tu- tura del exocorion en huevos de algunas cumán, 14-II-06, Valverde col., ex Rachiplu- especies de noctuidos (Lepidoptera: Gloss- ata: Noctuidae). Anales del Instituto de la sia nu; 1 Ÿ, Santa Rosa de Leales, Tucumán, Patagonia, Serie Ciencias Naturales, Punta 06-III-06, Valverde col., ex Rachiplusia nu; 2 Arenas (Chile), 20 (1): 95-100. ŸŸ, 5 ÿÿ, S. R. de Leales, Tucumán, 13-III- Berta D. C., Colomo M. V., Valverde L., Rome- 06, Valverde col., ex Rachiplusia nu; 1 Ÿ, 3 ro Sueldo M., Dode M. 2009. Aportes al ÿÿ, S. R. de Leales, Tucumán, 23-III- 06, conocimiento de los parasitoides de larvas de Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) en el cultivo de Valverde col,, ex Rachiplusia nu. soja, en Tucumán, Argentina. Acta zoológi- Trichogramma bruni Nagaraja was de- ca lilloana, 53 (1-2): 16-20. scribed from specimens obtained from eggs Da Silva Dias N., Postali Parra J. R., Dos San- of an unidentified Notodontidae species col- tos Dias C.T. 2010. Tabela de vida de fer- lected in Minas Gerais, Brazil (Nagaraja, tilidade de três espécies neotropicais de Trichogrammatidae em ovos de hospedei- 1983). It is distributed in the Neotropical ros alternativos como critério de seleção region (Mexico, Costa Rica, Trinidad and hospedeira. Revista Brasileira de Entomolo- Tobago, Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile gia, 54 (1): 120-124. 250 L. Valverde et al.: First record of Rachipulsia nu as host of Trichogramma bruni Felland C. M., Pitre H. N., Luttrel R. G., Ha- ja, 1983 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammati- mer J. L. 1990. Resistance to pyrethroid dae) associated with different hosts. Brazi- insecticides in soybean looper (Lepidoptera: lian Journal of Biology, 62 (4): 665-679. Noctuidae) in Mississippi. Journal of Econo- Querino R. B., Zucchi R. A. 2005. An illustra- mic Entomology, 83: 35-40. ted key to the species of Trichogramma Frías E. A., Ovruski S. M., Popich S. B. 1993. (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) of Bra- Parasitoides de huevos de lepidópteros noc- sil. Zootaxa, 1073: 37-60. tuidos encontrados en cultivos de soja y su Thomas J. D., Ottea J. A., Boethel D. J., evaluación como agentes de control. Revis- Ibrahim, S. 1996. Factors influencing pyre- ta de Investigación, CIRPON, 9: 29-35. throid resistance in a permethrin selected Mascarenhas R. N., Boethel D. J. 1997. Res- strain of the soybean looper, Pseudoplusia ponses of field collected strains of soybean includens. Pesticide Biochemistry and Phy- looper (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) to selected siology, 55: 1-9. insecticides using an artificial diet overlay Valverde L. 2007. Abundancia y distribución de bioassay. Journal of Economic Entomology, los huevos de las principales especies de 90 (5): 1117-1124. lepidópteros noctuidos plagas en el cultivo Mascarenhas R. N., Boethel D. J., Leonard B. de soja en Tucumán, Argentina. Boletín de R., Boyd M. L., Clemens C. G. 1998. Sanidad Vegetal (Plagas), 33: 163-168. Resistance monitoring to Bacillus thuringien- Valverde L., Virla E. G. 2007. Parasitismo na- sis insecticides for soybean loopers (Lepi- tural de huevos de las principales especies doptera: Noctuidae) collected from soybean de Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) plagas en
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